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tv   Ten O Clock News  KICU  August 21, 2010 10:30pm-11:30pm PST

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. complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is ktvu, channel 2 news. fears mount in pacifica after two gas stations are robbed, a clerk is shot and tonight the suspects are still on the run. good evening, everyone, i'm mike mibach in tonight for ken wayne. >> hello, again, everyone, i'm heather holmes. back to back robberies yesterday and another gas station hold-up last week has pacifica police scrambling to catch those responsible. ktvu's patty lee talked with
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one of the robbery same. she joins us now with his story as well as the latest on the suspect search. patty? >> reporter: well, heather, we original live reported about the shooting of a clerk at a shell station across the street last night only to discover that was actually the second robbery there that day. we also learned that the clerk at this chevron station had been targeted in a similar manner. pacifica police are increasing their presence around the shell station where three suspects robbed and shot a clerk three times around 8:00 last night. the second robbery at that station that day. >> to hear that they robbed this gas station and that gas station and then came back later in the night to rob this gas station, that's completely crazy. >> reporter: concerned residents say they want quick arrests. >> it's scary because everybody is scared here. >> reporter: they haven't identified the suspects in
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either of the four hold-ups. but the store camera, fingerprints left at the scene and the eyewitness testimony of the clerk who is expected to survive could speed up the process. >> it's just scary. i'm thinking how can i -- how can i continue my job? >> reporter: this employee who works at the chevron station across the street from shell was held up by two men with a handgun last wednesday. >> he was holding it like this and like this. >> reporter: okay. >> going, hey, hey, we don't want to hurt you. >> reporter: he says this is the first time in the five years he has worked in pacifica that he has never felt unsafe, a feeling residents say they can relate to. >> that just doesn't happen every day around here, you no know. that's more of the city stuff. it's weird. >> reporter: pacifica police say this spate of robberies is rare for this town and they are investigating possible connections between them. reporting live in pacifica, patty lee, ktvu, channel 2
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news. some tense moments today in san francisco after a hand grenade was found inside an apartment garage. police arrived on the scene at the 400 block in north beach at about 4:40 this afternoon. an un exploded world war ii hand grenade was discovered while someone was cleaning out their garage. three apartment buildings were evacuated as a precaution, but by about 5:30 tonight the scene was cleared and the evacuation order lifted. the police department has not said what it did with that grenade. oakland police tonight are investigating a fatal shooting. gunshots rang out around 4:30 at 10th street and willow not far from the bart station. two unidentified men were shot. one died at the hospital and the other is in critical condition. police found more than two dozen shell casings at the scene. they say they are looking for the two suspects tonight or at least one suspect tonight. so far, there is no information about what led to that shooting. local police hope a 7500
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reward will lead them to the man behind a sexual assault in a downtown parking garage. police say around 12:30 in the afternoon on august 10th the manifold a woman into the clay street garage another city hall and sexually assaulted her. the victim told investigators she saw the man four days later another lake merit. the police described the attacker as african american, 30 to 35-year-old. five feet nine inches tall about with a muscular build. >> firefighters are gaining control tonight of a wildfire in san diego county in the cleveland national forest. the fire another lakeside is now 10% contained. cal fire says crews have been able to stop it from spreading further. so far 2,000-acres though have burn. helicopters were called in this afternoon to evacuate two hikers and eight other people from a cabin while nearby county parks were also evacuated. but cal fire says no buildings were threatened. a southern california company is now recalling eggs
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that originated from the same farm in iowa where health officials say a salmonella outbreak originated. they said today their eggs were distributed in california and nevada under the names altadina dairy. driftwood dairy and hidden villa ranch. bacteria was found in its supply. the fda while recommending throwing away recalled eggs says thoroughly cooking them can kill the bacteria. the food and drug administration also says americans consume 220 million eggs a day. thousands of them are dished out at bay area restaurants morning, noon and night. and as ktvu's john sasaki reports, many residents are not quite scrambling away from their staples. >> reporter: on weekend mornings few things are more fitting than branch. pancakes, bacon, eggs.
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and in spite of the danger of salmonella in the u.s. egg supply, today there was brisk business for all kind of eggs at giant chef restaurant in pleasant hill. >> sunny side up? >> that's really pretty raw. >> that's perfect. i like it like that. >> reporter: not everyone ordered eggs but most said saying they feel little reason for concern. >> i've been coming here a long time. i know how they do business here. >> a little bit. i've been watching it. >> reporter: you think the scare gets made out of a lot of these things. >> if you are someone older or kids it can hurt you but obviously we should know about it. >> reporter: so far tainted eggs are linked to 2,000 cases including 100 here in the bay area. this restaurant has been dealing with the issue since last saturday and thrown out a lot of eggs. >> on the first call 25 cases. and then which is 15 dozen a case. and then on the second, when they re-did the recall five days later we threw out ten more cases. >> repoe branch crowd.
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i'm john sasaki, ktvu, channel 2 news. for more information on this massive egg recall go to and scroll down to
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that right now section where you will find a link. a redwood city man is behind bars tonight. and two haywood police officers are on administrated leaving after an attempted drunk driving augend ended in gunfire. 22-year-old brian knee was driving a chevy erratically and failed to pull over for officers. instead he crashed into two front yards on carter way. then they say he put the truck into reverse slammed into a parole car and threatened to run over an officer. that's when two rookie officers opened fire. he managed to run away. he was though found a block away and arrested. >> this is a really quiet neighborhood. so we had several really good witnesses to this whole incident. police say knee faces aggravated assault, auto theft and probation violation charges. they also say he was released from police just four days ago following a drug arrest. well, across town hayward
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police were hoping to reduce crime about the annual gun buyback event. they had the chance to remove rifles and handguns from their homes in a safeway so they don't end up in the hands of criminals. people turned in their guns no questions asked and in return received $50. police say just one gun out of the reach of burglars makes the event a success. the benefit is getting guns offer the streets. as we know violence is up. and usually it entails a gun. we are trying to get the guns off the streets out of the hands of the wrong people. earlier today police say six guns were turned in but on average the yearly buy-back program brings in 100 to 200 guns. >> the california republican party convention is in full swing tonight down in san diego. u.s. senate candidate carly fiorino took the stage speaking to hundreds of supporters. she told the town it is time to send barbara boxer into retirement. time to end a political career that she described as partisan
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and extreme. it kicked off after the backdrop of take back sack. meg whitman slammed jerry brown but also talked budget, education and jobs. >> 2.3 californians wake up every morning not knowing what they're going to do. and i see this tearing at the fabric of our very culture. and that's why the number one thing we have to do is we've got to put californians back to work. >> a semi-annual republican party convention continues through tomorrow. dozens of community spirited volunteers turned out today to see if they might be a bone marrow batch match for a santa clara county firefighter with leukemia. the donor drive took place at the rock bottom brewery in campbell. they gave a cheek swab that will be tested to see if their bone marrow matches that of firefighter captain aaron thomas or other cancer patients in need of a marrow transplant. >> being a firefighter and all of us a lot of people here
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being firefighters we are used to the public calling us for help. but actually tonight we are calling the public to come help us and help a friend and a colleague and people like him fight this terrible disease and that's our goal tonight. >> tonight several firefighters donated $30 to have their heads shaved in solidarity with captain thomas. and the brewery gave some of its proceeds tonight to the cause. the event continues at the brewery tomorrow from 1-6 p.m. >> well, hundreds of caring people walked in oakland today to help women with breast cancer. organizers estimated more than 500 men, children and women turned out for the sixth annual friends of faith breast cancer challenge. the event was a fundraiser for the friends of faith organization that provides financial support for needy women living with a potentially deadly disease. most of their money is going towards their treatment. and they have other expenses that they can't cover. so we support those women who
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are under insured and uninsured who can't -- who don't have money for treatment or other expenses. >> the friends and colleagues faith reporter started the organization after she was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1997. the illness kills more than 4,000 women in california every year. and about 25,000 women every year are diagnosed with breast cancer. for more information about breast cancer and friends of faith, be sure to go to our website and look in the right now section. [ music ] shrinking budgets have forced local police departments to make cuts while some have reduced their karen nine units. canine units find out why others are adding dogs to their force. >> the city of bell and money seem to go hand in hand. the latest controversy to come out of that southern california city. one week since a deadly off- road racing accident. well, the race is now off an
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[ man i was deciding what to do with my citi thankyou points when it happened... [ glass breaks ...again. ♪ [ child run! [ man first it was the mailbox. then my squirrel. and now, this. so i used my points to make a donation to get the park down the street built. when it finally opened, i also used my points for... car repair. [ male announcer use your citi thankyou points for almost anything, even local charities. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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. canine units are used to sniff out drugs, chase down criminals. they are valuable tools to agencies across the state. while many canines are being forced to quit to save a dime, other it's are being expanded. ktvu's ken prichard reports. >> you are pretty. >> reporter: this is risso a canine moments after he ran
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this obstacle course in what looked like a flawless performance. john white is his handler. >> he is a training tool to teach dogs how to go through windows and how to go under things, through things. >> reporter: risso and white are one of two dozen canine teams from around california that participated today in a canine trial competition hosted by the south san francisco police department. the teams ran courses and showed obedience to judges. >> nothing more than an training day. >> reporter: he is a canine officer for 20 years and president of the western canine police association. he says recently some canine programs have been hit hard by the downturn in the economy. >> we are seeing programs being cut a little bit with, you know, dogs going out on retirement and not replacing the dogs. some agencies have even gone as far as just basically pulling
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the dogs off the street because of the cost. >> reporter: this month the city suspended its canine program as a cost-cutting move, sparing only one canine unit to cope with decreased funding, non hon profit groups have held fundraisers for bay area canine programs. in difficult economic times, different law enforcement agencies are handling cutbacks differently, some by cutting back on their canine programs. others by expanding those programs as a way to ultimately save money. each team saves between $600 and 800 man-hours a year. >> reporter: white says not only does that free up officers to remain on the streets, but he says many programs are expanding because canines can generate revenue for cash- strapped law enforcement agencies in drug seizures. >> in our agency alone we practically pay for ourselves. >> reporter: white says risso alone has helped net more than $1 million in seizures in just five years on the force.
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in south san francisco, ken prichard, ktvu, channel 2 news. two brothers are recovering today from stab wounds after two unknown men attacked them on a street in richmond. investigators say the victims told police that two men approached them as they were hanging out in the 400 block of main avenue just before midnight yesterday. they say the brothers were each stabbed one time, but they say the two men are not providing investigators with much information about their attackers. mr. police have made no arrests and not certain what prompt that had attack. an escaped inmate from arizona is back in prison. and so, too, is his alleged accomplice after weeks on the run. mcklusky and welch were arrested in the apache national forest. he and two other inmates escaped from a private prison back on july 30th with the help of welch. the other two prisoners were
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quickly captured while he continued to allude the police. and while on the run they are suspected in several crimes, including killing a couple in new mexico. the southern california city whose top officers were forced to resign when their astronomical salaries can a i am to light is in the spotlight again over payments to a charity run by one of the city's former mayors. the attorney general is investigating the finances of the city of bell. the la times is reporting that bell and other cities pay the charity $2.6 million to provide senior citizen services. but in sworn statements, the former mayor claimed the charity received no government money. the charity says the declaration was an northward verity he went mistake. the times reports the charity has deep political connections in the area. the federal aviation administration is now moving forward for plans with space tourism. the faa will work with industries and university groups to address the logistics
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of commercial space travel. virgin airlines sir richard branson wants to do that within the next few years. they want to outline policies, regulations and space traffic management. the agency has already created some rules like requiring training and fitness evaluations for crew members and basic training for passengers. one week ago tonight, eight people were killed when an off- road race car crashed into a crowd of spectators. and tonight, another race got underway, but with some significant changes. casey stegall has the details. >> reporter: last weekend's deadly crash in everyone's mind some extra precautions are being taken in nevada this weekend to make sure the same thing does not happen again. for example, spectators will be kept 50 feet from the action here. and a 25 miles per hour speed limit has been implemented around the pit areas. more than 200 teams of off-road enthusiasts took off from las vegas friday and will cross the
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finish line saturday night in reno for the annual best in the desert event. it is a 530-mile journey through the dusty desert of nevada. and no doubt the california tragedy has hit this racing community hard. >> i don't want everybody to look at off-road races like this happens all the time. this is an incident that happened. i mean i've been racing for 36 years. and i have only seen one other incident where a spectator has gotten killed. >> let's say that you went out to one of our pits and said i think i will watch from here. they will tell you to stand at a certain place, stand back, park behind our barriers, all of those things to make it safe for the spectators, your family as well as of course to support the crews there. >> reporter: last week's crash in the desert killed eight people after a truck lost control and slammed into a crowd of spectators. it has forced the bureau of land management to re-evaluate its policies when it comes to issuing racing permits on
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federal lands. the agency grants by the way more than 100 of those permits each year. they have suspended all races by the group that sponsored last week's event the mojave desert racing group until the full investigation can be completed. in las vegas, casey stegall fox news. >> bp crews spent today working towards replacing the failed blow-out preventor on that ruptured oil well in the gulf of mexico. the move is a key step towards permanently plugging that well. it also allows the company to salvage evidence needed in the disaster investigation. the federal government has told bp to submit a removal plan by tomorrow. the order follows a 48-hour pressure test that indicated the blow-out preventtore can be replaced with little risk of an oil leak. once a new blow-out preventor is installed bp will continue drilling a relief well that will kill the well for good. >> nuclear power plants or something else. the latest out of iran and the effort to build what it says is
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a plan to generate electricity. >> and hundreds of students in one of the east bay's roughs neighborhoods can plan on starting the school year on the right foot. >> another cool day throughout the entire bay area. [ wind howling [ male announcer it balances you... [ water crashing [ male announcer fills you with energy...
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and it gives you what you're looking for to live a more natural life, in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with 100% natural ingredients. nature valley. 100% natural, 100% delicious.
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. >> the controversial private security firm known as blackwater is going to pay tens of millions of dollars. they will pay $42 million to put to rest 288 violations of federal export laws. the accusations include illegally providing sniper training to taiwanese police. illegally sending weapons to afghanistan. and making unauthorized proposals to train troops in
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sudan. blackwater provided security for dips in iraq until its agents were involved in a still disputed incident that left 17 civilians dead. >> and in other news of the world tonight in brazil more than a dozen heavily armed gunmen stormed a luxury hotel in rio today. they took 35 people hostage and engaged in a gun battle with the police. one woman was killed and four other people were injured. about ten gunmen eventually surrendered. police are searching room to room for the others. witnesses say the battle began when 70 men in trucks suddenly jumped out and began shooting into the air. it is not clear who the gunmen are. in iran, russian and and ran i didn't know engineers continued their work to load uranium fuel rods into iran's first nuclear power plant. they will going to generate electricity within two weeks. israel says the action brings tehran closer than ever to an
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armed conflict. many western nations believe iran ultimately wants to build a fluke already bomb but iran denies the claim. and in spain some 150 animal rights protestors laid on the ground and formed the image of a gored bull in front of the museum. the purpose they say is to call for and end to bullfighting. the action came a few days after a bull leaped into the crowd at a spanish bullfight after one spanish province banned the bull sport. bullfight is gone a centuries old tradition in spain. 50,000 u.s. troops are still in iraq but not in a combat role. all but a few u.s. combat soldiers pulled out this week, leaving behind troops that will supplement but not lead iraqi forces. but if iraq -- is iraq ready to provide its own security. patty ann brown has an assessment. >> reporter: so far so good as iraq takes charge of its own security. >> we are going to take full control at the end of 2011. by that time, we think that we
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are speeding up the end of foreign troops. >> reporter: u.s. troops are there but only 52,000. another 2,000 will leave by the end of the month. the remaining 50,000 will help iraqi forces in operation new dawn a supporting role. they will carry weapons to defend themselves and perform missions when asked. the troops will also help train iraqi forces on things like new robots to help dismantle bombs. >> in the past they have been having to do manual id processes and now they can prosecute them from over 200 metres away. >> reporter: even with all of the progress iraq is far from violence-free. a suicide bombing in central baghdad this week killed 61 army recruits. the u.s. ambassador to iraq says just because the role is changing it does not mean the u.s. is forgetting about the country. >> it's very important for the civilian structures, namely the u.s. embassy, to be as engaged as possible and to demonstrate to the iraqis our continued
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commitment to their country. so having troops leave doesn't mean that our interests leave. >> reporter: u.s. combat troops may be leaving, but the number of private contractors will soon double. and while some u.s. troops will return home to the united states, others may be deployed to afghanistan. patty ann brown, fox news. a santa clara mosque opened its doors today in an effort to shed some light on the islamic holiday of ram dan. the muslim community association is participating in a bay area wide effort to combat fears and misinformation about islam by offering open house events for the community. ramadan is fasting followed by prayers and meals after sunset. islamic leaders say they hope the open house will help create a dialogue about muslims and their faith. [ music ] >> it's a simple convenience that makes filling up easy. but is it also a hazard? the changes some state officials want to make to gas
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pumps. >> there is mmmm.
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you don't love me anymore do you billy? what? i didn't buy this cereal to sweet talk your taste buds it's for my heart health. so i can't have any? if you can deprive me of what can help lower my cholesterol... and live with yourself. right. mmm, i worry about your mother. cry herself to sleep every night over my arteries, but have yourself a bowl. good speech dad. [ whimper [ male announcer honey nut cheerios tastes great and its whole grain oats can help lower cholesterol. bee happy. bee healthy.
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. >> it is a handy convenience at the gas station. but now safe firefighters say it is an unforeseen danger. california's fire marshall wants the latch that let's you walk away from pumping gas removed from certain machines. but the idea is upsetting many drivers. reporter richard sharp explains. >> you know, i don't even think there is, no. >> reporter: it's a major inconvenience for drivers. drivers like john moore who don't want to have to hold the handle down the entire time they are pumping gas. >> i would rather just be able to pop back in, got dogs at the car at risk. be there with them they are going crazy right now. >> reporter: but the state fire marshall says this brand of
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pump is putting people in danger. the problem with the switch was it was malfunctioning and actually spraying people with gasoline. >> as more and more of these reports have been coming in we have been able to determine that it really is a public safety issue. >> reporter: with the hold open latch removed many drivers go elsewhere. gas station owners say that's costing them a lot of money. >> absolutely the biggest issue we are dealing with right now. >> reporter: gas station owners say the problem is they are being told two different things. the state first certified these pumps. now they are being told they are no good. >> we don't know how long this is going to last. >> when the gas pumps were tested this malfunction didn't occur. >> reporter: but removing the hold open latch has created another. gas station owners say people just make their own latch which is even more dangerous. >> bolts, two x fours, whatever people have in the back of their car or trunk. >> kim green is one driver who supports removing the latch. she says she never uses it anyway. >> that's what i've always been afraid of. i've been afraid of leaving it.
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>> reporter: again that was richard sharp reporting from sacramento. cal fire says they have received 13 complaints of gas spewing out of the pumps and one person was hospitalized. so far, the latches have been removed from pumps at 3,000 gas stations statewide. that's about one-third of the stations in california. well, two days of culture and fun got underway today in san jose with the 2010 san jose pride festival. the annual event at discovery meadow park features arts and crafts, recreation including volleyball at kids land with face painting and magicians. also a beer hall and of course lots and lots of food. there also was a wide variety of live music today including a women's music festival. organizers say the legal battles issue over proposition 8 is giving this year's festival a particular spirit. >> because of all of the recent activity in the courts with what's been happening with prop 8, i think a lot of people want to come out on both sides to celebrate. >> reporter: the celebration
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continues tomorrow beginning at 11 a.m. the scheduled special event includes square dancing, a big dance with djs and a rock wall for climbing. >> well, 200 richmond students will start the school year out right with the help from pg&e and local community groups. today the utility distributed backpacks to students aged 4- 18. they included school supplies with binders, notebooks, pens and pencils. pg&e worked with the bay area rescue mission to host today's event and helping students in richmond's iron triangle neighbor. >> which is something that, you know, we really needed out here, especially in richmond. so we're excited that they all got their backpacks and supplies for school. we are ready for back to school. >> pg&e spoke with families about programs it has to help low income customers. they also educated parents and children on ways to save energy and money. >> arts and education came together this afternoon in richmond for an uplifting back
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to school event. the rice center in richmond hosted its second annual back to school summer jam. music, art and dancing took center stage at today's event which was attended by about 300 people. organizers say the goal is too high light artists from the center, plus offer free resources to help local children prepare for a new school year. because of the resources and because of the budget cuts and education, it's important to advocate and inspire students down here to continue their education. >> the rice center provides programs, services and activities to promote social justice and youth leadership. well, soul music is filling the streets of downtown oakland this weekend. [ music ] >> the city is hosting the 10th annual heart and soul festival. it is a two-day event which features musicians who have or still do call oakland home. today's headliner is mc hammer.
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and funky diva will take the stage. it continues from noon to 6 p.m. and tickets are $15. you can get them right there at the door of the event. [ music ] well, no mc hammer here. but there was plenty for people to sink their teeth into today in san francisco. up next, the goal behind all of that food. >> and it may finally, finally feel like summer. meteorologú
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[ music ] well, the question i've been hearing over and over probably hundreds of times over the past couple of months, when is it going to warm up? we finally have an answer. it will show up in the five day
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forecast. it's not too far away. right now the low clouds and fog re grouping coastside. also a few patches right around the bay. we are expecting partly cloudy skies. san francisco a solid deck of clouds on the increase. a few patches heading across the bay out towards oakland and also hayward. as far as highs today really cooled off. we are used to this with those readings around 5-10 degrees cooler than yesterday's highs. temperatures 69 at pacifica. down towards redwood city at 65. antioch topped out at 77 degrees. the short-term fall will increase overnight. it will be warmer. a warming trend for tomorrow. more heat on the way, though. in fact, by monday talking about upper 90s well inland. as far as tomorrow heading into that direction. 60s for the coastline. the warmest locations in land on track to reach the low to mid-80s. for oakland the art and soul festival for tomorrow expecting clouds to start out the day.
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53 degrees. by lunchtime 65. an afternoon high of 73 degrees. this was the weather pattern for today. this cool area of low pressure moving in from the north. this will be kicking out of town over the next 24 hours. we begin to warm up tomorrow. but the big change that happens if we do head into monday. out offshore winds and the fog clears out. we are heating up for monday. here is a look at the preliminary numbers for a beach on monday. 74 degrees. san francisco in the 80s. livermore easily back up into the upper 90s. approaching triple digit territory. whenever we have a pattern setting up especially this time of year fire danger is a concern. for tomorrow partly cloudy skies. 50 to 55 for the afternoon hours. sunny and breezy. 60-84 degrees. quite a few sporting events for football, baseball and mostly sunny skies throughout the afternoon. forecast highs tomorrow fairfield at 83 degrees. right around the rim of the bay mainly in the 70s.
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80s inland so begin to warm up for tomorrow. these temperatures checking in right around 3:00 or 4:00. not a big deal for your sunday. what will be the big deal is monday and also into tuesday. some hot numbers on the way. the warmest locations. the hottest locations are approaching triple digit territory. we begin to cool things off by wednesday and also into thursday. and heather and mike, probably by that timeframe might be wanting the fog to bring that cool and refreshing air back into the bay area. >> can't make everybody happy. >> you know and i know growing up here 80 in san francisco is rare. >> rare. but if it will happen it will happen this time of year. it will be happening over the next couple of days. >> thanks, mark. >> well, in san francisco today it was all about enjoying good food while supporting an innovative program. [ music ] >> thousands in the mission district packed it for the second annual street food festival. it helps a non-profit that
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helps low income entrepreneurs start their own food businesses. it featured more than 40 vendors who got their start. it also shows the city's array of street food that reflects san francisco's diverse population. it was free with items costing $8 or less. >> coming up next a pair of aces face off in st. louis as the giants try to keep those playoffs hopes alive. >> the raiders take on [ man i was deciding what to do with my citi thankyou points when it happened... [ glass breaks ...again. ♪ [ child run! [ man first it was the mailbox. then my squirrel. and now, this. so i used my points to make a donation to get the park down the street built. when it finally opened, i also used my points for... car repair. [ male announcer use your citi thankyou points for almost anything, even local charities. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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[ music ] >> good evening, everyone.
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welcome to the saturday night edition of sports wrap. the giants know they need tim lincecum to resemble tim lincecum if they are going to make a run for the playoffs. tonight in st. louis would have been a place for tim lincecum to get back on track. he came in with a 5-0 career against the cardinals. molina with a throw to thirds. and lincecum threw three shut- out innings. but here is what happened in the 4th. randy winn gets two homeruns all of last season with the giants. his shot off lincecum couple the third of this season for a 1-0 cardinals lead. things got worse for lincecum couple in the 5th. off the molin a led off with a walk. pedro feliz shot one. it rattled around the corner and went past pat bureau. he scores and it is 2-0. >> one more run in the inning when brandon ryan sailed and he
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came home. lincecum didn't survive the 5th. he goes 5-3 allowing four runs on six hits for the first time in his career. lincecum was lost four straight starts. it is now 11-8. chris carpenter improves to 14-0 on the winning end. the giants looking for help in milwaukee and it came in the person of ryan brawn. he took the padres deep in the 6th inning to pad the brewer's lead. when the home team goes home that brings bernie brewer down the slide. brewers hang on 6-5 which means the giants stayed five game back in the west. the phillies dome mick brown played against washington stephen strasbourg his first start since returning from the dl. going back on it after leaving with a strained tendone in his forearm. he will have an mri tomorrow. the nationals won 8-1. keeping
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them one game ahead of the phillies in the wild card. also hovered around staying in convention in the al west. oakland hosting the al west contending rays with their all star pitcher rice on the mound. the bloop in the middle of three. carl crawford makes the slide but can't get the ball. that drives in derek barton with the second run of the inning 2-0 oakland. it was a 2-2 game in the 6th when the as struck for two more. ellice gets the job done gone to right center. ellice goes to second with a double. he was 2-4. the as got one more when davis hit a liner to center that was trapped by upton. ellice running all the way with two outs scores. the as have the 4-2 lead. craig brislow took that lead to the 8th. with a runner on in front of him shawn,got one in his happy spot makes it into the left field seats.
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it gives the rays their first win of the game and tamayo holds on 5-4. the rays are a game back of the yankees in the east. the rays back to an even 500 at 61-61. >> cliff lee for the rangers who were suddenly opening the door for somebody in the west to get hot. josh bell to straightaway center. bell hit his first major league homeruns. lee allowed four homeruns for the first time in his career. the rangers lost 5-6. 11-15. they lead both the as and angels by seven games. >> well, you never want to put too much stock in an nfl pre- season game but the oakland raiders look significantly better than they did last year at this time. pro jackson at soldier field in chicago for a little pre-game meet and greet with jason campbell. campbell looked to be in control of things when he was in the game the third and 17 play on the first play. campbell dumped the ball off to michael bush. takes it 21 yards for a td. same drive with murphy down to
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the 5. he takes the hit and stumbles to the two. the raiders punched it if from the one. campbell threw for 170 yards while he was in. the bears struck in a big way just before the end of the first quarter. matt forte finds a gap in the middle of the defense and 89 yards for a score. 10-6 oakland after the first quarter. raiders may have found a gem in cameron women you believey who throws jake cutler for a being is a. one of four sacks on the night for. peterman can't handle the punch. a mad scramble all the way to the end-zone. finally record by norris as he makes his kiss for a spot on special teams. 14-10 raiders never looked back. 32-17 the final. raiders 2-0 in the pre-season before they host the 49ers a week from tonight. rothsburger will be suspended for the first six games of the season. did see some action tonight as the steelers played in new
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york's new stadium. byron left will be asked to pick up the slack with pittsburgh. went out 16 yards to mike wallace for the score. dixon led the steelers on two scoring drives. improved to 2-0 with a 24-17 win. still lots more to come tonight on sports wrap. we will introduce you to the newest golfer trying to make his mark. and tomorrow's grand
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. a record crowd of nearly 11,000 showed up in santa clara to see the earthquakes host the first place la galaxy. landon done van with just four
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minutes into the game the quake took the upper hand. chris converts on the tough angle. that's a team ace goal for the danville product and would end up being the only goal of the game. galaxy had a shot in the 34th minute donovan smokes the shot saved by san jose's john bush. a huge win for the quake who improve to 8-6-5 which has them tied for fourth place now in the mls's western conference. a history making nascar weekend wrapped up tonight in bristol, tennessee. kyle busch was trying to become the first driver to win three national races all in one week. jimmy johnson and juan pablo montoya battling mid-way through the race. no room for both cars. johnson got back into the race after a little body work from his crew. he ended up 39th in the overall standings. kyle busch won wednesday, the
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truck race, the nationwide on wednesday and now the nascar sprint cup race. he was third employed. the winner remains kevin harvick who tonight was 14. >> no surprise that will power today qualified for the pole for tomorrow's ground pigs at sonom. power is in first place. he earned his eighth pole of the season. back-to-back for power. he will be looking for his fifth win of the season. helio castroneves was second with dario francitti winning third pole. and power won the mario andretti clinches the award. coming back also significant for power. this is what happened to power in practice last year. nelson had already spun his car and hit. power them came over the hill
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and slammed into philipe. power suffered several injuries the worst of which was a broken back. he has come back from that injury to lead the series. >> it's been an incredible year for me to come back from a broken back. and i wasn't even sure if i would have a full-time read to lead the overall championship. >> when you get back on the track there will you look at that and say, well, this is the place? >> i want to go back there and win. i think the place owes me something. i mean, it's a track that i really enjoy. i think i will do well this weekend. another technicality on the golf course today led to a disqualification after a 67 in the safeway classic in oregon. julie inkster was tied for second but disqualified for using a weighted training aid on her club while waiting to tee off on the 10th hole. inkster left the course without comment. >> in north carolina the windham championship kevin na tied the tournament with a
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round of 61. he had a birdie to go. that kind of day he shot himself into contention with a 61 at 12 under par. he is five strokes back. if that was the round of the day this was one of the shots that david toms shot a 65. he is one stroke better than na tied there with five others. don't feel alone if you've never heard of the leader his name is artoille with a birdie. up by three strokes. he is trying to become the first player since 1986 to qualify for a tournament on monday and then win over the weekend. and the seniors playing a major, the tradition in sunriver, oregon. topple layman trying to win his second major of the year. layman with a long birdie attempt at 17 that rolls to the hole and provides a little drama before it drops in the side door. layman shot a 69 that has him 11 under par for the tournament that's two shots up on a three- way tie for second. that's going to do it for this saturday night edition of sports wrap. see you again tomorrow at 5:00.
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>> thanks, joe. nicely done today by the raiders. >> yes. >> that is our report for tonight, ev
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