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tv   Ten O Clock News  KICU  June 26, 2011 11:30pm-12:30am PDT

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the bay area family of a train conductor talks tonight about the loss. this as new information surfaces into that investigation. good evening everyone i'm heather holmes. >> and i'm ken pritchett in for ken wayne. the accident east of reno left six people dead including the
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conductor of the california's effort who has bay area ties. tonight patti lee spoke to the conductors family who says they're focused on the t ragedy. >> reporter: lee's family is gathering behind me. and i had a chance to speak to her family. she says the family is the center of their family. this is lee who died after who a truck plowed through crossing tracks. >> i was still hoping to say no that wasn't my mom's train. and this time it was. it's, it's hard. >> reporter: lee's family is focusing on the human tragedy. not only the investigation and the fact that five people are unaccounted for. federal investigators are looking at the records of the
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driver and the nevada trucking company he worked for. it turns out the company has been cited repeatedly for crash, unsafe driving and tires so bald it was taken off the road. >> she put her work in and she's following the rules and this guy just, -- >> reporter: lee's friend says she was the 5'4" of nature. she was nicknamed the general. >> what was she like? like nobody else. >> she had a giant heart. >> she did. >> and as strong as her permit personality could be at times she was also well known for her generosity and caring for people. >> reporter: she worked her way up from ticket taker in martinez to conductor. they said she loved going to work but was thinking about
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retiring in the near future. reporting live in concord, patti lee. san francisco's famously boisterous pride parade seemed to have a little bit more energy this year. john sasaki was live where developments spurred new hope. >> reporter: the so called dykes on bikes started the parade with a roar. castro was full of thousands of people celebrating gay rights. >> allowing people to be exactly who they are and really enjoying the joy of having that that's wonderful. it's contagious. >> reporter: just two days ago, new york state legalized gay marriage giving added meaning to gay pride. >> it's spectacular because of the vote.
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>> reporter: ever since last year's don't ask don't tell was repealed. >> i think public opinion has changed. people have evolved. they realize that discrimination is disnation -- discrimination and equality is equality. >> it's amazing, it's a beautiful day. planning on having a great time. and especially after the new york thing is great. >> reporter: san francisco assemblyman says the parade has changed from years ago. >> more diversity, more straight allied. >> reporter: some say the fight for gay rights is gaining momentum maybe another reason why pride 2011 seems to prideful.
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john sasaki. tonight we trace the history for pride parade going back to 1976. and thousands marched in new york city this year's party was even bigger than past celebration because of the same- sex marriage legislation signed into law friday night. the parade was led by congressman quomo who signed the bill. chicago's pride parade wept off as planned even after vandals damaged some floats. they were fixed in time for the parade. hundreds of thousands of people attended chicago's 42nd annual event. and it wasn't just people in the u.s. celebrating pride.
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3million people turned out today for sao paolo's gay parade. we put together a slide show of some of the highlights from san francisco's pride weekend. you will find it by going to our website a nationwide effort to get people tested for hiv takes place tomorrow as part of the national hiv testing day. the santa clara health department will issue free and confidential tests at several locations. at the crane center and st. james park. ktvu's debra villalon where a special church service for a
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teen just wrapped up. >> reporter: we're at creek community church. you can still see people are still here. this church sent 60 teenagers and adults to a trip. a trip cut short by an accident. playing in the sand is part this excursion every year. saturday no one thought twice about boys digging a tunnel 6 feet deep on the beach until the sand collapsed on 17-year- old ryan buchanan. burying him for about 15 minutes. life guards as i long with his friends dug him out. >> we started digging, we were all digging. >> reporter: at this prayer service, teenagers talked about digging until their armed ached, then digging some more. the 17-year-old was air lifted to valley medical center where doctors removed sand from his air way. >> the first time period is the
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24 hour period apparently. he's come through that and again they're detecting certain brain activity and response to voices so it's very encouraging at this point. >> one of those really good boys and smart and kind. >> reporter: former teachers, fellow parishners, friends, everybody is pulling for ryan's recovery. >> it's just a freak accident. you know kids, they are just having fun and not thinking about what's going to happen. >> reporter: but collapsing sand has always been unrecognized risk. such accidents have injured or killed more than 50 people in a dozens states over the last decade. this scene is where an 11-year- old boy suffocated under a collapsing sand dune. this congregation counts on fate to help them right now. and creek side community church
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will hold another prayer service, public invited tomorrow night at 7:00. and they plan to meet every day this week as ryan recovers. debra villalon. governor brown and lawmakers work through the weekend on a budget. the governor met with democratic lawmakers to work on an alternative ban that could pass without republican support. at the same time the governor is still trying to work on tax extensions. voters approved proposition 25 last november that docks lawmakers pay for each day
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after the june 15th. but steinburger says don't blame lawmakers because they got the vote done last week. >> the voters gave us a majority vote to do so, and we weren't going to be late the very first time out. we did the very best we could with the tools we had including $12.5 million worth of cuts. lawmakers are losing about $500 each day in pay and expenses. and a new poll shows that most californians follow what's going on in the government. 25% admit following what's going on only now and then or hardly at all. and that's actually up 20% from a 1999. a majority of california voters say television is where they get most of their news. 44% say it's the internet while
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33% say newspapers are their primary source. lawyers in the middle of the shooting rampage says he is now being forced to take anti psychotic drugs. laughner's attorneys now want prison officials to stop forcing their client to take the drugs. loughner has pled guilty to 19 charges. we'll tell you why another victim has passed away
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i want to crush more cars. i want to sell more tea cups. ♪ i need help selling bread. ♪
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i want to sell more crabs. [ male announcer ] you know where you want to take your business. i want to design more buildings. [ male announcer ] in here, small business solutions from at&t can get you there. like the at&t all for less package, starting at just $70 per month, voice plus broadband. it's the at&t network. helping you do what you do... even better. a second person has died after a car crashed into a nursing home yesterday. ktvu's christien kafton tells us today the 100-year-old woman died from her injuries. susan fontay was in this room and was injured after this 90-year-old driver lost control of his car. >> the fact that she was 100, that she was 100 probably she would have survived i think.
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because her injury was according to the paramedics and according to everything i heard her injury itself was slight. >> reporter: yesterday i spoke to the mother of ester bocanegra. her family did not want to talk on the television today. but they say that they're frustrated that the 90-year-old woman behind the wheel will not be prosecuted. >> it's crazy, if they're driving not been conscious of the way they're driving i think it's the person who is driving, their fault. >> reporter: you can see a will the of the damage from the crash has already been repair. if you look inside this exercise room, you can still see the tire tracks from this crash. the director of the home says that he is very proud of his
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staff. they did whatever they could administering aide. a 40-year-old boy from martinez is in life support tonight at oakland's children's hospital after her mother accidentally drove over him. police say the mother was parking on the driveway of the family's home on vista way yesterday morning and didn't see the child. he had walked from the yard to the driveway and was playing in the path of the car. an aunt e-mailed this picture tonight to the ktvu newsroom. she says it is of the boy 4- year-old brendan flagerty. she tells us the boy suffered serious head injuries. from iowa, republican presidential hopeful romney and bachmann are neck and neck. romney the former massachusetts governor was supported by 24% of those polled. tea party upstart bachmann 22%.
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the others trailed far behind. retired businessman cain had 10%. newt gingrich and ron paul both with 7%. pawlenty 6% and jack huntsman at 2%. congresswoman bachmann hit the sunday morning shows. a counseling clinic run by bachmann's husband received $30,000 in state and federal funds over the last few years. the bachmann family farm, received about $260,000 in federal subsidies. >> the money that went to the clinic was actually training money for employees. the clinic did not get the money and my husband and i did not get the money. the farm is my fathers-in-law farm. it's not my husband and my
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farm. it's my fathers-in-law farm. my husband and i have never gotten a penny of money from the farm. the los angeles times review of bachmann's financial disclosure forms found her income from the farm from 2006 to 2009 ranged from 32,000 to $105,000 each year. house minority leader nancy pelosi made some comments favored by bachmann. bachmann says cutting federal taxes will return in more jobs. pelosi said tax cuts have a much different effect. >> now let me just remind all this talk about tax cuts. in the bush years, the republicans said that tax cuts will produce jobs. they didn't. they produced a deficit. >> reporter: both republicans and democrats are struggling with stopping the death ceiling. home depot is under federal investigation tonight. the home improvement store is accused of violating the buy
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america act which requires all materials used in public projects to originate in the u.s. the retailer sold chinese products to government buyers. a corporate spokesman for home depot says the company would never knowingly sell prohibits goods under any circumstances. lucille packerd celebrated an anniversary. >> reporter: it has four arms, one camera and tiny metal hands. it's operated remotely, inside the view finder the surgeon get as 3d high quality view. >> it still seems like science fiction. >> reporter: it's used to conduct prosthetic surgery. >> a lot of these operations would have been done through a
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very large disfiguring incision. it's now one of the every day technology displays at the 20th anniversary party of this peninsula hospital. in the 20 years since lucielle first opened its doors, medical technology has changed dramatically. so has many other things in the medical field. >> what has happened is many hospitals are shutting down the pediatric unit. so they do have to come to childrens. >> reporter: during the recession, people lost jobs and insurance. the getters family is grateful to have health insurance. >> jacob was diagnosed with leukemia in december. >> reporter: six months later, 10-year-old jacob's cancer is in remission. >> i came down here because i thought, i'm part of the hospital too. patient, most important part. >> reporter: he's already thinking about long term plans.
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>> i feel like, my calling is game design. >> reporter: and with machines like this on display, his hospital can heal and inspire him. >> that is cool. >> reporter: in palo alto, allie rasmus. >> this is where the kids end up here right here in these body bags. coach todd walker took his kids inner city peace to the mortuary. he says he sees too many people killed and too many families hurting. >> right here you have en
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embaument fluid. this is what kids get filled with after getting killed. dozens of boots were lined up along adeline streets where visitors enjoyed performances, food, arts. the june celebration commemorates the end of slavery. >> i'm hoping that this is just one symbolic view in terms of realizing that there is still many issues that we have to resolve. we're still one of the largest number of unemployed. we still have health issues, we have educational issues. >> reporter: june teenth is recognized june 19th.
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but is pushed back to accommodate employees. is the worse over? an update on the record flooding taking place in the midwest. and when pollables there may finally catch [ bailiff ] fee court is now in session. come on out, guys. the jury has reached its decision. now, you guys found the other airline guilty of charging a 150-dollar change fee.
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you bet! southwest would never do that. and that was after she changed her flight and paid the difference in airfare. that other airline treated her wrong. she was understandably upset. well, who can afford a 150-dollar change fee? he was surprised with the verdict. you got that right. [ male announcer ] don't pay a change fee on top of a fare difference. fly southwest, the only major airline that never charges change fees. fly southwest, and a forward thinking spirit. at bank of america, we've been fueling economic growth here for over a century. today we're investing in innovations that will define our future. every day, we're working to help set opportunity in motion. from financing a solar project for the milpitas school district to funding the institute at golden gate. because when you're giving, lending, and investing in more communities across the country, more opportunities happen.
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organizers of nascar's big race of sonoma say the event was a success even before the checkered flag was dropped. claudine wong reports the crowds were bigger, the sponsors more numerous. a sign of an improving economy. >> reporter: it's just part of racing. you can can't do it without sponsors and to get them you have to give them a bottom line. >> the fact they could get a good return on investment on
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exposure. >> reporter: the same goes for infeneon and times have been tough. >> before it was hard to get in there. now i haven't seen so many people on the stands. >> this year we're starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. >> reporter: that light has come in the way of fans. about 10% more this weekend than projected. sponsorships also seeing an increase for the first time in years. >> we run a business and everything has to make sense and this one continues to make sense. yes we have looked at it. we wanted to make sure that it does make sense for us. this is our largest marketing event of the year. >> reporter: still corporations want more. more social networking. more creativity. case in point may be the save mart shopping cart that rolled through the event all weekend long. >> back six, seven years ago everybody was scratching to get
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in here. now their expectations are higher, they want more and more. >> reporter: more fans, more exposure and that all important, name recognition. >> m&m. >> m&ms on your car. >> reporter: this year's turn around is just the beginning. at infineon claudine wong. >> gas prices all over the country have dropped significantly in just the past two weeks. but some bay area drivers aren't celebrating quite yet. according to aaa san francisco has the highest gas prices in the state at $3.93. in oakland the price dropped to $3.83 a gallon. and in san jose it's $3.84. compare those prices to the national average which now stands at $3.58 a gallon. to find the least expensive gas where you live be sure to
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go to our website and click on the business tab. choose consumer from the drop tab there. now nevada has become the first state to tell its dmv to figure out just how to license those driverless cars. the new measure calls on the nevada department of transportation to create rules, safety standards and insurance requirements for driverless cars. google has reportedly tested driverless cars here in california. volkswagen is also trying to produce its own driverless cars. experts warn the town won't be clear of the danger until later this week when water levels are expected to drop significantly. more than 4,000 homes were lost in the flooding over the past two days leaving a third of the
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townhomeless. arizona firefighters say they have finally contained one of the three wildfires burning in that state. the horseshoe two wildfire in south eastern arizona has burned more than 348 square miles. fire officials say the monument fire is 75% contained and appears nearly out after burning more than 47 square miles. the massive wallow fire is 75% contained. the wallow fire is the largest in arizona history having burned 145,000 square miled and destroyed 3,000 homes and cabins. an asteroid the size of a tour bus will have a close encounter with the earth tomorrow. nasa says it will zip by harmlessly about 10:15 a.m. pacific time. 7,500miles over the southern
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atlantic ocean. astronomers say you will need at least a minimal power telescope to check it out. and jammed in a tight space. who [ beep ]
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[ male announcer ] new toothbrush, for that killer smile: $4. ♪
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home cooked meal: $28. [ beep ] ♪ first date finest: $33. [ beep ] ♪ having time on your side: priceless. mastercard pay pass. bringing you the most convenient ways to pay. learn more at an oakland school once considered a failure now has a new tool that's turning things around. ktvu's mike mibach shows us what's making a difference. >> reporter: children smiling at school. on this day on this east oakland playground. >> we are scholars. >> we are scholars. >> reporter: a confident group of students. >> i learn things every day so that's what i like about
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school. >> reporter: came together. >> what i like to be out in the playground so i can play with my friends. >> reporter: socializing in the playground is one skill, in the classroom it's another thing. their teachers say something extraordinary is happening with their reading. >> reporter: he is charles wilson. >> 10% of the kids were reading at proficiency. >> reporter: that was not acceptable. so when wilson became principal, he made reading their priority. >> when you have kids who can be the read, who don't feel successful, when they know they're not going to make it through the day successfully, they're behavior starts to be different. they don't want to be here. >> reporter: in september, wilson implemented a new reading program. students log on every school day for 30 minutes.
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designed by neurological scientists, wilson says the program uses memory enhancement to teach students like alicia cook prepare to read. >> it's like listening to the sounds then click it. and sometimes you can read the story about it. >> two years ago she wasn't really into reading. she couldn't pronounce anything. >> reporter: cook's mother says today her daughter's eyes tells a different story. >> mom come on, read the story. i said alicia come on, i'm tired i just got home. she says, no we have to do it now. >> reporter: with some parents have to work two to three jobs, the reading at home is not getting done. >> children in low income homes have been found to be exposed to 30 million fewer words by the time they are four. that's 30 million fewer opportunities to distinguish sounds. >> reporter: the repetition of
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sounds is key. >> they are truly filled. they feel that they are scholars now. >> reporter: andy is excited to see more growth from those scholars come next year. mike mibach. afghan's president says he is pleased by president obama's decision to reduce troops in afghanistan. today he said the situation in afghanistan is getting better even though may was the bloodiest month for afghan civilians. >> this war can't go on forever. no nation can take casualties forever. especially a nation like us where even before september 11, afghanistan had seen 20 years of violence affecting the country. >> under president obama's plan, 10,000 soldiers will leave by september. in other news of the world
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tonight from libya, rebels say they are in the middle of a battle with members of gadhafi's forces. as the fighting continues on the ground, nato planes began striking a near by town where rebels say libyan forces store arms. from syria this is more amateur video set to show government troops opening fire on civilians. activists say these pictures were taken add a funeral yesterday where syrian forces killed two mourners. human rights workers say 20 people died during demonstrations friday across syria. those human rights groups say 1,400 people have been killed since the uprising began there three months ago. take a look at this now from france.
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it's a solar powered plane. the superslim is a prototype. getting in was easier than getting out. so firefighters were called in and with tools and care managed to safely free the kitten. she has now been dubbed piper. poor little thing. it might just be the most expensive jacket in history. how much someone paid for michael jackson's famous
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in the network you can take entertainment with you. [ children laughing every time you purchase a fishing license or register your boat, you're helping to preserve our nation's coastlines, lakes, rivers, and streams, protecting memories for generations to come. learn how your participation in boating and fishing can help the environment at...
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we're wrapping up a pretty nice weekend, plenty of sunshine, temperatures warming up. not much change for tomorrow. but by tuesday, significant change. right now in the maps i can show you on live storm tracker 2. not much of the way of fog, a few patches pushes into the bay closer to redwood city. also sfo reporting partically cloudy skies as well. fog will continue to develop overnight. still in the warm side inland
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and the extended forecast. first thing tomorrow morning, patchy fog, patches into the bank. some areas of fog for the coast as well. coolest locations right around the 50-degree mark for santa rosa, napa. san jose. our forecast model shows us some of the fog tomorrow morning extending locally into the bay tomorrow morning at 7:00. then pulling back into the shoreline into the afternoon hours by 3:00 and 4:00. we'll call it a nice monday as high pressure remains in place and high temperatures inland approaching the mid-80s. for tuesday, you can see developing in here into the north and west. mayor major drop off in temperatures. we head into tuesday with 60s and low 70s. here's our forecast model, we're dry tomorrow. look at what happens when we take this into tuesday. rain showers approaching the north bay. a chance elsewhere as this
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system basically falls apart over the bay area. there's even a slight chance of a thunderstorms everyone by tuesday afternoon. by 3:00 or 4:00. patchy fog, partly cloudy skies. a nice temperature range by 3:00, most areas around 50 to 80 degrees. fairfield at 83. brentwood tops out 83. san jose in the upper 70s. los gatos at 89. you will notice this into tuesday, we bring in a rain cloud and big drop off in temperatures. temperatures begin to warm up, another big change by the weekend. a major warm up for saturday and sunday and just taking a look at the 4th of july forecast. biggest locations could be approaching inland. lots of weather to talk about
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this week. cooling trend, rain showers. the classic thriller jacket worn by michael jackson in his 1983 music video has a new owner tonight. the famed red and black jacket sold at auction today for $1.8 million. it now belongs to millton ferret a commodity trader from austin texas. the jacket will be sent on tour the jacket will be sent on tour to raise money for [ man ] i got this new citi thankyou card and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything. ♪ ♪ there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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imagine what it could do for my business. now, i just had to figure out a way to get it back to the states. so i called john, my citibank small business expert. [ john ] kate, how are you? [ kate ] he got me a line of credit and together we made it happen. now, my spa has more business than ever. ...and so does our cleaning crew. [ male announcer ] at citibank, we believe small business is a big deal. what's your story? citibank can help you write it. good evening everyone and welcome to this late sunday
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night edition of sports wrap. it's always an adjustment when the nascar drives come to the race course at infineon raceway. today there were some firsts for kurt bush. kurt the other busch started 11th on the grid but it didn't take long to improve his position. busch moved past denny hamlin and into the lead. if you followed nascar, you know the drivers aren't shy about settling the differences themselves. caution lights come u as tony stewart gets into the back of vickers -- caution lights come up as tony stewart get spwaos the back of vickers. stewart says he would block either way. lap 47 was the end for jr. he's not crazy about this race and doesn't feel any better about
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it this year. remember that thing about drivers settling their own differences. vickers gets an opportunity to get pay back. you can't go very much when you're on top of the wall. >> i probably had it coming because i dumped him earlier. but i dumped him because he was blocking. if anybody wants to block all year, that's how i'm going to deal with it. so they can block all they want. >> and that's what he felt like it was, you know he showed his dose and he reaped them. and stewart didn't run very long this way he ended up 39th. vickers was 36. meanwhile busch ran away with the race. he led 75 of the 110 laps. he beat gordon by five seconds.
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a number of firsts for busch. first of the year, first of the race. he was happy with his crew's decision to make just two gas stops. >> it was old school on how we were going to make it on two stops. it was great calculations by the guys. >> reporter: tonight's game might have been the most important in the brief career of giant starter madison baumgartner. baumgartner got a chance to climb back on the horse tonight against the cleveland indians. the game started with four umpires but ended with three. sizemore was -- that's the third time that has happen in a
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giant's game this year. stewart lined one to the gap at right center. here comes bill hall all the way from first. a slight delay on the relay. and it's a 2-0 giants lead. they got to carmona for one more on the third. aubrey huff with the base hit to score. brandon crawford 3-0 giants and for balm baumgartner that's more runs than he usually sees. the fifth was a strike out of carmona. the sixth by fanning sizemor. 11 strike outs in all for baumgartner. jeremy asphelt works his eighth and ninth for the save. baumgartner wins his fourth of the year and wasn't bogged down by what happened in his last start. >> and it seems like it was a month ago that i was ready to get back out there and give it another shot.
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i'm not going to say that there wasn't any doubt. there was a little doubt. it's hard to get over that. i try to put it behind me. >> that was awesome. that was better than a big o uting for him. that was part of the maturing process. >> in detroit today, former tigers curt gibson now in arizona uniforms part of a memorial to retire their old managers number. miguel cabrera rolled in their two. they're in front of cleveland by the end of the al central. the giants on top of the
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diamondbacks. the a's had the pleasure to win against the phillies. today's challenge was roy holiday. you also know that when you're in philly you will see some form of cheese steak. ryan sweeney after holliday. coco crisp scores to make it 2- 1. phils before coming to oakland in the rollings deal. meanwhile holliday everything he was meant to be. dejesus mired in the slump. winners in all eight of holliday's first start. sweeney grounded with the double play in the final two outs of the game. after nailing this one down 3-
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1. the a's go 3-4. oakland off tomorrow before playing the first of three at home against the marlins on tuesday. still to come tonight on sports wrap. another first time golf winner and a record
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the bay area -- a place with natural beauty and a forward thinking spirit. at bank of america, we've been fueling economic growth here for over a century. today we're investing in innovations that will define our future. every day, we're working to help set opportunity in motion. from financing a solar project for the milpitas school district to funding the institute at golden gate. because when you're giving, lending, and investing in more communities across the country, more opportunities happen.
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♪ it's ok that we're number four hundred and three ♪
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♪ we'll find ourselves a comfy seat ♪ ♪ and watch some shows and stuff ♪ ♪ ♪ let's follow that lady with the laptop ♪ [ male announcer ] now you can watch hit tv shows on your laptop with u-verse online and on your smartphone with u-verse mobile, included with most plans. or get u-verse tv for as low as $29 a month for 6 months. in the network you can take entertainment with you. some familiar themes in today's golf tournaments, first time winners have been a big story on the men's tour this year. there was another one at the travelers in connecticut. ryan moore started four off the lead. and route to a 7-under par 63.
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this was jocobson's tournament without a win. when jocobson made birdie he was in front with two holes. nine holes away from that first win. rawling is only able to pull it bay stroke of the winner. at 18 moore tied it for fourth. all he had to do is make par. but moore missed the put. yokobson's par shot much shorter. and they nail down tour win number one for the 36-year-old sweed. jakobson the eight winner this year. and yani sing took a five stroke lead after opening with a bogey saying birdie two and
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three as she comes close to an eagle. she was never challenged the entire day at is 14. sing with a birdie again. she was on the way to a round of 66 when sing tapped in for birdie, she had a 10 point win and a 19-under par tournament total. this is the fourth major championship for the 22-year- old. the youngest player ever to win four major tournaments. the year's northern california nascar stop had a special touch to it. two racing icons both inducted into the nascar hall of fame this year were on hand. bobby allison ran 25 years on the nascar circuit winning the whole thing in 1983 and officially tied at first place. ned jared was the winner of 50 races and was the reigning nascar championship when he retired. he won 13 more in 65 before he
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retired. a crash at talladega that resulted in reinstructor plates. allison remembers his first race as a high school kid. >> i went to highway speedway with my school car. painted a number on the door with shoe polish and raced. i'm going to tell you why it was a great entry into a thing that became this thing that we have today. >> people talk about the racing today is not what it used to be, thank god it's not what it used to be. i mean the competition is so much better today than when i drove race cars. the cars didn't have the technology that they have to do so that you could drive them as hard as they go from started to finish. >> it was quite a day at infineon. >> what a fun look back at the
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past. >> absolutely. >> cool. thanks. be sure to join
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