tv Right This Minute KICU March 7, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PST
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we've got the best videos and the stories behind them, "right this minute." a volcano's fury in hawaii. >> to get that video i had to hike to get them. >> amazing pictures and what it took to get them. >> should have been a routine traffic stop. >> no, i cooperated. >> get out of the car. >> quickly became anything but that. and it isn't over yet. >> new zealand left damage, but it also brought some visitors. >> whoa. >> is that a fish? >> see what's swimming in the streets.
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>> surprise! >> it's a 70th birthday party, but the biggest surprise is yet to come. >> it's a frisky gorilla. >> that's for sure. >> don't worry, it's all in the family. i want you guys to take a look at incredible images. look at this. it's lava flow on mount kilauea on the big island of hawaii. this lava has been pretty consistently flowing for nearly 30 years. ♪ >> i just don't keep in my mind that this is constantly building new earth in hawaii. >> to see it like this gives us all a different kind of perspective. i wanted to talk to lee hill bert, the guy who shot this, skyping with us right this minute from the big island of hawaii. how did you get these amazing images? >> it's about a three or four mile hike across older, cooler lava scapes and the last mile i walked to get that footage i hiked across some of the hot
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stuff, still actually fluid underneath. this melts shoes and boots. but i was able to calculate how far across i was able it to get to another cold location. i worked close as i can and see where the hotter flows are. >> when you're taking these photos, describe how much heat you're feeling. >> i brought quite a bit of gear for that. when i'm going to prepare to move in closer i have to put on leather gloves, a hat over whatever ear is going to be nearest the lava. couple thousand degrees near the stuff, sometimes i'm only there a few seconds because i can't stay longer than that. >> describe the rest of it. >> surprisingly quiet like the stuff you saw flowing out of the top of that ruptured lava tube. amazingly silent. kind of a sound with bubbles popping. the gases that come out go poof, poof, poof. . >> this particular volcano has been in the news in the last couple days because this lava
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has been encroaching on the subdivision and as of march 2nd, the lava overtook the very last home that was actually inhabited by a man named jack thompson. when he left his home, they came back the next morning and the lava had taken over. he left just in time. i understand that you were the guy who convinced him to finally leave his home. how did you know that now was the time? >> i found this one finger we call it heading down above his place going to the forest, way faster than we anticipated. he goes, i think i'm going to lose my house tonight. that was the build up to that. i helped him pack his gear to the helicopters and we flew out together. >> we appreciate your time and thank you for the beautiful pictures of the volcano. >> aloha. >> aloha. >> it's time for the three of you and our viewers to be the judge on this dash cam video from february of 2010 that was just released this week. this was in houston county,
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georgia. and we see deputy kyle stokes pulling over a driver for going 72 in a 55-mile-per-hour zone. the driver is darlene smith. he pulls smith over. and immediately as he begins walking up to her car, you can hear her screaming at the officers and also cussing. >> i wasn't speeding. >> your driver's license. >> why did you pull me over. >> give me a driver's license and insurance because you're speeding. >> how fast was i going? >> driver's license or instruction or you're going to jail for obstructing. >> she gives the license over. you hear another voice from inside the car. that is darlene smith's 18-year-old son. >> mom, chill out. >> i wasn't speeding. >> mom. >> 55. >> in the incident report it is noted that darlene smith starts banging her head off the steering wheel when deputy stokes makes his way to the driver's side of the car. >> i cooperated. >> let's go. >> get out of the car. >> i cooperated. you told me to give you --
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>> mom! >> there's a huge struggle here. she's resisting arrest. he does slam her a bit up against the side of the car there. >> put your hand behind your back or you're going to take a strike. eventually deputy stokes is able to get darlene smith handcuffed. as he puts her on the hood, she screams to a car, he's robbing me. >> he's robbing me! >> quite a big struggle getting her into the back of the police car. darlene smith was charged with obstruction. the charges were later dismissed when it was learned that darlene's mom came to the scene and told the officers my daughter has mental problems. >> oh. >> now, this past february smith filed a lawsuit against the city claiming excessive force. >> she had multiple opportunities to comply. and at every opportunity, she did not comply. >> when your 18-year-old son is saying, mom, calm down, that
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ought to give you a clue that maybe you're doing something wrong. she was belligerent from the moment he approached the car. >> we talked to the houston county torney. said the deputy in this incident acted appropriately, the incident report coincides with what we're seeing in the video. nothing was left out of the incident report. race fans seem to want to get as close as they possibly can to the action. we've seen it before. here it is again. this is in la paz, mexico, at an off-road truck race. cars coming around, take a jump, watch what happens. over the berm and look out! >> whoa! >> wow. >> people are diving out of the way of this truck. but these people weren't overly close. they were still a ways off the track. you see a lot of times the photographer gets close. these people were like sitting under it tents. >> also like a ditch between where this truck was supposed to be and where these people are. that truck took a big old jump. >> still a little too close for comfort because it's not like
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you got those safety nets like we see here at races in america. >> safety net here is a mound of dirt. >> yeah. >> no retaining wall, no fence, nothing. this guy looked like he got his toes run over. see the guy on the hood of his truck, had to pull his feet out before he got clipped. >> another person catapulted out of their lawn chair. >> watching too many movies. >> reflexes a little off. >> the truck driven by rodrigo. >> was anybody hurt. >> not that we were able to find out. when i first saw this video it made me get teary eyed and starts off with a big -- >> surprise! >> welcome home! >> this is the 70th birthday surprise party for rich sr. to make his birthday party a lot more exciting they got him a little gorilla gram. ♪
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>> the gorilla is getting up behind him. >> frisky gorilla. >> that's for sure. >> that is surprise number two in this party. rich is the father of a lieutenant in the u.s. air force and his son, of course, it's a big birthday, 70 years old, sends him a video birthday message. >> oh, god. >> when he sees they're playing a video with his son he starts crying. his son says, you're really an amazing father and i'm happy to have you as my dad. everybody clasp. yeah, message from your son. and finally it's time to say good-bye to the gorilla. >> bye, monkey! >> get that thing out of the party. >> except, inside the gorilla suit -- >> oh! >> it's the son. >> awesome. >> it's his son.
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>> that explains the gorilla. >> the whole time it was his son. >> that's a great plan. great birthday present. >> i love these surprises. they never get old. this guy created a gadget to have the shower hot and steamy by the time his wife wakes up every morning. >> when she's taking the shower it's only going to last ten minutes. >> oh, good invention or bad? we've got the details behind the shower timer. and the beauty queen was just crowned. >> whoa. >> then has one expensive oops. >> i wish -- wardrobe malfunction.
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[ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls.
3:42 pm great videos all day long. >> the teenage mutant ninja turtles are real. here's proof. this tortoise has two heads and six legs and it's not a two-headed tortoise. it's actually a conjoined tortoise. >> siamese tortoise. >> it is. researchers say it has two hearts as well and one single intestine. >> it looks like all it does is crawl around in a circle. >> they don't move very fast to begin with. imagine one trying to go one way, the other the other way. this poor guy gets nowhere. born in captivity. a tortoise like this would never survive in the wild. at the natural museum of natural history in ukraine. >> where they have one set of intestines because the one tortoise head could like keep eating mexican food or something that makes them sick but the other one doesn't like it, you know, why do you keep eating that, making us sick. >> two mouths, one intestine equals a lot of stuff.
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ot don't know they're e each conjoined. >> isn't that straight. donatello, michelangelo, raphael and leonardo. >> this one is picasso. >> there you go. every wasted moment throughout the day can add up which is why a guy created an automated shower system in his home outside of charlotte, north carolina. >> what i'm going to do is set up the outdoor irrigation and sprinkler system timer for the shower. >> takes your shower three minutes to heat up, want to get in by 6:30, your shower will automatically turn on at 6:27 so when you wake up at 6:30 your shower is already nice and hot and ready to go. >> what if you hit the snooze button? >> that would be a problem. >> the mastermind is doug shipley joining us right this minute from orlando, florida, on vacation. where did you get the
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inspiration for this creation? >> always trying to find better ways to do different things and my wife, she's a pediatric optimal gist. i wanted to find ways to save her it time in the morning. we can set it up like we did our sprinkler systems. >> how long did it take you to create this? >> ten minutes to put together. >> is there a way where you can conserve water in case she hits the snooze button? >> if she hits the snooze button and goes back to sleep it's going to continue to run during the allotted time it was preprogrammed for. when she's taking the shower it's only going to last ten minutes and then shut off on her in the middle of the shower. she can extend it if she wants to. >> you compare this to, you know, setting your coffee maker to start brewing at a certain time. do you think it's as practical? >> i think it depends on the discipline of the person utilizing the system. >> you are currently on vacation. did you remember to shut this thing off before you left or is your shower running right now? >> no. i remembered to shut it off. it has an off mode as well.
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i definitely remembered that. >> and there it is. when it rains all day, the critters will play. so what's in these floodwaters? >> an eel. >> not just one. a bunch of eels. >> the story behind eel street, next on "right this minute." and you can't make coleslaw out of this because this man is -- >> making fake cabbage. >> this looks awesome. >> we're serving up the flawless fake technique a little later.
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this beauty queen is having a problem keeping her crown. [ speaking foreign languagin la] >> play that again. >> this crown isn't some cheapo from one of the party city places. this crown was worth $1 million. she reduced the cost of the crown by dropping it. >> oh. >> seems that there was a large [ inaudible ] on the left side and it's missing. >> you would think after all these years, they would come up with a crown design that actually sat on someone's head and stayed there. >> or if you're going to give them a million dollar crown put a couple bobby pins in there or
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velco. >> look at the girl over the left shoulder, shu doesn't look happy. >> i would have never dropped that crown. >> what do you think about the girl they chose? >> i think she is -- this is busted. how you say? i wish -- wardrobe malfunction. flooding in new zealand caused a lot of damage. >> raining, massive storm, streets flooded. >> in this video you see it's very wet, streets still flooded. not only did this flooding bring lots of damage, but it brought something else. >> [ bleep ]. >> eels on the gutter. >> whoa. >> is that a fish? >> that is an eel. >> an eel? >> the video went viral and star.inhas beme an instant he spe toand and he's shoed and excited.
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>> that was my take on snakes, snakes on a plane, so many, you know. >> when the flooding came, with it came a whole lot of eels. not just one, a bunch of eels. >> this is in new zealand and the guy taping this video went outside to capture some of the flooding. little did he know that he wasn't just going to get water, he was going to get a lot of eels. that came in with the floodwaters. >> jermaine did say that even though he joked about making them dinner, he will not be having them for dinner. >> got used to them after a few hours, kept looking at them and we were feeding them, giving them raw eggs. >> that's dinner. that's sushi, man, on the menu for the night. >> crunchy eel roll. >> right on your street. perfect. >> wouldn't you feel like this was the beginning of the apoc clips if you walked out your front door and there were eels
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a gary? ♪ >> yeah. >> i think you're right. >> gary backs the scooter up. starts taking it for a spin. looks like he knows what he's doing. not his first rodeo with these things. looks at the camera, speeds it up a little bit. gary is getting a little confident, saying look at this, i'm going to speed past the camera. >> wonder what gary does next? >> smashes it straight through a fence. i'm no expert with the motor bikes here but what did this guy do? >> front wheel dive, he has his hand on the front brakes but still pulling the throttle. >> and gets cursed out. >> must have gotten just like trying to lick his wounds after that one. you guys are about to see the incredible way that you can instantly make a head of lettuce. this man right here is making fake cabbage. it's for a display, but the fact
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that they can make it as quickly as they do, it's pretty incredible. what he does is takes what looks like a wax mixture, pours it in the water and stretches it out. >> weird. >> almost looks like he's spooning out pancake batter. >> looks like waxed food, rolling it into a head of lettuce or cabbage. check this out, they make fake foods and i think i was pretty impressed by what looked like a waxy lettuce head but this is other fake food they make. >> what is this. >> this looks awesome. >> how do you realize you have the talent for making fake food. you wake up and say i'm going to make fake ice cream today. >> they're artist. an artist makes a picture, these people are making food, like a statute but more edible. >> here's the money shot. he's about to cut it open. check what it looks like on the
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inside. >> it's going to have all the ripples. >> exactly. doesn't that look pretty authentic. steven, you know what time it is? time for the best in steven tutorial. today we're going to show people cool things they can do with their ipad. called project blue tiger. this is called a top secret accessory for the next generation of the ipad. >> it's top secret until now. >> we are blowing the thing off this thing. this new blue tiger basically utilizes a stylist to write on your ipad. now the cool thing about this, it only responds to the stylist. if you touch it, it's not going to do anything while you're utilizing this system. if yo wrist brushes the pad or po can ys on the pad it't comfortably rest your hand on the display while you write.
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>> why would i want to write in cursive or write at all on my ipad. >> maybe you are an author like hemingway and wanted all your works to be handwritten but also wanted the electronic copy. you get the best of both worlds. this utilizes not only your ipad but your iphone and through blue tooth technology hook the two together and you're playing a ukule ukulele. the ipad you strum, the iphone is the chord. >> who's going to love this zoey deshen nel. she can be more hip and use this thing. >> the girl that is singing in this video sounds a little like zoey. ♪ >> she's singing elvis presley's "i can't help falling in love with you." put it in your bag and the phone in your purse and travel with it easily and when you get bored on the plane you can play a song for the entire plane.
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>> that's cool! >> you always seem to impress us. >> you guys are really smart. >> that's going to do it for us here at "right this minute." one more video for you. this is of pal berman, considered one of the most innovative kayakers. this is called big wave kayaking. enjoy it. we'll see you tomorrow, everyone. ♪
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