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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  February 28, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PST

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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman. we search for the best videos online so that you don't have to. let's take a look at them "right this minute." he's got his face to the floor after a woman claims he had an eye up her skirt. >> he was clicking pictures. >> see the takedown when the woman's husband say -- >> no, not my wife. >> two students dook it out but -- >> pay attention to what is going on in the background. >> not much. just watching. >> see how watching could mean big trouble. you guys remember charles and allie trippy, right?
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>> yes. >> their website covered their marriage, wedding and this -- >> hey, guys. >> here what put charles in the hospital. and we go behind the cape for -- >> bull fighting. but the bull fighters are dwarfs. the story behind the tiny matadors drawing big crowds. gayle will get things started for us today with great video and, of course, the story behind it. >> a man accused of shooting up-skirt videos was arrested but he was caught by a would-be woman's husband. >> this is the video lead here. >> i guess so. >> he had a mere on his shoe. >> the video you're watching is the husband of jennifer demar taking done daniel creeder who they say had a video camera on his shoe and was shooting up her
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skirt. >> you saw him walk past me. he didn't make eye contact. he had walked behind me and had his foot underneath my skirt and was flicking pictures. my husband caught this. he realized. he thought it through and thought what is this guy doing. >> he said no, not my wife. he decked him, pinned him down and other people held him down until police got there. >> now you don't feel safe walking in a skirt. >> i feel very violated. >> eh, this creeps me out that somebody even can do this. how many other times has he gotten away with it. >> prosecutors recommended he be held on $50,000 bond but the judge released him he's expected to be in court this week. >> probably didn't search his house or residence. my butt could be all over the internet. >> creeder was found with a
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small video camera, a remote control device, an electronic cable plus an iphone. >> i want to keep him off the streets. my goal is to keep him away from other women. that's my concern. >> no! we found this at this is of a fight that happened between high schoolers in lynne, massachusetts. these kid heres here are studen lynne english high school. pay attention to what's going on in the background. >> not much. people are just watching. >> that's right. over 30 students total have been disciplined because of this incident because they didn't step in, they didn't try to stop the fight, they didn't try to call authorities, they didn't try to get parents there. >> the scary thick about this is that people are coming to enjoy a fight between their classmates. >> yeah. >> these other people feel like they need to fight and kind of satisfy the crowd.
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>> stop. stop! >> they're getting in trouble for just showing up, that's a great idea. >> even though this happened off of school grounds, school officials are saying this started on school grounds, so it's a continuous action. one of the girls involved is facing felony charges because of thi this. >> oh. >> she smashed her head into a stonewa wall in this park where they moved to fight. >> at this point when somebody smashes their face off something, you have to bre it sc administrators and says this is a big deal. >> there were kids there with cell phones, they could have gotten help. they didn't have to step in directly to break up the fight, but they could have called the police could have called a friend could have called parents. somebody could have done something about it. >> i have a video that is very disturbing to watch. it is in russia in the moscow region, and pay attention to the
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middle of your screen. icy road. what happens on an icy road. cars lose control. >> they go too darn fast. this car begins to lose control. hits one truck, goes to the other side. >> oh, my gosh. >> is completely shattered into pieces. >> i've never seen a car break into bits and pieces like that. >> what weird timing that he slipped right when he did and hit the truck right when he did, and that tractor trailer truck happened to be coming. >> just listen to the person driving the car with the dash cam. >> oh. oh. >> she pulled over, including that first truck that the suv hit first, that's where the video ends. we did find out this was a fatal crash and the driver did not survive. most of us, when we need money from an atm, we use our pin number.
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this guy decided to use a backhoe. this is in louisville, kentucky. he pulls up to a drive-thru atm with a large piece of machinery and starts to side swipe the front of this atm at the fifth third bank. tried to pull it out with his hands. eventually makes off with an undisclosed amount of money and did damage to the bank overhang. his hood is up. he has his face covered. he knows there's cameras around. this is hardly a smash and grab. he was out there for quite a time. he had to be making quite a noise, too. >> i would think so. i would think some sort of alarms went off, but he got away. police are still looking for him. this happened in early february. it's not like you're going to get away quickly and quietly on a backhoe. >> how do you drive a backhoe inconspicuously? >> late at night, somebody probably thinking he's going home late from work. i don't know.
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maybe it is somebody who works in the construction industry, knows what he's doing with a backhoe, has access to one. >> the first thing cops would do is go nearby and look at the backhoes and see if there is damage to them. >> but that doesn't necessarily lead you to this guy. >> in the early morning darkness a tanker truck crosses the median. >> my gosh. >> see what happens next on "right this minute." and he's an internet star who was rushed to the hospital right after this video was taken. >> listen to what he found out. >> i have a tumor in my head. >> it's the real-life reality blog where you have to see wha
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welcome back to the show. don't forget to check in at, great videos all day long. you guys remember charles
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and alli trippy, they have over 1,000 blogs, internet television. >> people love them. >> we have a new blog installment just put up over the weekend. >> there it is we snuck in. >> there is charles hanging out in boise, idaho with his fans, he's on tour. >> hey, guys. >> the next thing you know charles trippy is in the hospital. >> we were walking back, i felt lightheaded and passed out. he kept the blog going while he was in the hospital. >> we did one of those ct scans, mris, whatever. freaky. hate doing that. >> listen to what he found out. >> the doctor came in and said that i had a -- like a tumor -- i have a tumor in my head. >> that tumor was the reason that he blacked out and according to doctors, even had a seizure. >> briefly this is what it looks like. i have to get it removed. that's what's happening. it's not a really aggressive one
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is what i'm told. it's more of one they can take care of easily. >> if you watch this video you find out his wife was in thailand. >> holy molly. >> when all of this happened. she quickly leaves thailand. >> hi, honey. hi. >> this is reality television like nothing i've ever seen. >> is it malignant? >> according to his twitter pa, he had an appointment with . and should find out more about this tumor. >> this just goes to show you that there's nothing that will stop these guys from keeping up with their day-to-day blog. >> the thing is not going to win. i'm going kick its [ bleep ]. >> he's experiencing this at the same time he's allowing all of his subscribers and viewers to experience it. >> i want to say thank you guys. it means so much, all of the support. i have some video of a sport to show you guys that some are calling a political correctness
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nightmare. i think you'll see why. the sport, bullfighting, but the bull fighters are dwarfs, if you will. >> little people. >> little people, yes. >> this dwarf bullfighting has been going on since the 1970s. it's nothing new. if you go on youtube you can find a ton of videos. as you can see, they are fighting calves, not full-grown bulls, and the animals are not killed or injured. but human rights activists and animal lovers saying this is human exploitation meets animal cruelty. >> i've actually seen these performers. and oftentimes they say that's a job they can find. that's a job they can hold. >> you're right. there's about 20 different little people bullfighting troops currently in mexico. and one of the performers said, hey, they may think we go out there to be laughed at. that's not the case if a little person can fight a bull, he can
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do anything. it's a performance. some say comedic. but they are risking harm, they are getting hurt. this bull calf get the best of this little bull fighter and actually kind of then sits on him at the end. >> yeah. >> i think he's straight up humping her. >> he liked her. >> he liked her. >> play uk is a children's charity and they launched this new billboard that uses facial technician that goes directly to women. >> it scans your face, and it shows an ad based on whether you're a man or a women. >> they had to issue an apology because some people felt it was exclusionary. some people pointed out men and
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boys also face problems, and they said it wasn't our intention to offend anyone. >> if you're a woman, it shows you a full advert. >> they show women around the world who may not have the same choices that women in the uk do. >> what does it say if you're a man and it walks up? if you're a man, it highlights shocking statistics. it doesn't show you the full ad. >> men don't show you the full story because they are treated like women are, they don't get every opportunity men do. >> i think it's the same thing as there are stores meant for girls, there are stores meant for boys. this ad campaign is meant for women. >> i think the issue probably is to people that this is not meant just for women, it's meant to make men feel excluded. >> according to plan uk the website, one in seven girls is married before the age of 15. many girls are uneducated. some can't even open businesses for themselves.
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>> raising awareness to millions of girls around the world who are denied choices based on their sex. tomorrow on "right this minute" -- >> what could this guy possibly be doing with so much scotch tape? and then -- >> whoa. >> that's amazing. >> tomorrow on "right this minute." check out this incredible view. >> i know what you're thinking. ah, we have already seen this but you haven't seen these videos do this. >> hear how you can experience this wing suit fly from 360 breath taking degrees. and he's a pro mma fighter. >> also known as the new york bad ass. >> now see the stunt he pulled on the vegas strip.
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c guy's got a real point of view wing suit video to show you this is from the very popular wing suit flying area in norway. i know what you're thinking, we've already seen this but you haven't seen these videos do this. this is a 360 degree panoramic view made by a company called making view in norway. these are recorded videos that you can click and watch on their website, and as i click and pull my mouse around, i get this 360 degree view. >> what does this camera look
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like? is it a bunch of cameras? >> i don't know how they do it. luckily, to tell us more about how the videos work, we have ari to tell us how this whole thing works. >> it's 360 degree stand-alone remote control 360 video system. it weighs only 600 grams. >> help me understand how big your system is in comparison to a helmet cam? >> if you put three of those together, you have the size of our system. >> do you think would ever put one of your cameras on a rocket? >> interesting you mention that. we have one request from a huge local brand that wants to take this system up to space, actually. >> where the heck is the camera? how am i seeing the top of the guy's head. >> we launch it straight down and straight up.
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we placed the logo and the helmet we platesed afterwards. last weekend with the first shoot, which is the 360 panorama. then you have a feeling you are up in the air filming in every direction. ♪ i have some traffic cam footage of a violent crash. this happened in roberts, wisconsin about 5:30 yesterday morning. pay particular attention to these very bright headlights up towards the top of your screen. as these headlights get closer and closer, you realize this is
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a fuel tanker. and this fuel tanker somehow crosses over the median of i-94 and ends up in the westbound lane and barely clips a car. the truck skids off screen, but watch what happens. >> looks like it exploded because there's all sort of light. >> oh, my gosh. >> did explode. this was a fuel tanker carrying what's estimated to be 7,500 gallons of fuel. when it clipped the car, it hit parts of this overpass that you can see here on the corner of the screen and caused the tanker to separate from the cab of the truck. the tanker immediately exploded because of the fuel. unfortunately the lone driver of this tanker did not survive. but seeing this scene, it's incredible that no one else was injured. >> that moment where the tanker detached from the cab, that's scary. then you have literally a
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runaway oil tanker me ertanker. >> any idea what made him lose control. >> the accident is under investigation. they have not determined what caused this tanker driver to lose control. >> you're just a few minutes away from the end of the show and spending a lot of time on our favorite website, stay with me now, now back to the show. >> what would you imagine a sleeping hummingbird to sound like? stick around to hear the noise coming from this snoozing
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there's a lot of fun activities you can do on the beach, fly your kite play ball or take advantage of the sea breeze. fly your remote control glider. >> that's remote controlled? >> that's remote controlled glider. no engine on it. no motor, just the breeze and the updraft from the dunes here. the guy is quite skilled. just flipping the thing all over the place. >> so he's making it do all those rolls, turns and flips? >> that's it. he's catching some lift with the breeze. >> the biggest problem with remote control cars, planes, anything is that the battery dies. so with this, you don't need a battery, right? it's just wind power. >> you do need a battery. you need a battery inside to control the electronics, but it will last a lot longer.
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the collide eglider only weighs ounces. a hummingbird becomes a snoring board. ♪ nobody likes a traffic jam, especially pro mma fighter phil baroni. driving around with his friends in vegas, and phil is known as the new york bad ass. he grew up in long island. >> where did you learn how to drive, phil? >> new york. >> i can tell. >> they're now at a standstill, they notice if you look two cars ahead, there's a cab with the trunk open. phil realizes that's what's
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holding everybody up. watch what phil does next. tell me what you think. >> no he isn't. oh, my god. it's actually funny to see a big beef cake dude like that run girly. hopefully he doesn't hear that. he does go up and slam this guy's trunk and says -- >> keys were in there. >> basically lost the keys in this guy's trunk. >> him and his friends have a good laugh about this. now, here's the thing, these guys think this is funny. they think this is hilarious, but the guy does have his driver's side door open, i would say most cars come with a trunk release inside the car, if you can get in the car, you can get in the trunk. >> these guys are laughing pretty hard. what is funny about this? >> simple guys, beth. simple guys. facebook fans, did this cabbie get what he deserved for holding
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up traffic, or did phil baroni pull a jerky move here? >> that's it for this edition of "right this minute." one more video, time-lapse video called electric new york. enjoy it. don't forget another 30 minutes of "right this minute" are on the way. ♪ ♪
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