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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  November 23, 2011 11:30pm-12:30am PST

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an emotional vigil tonight for a bay area teen as warning about the dangers of driving drunk. >> unfortunately it's too late to save a 17-year-old from livermore who died in what
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police call is suspected case of drinking and then driving. >> reporter: less than 24 hours ago here 17-year-old david godard died. tonight, there are still some who remain, after as many as 200 of his family and friends came to mourn. it was such a scene of grief tonight, people sit quietly in the chill air. holding candles, crying, asking why. >> he was a great person. so caring. you could just walk into a room and just see him and he just puts you in that great mood. he has no enemies, whatsoever. >> reporter: police say goddard was driving his van at nearly 100 miles an hour, when he crashed around 11:00 last night.
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likely a factor in the crash. a bottle was found in the van. goddard was a senior at livermore high school and would have graduated in june. >> going to parties, i don't think a lot of people are going to be drinking and driving, or drinking in general because of seeing what happened. >> reporter: this is the third fatal crash at livermore this year. it gain just before police began their maximum enforcement to keep drunk drivers off the street. live in livermore, lloyd lacuesta, ktvu, channel 2 news. traffic is moving freely on bay area freeways, following one of the busiest travel days of the year. here's what it looked like at about 7:30 tonight on interstate 80 in berkely. traffic was heavy, and moving
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slowly in both directions. ♪ [ music ] fortunately for many throughout the bay area, getting away on this wednesday, the rain held off, showers now showing up in the santa rosa area. showers moving in off the pacific from ukiah south towards san rafael. a live sweep up near the port reyes area. this is realtime data, both radar, the rain, and the wind data. what we'll do, is come right off here near bodega bay. i've got winds gusting to 30. the winds are going to pick up as well. and the rain will pick up. this front is slowly going to slide across the bay. we'll see rain picking up in the late hours tonight into the early morning hours tomorrow, and part of the day on your thanksgiving day. when i come back, we're going to look at the computer model and roll it through here tomorrow, so you get a good idea when the showers will
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begin to taper off. bay area airports are full of travelers today, yet the operation seemed to go fairly smoothly. this is considered one of the busiest days of the year at san francisco international airport. more than a million people are expected to pass through sfo during the 10 day thanksgiving period ending on november 28. that is a slight increase compared to fo> we're seeing passenger activity is definitely coming back here at oakland. when the recession began in 2008, definitely had a reduction in service, but we are very hopeful for 2012. >> official at mineta san jose said things ran smoothly there.
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officials at orbitz recently named it the least busy airport in a metropolitan area over thanksgiving. expecting today to be one of the busiest days of the year. travelers who opted for amtrak paid a bit more than they did raft year. most one way tickets are up from 2 to 5%. the lucky's supermarket chain is issuing a warning tonight, saying someone tampered with card readers. they were in self-checkout lanes and have been replaced. lucky's says it issued the )9 not heard of any problems with the customer accounts. a total of 19 stores in the bay area are involved. plus one save mart store. lucky's is telling customers to keep a watch on their credit and bank accounts. for the secretary time this
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month, firefighters are investigating a suspicious fire at a strip mall near hayward. the latest fire broke out at prius market and liquors on meekland avenue, shortly after 3:00 a.m. this morning. investigators said they found three separate points of origin for the fire, and detected a smell of fuel when they first arrived. firefighters say they are fairly sure it's arson. there is no holiday spirit on wall street this week. stocks have tumbled, and have fallen now for six consecutive q nasdaq fell 61. analysts say ongoing concerns about the euro zone are weighing down the market. black friday is nearing and this year, stores are opening earlier than ever. heather holmes is live now and tells us retailers are counting on consumers to be in a spending mood.
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>> reporter: they certainly are, julia. this toys "r" us is staying open late tonight. it will remain open until 11:00 and reopen at 9:00 thank night. wal-mart at 10:00. forget slaving over a hot stove this thanksgiving eve. there are holiday bargains to be had. 25% off, 30% off, entire stores on sale, and you don't have to wait until black friday. >> if it's maybe 10% more on the we know, but i have to fight all the traffic, it's not worth it. >> reporter: a bag in each hand, julie took advantages of the discounts already offered. more retailers are starting the holiday shopping season by slashing prices and opening their doors on black friday earlier than ever before. >> he open at 8:00 a.m., to 9:00 p.m.
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>> reporter: tom discallo's is hopeful the additional hours and 15 to 50% savings will bring in customers. i?#hy thanks to slight employment gains. however, it remains lower than a year ago. wild swings in the stock market, looming government cuts. all adding up to uncertainty about the end of the year. >> we have to be careful. spending money, and we never know what's going to happen. >> reporter: still, retailers are pulling out all the stops. for the first time, target, best buy and macy's are all opening up at midnight on thanksgiving. >> i don't know how necessary it is. the proof will be in the pudding how successful it is. >> reporter: the following four weeks, that's when retailers make up to 20% of their annual
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sales. heather holmes, ktvu, channel 2 news. more details now on black friday shopping. a new report shows some dedicated holiday shoppers have already begun. during the first 20 days of november, consumers spent $9.7 billion online. an increase of 14% from the same time last year. retailers %vy6m+qx already roled out special pre- thanksgiving specials. some stores are promoting an alternative to black friday. there is word tonight of talks going on behind the scenes to move the okay san francisco encampment. one alternative discussed is in the mission district. >> reporter: just about everyone here seems to understand that the occupy
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encampment here at justin herman plaza can't stay here indefinitely, but there's no consensus on where it should go. this abandoned school lot is being discussed as a possible location. >> i think there are discussions with various agencies to take a look at whether there is a compromise moving forward. >> reporter: some don't want to move to a place that's not as visible. >> at this point, xñ?ñ?ñthe onl demand we're making in any sort of way is let us continue to use this public space to meet public needs. >> reporter: others see é4h÷r0÷= expanding, and decentralizing this. >> as long as there are no problems here, i don't have any problems with that. if it gets rowdy, and all of that. >> reporter: some in the mission say they're already battling enough problems, and
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adding hundreds of overnight campers won't make things better. >> more business, or more trouble? >> i think we have a little bit more trouble. >> reporter: passersby had mixed feelings about the city pushing the encampment out of downtown. >> trying to move them to places inconsequential limits their ability to speak, and that's the whole point. >> reporter: tonight, police have been keeping an eye on the encampment. the occupy movement shows no sign of leaving. it's planning a thanksgiving feast tomorrow afternoon. everyone's invited, including the police. live in san francisco, ken wayne, ktvu, channel 2 news. more details, the steepest costs have been in oakland, and new york city repeated clashes with police and protesters. the city of oakland had spent
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more than $2 million as of last week. he stepped on a roadside bomb. the remarkable story of a south bay marine now home for the holidays, and his big goal before christmas. back here in ten minutes with your thanksgiving forecast. we'll check out live stormtracker 2, and then we'll
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a bay area marine returned home today, with a war wound that has him on crutches and in a wheelchair. why he and his family say they have many reasons to give corporal daniel franky returned home from war to his hometown of san jose. wounded, but grateful and happy. >> it will be fun, be a lot of family here. we have a lot more kids, it's going to be good. >> reporter: daniel joined the marines in 2007, after he graduated from san jose's lee high school. he stepped on a roadside bomb. his left foot was amputated and spend six weeks in hospitals. >> we know how lucky we are. it's different seeing him on
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half a leg. >> he's progressing very well, and it's very nice to be here. we're overwhelmed right now. >> reporter: daniel says he knows what he will be thankful for on thanksgiving. >> being here, and alive obviously. it could have been a lot worse. not all the explosions went off. i only got a little bit of what went off. if all went off, i would have >> reporter: it will be a short trip. daniel and his mother will return to san diego next week, so daniel can be fitted with a prosthetic foot. his goal? to be out of the wheelchair by christmas. at 10:45 tonight, the bay area wine ray turning war veterans into vintners. how it also gives the winery a competitive edge. johanes mehserle took the
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witness stand today in a civil suit filed by kenneth carrethers. carrethers admits he cursed at the officers. we asked if mehserle's conviction for killing oscar grant will impact the jury. >> he's a convicted felon. sure he's going to say what he's going to say to get him off. >> the jurors are very aware, and it can't be ignored. >> mehserle and two other officers have confessed that carrethers came after them. police released this photo of with the vandalism. investigators say a 23-year-old confessed to tagging the banks. he said he used washable paint to make sure there was no permanent damage. police turn the case over to
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the district attorney. a bicyclist pleaded not guilty in court today to vehicular manslaughter. prosecutors say 23-year-old randolph ange ran a red night on embarcadero near mission street. then hit a woman crossing the street. the woman died from her injuries. he faces a year in jail if convicted. he is due back in court on december 15. new at 10:00, a movement to promote small businesses, as an alternative to plaque friday, is taking hold all across the country, and it all started right here. ktvu's amber lee live to plain what is being called plaid friday. >> reporter: one of 3ññ?ñ?many sources trying to get shoppers to spend in their communities while they're doing their holiday shopping. the grand opening is friday. tonight, the two oakland women
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the owners are urging shoppers to observe plaid friday, which started in oakland to promote small businesses. >> the name plaid comes from the idea of melding all of the different indy businesses together, and they're woven together into one strong, cohesive fabric. >> these two are custom build. >> reporter: a few doors down, saying with a slow economy and after occupy oakland, she needs the community's support. >> it is hard to be a small business owner. it is a rough, rough road. >> reporter: gibbs acknowledges it will sometimes cost more to buy local, but well worth it. >> we follow up with customers. we remember customers. we give you specialized service. >> reporter: across the street
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from frank ogawa plaza. one purchaser told there is a movement among occupiers to support small businesses. >> everyone around is trying to focus on making it really positive here. especially with all the things that have happened in the workshop, the owners say anyone who wears plaid and makes a purchase here on friday will get 10% off, and a portion of the sales will go to the food bank. reporting live, amber lee, ktvu, channel 2 news. we have some advice now on how to stay safe while doing your holiday shopping. carry only a small amount of cash and do most of your shopping during daylighter hours. carry keys, and cash in separate places, always be observant, and careful when using atm's. bart is running on a special holiday schedule. longer trains have been running all day making share way to sfo, and the international
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airport. tomorrow, bart is running on a sunday schedule. there will be fewer training starting at 8:00 a.m. on black friday, longer trains will accommodate shoppers starting at 6:00 a.m. ♪ [ music ] stormtracker two picking up showers now now in the santa rosa area. the showers are picking up. this front offshore starting to 2ç@ritmslowly, as you no doubt have noticed. we expect this thick to move through the bay area in the overnight hours. most of the rain will be in the overnight hours. the computer model, tonight about 1:00 a.m., it's just now coming into oakland, and san francisco, and the peninsula. that's 1:00 a.m. there we are, 4:00 a.m., moving through. got some wind with this. 7:00a.m., scattered showers, heading towards the mountains sh and clearing out here. that's 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. as we go into the mid-morning hours, it starts to clear out. this is lunchtime tomorrow.
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scattered showers, maybe. just super light. i think we're going to see more sunshine tomorrow, certainly than we did today. so the main rain event overnight tonight into tomorrow morning. when i come back, we'll look districtly at your forecast highs. tomorrow, we'll look at the forecast, includes your bay area view. a piece of space junk put the international space station crew on alert today. shortly afterwards, nasa gave the all clear. the 4-inch piece of space junk came from an old chinese weather satellite, and a possible collision could have been disasterrous for the space station. the crew had been >$ to take shelter in a russian capsule. ski slopes open for the season. 106,000 tons of onions, tons of gt
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hey... there's mom! hey, let mom try. ready, go! ♪ yeah, rock on, mom! [ male announcer ] sometimes a hint is all the wrapping a gift needs. wait a minute...i... [ laughs ] [ male announcer ] the lexus december to remember sales event is here, but only for a limited time. see your lexus dealer for exclusive lease offers on the 2012 rx 350 and, as a gift from lexus, we'll make your first month's payment.
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a plane crash sparked a wildfire tonight in the rugged mountains east of arizona. tonight, there are no signs of any survivers. the twin engine plane had just refueled at an airport in mesa, where it had picked up the children. there is no word on their identities. thanksgiving typically means the start of holiday skiing, that has some folks heading up to sierra. boyle has been open since october, eight other resorts are also now open, just in time for thanksgiving. >> it's good. it's a little breezy. yesterday was a little sunnier and warmer. >> last year was a record year. we had over 800 inches of
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snowfall, and we're hoping to get more of the same this year. >> caltran says thanksgiving is the busiest time of the year on interstate 80. bay area food banks and charities say the number of families needing happy has reached a dg reports from san francisco, where she witnessed an army of volunteers hoping to meet that demand. >> reporter: this is the sound of thanksgiving. >> you're working, you're working. >> reporter: inside the methodist church kitchen, strangers are side by side, volunteering their time. >> i still think there's a lot of love involved in the entire process. not just in the food itself, but in the preparation. >> reporter: they're expecting 5,000 guests. >> the demand has been there all year long. >> reporter: across towns, volunteers at the san francisco food bank were preparing food
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boxes. the director says this year can he hand has -- demand has spiked. >> we're seeing more families come for the first time, we're hopek that has leveled off, and next year, we will see a drop. >> reporter: in 2008, they served 22,000 families. this year, 36,000 families need help. the highest number in the food bank's history. >> remember especially those who will be alone this thanksgiving. >> reporter: at one of the food pantries, she and her husband are hurting in this economy. >> another year passing by, hoping he can have his business up 8ní2 sometimes even more than the meal is the kindness and company served up with it. >> the thanksgiving dinner will be held tomorrow from 9:00 a.m., until 2:00 p.m.: for those who decide to forego the traditional roasted turkey, there is the deep fried bird. while it can be a tasty alternative, firefighters warn
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it comes with a risk. deep fryers are responsible for five deaths, 60 injuries, and more than $15 million in property damage, during an average year. firefighters say anyone deep frying a turkey needs to do it outdoors, make sure the turkey is completely thawed, and don't put too much oil in the pot. well known to contain ♪
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[ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at
11:59 pm all day from the comfort of your home, or shop in store friday starting at 4am. find over 500 black friday deals... cozy sweaters for just 9.88... ...stylish peacoats for 49.88... ...over 150 styles of boots from 19.99... ...bath towels for a low 2.99... and dazzling diamond bracelets for 99.99! save at this thanksgiving... ...and in store at 4am on black friday! we make christmas affordable. you make it yours. jcpenney. americans consume millions of pounds of honey each year. many don't know where it comes
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from, and it's not always easy to tell from the label. some of the honey on store shelves is tainted, even illegal in the u.s. >> reporter: the honey business is good. a kiosk here at san francisco's ferry building, complete with honey tasting bar. >> it seems to be that way about a lot of products. more people becoming aware and educated. >> reporter: we gobble up 300 million pounds of upony each year. about twice what we produce here. with bee colonies dying off at a bigger rate, that makes america a bigger importer every year. two things threaten it, one is the general population of bees itself, and honey laundering. >> if there is honey in the jar that came from somewhere other than the united states, that
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country of origin is supposed to be on the label. >> reporter: on this busy bee jar, the origin, brazil, is not on the label, and barely visible on the plastic bottle itself. >> chinese honey was well known to contain illegal animal antibiotics, and recently, heavy metals. >> reporter: s!72[c2,$5ñ subsidized producers it illegally dumped it for a fraction of the cost to produce it. >> it hurts our own beekeepers who are providing their own honey and trying to compete in the market. >> reporter: just last year, heavy tariffs were placed. >> the amount of honey from
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neighboring countries, such as vietnam, thailand, malaysia increased sharply. >> reporter: the american honey associations says of the 60 million pounds of honey imported from india, much of it really came from china. >> they will send it from somewhere else and bring it in to avoid the tariff, that's laundering. >> reporter: some producers say to maintain the clarity of honey, they remove the pollen that makes it easy to trace. >> you also know you're getting honey from nectar from flowers, high fructose corn syrup that often gets fed to bees. >> reporter: most of the honey bought at major retailers is untraceable. >> every sample we got from a
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farmer's market, or a produce store was filled with pollen, untouched. find your local beekeeper, go to your farmer's market. go to some of your natural food stores. >> reporter: you may pay more, but you will be sure where it came from. ktvu, channel 2 news. and at we've posted a link to a honey locater, where you can find local products all over the country. just look for the special report section. tonight, three families in san pablo are praying that the rain we get this evening won't cause more problems for their homes at the bottom of a sliding hill. the families finished weatherizing using tarps and rows of sand bags. storms last winter and this spring caused hills to crumble, threatening their homes. one of them is already red tagged, making this a very
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our house, but in somebody else's. and hoping that maybe next year, it will be back. >> in all, the family spent about $30,000 to cover the hillside. now residents tell me, neighbors are actually suing each other and the city over that slide. president obama pardoned a thanksgiving turkey. >> recently, i've been taking a series of actions that don't require congressional approval. here is another one. we can't wait to pardon these turkeys. >> then, his daughters had a chance to touch the official national turkey named liberty. there was also a backup turkey named peace. the two will go to live at george washington's home, mount vernon in virginia. also, they helped hand out bags of food for people in need. the president was in charge of
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giving out baby carrots. the spirit of sharing was on the francisco. eo trading hosted several families who use the food bank. they selected eight families in all, and treated them to a dinner out. the restaurant's general manager says it's their way of helping those who are less fortunate. >> our staff has volunteered their time tonight. we're hoping we have a lot of happy families tonight. >> i'm sure they did. the families were also given food to take home for thanksgiving tomorrow. >> our our facebook page, we asked what you're thank of the for. terry rights, our soldiers for making our country safe so i can spend this holiday with my family.
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and ed writes i'm thank. for my -- thankful for my family and friends. could play the guitar behind his back, even with his teeth and elevated the use the wahwah pedal. now a panelist has declared jimi guitar player of all-time. rolling stone magazine put together the panel to hash out the top 100 guitarists. bay area artist, neil young came in at 17. carlos santana took the number 20 spot. four years in prison, or probation. the arguments made ahead of sentencing day for conrad murray. in ten minutes, we will recheck our live stormtracker 2. there's more rain heading into your neighborhood, we'll look at your five-day forecast with
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prosecutors asked a judge today to sentence michael jackson's former doctor to the maximum of four years in prison. prosecutors and attorneys filed %6(]ejg:g a sentencing hearing set for next tuesday. earlier this month, a jury convicted him of involuntary manslaughter in connection with jackson's death in 2009. two california lawmakers are proposing new legislation in the wake of the penn state molestation scandal. one would mandate that coaches
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report abuse. the other would punish nonprofits that fail to report sexual abuse. in california, coaches or colleges are not mandated to report abuse. the second bill removes tax exempt status if they are caught failing to report the abuse of children. according to a security filing made today, jobs wife, lorraine powell jobs is in charge of that trust. jobs required 138 million shares when pixar bought his disney share in e world didn't last long before more violence broke out. this was the fifth day of
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clashes. in the middle east nation of yemen, the president signed an agreement to step down. he has been under intense pressure to step down after protests in the streets. the president has ruled yemen for 43 years. in london, james murdock has stepped down from the boards of several british newspapers. the son of media giant rupert murdock has come under fire. the younger murdock has denied any knowledge of wrongdoing. at this hour, a fundraiser event is underway for the occupy movement in san francisco. the organizer says he put the event together to give occupiers a place to say what they feel the movement represents and dyñ?why it's important. he says proceeds from the evening will help pay for food
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and shelter for activists who need it. a 9r sure dozens of
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a start up winery in vmr- more than 40 veterans work in the winery and the owners mission isn't stopping there. >> reporter: at lavish lanes tasting room, each glass poured and every momentum on the wall represents the achievement of the winery. each bottle is produced not by experienced wine maker, but by veteran soldiers, marine, and airmen. exmilitary who couldn't find a job, until they found josh lane. >> it's all about providing for
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our own. that's what i want to do. is make sure the veterans are taken care of. >> reporter: the former marine says after he got into california wine making, he recruited some of his buddies to help him out. grunt work as he called it, and quickly discovered, veterans make terrific vintners. >> they know how to take a task and carry it out. get it done. >> it's almost like being back in the military again, but there's no stress whatsoever. it's very easy to come out here and work. >> reporter: after three years of job hunting, aimen kelly says he's found camaraderie, as well as a good paycheck. >> some of this wine is probably used for toppings, the barrels. >> reporter: exarmy, he says /7 the veteran angle provides an edge. >> i think the veterans come home with a sense of wanting to give something back. that makes for a successful
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business and good wine. >> 42 veterans help produce 3,000 cases of wine each year. lavish lanes winery plans to expand in other states, including oregon and nevada, dealing with a growing number of unemployed service members. reports today suggest microsoft may be lining up to buy a stake in yahoo. the news sent the stock up in early trading, but ended the day down slightly. the "new york times" and roisters says microsoft signed a confidentiallity agreement that would allow it to get a look at yahoo's books. phone and wireless equipment maker, nokia said it is cutting its work force by nearly 25%. that works out to 17,000 jobs slashed worldwide by 2013. the company says the move will save about $1.3 billion. nokia is the world's largest ç
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rivals, including samsung and apple. a thanksgiving tradition for some bay area families is off the table. dungeonous crab. fishermen want $2.50 a pound. buyers are only willing to pay $2. the two sides are expected to meet this weekend. >> we're hoping that they meet on saturday and drop the pot saturday night, and we have live crab next monday or tuesday. >> today, we found a few crabs for sale at san francisco's fisherman's wharf. but most were frozen and going for almost $20 a pound. marine biologies are investigating a whale that was towed to shore. scientists are trying to determine what caused the whale's death. the carcass was discovered on saturday, and two days later, it expelled a five foot fetus,
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which the tide washed away. offshore near san francisco's ocean beach right now. you see the loop coming up from the south. thickening up as we go through the hours here. right on schedule. it looks as though showers moving into most bay area neighborhoods. right now, towards kentfield, san rafael, petaluma. the rain will be heavy for a while. it will bring up to an inch of rain in the north bay overnight, maybe a quarter inch to a half inch. half inch in the coastal hills, towards pacifica, and half moon bay. quarter inch for oakland, and freemont. tomorrow, there will be a few scattered sprinkles.
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then it starts to clear out. sunshine on thursday, especially in the afternoon hours. here's the system. you can see it draping itself. and you can see the back edge of it here. it's moving through fairly quickly and it will move through by noon tomorrow for the most part. heavy rain to the north bay, we know about that, up to an inch. as bo showers move south. then the back edge of the system slides over the north bay with clearing by tomorrow, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 a.m. cooler air in place, that's going to put valley fog down in the morning hours, especially in the north bay. so your travel plans could be hampered by that. up in the mountains, 6 inches, maybe more. but it's cool. the snow is around 5500 feet, and you could have issues up on 80 tonight certainly, then again tomorrow morning. so snowfall down to about 5500 feet. by 4 or 5:00 tomorrow morning,
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things should start to taper off and clear down in the tahoe area. thursday at 2:00 a.m., there it is. that's the heart of this storm, thursday at 6:00 a.m., tomorrow morning, then here we are, thursday about 8:00 a.m., then here we are about lunchtime, and it's gone. most of the rain is going to accrue while you and i are sleeping. a nice day tomorrow, again, the rachel should be dying out. especially in the north bay early in the morning. qdy,:í)$h(q8 for many of you. the weather looks good. just a lot of clouds. i think the valley fog is going to be a deal, especially for folks returning on sunday or monday. showers overnight, done for the most of us by noon tomorrow. should be an okay second half of the day. >> yeah, it's not bad. in and out. it's as much a
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[ male announcer ] sometimes, a hint is all the wrapping a gift needs. is that what i think it is? ♪
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[ male announcer ] the lexus december to remember sales event is here, but only for a limited time. see your lexus dealer for exclusive lease offers on the 2012 is 250 and, as a gift from lexus, we'll make your first month's payment. in new york city, preparations are underway for the macy's thanksgiving day parade. the weather is forecast to clear for the parade tomorrow. three and a half million spectators are expected to fill the streets of new york city we've got a lot of football tomorrow, but tonight, we're talking hockey. as i was coming out here to do the newscast, i saw you going, this sharks game is a good one. >> yeah, 1-0. this is not breaking news. the sharks are good. you know they're good when they're slightly off their game, but they get sensational
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play out of the goalie and shut down a very good chicago blackhawk team. antti niemi, his first shutout of the year. denying brian bikele. he has stopped 104 of the last 107 shots aimed at him. great. only goal of the night, the power play situation. jason's first of the year. 1-0. you will see it again. it takes a nice little shark's bounce there. you know what? they will take it. gladly. their fourth straight win. they've won 6 out of their last 7. loving the spotlight that comes with playing in madison square garden. the cardinal with a little spring in their step as they drill oklahoma state. drill oklahoma state. the kid thinking he was going l$ josh owens instead puts on the show. gets a steal and the layin.
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more defense results in more points for owens. a dunk. 2nd half, stanford opens up on a 7-0 run. stanford into the final of the nit tournament against syracuse. st. mary's, gets clobbered. usf, having their problems against dartmouth. raider fans better hope the team's running game hits its stride sunday against the bears. nary a healthy wide receiver in sight. moore in a walking boot all week may not play. tj houshmandzadeh didn't practice. carson palmer could have a hard time at the throwing it to someone in one piece. >> protect our house.
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we haven't done that very well. if we did at home, what we've b, would be sitting pretty. >> it's the other way around. if we can capitalize on using fans and their energy, we could be a lot better right now. a couple of tidbits to close it out with. the giants have declined salary arbitration to pat burrell, and cody ross. thanks for the memories there. they probably won't be back. there is talk, the union putting together a proposal for the nba owners would start a 66 game schedule starting christmas day. the two sides may speak over the weekend, and could come up with a hand shake agreement. we might have nba basketball overall. a bit of a long shot. at this point, anything is some hope. that's the sporting life for wednesday night. happy thanksgiving. >> happy thanksgiving. thank you for trusting channel
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2 news. we'll see you the neck time news breaks. ñ?ñ? start early at 4:30, and we're always here for you at ♪ [ music ]
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