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tv   SJSU Update News  KICU  May 15, 2011 1:30am-2:00am PDT

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we'll talk with some students coping with finals. update news starts now.
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hello everyone and welcome to another edition of date news. >> thanks for joining us. the san jose state community was rocked tuesday night when news of a shooting brocket. 3 people -- broke out. three people were killed. for now, students are just trying to figure out how to process the campus' for a school shooting. >> police started to reports of gunshots a little after 8:30. there were three people involved, two males and one female who all knew to each other according to police. two victims were found dead and the shooter was found next to the car also suffering a gunshot wound. >> while we were going back -- going we saw an ambulance going
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down on 4th and probably took somebody. i don't know. >> the suspect was taken to valley medical center where he later died. the 10th street garage was put on a complete lock down until 1 a.m. >> i heard people saying how slick they were that no one was around. >> more than 100 students and staff members gathered near the parking garage trying to piece the story together. >> during our class we did hear about two or three sirens, we never heard gunshots. >> the shooting had everyone talking the next day. >> i heard what sounded like fireworks, but it went off more than twice, that's when i was like, oh, not fireworks. it was kind of, you know, it was steady ones, twos, three, four, five, six, seven, i swear i counted like ten shots. >> university officials remain tight lipped about the ongoing investigation. >> it was like the --
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>> despite the lack of details, students were still able to empathize with the student. >> sorry about what happened, tragic. >> this is the first fatal shooting in the school's history. tuesday's shooting has students wondering of the alert system. many ask if the messages were delayed at the expense of their peace of mind. students, staff, and faculty are familiar with getting text messages from the campus. however, people must opt in to receive these messages. 60% of students and 40% of faculty are currently signed up. it's used as a warning for natural disasters or on campus emergency. >> pushing for -- where you're automatically signed up and you have to physically opt out of the system. >> some students said they wish they had been notified
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immediately. but officers determined it was an isolated incident and the campus was not at risk, for that reason, for those signed up to receive, they got a message around 10:00 p.m., an hour and a half after the shooting. around midnight a text message was sent saying all of the floors were open except for the 5th floor, they were given no reason why. >> we now know what happened. we're going to examine why starting with the closer look at the people involved. >> students are mourning the loss of two of their peers this week, what they're trying to figure out is what exactly happened. >> the same day university spokesperson revealed who the victims were. >> students were graduating seniors. they were business majors both in accounting. >> 25-year-old mccory known as
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cindy and 26-year-old thomas kyle williams were both found shot to death in the car tuesday night. 54-year-old na polian was the shooter and husband of the female victim. he was found a few feet away from the car with sell p inflicted gun -- self inflicted gunshot wound. they were found shot to death tuesday night but their identities were not released until thursday morning because sidney's family who was in fa lipins had not been note -- fill lapins -- philippines had not been notified until the night before. >> it's affects a lot more than that. >> both victims were members of beta alpha psi. even students who do not know the victim were shaking. >> i felt bad for them and their families and students if they were like graduating in 2
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weeks they had a bright future. it's really upsetting to know that it's happening -- that happened in our community. >> the shooting is still under investigation by the university police department and the relationship between the victim is still in question. investigators say there was a history of domestic abuse within the marriage. counseling services are available to students, tackle, and staff -- faculty and staff 24 hours a day. meantime there are plans in the work to honor the students who had died perhaps at the graduation they were supposed to attend. live on campus, erin, update news. many students live in off campus housing and many of the homes are old. a fire broke out in just that type of building this week in a two story victorian on 5th street. this 100-year-old house a block from campus was home to three updated students until monday
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morning fire. the students were able to grab their last and some other essential documents before evacuating the building. >> so i could smell something burning, so i got -- on second floor. so i -- and i rush outside. (inaudible)
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san jose, ashly. >> well, there's much more ahead on update news.
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we'll check in to see what took place out in the real world. >> some students showcase an entire semester due to sweet sound of percussion. >> with a chick flick and a blockbusterrer that you may even marvel over. >> don't touch that dial. we'll be back right after this short break. now it's time for news out in the real world.
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republican announced wednesday that he's running for president. he may be announced through a video he posted on twitter. the former house speaker says he has big plans should he be elected. he says he wants to over turn the health care reform bill and call for more health care cuts. a recent cnn poll 40% of people have an unfavorable opinion. terry says again grig is not a strong candidate. >> i don't think he has a serious chance. the guy has got a lot of baggage, for somebody who has been prominent in u.s. politics for almost 20 years, he's not that familiar to the public. >> again grig plans to raise $100 million for his campaign. >> well if at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again. this week he renewed his call. the president delivered a speech on tuesday calling for a bipartisan view to the
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political issue. at the same time president obama also criticized republicans and asked them to lower their standards for immigration deal. immigration reform is an issue the president promised to take on in his 2008 campaign, but the intense bickering between the two parties has made this promise more difficult to achieve. the speech came after series of meetings with latino leaders and reform advocates. to study improved logo understanding. it's vacation mixed with work as students earn credits during their trip. this video showed students having fun in brazil. led this trip. to the amazon forest in brazil. >> this summer i'm taking
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students to the amazon from may 30th to june 15th and we're going to be there for total of three weeks spending time in three different cities in different parts of the amazon. >> public relationships professor is taking students on a trip to paris this summer. the sudden international public relations. he says anyone can enroll in this program through events this summer. >> we want to give our students an opportunity to see what it's like to do public relations in europe. >> studying abroad help students gain a lot of skills and a lot of perspective on the world and communication skills and seeing more of what's out
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there and getting their feet wet to experience what it's like to live in another culture. >> it takes planning for someone to go abroad and study. probably to late for you to sign up. but next year, plan ahead. on campus, update news. >> from studying, writing term papers, students are burnt out and waiting to have fun in the sun. students need to remember if you're going to be in the sun wear sunscreen. wear shorts, tank tops dresses and swim suits the center for disease control advises everyone to put on sunscreen. protection is important. they're dangerous to eyes and skin and can do damage in as little as 50 minutes. the biggest mistake people can make about sunscreen is reapplying it. >> they forget to put it on when they come out of the
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water. >> the cdc recommends applying sunscreen between spf15 and 30 in the morning. it must be applied every two hours or when people get out of the water. >> tracy i hear this week you have something to do with baby oil and cheese. >> graduation is an exciting day every student looks forward too and some students will get not one but two graduation ceremonies the commencement will take place on may 29th to celebrate the success of people with latin roots. in 2 years prior to its establishment, students walked out of the graduation ceremonies after feeling under represented. the first annual will take place on saturday to raise money for the commencement. we have -- who is a member of the commencement and have more to tell us about this weekend's festivities. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> what is the competition the
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bike owners will be taking part in. >> one will be the people's choice, the other one will be the car choughs competition and the most original. >> now, how is this event helping to raise money. >> we will be -- i sent an invitation to all car clubs in the area and they will be registering their cars once on sad and we will be selling raffle tickets, selling food and taking donations at the door. >> now, can you tell us a little bit about what the ceremony means for the community and these students. >> it's a beautiful commemoration of our latin roots and showing everybody in the bay area that latinos aren't falling under status quo, we are getting educated. >> what makes you think to do this. >> we were offered this idea by a former commencement student.
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he's part of a car club and everybody seems so excited so we thought it would be a great idea to just roll with the ball. >> now it's time for app of the week. conan o'brien has an app for your smartphone. it allows passionate fans to keep up to date with everything conan and his team are up to. team cocoa gives people a look at what happens behind the seens on the fence as well as the live cam. highlights are posted on a daily basis. the app also has a full schedule of up coming guests. and if you're still jonessing for more of our favorite headlight host. all manor of things that go boom and crash made themselves known for the music department. students spend all their summer working towards this evening of
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lightly music. one of the evenings highlights the piece featured no less than three percussion soloist. it's open to all students pending an audition of their talents. there are chances to play after high school and those students are welcome aboard. it was all about sleeping around in this week's i box office. r. an oil -- warrior from the realm, they're not the only things that are oversized the warrior has a huge ego. he was on his way to becoming -- he lived there against getting in the way and end up getting cast out and vanished to earth as a human. he falls in love with a scientist and also manages to save small town from -- this movie was not as bad as i
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thought it would be. i guess when you go into a movie with the lowest possible expectation, it has nowhere to go but up. the movie special effects are what made it entertaining to watch. from the land, to epic battles the special effects did not disappoint. it was also surprisingly funny. normally it's hard to take seriously, it doesn't give off the serious vibe,. both men and women will enjoy. i know i would like to see the his abs one more time. something borrowed is about rachel, a young lawyer who is in love with best friend fiance. dorothy is engaged to rachel's old law school crush. rachel must choose of being a good friend or sleeping with ex. rachel chooses the latter. maybe i'm not a chick flick kind of girl, maybe it's beyond
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my capacity to appreciate movies as awful as this. it's cheesier than -- paula dean recipe. the moral of the movie, if you're a very desparate woman and willing to ruin all of your friends ships if he has no other options, now that's happily ever after every woman dreams of. are you wondering why students are running around chasing each other on thursday. well today starts 7:00 a.m. with only 4 zombi's on campus. if you wish to participate, place an arm band around your arm, once you have been tagged by a zombie then yourself become a zombi and you must place the bandanna around your head. look what happens as update news gets a participant. humans
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are only safe in class. in the brew lair, at work or in the bathroom. everywhere else is free game. if you're a human and you lasted until the end of the game and you made it, then you've survived. if there was a zombie, i would save you. >> i would save you too. but only if my brains are getting evening. >> okay. cool. >> so who stand in the way for the sharks reaching the finals, the answer is up next in sports. >> plus as the baseball season draws to a close, sjsu team is looking to finish strong at home. >> first here is some out takes from the staff of update news.
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>> what are you? >> this is update -- news. ask. >> i need food. >> so here is a week that was in sports. >> it was a crazy week and got to hand it to the sharks. we'll begin with that. it's on to the western conference finals. and after 7 tough games against detroit. the next opponent is, you guessed it. your team led by goalie as well as henry and daniel took this regular season series against san jose an looked to do the same in the 2011 playoffs. this is the second consecutive
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season the sharks will be in the conference finals last season by the chicago blackhawks who will also -- for the first time in the franchise history. games 1-2 will kick off, game 3-4 will take place back at the pavilion. with one week left to go before the western athletic conference they look to finish strong, but first they must deal with the university of pacific tigers. let's start in the second inning, one apiece when michael hits 2-run double and nick all the way from first. it gives them a 3-1 advantage. already 6-3 in the 7th. as jason extended the lead with this rbi single to expand the lead by 4, but the tigers made it interesting in the 9th. as this rbi single with the bases loaded by tiger scores 2 but the blue and gold held on by the score of 7-5. the team
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plays hawaii later today before finishing the season at home against nevada starting friday may 20th. and finally. the main golf team who won 13 teams were invited to take part in the colorado regional championship from may 19th through the 21st. this will be the first time that the team will participate in nc2a men's regional. and that is it for sports for one more time i'd like to say, so long. and that does it for this semester's final edition of update news. thanks for staying up late with us. >> you can find us by searching. get some rest, enjoy your summer and be sure to join us back back in the fall.
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