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tv   SJSU Update News  KICU  March 13, 2011 2:30am-3:00am PDT

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>> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for p90x, brought to you by [♪.. now there are two ways to get into the best shape of your life: the hard way... he bette now now now now there there there there are are are are two two two two ways ways ways ways to to to to get get get get into into into into the the the the best best best best shape shape shape shape of of of of your your your your life. life. life. life. the the the the hard hard hard hard way way way way or or or or the the the the better better better better way. way. way. way. get into the most amazing shape in your life without leaving to go to a gym is absolutely priceless. >> woman: ladies, don't be afraid of muscle. if you want a youthful shape
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that fights gravity, that's what's gonna do it for you. [♪.. >> man: people that haven't seen me in a year, they just look at me and they go, "oh... my... god." >> man: p90x, folks... welcome to the real deal. welcome to what works, what makes big changes. >> once you push the "play" button, the workouts just fly. >> my husband, he couldn't believe it, he was so impressed. >> bringin' it home! dig down, go deep, do a lot! >> man: it's amazing, i'm sitting here, working in front of the tv... the proof is right there. you do the workouts, you get it done... it's the body of your life. >> oh... [chuckles >> bring it! >> bring it! >> bring it! >> both: bring it. >> bring it. >> p... >> 90... >> x. >> man: this is flexibility, it's strength, it's the whole freggin' nine yards, boys and girls. >> announcer: when people spend money on a gym, they usually end up watching a tv while working out. it's too bad because they
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could've just saved their money and used their tv as a gym. [♪.. and that's what these people did. not only are their 90-day results incredible, but they didn't cost a single gym membership or require any kind of fitness machine. it's the reason fitness center owners lie awake at night, because now the most effective gym of all is available in your own living room. all you need is a set of dumbbells or resistance bands, a pull-up bar and about an hour a day. so forget about buying that year's membership at the gym. instead, just spend 90 days at home using an elite fitness program unlike anything you've ever experienced. it's called p90x. if you've ever spent time in a gym you've probably noticed you see changes in the first couple of weeks, but as your body adapts the changes stop coming. this is known as the plateau effect. p90x obliterates the plateau effect by using the advanced training science of muscle confusion. over the course of 90 days, as your body adapts, so do the workouts. the constant introduction of new moves and routines makes each
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phase of p90x as effective as the first, which leads to bigger gains and greater fat loss. it also means you could have results like this in only 90 days. p90x was created by elite fitness trainer, tony horton. this 51-year-old-- [record scratche yes, folks, that is the body of a 51-year-old-- is changing the way people think about working out at home. >> the crazy thing is these fitness centers, they sell you on this concept that you need all these rooms and all this equipment to get ripped. the fact of the matter is, this is what you need: the floor, a couple of dumbbells and this... your body's the fitness machine and i'm gonna show you how this this this this is is is is what what what what you you you you need, need, need, need, the the the the floor, floor, floor, floor, a a a a couple couple couple couple dumbbells dumbbells dumbbells dumbbells and and and and this. this. this. this. training, the fat-shredding intensity of martial arts, the energy and stamina of extreme yoga and the rock-solid core-sculpting moves of gymnastics. plus there's shirt-drenching cardio, advanced flexibility and the eight-pack sculpting ab ripper x. with so much variety and intensity packed into 90 days, you can kiss the plateau effect
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good-bye. >> forget the gym, because if you want to get in shape fast, it's not about the gear, it's about the plan. >> announcer: and that plan starts whenever you finally make that decision to regain the fitness you've lost or achieve the body you've never had. [♪.. >> man: i'm a big nerd. my friends, they're all nerds. all we do is just sit around on our butts, play videogames or whatever... and i let that go on for a long time. my cousin told me, "anthony, you're getting big, dude." "what do you mean, like muscle-wise, or...?" she's like, "no... you're big." that's when i had my moment of revelation. i went to the gym, trying to lift weights, couldn't do it, saw people there that were more fit than me... that was very discouraging itself so i just went home. i ended up googling "how to get fit" and i see a lot of people on youtube, reading people's feedback when they tried p90x. not one, zero, zero negative feedback about p90x.
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just watching those videos, i was like, i gotta do it. i want to do it. just seeing them makes me want to work out and i want to go... [roars but when i first started, i couldn't do nothing. p90x, they laid it out for me and made it very simple. here's an analogy: it's like how to work a computer for dummies. all you have to do is push "play," follow the nutrition guides, and you're good. >> tony: three... oh, that's working it. three, four, five... 31, 32... [glass shatter >> anthony: after the 90 days i went to the gym. while most of the people were just focusing on, like, benching, and that's all they're doing, and squats, i was focusing everything that i've learned in p90x. i get comments, "man, i need to work my way up to where you're at." i was, like, well, you don't need to go to the gym all the time, you know? i use p90x... bring it. [♪.. sometimes i go in the bathroom and brush my teeth, i'm like... [chuckle >> hey, guys, this is demi and i
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wanted to talk to you about my experience with p90x. [♪.. i had my first child in, um, 2002 and i was in the marine corps at that time. they give you about six weeks to get back into shape, and i was pretty much forced into getting back into shape really quick. fast-forward seven years later, i'm pregnant with my second child. i'm not in the marine corps anymore, and so i don't have that extra push, so i go back to the gym, still was not seeing any results whatsoever. i was depressed, i was just angry at myself... things were just different. late one night i saw the infomercial for p90x and i knew that, from my past history of training in the marine corps, that this would be perfect for me. my husband told me, you know, "we can do this as long as we can cancel our gym memberships," and so we said sayonara to over $200 a month in gym memberships. >> you don't need to go to the gym and do leg extensions all the time and leg curls all the time and squats all the time. you need to mix it up. variety is the key.
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>> demi: i love the intensity that it brought. it was simple yet it had a science to it with this muscle confusion. who knew you needed your muscles to be confused for them to grow? >> we think of everything. >> before i started p90x i was about 160-150. i am 5'4" tall, so that was a little bit "pleasantly plump" for me, um, so this is what i am now, i'm 5'4" still and i weigh about 120 to 125 and i just wanted to let you see, like, the physicality... and i've seriously never looked this way before, ever, so... i've had a lot of progress. so that's all i have to say about it. that's my testimonial about p90x, the most wonderful system in the world to get ripped and will get you ripped. follow the nutrition plan, follow the health and fitness guide and it'll get you to where you want to be. this is demi signing off and i'll see you later... bye. >> announcer: while young moms, super-nerds and generation x get ripped, you don't actually need to be in your 20s to have a body
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like a 20-year-old. you just need p90x. >> i've been lifting weights ever since i was a kid. i... lifted in high school for sports and then in the marine corps i lifted weights and no matter how much i lifted, no matter how much i ran, i still didn't lose that much weight. i'd lose a little weight but nothing like p90x got me. [♪.. in the spring of '07 i started to have chest pains. i decided to go to see the doctor... i had a clogged artery in my left descending coronary artery and i had stent surgery at that time and it was just a stroke of luck... "stroke"? get it? [laugh i ran into brad and he told me about p90x. i said, "does it work?" and he showed me his abs and he says, "yeah, it works. check this out." i go, "wow, that's pretty cool," and then i tried it and look, now i have abs too! [chuckle >> tony: this is core, this is not just crunches, o.k.?
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this is big-time. >> chuck: i couldn't believe all the different types of exercises you could do, plus stretching and yoga, core work... i knew that this was the workout for me. first i was exhausted, i definitely had to get used to it, but it didn't take too long. if you follow the diet guide, if you follow the program, you push "play" every day, you will get results, guaranteed. i'm probably in the best shape of my life right now. you know, i mean, i'm still 51 years old, my skin's getting a little wrinkly in places but i feel really good, i mean, i'm doing as many pull-ups now as i did when i was in the marine corps, so that's, that's saying something. [♪.. got some guns here. get tickets to the gun show, eh, tony? [laugh [♪.. >> announcer: this is p90x, the 90-day home fitness revolution. get lean and ripped at home. >> it's p90x... bring it to me!
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>> announcer: get sexy and toned without a gym. >> tony: look at that form! i love ya! >> announcer: and have the body you've always wanted, using the number one fitness program in america, p90x. >> this is the program that's changing people's attitudes about home fitness. pro athletes, firefighters, even active duty marines use p90x as their fitness solution, and now so can you. >> announcer: this 12-dvd program is based on the advanced training science of muscle confusion. by constantly introducing new moves and routines, your body never has time to adapt to the workouts, which means every day your muscles are challenged. >> and with challenge comes change. >> announcer: p90x completely shatters your concept of home workout dvds. there's five hardcore resistance routines for muscle-building strength and power... three fat-scorching cardio workouts for energy and stamina, including kenpo karate and plyometrics... plus extreme yoga and advanced flexibility, and two washboard ab ripping and core strengthening routines, all designed to get you absolutely ripped in only 90 days. you'll also get the p90x three-phase nutrition plan that
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outlines exactly what to eat so you burn fat and sculpt lean, hard muscle. it's the ultimate 90-day home fitness program, and sold separately would cost over $600. the dvds alone would cost over $250. but call in the next 20 minutes and you'll get the complete program for just three low payments of $39.95. that's a savings of over $130. you get the full 90 days of training for less than the price of one training session with tony horton. but you need to call before this offer expires. we'll also include four free bonus gifts: tony's own personal training tips dvd, the p90x fitness guide to track your transformation and the 90-day p90x progress calendar... plus get free online fitness support from tony horton and beachbody's entire team of fitness advisers. these four bonus gifts are yours free if you call now. and be sure to ask your operator how you can get a pro-grade resistance band free with your order, so you'll have everything you need to get extreme results. p90x comes with a complete 30-day money back guarantee, so if for any reason you're not satisfied just send it back for
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a full refund, no questions asked. but you can keep tony's extreme ab ripper workout and the p90x nutrition plan as our gift just for trying. [siren wails hold everything! now, when you call in the next 19 minutes, we'll also upgrade your order to express delivery, a $15 value, absolutely free. so you don't have to wait four weeks for shipping. you'll have p90x guaranteed in just five to seven business days. [♪.. don't wait-- order p90x and get the hard body you've always wanted. call now! [♪.. >> before p90x, i couldn't do any pull-ups. [♪.. ...i was out mountain biking one day and went over a ramp and the trajectory flipped me over backwards and broke my neck. when i heard the snap i thought i was gonna be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. after the surgery they put titanium rods in my neck and the insurance company told the physical therapy people that
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they don't cover physical therapy. and it was at that point my girlfriend lisa, she said, "well, i'm doing these videos. you know, maybe you can just do these videos and get your strength back." >> shake out them arms. get your mind right... right now, we're focused. focus on what you're doing. >> brad: tony, the trainer, just makes it fun, keeps you going. once you push the "play" button the workouts just fly. ...i go riding now with some of my friends and they're like, "you haven't ridden in a year... how come you're beatin' us?" i says, "plyometrics." >> plyometrics, also known as jump training. we're gonna get airborne. some of this stuff is higher impact. leave your toes, land on your toes, less injury, thank you very much. >> i gotta tell ya... people look at me and they can't believe that this body is 56 years old, and i love it, it's great. thank you, tony, thank you p90x. >> announcer: incredible results like these are not achieved simply because of the incredible
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variety of the workouts, but also because they're designed around a system of phases. in the adaptive phase, your body gets an intense wakeup call as it adjusts to new routines, then transitions into a mastery phase as your muscle memory increases. this is followed by a lower intensity recovery phase which is critical for preparing your body for the new challenges coming in the next adaptive phase. stack three sets of these phases together and the results will blow you away. >> this was me prior to starting the program, and this is me now. [♪.. before starting the p90x program, i was extremely lazy. it really didn't dawn on me that i had a problem until i heard about a rumor that was going around about me that i must be pregnant. i, of course, was not pregnant and it was a very hard blow. right around that time was when my husband started watching the p90x infomercial. i was actually sitting there, thinking to myself, it's an
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infomercial... they're actors, come on! [buzzer sounds [♪.. >> real sweat, real people. that shirt was light green when she started. >> jody: it's a money back guarantee, so we went ahead and decided to order it, and i gotta tell ya, it's the best thing that we've ever done. [♪.. you don't have to go to the gym. you can just do your workouts and there's not gonna be anyone there to judge you. i started seeing my results around the 30-day mark. my pants were about an inch, two inches too big. then i saw greater results at 60 days, and then i was just blown away by my 90 day results. i could not believe what i was seeing, from day one compared to day 90. i mean, it was just awesome. i did not have any of this prior to being on this program. [both pantin's a lifetime change for me. i'm not gonna quit. i'm gonna stick with it. i love the results and i'm never going back to that person that i
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was before. so i always do that, i'm pressing "play" every day. >> tony: i got one word to say... wow. >> people that haven't seen me in a year, they just look at me and they go, "oh... my... god." [♪.. my life was a buffet. i'd get my cholesterol checked, it's 235... my blood pressure's 150 over 95... my weight is morbidly obese. all of a sudden now, they're telling me, "you need to get on meds," you know? i'm 32 years old and i'm gonna be on meds my whole life? i couldn't continue living like ha when you see p90x on the infomercial, you know, you're seeing guys that are reasonably healthy get really ripped, and they do it in 90 days. and when you're a fat guy, you're looking at this thing and you're thinking, there is no way. and what you don't realize is that it's o.k. to modify them, it's o.k. to not keep up with the people in the video. >> tony: it doesn't have to be pretty. you might stumble a little bit. that's perfectly fine, don't
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worry about that. just do your best and forget the rest. >> tommy: the first time i did a video, i couldn't do 20% of what they were doing. but tony says, "do your best and forget the rest," and whatever my best was that day, whatever i was capable of, whether it was doing eight push-ups for my knees and then taking the last 30 seconds off, that's what i did. and i could struggle as much as i wanted to in my own living room, nobody's watching. muscle confusion... the whole premise behind the p90x system, that's what kept me going, it kept me from plateauing, o.k.? switching it up every three or four weeks, giving your body rest and recovery, understanding why those things are important. your body just continues to grow and continues to develop. in 30 days i lost, like 17 pounds... 60 days i lost 35 pounds, and after 90 days i lost 47 pounds. that's like a pound every two days. why stop? there's no reason to stop. i don't call it p90x, i call it p-lifetime-x. [metallic clanging i finished my fifth round, i got down to seven percent, eight percent body fat... just incredible. i've never been thin my entire
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life. this is all new to me. every time i went into a room and sat in a room i was the fattest guy there. now all of a sudden i'm the most fit. [♪.. >> announcer: if you want to get lean and ripped... >> i don't have a problem throwing my shirt off anymore. >> announcer: sexy and toned... >> now i feel powerful and confident about my body. >> announcer: and in the best shape of your life... >> why didn't i have this body in high school? >> announcer: then get ready to order p90x, the ultimate 90-day in-home boot camp that features 12 extreme routines, including five strength and muscle building workouts, three fat shredding cardio routines, plus extreme yoga, advanced flexibility and two washboard ab ripping routines. this training system was designed with one goal in mind: to get you absolutely ripped in just 90 days. you'll also get the p90x three-phase nutrition plan, tony's how-to tips, the p90x fitness guide and the 90-day progress calendar, so you drop pounds of fat and sculpt lean,
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hard muscle. it's the ultimate 90-day home fitness program and you can own p90x for just three low payments of $39.95. this offer won't last and it's not available in stores, so call. order p90x and get the hard body you've always wanted. >> hi, my name's matt, and i'm 34 years old and i fell in love with p90x. [♪.. i was looking at some pictures one day of me and my son, uh, out in the swimming pool and what i saw. i told myself i wasn't gonna be that dad, and you know the one i'm talking about, the one that's out of shape, sitting on the sidelines at his kid's sporting events yelling at him and telling him he needs to run hard, when in fact, he gets out of shape going to the refrigerator to restock his beer. at that point, i decided to make p90x the choice for me. and it was a choice that i wish i had made much, much sooner. >> hey everyone, welcome to kenpo x. >> matt: the workouts are so fun and you start to see your results so quickly that those
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90 days, they just fly by. another thing that really turned me on about the p90x system was the fact that i could do it in the privacy of my own house. you know, at 212 pounds and 33% body fat, the last thing i wanted to do was be huffing and puffing around the gym, uh, people looking at me like "what in the world is this guy even doing here?" i'd just come home from work, pop in the video, go to town, you know? and as a result, i dropped 18 pounds in just the first 30 days with p90x. day one, i was 212 pounds and 33% body fat. when i finished, i was down to 173 and 7-1/2% body fat, and i know you've heard this a thousand times, but, you know, it worked for me, it can work for you. and you know, i was a little biased when i heard that too, but it absolutely works. >> announcer: for results to show up, you've gotta show up, which is a lot easier to do when your gym is a six-by-six space downstairs. all you need is a set of dumbbells or resistance bands, a
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pull-up bar and about an hour a day to get the most out of the body you've got. >> hi, my name is michele and i just finished my first 90 days with p90x. i am the happy mother of seven wonderful kids. yes, i mean, this stomach has been stretched out to here seven times. and having that many pregnancies was really hard on my body. now, i hadn't taken good care of myself in years. sitting up that night, i came across the p90x infomercial again. i realized that i was watching this same infomercial for the third time and i decided that if i had time to sit and do that, then i had some time to exercise. >> tony: oh, yeah. gonna burn off some goo today. >> michele: i love p90x. the workouts are so varied. every day, i get to do something different. you do upper body, you do jump training plyo, you stretch out with yoga, you do kenpo and tony is such a great trainer. he talks you through everything. he helps you modify the moves if
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you're not up to them yet. he motivates you and challenges you to just do your best. i have to admit, i wasn't really excited about changing my diet, but i found that following the nutrition plan was so much easier than what i thought it was gonna be. when i started working my body harder, it started asking me for better things to eat and changing my diet really became more of a natural transition. it was probably about two weeks into the program that i started noticing that my body was changing. i felt a little bit stronger. my gut wasn't hanging out so far, and that was about the time my husband decided that he was gonna go ahead and do it with me, 'cause he didn't wanna get left behind. ladies, don't be afraid of muscle. if you want a youthful shape that fights gravity and burns extra calories 24/7, you need to build muscle. that's what's gonna do it for you. [♪..
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>> you've heard of muscle memory. that's when your body becomes accustomed to doing certain things over time and things get easier. muscle confusion's the opposite of that. i don't want things to get easier. i want you to continue to grow, to learn and to be challenged. that's the key to getting it done in 90 days. >> i used the program p90x, the 90 day program, 12 dvds, in order to go from 225 pounds down to 185. [♪.. five years ago, when i met my wife, i was 225 and i gained a little happy weight over the first three, four years of our marriage and got up to about 250, the biggest i had ever been. and i thought i felt great, but i knew when i took my clothes off, i wasn't happy with what i saw so i just knew that it was time for a change. [♪.. >> tony: it's p90x. this ain't no aerobics class from the '70s. >> rob: me, as a guy, the last
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thing that i ever thought i would be doing is sitting in my living room, working out in front of a tv. it's just something i always saw my mom or my sister doing, doing aerobics and, uh, it's amazing. i'm sitting here working in front of the tv and i don't feel funny. it feels like the right thing to do, i've got a great personal trainer just right there, telling me what moves to do, when to do 'em, how to do 'em, and just guide me through a process, and all you have to do is just follow it. >> you see the angle here? he's leaning to the side , that's all he's doing. >> the way that tony put this program together, it's the muscle confusion from beginning to end. you go from phase one and as soon as you think your body's got used to it, boom, he switches it to phase two and then to phase three. you just have these three-week intervals and then a week of break in between and then you come back. you just feel stronger than ever and it's, uh, he's just thought it all out. it's like he's invented the wheel of fitness and there's no reason to try and reinvent this wheel because it works. [♪.. ...i used to only be able to do
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like two of these. now they're my favorite. it's not easy by any means but if you commit to it, the way that you feel after each workout is amazing 'cause you feel like you've just conquered the world and you're excited to even go back and do it the next time. the proof is right there. you do the workouts, you get it done, it's the body of your life and don't try and convince yourself it's not what you want because anybody that gets here will never look back and say i didn't want to be there. you want this, so then get it done. >> announcer: this guy got it done. she got it done. he got it done. and on and on and on. if you've ever wondered how you can get in the best shape of your life, now you've got your answer. there's a new extreme gym opening up and it's in your house. the price of membership is a 90-day commitment. just press "play" and give it everything you've got. but remember, you're not alone. there's a whole community of p90x graduates online at, so if you have any questions or need that extra push, we're always there.
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>> p90x has changed the game. it's taken ordinary people and made them extraordinary, so if you wanna take the body you've got and make it into the body you want, you're gonna need to spend the next 90 days with us., two, three! >> all: bring it! [♪.. >> announcer: now is the time to order p90x, the 90-day home fitness revolution. get lean and ripped at home. get sexy and toned without a gym and have the body you've always wanted in only 90 days. this extreme home fitness boot camp featuring 12 professional training routines uses the advanced training technique called muscle confusion. by constantly changing routines and attacking muscle groups in new and exciting ways, your body is always challenged. >> and with challenge comes change. >> announcer: p90x completely shatters your concept of home workout dvds. there's five hardcore resistance routines for muscle-building strength and power... three fat-scorching cardio workouts for energy and stamina, including kenpo karate and plyometrics... plus extreme yoga and advanced
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flexibility, and two washboard ab ripping and core strengthening routines, all designed to get you absolutely ripped in only 90 days. you'll also get the p90x three-phase nutrition plan that outlines exactly what to eat so you burn fat and sculpt lean, hard muscle. it's the ultimate 90-day home fitness program, and sold separately would cost over $600. the dvds alone would cost over $250. but call in the next six minutes and you'll get the complete program for just three low payments of $39.95. that's a savings of over $130 and costs less than one training session with tony horton. but you need to call in the next six minutes. we'll also include four free bonus gifts: tony's own personal training tips dvd, the p90x fitness guide to track your transformation and the 90-day p90x progress calendar... plus get free online fitness support from tony horton and beachbody's entire team of fitness advisers. these four bonus gifts are yours free if you call now. and be sure to ask your operator how you can get a pro-grade resistance band free with your order, so you'll have everything
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you need to get extreme results. p90x comes with a complete 30-day money back guarantee, so if for any reason you're not satisfied just send it back for a full refund, no questions asked. but you can keep tony's extreme ab ripper workout and the p90x nutrition plan as our gift just for trying. [siren wails hold everything! now, when you call in the next five minutes, we'll also upgrade your order to express delivery, a $15 value, absolutely free. so you don't have to wait four weeks for shipping. you'll have p90x guaranteed in just five to seven business days. [♪.. don't wait-- order p90x and get the hard body you've always wanted. call now! [♪.. the preceding has been a paid presentation brought to you by
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