tv SJSU Update News KICU November 6, 2011 1:30am-1:00am PDT
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n. take this bridge over here. there it is. [ man ] so i used mine to get a whole new perspective. ♪ [ male announcer ] write your story with the citi thankyou premier card, with no point caps, and points that don't expire. get started at 0001 caught up in a lawsuit involving all the schools. may put some change back in your pocket. students are starting a
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movement to ban smoking from campus and some students aren't happy about it. gay rights takes center stage. reminding a student of what she went through. we'll take you there, update you starts now. >> from the school of journalism at san jose state university, your source of what's happening on today's issues. you are watching update news. >> hello and welcome to update news. i'm jessica. >> and i'm begin a. thank you for joining us . occupy wall street moved on campus with a small group of protestors. they call yourselves occupy sjsu. live on campus with more. >> reporter: the protestors have been in solidaritiy with occupy wall street movement but
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been occupying the san jose campus since tuesday. they say they are not going anywhere. >> we're going to stay here for as long as we can probably as long as the occupy movement exists. >> political science major has been occupying in front of city hall for more than a month and hopes bringing the movement to campus will chase the system. >> occupy sis tell is angry at the bankers. so are we but we're also upset with the csu system. >> one of the major problems is the lack of affordable education for many students. >> i think whoever is really high up there sees us as a money sign. >> currently pays $30 ,000 a semester and says he's protesting because it was the
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closest campus willing to protest. bringing attention to their cause. protesting 24 hours a day. and sergeant with the campus police says as long as they don't pitch tents or camp overnight, they will be allow today protest peacefully. >> they took the tents down and if they do get permission, they would be allowed to stay. >> one of the protestors told me there has been someone at their side 24 hours a day. they've been staying up by playing card ands chatting with one another. they were denied a permit. >> the occupy san jose protestor who climbed a wall has been on top of it for 12 days now. he's not even close to reaching his goal. he demanded to talk to the mayor and city manager about the arrest of 8 of
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his fellow protestors. this week he decided he will stay for 99 days to represent the 99%. he can't stay up there forever but refuse toz come down for nothing. >> right now i've kind of felt bad cause i am just sitting around doing nothing but everyone tells me i am in fact doing quite a lot by being up here. >> he plans on living a self sustainable life. he will grow plants, tomatoes and other vegetables. >> some students may receive part of the tuition money back. csu students are suing the california board of trustees. >> just because the state is in debt doesn't mean they have to take it out on us and charge us more. i will be part of the suit. >> he received this letter notifying them they are in a class action suit over tuition. >> the attorneys sent out a notice to members of the class
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saying you may be part of this class. you may stand to benefit from the litigation that has been filed. >> the board of trustees increased tuition and most other csu schools 20% in 2009. students were slapped with a charge just ten days after the semester fee was due. five students filed a suit claiming the charge breeched the student's contract. if students want to be exempt from the case, they have to send in a letter. >> i was kind of confused. not really sure what it's all about. i don't really get it . >> in a phone interview with a spokes person, he says the university system had no other choice than to make the charge. >> if we are going to be forced to pay the folks that are participating in the lawsuit, the tens of millions of dollars, we're going to have to find that
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money from somewhere. we don't have access to those funds right now. >> students whose tuition is paid by financial aid and state grants are not included. they are discussing how they will handle the outcome. could end up paying back as much as $40 million. one month has passed since the blood on campus village b. packing their bags and heading home. construction is wrapping up after the replacement of walls and carpeting. they were given the choice to remain in alternative housing or return to their original rooms. returned to his room on monday. >> i literally texted every person i told about my situation that i'm going to move back and they are like i'm so happy for you. that was a good day. >> residents of only one room were not allowed to come back and that is where the flood
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began. >> many occupiers have student loan ands asking for reform. president obama has a plan he says will help. jonathan reports. >> reporter: more than 6 million students with college loans are getting a break. paying back student loans easier. originally scheduled to start in 2014 but now will be next year. >> we decided let's see if we can do more. so today, i'm here to announce, we're going to speed things up. >> there are two major changes. one, would lower the student loan cap from 15 to 10% of a graduate's income. and remaining debt would be forgiven in 20 years instead of 25. >> graduates could consolidate
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with lower interest rate. >> accumulated $24,000 in debt hoping her degree will be worth the money. >> for the three years i've been here 7,000 each year until i'm finished. so another year and a half. >> hope the president's plan will help. on campus, update news. >> more and more students are having trouble paying for college especially in california. one former student is struggling to make ends meet. >> who is the 99%? among the occupiers is former student chris. he says education is part of the reason he is out here. he quit school almost two years ago after he could no longer afford tuition. >> 12 or 1500 a semester, i
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can't afford that on my own. i have my own bill ands a daughter to take care of. >> they have little to show for their efforts. education counselor says students should not take on more than they can handle. >> a lot of us want to come in and finish quickly. and we just have to know we can't do it quickly. it's more about quality. >> sjsu is only two education counselors but seen more than 500 students this semester. all students will get the help they need. >> i hope as we look at a number of programs, so we can see students get advisement. >> back at occupy san jose, he says he will return to school and his advice to students, avoid using banks. >> use a credit union. don't use bank of america . on the
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back of your card, don't believe it. >> a study from the institute for higher education leadership shows california ranks 41st in the nation. dead last for spending per college student. >> there's now a new way to report crime in san jose by downloading the tip submit app, you can send anonymous tip and photos to san jose police. that became available from the website. the service called tips off is made by crime stoppers. in other parts of the nation, they received more than 2 million tip ands helped in more than 100,000 arrests. police sergeant says anything to help the city be safer is a good idea. >> the department in the situation that it's in right now with the layoffs, anything we
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can do to strengthen our relationship with the public to help us solve crime ands direct us to where the crimes are, are going to be a forced multiplier for us. >> the ad makes tips anonymous. encourages anyone with a smart phone for reporting suspicious activity. is >> a high school home coming made waves this week. a news story about a lesbian couple is hitting home. amanda reports. >> reporter: yahoo's home page read high school students crowned american's first lesbian couple. received the honor of home coming queen alongside her girlfriend in 2008. >> it's going publicity for the community but i was kind of bummed because i was trying to get my story out there since
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2008. >> even though television news stations had interviewed her, an 8.0 earthquake grabbed the headlines. >> you have like their parents there too. >> here at san jose state, pure educator says she commends the couples who stand up to diversitiy. they can be the most challenging time in life. there's enough judgmental people in the world. >> a national organization in support of the community says the average age is 16 years old to come out. but earlier studies show the average age at 19 to 23 years old. >> i'ms are changing. i don't know if that's just in california. >> she's glad to see the san diego couple making national
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news. >> she hopes all members of the community can feel just as comfortable with themselves as she does. and also to remember her story when going to the polls in the up coming election. update news. >> there is much more ahead on update news. >> live on campus. a student organization wants to make this campus healthier but some students say their rights could be violated. i'll tell you more, coming up. >> a special competition. colorful remembrances. >> you'r guess what your graduation gown is made of. this is eco friendly. >> and later in sports we'll have hoops swimming and more. but first students sound off on day light saving time.
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>> reset my clock. seep. i don't really have like a special ritual. >> wow. an extra hour, i didn't know this. >> study. >> i'm going to sleep. >> sleep. i'm going to sleep for that extra hour. >> work and then do extra homework i have to do. >> probably sleep in more. i need a lot of sleep. i don't sleep very much . >> i would like to say i'm going to sleep but i'm probably not going to sleep. use that hour to slack off or do homework or something. >> probably go out more. i have no idea. i haven't even thought about that. . >> many of us had this experience when we're walking on campus. inhaling secondhand smoke. that's out of our control.
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betty is on campus with more. >> reporter: imagine if san jose was way smoke free campus. i talked to an organization who wants that to happen. >> right up before, between and after classes. that's the daily routine for 22 years old. >> i likes the way it makes me feel and it's comforting. >> but a new collision that aims for a smoke free campus wants to change policies. so they would not ducted surveys. >> our first step is to educate the campus on the current smoking policy. >> which requires smokers to be 25 feet away from buildings. she is with california youth advocacy network. >> i think it will be a big part in any change we make regarding the policy and whether that means fines future down the road, it could be that. >> smoking is not right but
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health is. according for the centers of disease control secondhand smoke increases heart disease by 20 to 30%. leads to more than 3,000 deaths in the u.s. each year. >> if i know my smoking can bother people, i don't want it to be regulated by a public university. >> we picked up cigarette butts and got about 4,000. >> they will hold a public forum on november 17th when they will reveal next step towards a smoke free campus. update news. >> now we have mike with arts entertainment. >> a lot of stuff going on this week. let's get right into it. organizations came together to celebrate the mexican celebration. skeletons flowers and lots of colors covered
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alters. >> reporter: a traditional mexican dance kicked off at the celebration wednesday on campus. more than 10 student organizations participated in the sorority first annual competition. pictures covered the alters of a day of remembrance. >> not really an event you hear often. >> sociology major says it's important to keep this alive. >> that had an affect on our lives that taught us something. >> guests were blessed during a ceremony standing by. they also enjoyed mexican sweet bread and hot chocolate while visiting each alter. >> day of the dead is a
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traditional mexican celebration. the point is a celebration of lost loved ones. >> fundamentalism is a threat to women's rights. here in the u.s.. that according to an expert on woman's issues. kativa is former president and ceo of the global fund for woman the largest grant making foundation in the world focused on supporting woman's human's rights. fundamentalist movements are suppressing women in the southern part of the u.s. and -- >> certain issues happening in the u.s. as far as democracy. >> the speech sponsored by the program is a small part of what's to come during international week starting november 14th. this year's graduates will
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be looking greener than ever. they will be wearing eco friendly caps and grounds. rina has the story. >> reporter: trying on your graduation gown is one of the most memorable moments in your life. after starring at yourself, time to put it back on the hangar. manufacturer green weaver is saving millions of plastic water bottles from landfills and turning them into fabric. >> i'm really baffled right now. >> me lisa is graduating in a few months. had no idea her graduation gown was made out of recycled bottles. >> honestly, that's a remarkable thing. >> the fabric is comfortable. students cannot feel the
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difference in the quality of the material. >> it's our job to do our part to help the environment and if we can do that by using recycled materials, then it's definitely one of the most important things we can do. >> sjsu has been using the gowns since last year. who would have thought water bottles would be your graduation attire. an average of 23 recycled water bottles makes up one of these gowns. update news. >> those graduation gowns are looking pretty fresh there. i cannot wait to graduate. how about you? >> me too. i think we are both dprad waiting in the spring. can't wait. sports is up next. even though the weather is cooling down there's plenty of sports making a splash. >> we'll have a look at the pool water classic surf competition. world-class masters riding the waves.
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>> see how the swim team did and check in other the divers. >> and time for college basketball. see what's new when update news returns. but first students take a pop quiz. . >> going to have to go with 6. >> 6 weeks. really? >> yeah. >> sounds good . >> including finals i'm going to say 6. >> i have no idea. i don't like to look into the future. >> i think there are 6 weeks left because it's the start of november november. >> you are positive about that answer? >> yes. >> i'd say 6 or 7. >> which one? >> 6. >> i think there's 9 weeks left. >> why do you think that?
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>> 7 weeks. >> 7 weeks now? changed it to 7? why the change? >> cause i had a midterm last week and that's about halfway and there's 16 weeks in the semester. . >> there are 6 weeks left in the semester now. went by really fast this year. >> it did. so i hear we have a wide range of sports this week. >> exactly. first be heading over the hill to santa cruz. surf competition made a splash last week as professionals and surfers competed to win more than just a prize. court knee was there and has the story. >> professional surfers joined the locals all week to compete for a cash prize and experience
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to surf at steamer lane. >> i'm at the surf competition where people are going for a ride for more than 20 years. >> professional surfer hails from south africa and is number 3 in the world. >> probably just the freedom. you don't have to think about too much and forget all your worries. and once you stand up, everything kind of gone. >> couldn't be more different than his home land. >> the water is really cold but the people around here are really cool. yeah, just one of those places it's special. >> the obstacles are challenging but it's very fulfilling. >> professional surfer was interviewing competitors for the event website. at 20 years old she just qualified for the surfing professionals world tour. >> it feels amazing. so much anticipation settling in
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going into 2012. it feels so surreal. it hasn't really hit me . >> won this year's title and was all smiles holding his $50,000 check. update news. >> and now down to the pool cause after a win against uc santa cruz, divers came home to face the rivals in one of the toughest school meets of the year. >> reporter: the divers made a splash winning both the 1 meter and 3 meter competitions. led the way for the spartans who earned 3 top spots in the final scores. >> i knew this was one of the hardest meets of the year. i wanted to be able to do well. i tried to forget about that and stay calm. i think we did really well. also flew in the
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relay giving the lead right off the block. >> this was the only way to ensure their win. >> attacked as hard as we could. we're in the middle of training so things are wishy-washy. so to be able to post fast times is what we wanted to do. >> athlete of the week in october dominated the 100 breaststroke event. flew her way to 4 wins against the agoeys. >> i was surprised and my time was that fast. i wasn't expecting that at all. >> head coach says these fast times this early in the season were the product of hard work. he led the team to 50th win in the school's history. >> i don't know if it could have gone better. but overall it was a tremendous team performance. >> this is the 5th consecutive win. next coach hopes to get
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ready before heading down to long beach. update news. >> and it's official, after 7 months awaiting, college basketball is back here at san jose state. the spartans took thursday night against notre dame. would extend their lead and go into the half up 29 to 19. in the second half, sjsu would explode and cruise to a win 78 to 50. >> all things added up on the sheet it was a positive night for us certainly. we have a lot of things to develop and work on but that's what we should have. >> go on the road next saturday before coming home against uc irvine.
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women's basketball is also starting starting up. dominique reports. >> reporter: it's out with the old and in with the new for the basketball team. all new coaching staff was put into place by the athletics department after the program won 8 games in the last two season. >> they are getting into better shape. their skills are improving. playing better team basketball. if everybody is working the same, it's a lot of fun to be part of. >> averaged more than 20 wins per season in ten years at csu bakersfield and brings cecilia and mandy, and brandon to help coach the lady spartans. >> completely different. we want to push the
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ball and get into transition. >> brittany is a senior this year and brings leadership to a team entering new era. >> it's good to have that leadership but also down to the freshman, they are playing such a bill roll on this team. >> spartan fans can expect a fast and exciting place to play. regular season games begin on november 13th and last into the first week of march. update news. >> so that wraps it up for spartan sports. back to you. >> this looks like an interesting season for basketball. i'm happy to see a story about women's sports. >> mens are trying to get back to the post season and women's are looking to respond this year. >> really excited then. thanks. that will do it for now. thanks for staying up late with us. check us out on facebook. get some rest and we can see you again next week.
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