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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  July 22, 2010 10:30pm-11:30pm PST

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it looks like a scene from a movie. police dragging a wanted man from his hiding place underneath a dog in salsalita. good evening everyone i'm frank somerville. >> and i'm heather holmes. the chase ended in the most
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unthought place, under a dock in salsalito. debra villalon is live tonight. >> reporter: a hot pursuit, the cat and mouse situation started everyone. it's not every day this dock is crawling with cops, guns drawn. watch the view from news chopper 2 as police searching on their stomach, spot him and drag him out. >> he's considered armed and danger. >> reporter: a salsalito cop identified the man riding in a car. >> i look up and there's a man
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standing on the railing right there. >> reporter: from her office, this woman saw de leon jump and go under the dock. >> i saw the officers, i closed my door and went back in. >> reporter: 90 boats here officered -- offered plenty of housing. >> they were just waiting for him to give up. i've fished a few people out of
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water, and yeah, they are usually pretty thankful. >> reporter: thankful, no, the man was spitting all the way to the ambulance and was suffering of hypothermia. we posted the unedited video from news chopper two of that arrest. you will find it in the video section of the highway patrol tonight is investigating a bus crash in fresno county that killed six people. 20 people slammed into a chevy trail blazer that had overturned at about 2:15 this morning. three young women were ejected
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and killed. the bus slid down an enbankment and then under a bridge. six people on the bus were killed. >> i was just wondering if myself was lost. >> lucky, blessed, a little humbled. >> reporter: the driver of the bus was james moore. he had worked for the company for 32 years and that he had ha clean driving record. police in concord are investigating a fatal dog mauling in where a 2-year-old boy was killed by a pit bull. today the boy's grandfather is behind bars. mike mibach is live with the report. >> reporter: the boy's grandfather was arrested here. just about an hour ago a group of men in custody was
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transported from headquarters to the county jail. this story began this morning. a two-year-old opens a dog to the garage. he walks in and that is all it took. concord police arrived on scene just after 8:45 a.m. officers entered the home on the 1700 block of concord, they locate five dogs inside. a 2-year-old was also inside the garage, he was dead on the grown. >> after the child walked into the garage, the dogs attack the child. severely injured the child, he was taken to a local hospital where he was pronounced dead. >> reporter: the toddler's grandmother, and uncle were all in the home when the attack
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took place. it's here when steven hayashi who was not at the house but is the own the owner of the house was arrested. >> the owner selected to give up the dogs. due to the dog's behavior, the the dogs were euthanized. >> it's horrendous, what else can you say about it. >> reporter: some of them shared their encounters including elizabeth mazan who says hers occurred last saturday. >> i was scared and he was barking and i just told him go home, go home. >> my two 6-year-old granddaughters were riding their bikes out here and the dogs were tied up with ropes. so we just got our granddaughters and said, don't
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ride your bikes. >> reporter: the 52 step grandfather faces child endanger -pl. mike mibach, ktvu channel vu channel22 news. we learned that the male pit bulls had not been neutered. >> we think the number of pit bulls coming into the shelter has decreased by about 25%. the number we euthanize has dropped by about 1/3. contra costa county had considered the law for spaying,
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but did not have the resources. polini was arrested wednesday morning. they say he had a pistol, handcuffs and a police baton. and that his car was equipped with strobe light, a siren, radio and even a prisoner screen. police say polini may have pull over drivers here in the bay area and asked anyone with information to come forward. vacaville today are police are warning to bank of america users that they've found a skimmer. it may have stolen information from at least 58 customers. people who use the atm how old
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carefully check their bank statements. was it arson? authorities trying tonight to figure out what started a fire that contained a half dozen vehicles parked in the long term lot. some of the owners still have no idea their cars are a total loss. >> reporter: an airport shuttle driver witnessed a shuttle bus on fire and called 911. six vehicles were totaled. >> the fire department arson investigators came in because of the special circumstance. that van is leased to a peninsula man. >> reporter: sources tell ktvu all of the vehicles had been here for at least a few days. people who park at this long term lot were surprised when
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they heard about the fire. i probably wouldn't want to park here but we really don't have a choice. >> doesn't concern me. it's probably just a fluke. >> reporter: airport officials say they are trying to use dmv records to contact the registered owners of the vehicle but are not having much luck. investigators say it might take days before they know the cause of the fire. at the san francisco international airport, sal castaneda, ktvu channel 2 news. now to the gulf of mexico where federal officials tonight ordered ships to evacuate the oil spill ahead of tropical storm bonnie. the storm is expected to enter the gulf this weekend bringing high winds and kicking up high waves near the deep water horizon website. the blown out well will remain in place during the storm evacuation. the mess in the gulf might
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explain a big jump in the numbers in an exclusive new ktvu poll. 61% of those surveyed say they were against offshore drilling. three #% said they were in favor of drill -- 31% said they were in favor of drilling in the coast. this represents a big shift from nine years ago when the state was going through brown outs. back then 59% of californians supported new nuclear plants. they snaked their way down downtown san francisco. coming up the noisy protest that ended with more than 250
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arrests. ♪ ♪ yes! ♪ look, they fit! oh my gosh, are those the jeans from last year? how'd you do it? simple stuff... eating right...whole grain. whole grain? [ female announcer people who eat more whole grain tend to have healthier body weights. multigrain cheerios has five whole grains and 110 lightly sweetened calories. more grains. less you!
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multigrain cheerios. temperatures jumped up today. these were the highs from today. yesterday's high's in the high 80s. less fog in the forecast tonight and tomorrow. that will yield a warmer day for your friday. there'll still be fog right
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along the coast. you will see the fog in the early morning hours, temperatures for your forecast on friday 85 in fairfield. 90 in antioch. a warmer day tomorrow. i'll be back here with an area where you live. protesters today turned up the heat. a protest today led to civil disobedience and arrests. jana katsuyama is here tonight. >> reporter: this protest shut down part of stockton street for several hours today. an estimated 1,500 supporters ended up marching to the heights. it was a long and loud line of people. walking with signs and chanting
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through downtown san francisco. >> we are trying to show the corporations that we are not alone, that we're going to fight very strongly. >> reporter: hyatt workers were joined today by other union members. >> i happen to be a nurse. and i it -- part of this whole struggle is around health care. >> reporter: the union says that their average salary is $30,000 a year and that workers have given up half pay raises to maintain their $10 a month copay. >> you don't get no peace. >> reporter: about 125 protesters gave police advance warning and then sat down in the middle of stockton street. >> we're going the stand with them. if we're going to get arrested, we'll get arrested. >> reporter: officers with riot gear took place. >> the energy today should really be at the bargaining table where real progress can be made.
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>> reporter: officials say they paid about $200 a month a month for health care and rising. >> i have a softball game to go to. >> it's terrible, it destroyed my business. since they started, we have nobody walk in. >> reporter: police say 152 protesters were arrested and sited for disobeying police orders. reporting live in san francisco, jana katsuyama. president obama today signed a long delayed bill extending unemployment benefits to 2.5 million people. that includes 800,000
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californians who's benefited expired on may 1st. in arizona today protesters gathered at a courthouse. the white house is seeking a preliminary injunction blocking the law from taking effect one week from today. the judge did not indicate when she might rule. one of the hottest fields in personal medicine was on the hot seat today on capitol hill. companies from the bay area and elsewhere that make home dna testing kits tried to explain why testing of those kits delivered wildly different results. rita williams has our report. >> reporter: it's only a click away, the website says to let you know of your risk for
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conditions for a price. >> how much do you charge for one of your tests? >> right now we're at a couple of $100. >> the testimony the not only mid-leading but dangerous to consumers at this point. >> reporter: koons knows he was one of five people tested. that's his tests with different results from five companies there, showing his risk of prostate cancer average, below average. >> if i'm positive, does that mean i'll get breast cancer. >> you would be in the high risk of getting it. >> reporter: but genetic breast
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cancer was tested. that could keep someone from keeping medical testing and care. says chief of medical genetics. he thinks there needs to be more research. >> in some ways it's very premature. we are taking very early genetic results. and attempting to apply them. >> reporter: we didn't find much demand for the test today on the streets of san francisco. >> i wouldn't do it? >> why not. >> i think it's an invasion of privacy. >> so what's the answer? it's likely the fda and the trial court genetic testing
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companies will soon agree on testing standards. but ucsf's robert nagum says whatever the regulations are, you shouldn't bet your life on them. rita williams. a trial date may be set tomorrow against former slugger barry bonds. barry bonds faces charges that he ride lied -- that he lied to the judge. a judge won't allow evidence an appeal by prosecutors was une successful. 40-year-oldtammy thomas was
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convicted in 2008 for one count of obstruction of justice for telling the grand jury she never knowingly took steroids. the appeal's court disas. there's been a recent streupg of burglaries in palo alto -- there's
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for the second time this week, police in the peninsula have found a child committing a burglary. police believe adults are using the child to conduct the burglaries. >> reporter: homeowners reported that the child was confronted ran to some waiting adults. police say the boy used open windows or doors to get into the homes and may not be aware that he is committing a crime. >> sound like child abuse to me. i don't know what else to say about it. clearly, it's not a good thing to do. >> as a child, of course you wouldn't think to do something like that. desperate probably too. >> if you're an adult trying to use a child to gain access to a house or distraction technique or to use any kind of crime
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it's very easy to do so. they are very impressionable. they can believe it's a game. >> reporter: the child is described as a latino, 105 pounds. police say they are worried that the child may get hurt during a break-in. live in palo altos, lloyd lacuesta, ktvu channel 2 news. we're learning more tonight about the fatal shooting yesterday of a suspect during the search of a south bay marijuana farm. the shooted happened in a remote area of mines road. investigators say three men fell to the ground. >> several more rounds were fired at the suspect. >> reporter: authorities say they are still in the process
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of identifying the man. they say that the form had about 20,000 marijuana plants, worth as much as $80 million. governor arnold schwarzenegger introduce his nominee for chief justice of california supreme court. >> an outstanding californians, a spectacular american. the next chief justice of the california supreme court, sakaui. >> reporter: she would replace chief justice ronald george who is retiring in january. if confirmed by voters in november, she would be the first philipina american to serve as a california supreme court justice. the dow sored 205 points,
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the nasdaq gained eight. caterpillar posted better than expected numbers. but as the day went on, amazon dropped 11%. the colony became a gas chamber and all if bees died. beekeepers say their bees
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downtown san jose on your friday. it's going to start off with a few clouds then mostly sunny at
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lunchtime. 70degrees downtown. that's your friday. and then about 3:00 it'll get up into the low 80s. a warmer day for your friday. i'll see you back here with the five day forecast. the next round of campaign finance reports of the california governor's race isn't due out for a couple of weeks. any day now, if it hasn't already happened, republican meg whitman will invest $100 million in her campaign. randy shandobil puts that number in perspective. the election is still almost four months away. but already republican meg whitman has shattered california's spending report. just four years ago, governor arnold schwarzenegger spent about $50 million defeat san
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angelitas. total spent by the two, about 97 million, very little of it their money. republican strategist bill wayland. >> she came in saying she would spend 200 million, and i think she will go above that. >> reporter: if true, whitman would have given to her own campaign more money than george bush would have gotten from a donation of furnaces. >> it's a staggering amount of money. >> >> reporter: the money that whitman is spending may rub
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some people in the wrong way, especially on this bad economy. 100million could be used to prevent the lay offs of 17 california teachers. or it could buy 40 million school buses for enpoáf ribbed the áf ticket. or build homes for 15,000 families in earthquake ravaged friendly. if you like car, lots of cars, $100 million could buy you about 5,000 brand new honda accords. basic accord, no leather seats. but if you bargained, you would get them. some of the ways whitman has spent money, $51 million on radio and tv ads. $520,000 for her personal travel, most of it on private jet. and she's paid consultants $8.5
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million. sterlingically ford is with democrat jerry brown's campaign. >> the highest paid consul substantiate on the whitman campaign is murphy who's paying thousands of dollars a month by contract. >> reporter: this is an unprecedented assault of the democratic process. >> jerry brown who has the ray money the old fashion way. clearly reseptembers what meg whitman's money. >> the minds of california is being insated by this e forphaous money. >> people ask me all the time. can elections be bought. the answer is, elections cannot be bought. but candidate can be bought and paid for. and jerry brown is brought to
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you by union bosses. >> of course he will owe them. they'll expect him to deliver. brown denies that saying he opportunity know anybody anything. >> reporter: whatever you think that he would be endieted to so called special interests, or that she is rich and would be out of touch with every day californians. a san francisco spear your court judge today ruled that supervisor aliotopier is eligible to run for reelection in november. supervisors can serve just two successful four year terms. al, iotopieer served in 2006. when she decided today run again, the city attorney
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challenged it in court opt ground that she had already served two terms. but aliotopier says she served only one full term,. now a follow up to a story we brought you back in march. an elderly man today settled his sexual discrimination lawsuit for $600,000. clay green says he was kept away from his dying partner, harold skull. greene sued the city's guard can, the family took control of anthony's belongings. bart directors approved to revamp a financial plan today that produced the airport kepter back on trial.
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the three mile elevated rail way would connect the bus station and bus. bart now must secure state funding and a federal loan. also today the bart -- in a recent passenger poll almost 80% of bart pass stkwrers said they want the money used for other things including carol cay -- they may not hold the money at gunpoint. now police say they may be responsible for other crimes.
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counted in the 2010 census.
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when a census taker comes to your door, they will ask you the ten easy questions that appear on the 2010 census form. by answering the questions, your residence will be counted and you'll be helping your community gets its fair share of $400 billion dollars in federal funds. your participation in the 2010 census is vital and required by law. for more information, visit
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there are dramatic pictures of the crash of a helicopter returning from a rescue mission in nevada. a family visiting from the netherlands took this home video of the i incident on camera. the a chopper suddenly lost altitude. all four people on board survived. the pilot suffered a head injury. sa kra men to police tonight are searching for two -- sacramento police tonight are searching for two robbers
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dressed as cal state fair workers. 100 cal expo police officers were on duty at the time but none were at the caterers office. police are looking into two men who are thought to have stolen from. kang had only $17 with him at the time he was killed. sheriff's deputies from two counties had a stand by. the woman says the man demanded sex, when he refused, they say
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he stole a backpack and then took off. >> reporter: 5'four reufrplgs >> reporter: 5'4". in news of the world tonight, along the egypt gaza border. there are hundreds of holes in the under ground wall. surveillance video shows one smuggler using a blow torch to cut through the barrier. smugglers use under ground path ways. 723 people have died so
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far. paul the octopus became a season. the team actually went 8-8. and the full-time between spain and the never lands. a ted case from state did not have a pretty pseudoty as a paw caption. >> all right, well vandals target urban honey bees. up next, the bizarre crime that [ powder cleaner what? mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber?
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quick question... what does she see in him? well, his scrubbing surface is 30% larger these days. [ spray bottle yea, that was rhetorical. [ liquid cleaner one more thing, he cleans three times more soap scum per swipe than you, so ha. see, i don't think you know what rhetorical means. oh look at this, this is where he says "i'm mr. clean, i don't just clean, i bring out the shine, too!" ding! [ liquid cleaner what was that? [ spray bottle that was the noise a shine makes...or so i'm told. i've never actually done it.
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[ male announcer remove three times more soap scum per swipe with the new mr. clean magic eraser bath scrubber. police in san francisco are investigating an unusual crime that happened in the hayes valley neighborhood. hundreds of thousands of honey bees deliberately killed. tonight, we know how they were
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killed, the question is, why? ktvu's david stevenson has our report. >> reporter: hayes valley form opened in january on what once were ramped to san san francisco demolished california's freeway. there were plans to add additional colonies. but police are now investigatinging the crime. karen peterose this morning conducted an autopsy on her beehives. swing entered the farm and sprayed pesticides to. >> i know there's only one person that has the mentioned san joe se innocence kept e the
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president wait for them -- -- sales proceeds were said to help fund the project. farm managers are talking now about guarding new colonies with motion detectors. >> now we take care of the contaminated commitment. we take it and reside here and beside, where will he take many more hives. about 100 people in the city keep bee come knees in their backyard. and say the culprit could be charged with a felony. in san tpraep ciscoe, david steventon ktvuj today seeking a
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ban on a pesticide. the chemical is brought the state. the lawsuit is a result of a 2007 petition in which the natural resources detpeps counsel sill and pesticide. vector control crews in san jose are getting ready to spray interest mosquito. the target area is bordered by payne avenue. highway17 and ring con and bud avenue. the fogging is scheduled to start tonight at about 11:00. 62 cases of whooping cough have been reported in the
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country. that's three times the number reported last year. >> really trying to get anyone who's in contact with babies under one. parents, grandparents, child care workers e siblings, anyone that has contact with the baby. >> reporter: health officials reck meant the vaccine for anyone cheap or older. it was warmer today, it will be warmer for your friday and into the weekend. outside we go, the foggings here's the difference is right along the coast, everybody has got it cost side. but what's happening is it's stopping right here. the last few nights it's beenplaying big. does not look like the fog is going to get past the bay tonight. looks like we're going to be go into some restaurants. right through friday, saturday and a little into sip.
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táefrp áf temperatures are going to warm. overnight lows are going to be in the 50s. about 58 or 58 around the bay upper 70s an low 80s. the fog will be a constant player. i don't think it's going to clear out much. the fog is going to be right socked in at the coast. the microclimates will pop up like this. mid-70s you get past hayes trees and downtown san francisco. and 80s in parts of the east bay oeut toward row deyo. 86, 89 as you go into concord. and you just see prices toggle up. most of us in the warmest
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cities will be in the. the high would begin to reestablish itself. walnut creek tomorrow there might be a bit of some cloud cover. 85degrees in the afternoon and more sims. 80 in vallejo, 90 in antioch. air quality not bad but i tell you what, the fire danger is going to come back up. ewe know this time of year, early in the newscast we're usually doing some kind of brush fire or freeway fire. this pattern we've been sitting those words. a new study indicates americans are living longer but till trail behind europeans and
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a u.s. magazine. the general -- it appears an automated system is to blame for removing a controversial post from former alaskan governor palin. the quote was titled, 3q pre rinsing your dishes is frustrating. especially if you are not happy with the results after the wash. but now pre rinsing is a thing of the past. finish quantumatic is a revolutionary
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new detergent dosing system. that knows when to release advance detergent and power max bleach. to blast away hard to remove stains. so powerful there's no need to pre rinse for 12 washes. new quantumatic. only from finish. the diamond standard. get a $3 off coupon at
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the water is back on tonight in a richmond neighborhood cut off when a water main broke and flooded four homes. the line snapped just before 4:00 a.m. on francisco way. east bay mud says 4,200-gallons of water gushed from the pipe.
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mark is off tonight, fred inglis filling in. since the all star break the giants have been hot. >> and they found a way to forget about last night's shut out by shutting someone else out. i know it's way too early by the giants do currently lead the race for the national league while card play off spot. i'm just saying. but giants fans, you are still thinking division champions. buster posey keeps on keeping on. two more hits tonight proposing in arizona. including this rbi single off of lopez in the first-inning. buster has a 16 game streak. and that ball is headed for the pool. some 400 feet away it's 2-0 giants. check out anders in luck.
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giants win 3-0. that means they are three from first place. and today gonzalez collects four hits including this rbi double. braves win 8-0 west division leaving padres to beat the giants with just three days. >> i had armstrong final four de france will end on race. many of the other cyclists counted sheep. no one fell asleep but these wooly bullies slowed down the race. get out of way guys. andy shluck and cantador were
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the first to win it. contador remains eight seconds away. like hiker -- the galaxy in the final minutes. when john bush is sworn by white shirts, there he is. the man. the myth, the legend, donovan. donovan after a see sitting vote. jeremy rodick now a hall of famer. selected to the hockey hall of fame. he spent the final two seasons in his 22 year career with the san jose sharks. that's sports as we see it. that is our report on this
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thursday night. i'm heather holmes. >> and i'm frank somerville. have a good evening everyone. >> good night.
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