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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  March 13, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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know hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman. we have the best videos of the day for you, "right this minute." surveillance video and police ask the public to help find the burglar. wait til you hear who steps up. >> the guy is like, uh -- i'm pretty sure that's you. >> this may be the classic case of tough love. >> oh. >> that thing has got to be a jill i don't know years old. >> pretty close. but speech is not impressed. >> it had a good run. >> but how it started is no laughing matter.
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ice that ate a motel. >> it almost looks like the ice is alive. >> they picked up enough steam to come crashing into shore and take out buildings? >> as you'll see, that's exactly what happened in frozen wisconsin. and far from the ice and snow, it's dolphin play time. >> they seem to be really mesmerizedllowing the paddle. >> come along on al's dolphin adventure. we begin today's show with surveillance footage and the remarkable story behind it. this is surveillance footage from a computer store called star west computers. there are two people who come into the store. they end up stealing $6,500 worth of computer gear. the police officers actually released this surveillance footage, because they wanted to catch these two guys. pay close attention to this guy in the middle of your screen. it looks like a plaid jacket. because this is where the story behind the surveillance footage gets interesting.
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on friday morning, a gentleman was watching television, eating breakfast, with his son, and they had a news program on in the background. on this news program, they started playing this surveillance footage. the father recognized this man as his son. the son, he was eating breakfast with at the time. the son's name is jeremy blair. he is 26 years old. as soon as the father recognizes his son, he says, son, you've got to turn yourself in, and jeremy blair listened to his dad and turned himself in to cops later that day. >> i just think about those two guys sitting there eating cereal, and dad is, like, uh, i'm pretty sure that's you. dad, there is something i've been meaning to tell you. >> great thing of the video, owner of the store who is also a father said, look, this is tough love. but the dad did the right thing, because in the long run, the son is going to benefit from having to deal with the consequences of his actions. so people are praising the dad for doing the right thing. >> any word on what happened to the second guy? >> the second guy is still at
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large. >> the other guy has got to be quaking in his boots wondering when the long arm of the law is going to reach and grab him. the south carolina highway patrol recently released dash cam video from an incident on march 3rd. officers were called to a portion of highway 17, south of georgetown, carolina and we see what looks like a jeep wrongler looked over there. the driver of this jeep, that's the man there with the hood on. that man is frank reachio. eventually the officer moves on to asking him to doing the old nine-step heel-to-toe walk. >> put your right foot in front of your left foot. >> not a problem. >> do what i'm doing right now. you're not following my instructions. sir? >> mr. reachio was arrested for driving under the influence and failing the sobriety test. but the thing about this video,
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at the time back on march 3rd, frank reachio was the major of the mt. pleasant police force, a police force in south carolina, where he had been serving for 29 years. >> oh, no. >> yeah. of all people that you would expect to know better. >> right, because he's saying i'm sure over and over and over again, traffic fatalities, traffic accidents caused by driving under the influence and here he is. >> lucky it ended the way it did, in the median without cars. following this incident, mr. reachio was released on bond and resigned his position. but you've got to say, it was a heck of a way to end a long career on the force on the other side of the law. what do you keep in a boat house? a boat. but not in wisconsin. this is ice from lake winnebago that has blown on to the shore.
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ice has taken out sheds and boat houses. >> these are sheets of ice that were floating on top of the lake blown by heavy winds. they picked up enough steam to come crashing into shore and take out buildings? >> and here's the thing. the ice has been melting and there's not much ice left on the lake, but they said there was enough to come ashore and mess up these people's sheds and boat houses. >> it almost looks like the ice is alive. it looks like the ice is alive like the blob, and it's trying to swallow that shed. >> the thing that's terrifying is the sound. you can hear the ice and the creaking. >> look at this image we're seeing from wbay near green bay. look how much ice was blown ashore. it wasn't like one or two chunks. it was a whole lot of ice in this ice shove. the people you're seeing here are margin and pete. they are neighbors. >> once the ice blows over, you know it's going to continue. and they keep on sliding and
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breaking apart. >> you can just see it climb over, roll down. that was scary. you can't see my door at all. it's all pushed in. >> they shared home voluntary of this ice shove, and you can see it took out his boat house. i hope the boat wasn't in there. >> don't mess with mother nature. that is a massive fire that broke at an historic castle in slovakia. >> oh. >> that thing has got to be a jillion years old. >> when i say historic, the first written mention of this castle was in 1333. >> are you kidding? it lasted all those years and now it goes down to fire? that's heartbreaking. >> it is believed this fire was started by a couple kids trying to start a cigarette. >> that started the grass on fire and then the grass started the castle on fire? >> yep, the entire roof of this castle collapsed. >> it had a good run. i mean, 13 -- >> oh, my gosh. >> things can't last forever.
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>> this thing was up longer than most buildings will ever be up. >> it's heartbreaking to see a piece of history like this literally go up in flames. if you ever need a reason not to smoke, this is one of them. and according to reports, the kids were about 11 and 12 years old and in that country if you're under the age of 15, you do not get prosecuted. >> imagine the antiquities inside this place. i'm sure this was probably a huge tourist attraction that brought tons of money and visitors to the area. that's a shame. >> amazingly, 90% of those antiquities inside were saved, including photographs, oil paintings. >> this will become a story, 200 years in the future. well, that big fire of 2012, and then we rebuilt and it's still going strong. he literally went to the ends of the earth to bring back these pictures. >> just knowing that it's not touched, you know, by man. these are all things that you might be the first one seeing. >> spectacular scenery and penguins. who could ask for more?
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and it's finally happened. a flying car. okay, not really. but look familiar? >> where we're going, we need roads. >> we're heading back to the future to check out the flight
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welcome back to the show. but don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. >> outstanding, awe-struck, extreme, raw. a few words people use to describe this video. >> it's one of the only places in the world where nature is getting better. >> two words. totally awesome. >> film maker jd andrews posed a simple question about antarctica, what one best word describes it best. and he posed it to the crew and staff and tourists aboard the ms expedition. >> i bet you can't come up with
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one word because you run out of adjectives and superlatives. but it takes your breath away. >> some people struggle finding an answer, just one word. other people just come right out with it. >> amazing. >> extreme. >> jd is joining us right this minute via skype to tell us how he made this video and his experiences in every continent. thanks for joining us. you've been all around the world. what made you want to know what people thought about antarctica in one word? >> as soon as you say, tell me about antarctica, they want to tell you everything. that's why i wanted to stop him and say just choose one word. and it was hard for a lot of people. >> in more than one word, what is it about antarctica that makes people so dumbfounded they can't describe it in one word? >> it's just an amazing place, and the colors are phenomenal. just knowing that it's not touched, you know, by man. these are all things you might be the first one seeing, because everything in antarctica changes constantly.
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so every time you go back, it's different. >> would you say that antarctica is your favorite continent to go to? >> by far my favorite place i've ever been to. and like almost everyone i've talked to, i want to go back. it's not easy to get there. you go through the drake's passage. that's two days of hell for a lot of people. it's almost like an initiation before you get there. >> tell me about your penguin videos. >> started with the very first stop, which was an island that we went to that had jentu penguins and that was the first time we saw penguins next to us. to have a penguin come up and start pinching on your pants, you're amazed they're not afraid of people. they have nothing to be scared. that was just one video. there's many more to come. >> let me see -- ♪
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everybody likes a good dog trick, right? this is a clip from the broadcast of the crufts 2012. this is the agility competition, went down in birmingham, england. we're watching libby here, a 5 1/2-year-old cross breed, nailing this course. 30 seconds through the run, which i've got to say, libby is killing this run -- >> yeah. >> she hits the brakes. >> oh! >> you know what, now is a good time to drop a deuce. when you've got to go, you've got to go. the thing is, this was in front of 6,000 people in attendance. this is the largest dog show in the world. this was a broad cast. listen to the announcers. >> this, this is a good run, too. well, a dog's got to do what a
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dog's got to do. >> which is doo-doo. >> the owner's reaction is just -- she is just mulling this dog through the run. oh! >> got i forgot to take the dog for a walk. >> as the broadcast replays this incident and puts a big x over the dog. >> did you see the judges' reaction? >> oh! no. >> yeah, no. and somebody handed the owner a paper towel so she could go clean up the mess. sadly, libby and the owner were immediately disqualified after this. apparently you can't poop on the course. >> you've got to go, you've got to go. >> yeah, libby worked one up. tomorrow on "right this minute." >> the liguys are going to pull justin fromehind a truck. >> we've got super glue. >> it is what i want. but they're not done. >> that's tomorrow on "right th mi
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just some otters hanging out, enjoying a snack, when -- >> wait for it. oh! >> see who or what crashed this picnic, next. and this chimp catches up on some reading. see the
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don't you guys hate it when you're driving at night and there's an on coming driver with
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their high beams on? >> yeah, flash them a couple times. >> and they still leave them on, they don't get it? i'm about to show you why that is not only annoying, it is extremely dangerous. so this driver is driving down the street on what looks like an early evening. and -- >> wow. oh! >> my. >> oh, man, didn't see that at all, not until the very end. >> that driver was completely blinded by the high beams of the oncoming car. >> what's interesting, they caught this on dash cam so they have proof that i didn't see the car. >> and here's another video of a two-lane road. cars going in both directions, looks pretty normal. and all of a sudden, one car suddenly swerves out of the way. >> ooh. >> this guy that was driving behind the car that swerved out of the way had no chance to get out of the way.
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>> what the heck was that guy trying to do? trying to pass somebody in the other lane? >> we don't know for sure. but the description of the video said that the driver of that car was intoxicated. >> oh. >> that -- >> i wonder if this could have been avoided, maybe, i don't know, if there had been lines on the road. i can't really tell what's going on if i don't know what the lines on the road should be. >> do we know what happened to the driver? >> we know that everyone survived this accident. here's a couple cute otters on a cold, wintry day. and there's a little water hole. they're enjoying an eel they have caught as a snack. the fat keeps them warm during the winter. >> as we learned before in wildlife videos, you're going to enjoy a snack, you better watch out for who else is around. and this will be one of those moments where i just say, wait for it. >> oh many!
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>> that wasp like a bald eagle! that bird was gigantic. >> and then he flies back to flaunt it like i took your lunch. >> the otter is like, what the heck was that? >> that was a white-tailed eagle that came in, snapped up that eel like it was nobody's business, took off with it, and the otter was sitting there thinking, what the heck was that? >> that bird's wing span was as big as a car. >> yeah, and otters aren't tiny, they're a sizeable animal. that looked like a teradactle. of all the famous cars in the history of movies, the delorean from the "back to the future" movies is definitely one
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of the top on the list. one guy in russia created an rc version of the delorean that looks exactly like it, which, okay, that's maybe not that difficult. but he's managed to make this thing fly, too, just like the delorean. >> oh, no way. >> so you're seeing a little bit of how he put this thing together. i've got to say, when i first watched this, i was like, couldn't this possibly be fake? but no, he's outside, so there's no strings attached to this thing when he launches it off the ground. you see he's got all these cool lights, you see him there with the remote control operating this thing. >> yes, that's so cool. that's like one of those quadra copters. they've got little propellers on >> exactly. underneath the and this thing is so cool to see it in the air. it looks exactly like a delorean from the movies. >> yeah, exactly like the end of "back to the future," where he's like he's like roads? where we're going, we don't need
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roads. ♪ but, again, you see all these cool lights, so he has part of the video at night, which makes it even cooler, because you can see this thing flying. you see the blue glow that it's putting down there on the snow. >> what a good idea. >> yeah, this guy, he obviously cut and built this himself. he needs to sell this as a kit. i want one, immediately. you know what everybody should do today? >> they should go to >> boom! let's do it again. [ making shooting noises ] it's like sea world, but better. when a paddle boarder comes
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across some playful dolphins. the story behind the deep sea adventure, next. honey...? [ mom ] yes. honey, i can't find my internet cord. oh, i'll borrow hailey's. you're downloading movies. fast! from here? where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month
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for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪
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you guys recognize this song, right? ♪ >> i can't say i've ever heard that song. >> i can't say i've ever heard that one either. >> okay. well, this is known as the flea waltz. but one thing that not a lot of people know is who the composer is. check it out.
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>> i think i found it. ♪ >> it's two golden retrievers. >> these are two retrievers that are playing a very slow version of the flea waltz. these two retrievers live in germany, where their master spent three years teaching them how to play an instrument. the last two years has been how to play the really large doggy piano. >> you wouldn't call these dogs tone deaf. >> no. >> they know their tone. ♪ >> chimp is getting his read on. ♪
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you can't pay for this kind of experience, not even if you go to sea world. al herstal is paddling with dolphins. >> where is he? >> in the gulf of mexico, near the see he is at that key, close to sarasota, florida. al goes out paddling frequently. he says 75% of the time he runs into this family of dolphins. he says they seem to be really measure merized by the paddle itself. >> it's following the paddle. >> they might be protecting him, because they say if you're on the paddle board you're obvious shark food. >> i think it's cool you can play with dolphins and not have to pay an entry fee of like $39.95. >> yeah. i asked al, were you tentmpted get into the water with dolphins? and he said i jumped in with them before and they take off. so this time he stayed on the
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paddle board. the last move here where the dolphin spins around, he says he rarely ever sees that. it was unique to this day out with the dolphins. >> that one was trying to get a belly rub from the paddle. >> he's like i've got really short fins, i can't get this itch. that's going to do it for us here at "right this minute." we're so glad you joined us. we leave you with one more video, time lapse from taiwan. and don't forget, another half hour of "right this minute" is the way.
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[ man ] it's big. responds in a moment's notice. supports in times of need. same with aladdin. aladdin became the biggest in bail by treating people right.


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