tv Right This Minute KICU March 14, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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fantastic! pro-gresso ] they fit! okay-y... okay??? i've been eating progresso and now my favorite old okay is there a woman i can talk to? [ male announcer ] progresso. 40 soups 100 calories or less. hello, everybody. we have the best videos from the web for you "right this minute." a rude divorce lawyer is caught busting into a home. >> this is where it gets really bizarre. >> because the cameras show him getting physical with his client. >> maybe she's paying him in hugs. >> can you predict the sex of your baby at home?
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how an old wives tale led to a new test by some desperate housewives. >> i wanted to get that nursery decora decorated, i wanted to pick a name. >> a guy goes on vacation and -- >> let's tinfoil jake's room. we've got the heavy metal prank. >> and a cow having a cow has a cow. the must-see video for anyone. >> helping one of your cows birth spp. >> we started seeing this yesterday because i just gave birth to a cow. >> this is surveillance footage from a home in new mexico. we got the story from kov eyewitness news 4. the guy you're seeing on the front porch is divorce lawyer raymond alwynam. he went to the home with his client to get some of the items that were hers back. but there was a temporary domestic order posted on the window saying, if you want to get some of your items, we have to come up on an agreed date
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where you can come, i'm here, you get your items. the attorney completely disregards the notice. the estranged husband of his client, anthony stonepiper, he was actually in the home so he leaves and has a small confrontation in the driveway with this attorney. >> he responded like an 8-year-old would. >> it just gets worse. you see them break into this back door. >> this is where it gets really bizarre. >> i need a hug. i need a hug. i need some relaxation. >> what? >> oh, man. you know what? i had my suspicions that there may be something going on between the lawyer and his client because this is a little strange. yeah, i don't think that most people hug their lawyer this way. >> and i don't think most lawyers get that aggressive just trying to get their stuff back if there isn't something going
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on. >> let's mott jump to conclusions here. maybe she's paying him in hugs. >> they continue to go through the house and take some items. and then he goes about ripping down a no trespassing sign that was on the door. a judge just ordered him to serve 30 days in jail. >> after court reporters were there to talk to van arnem, his attorney spoke on his behalf and addressed the question you all might be having about that weird hugging moment. this is van arnem's attorney, todd holmes. >> this is it? >> this is really it. >> i thought this was a commercial. >> i hug people when i say hi. i hulg people that are friends of mine. ray and melissa go to the same dojo. they practice martial arts -- >> what? are you kidding me? >> everybody knows when you go to the same dojo for long periods of time, you can hug them for awkwardly long periods of time. >> i saw you bowed at a dojo.
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>> some dojos. michigan state university police pulled over a truck back in january for speeding and having expired tags. >> 2005 chevrolet pickup, expired tags. >> inside that pickup truck was bob jenitsky. msu police claimed they smelled alcohol. they gave him a field sobriety test. he refused to take a breathalyzer on the spot. let me tell you his full title. he's state representative bob jenetsky. his attorney says he passed the field sobriety test and he refused to do the breathalyzer test on the spot. when michigan state university police originally put this video out, it was missing six minutes. they had edited out six minutes of video. msu says, quote, they edited the video citing an unwarranted invasion of an individual's privacy. this video from wood tv 8 shows the unedited version.
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>> you tell me you're going to refuse? >> yeah. >> okay. that's fine. hands behind your back. you're under arrest for operating while intoxicated. >> so what have we determined from watching this six minutes that was originally there? does it change public opinion? >> his attorney feels it's better to have the unedited video out there. >> now people get the full picture and that's important in the court of public opinion and i think it's going to help bob in the court of public opinion. typically it takes an expectant parent to take 20 weeks and a sono gram to find out the sex of their baby. >> this woman in the video found out ten weeks into her pregnancy what the sex of her baby would be by taking the intelligender test. >> we were not the kind of couple that waited until we got
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to the hospital to name the baby. >> these two decided, you know, in the 17th century, they used to use a, quote, pee test using wheat and barley. >> if neither one grew, she wasn't pregnant. but if the barley grew, she was having a boy and in the wheat grew, she was having a girl. >> so this was not like a wives tale by the barley and the wheat. there was some science to back up this 17th century test? >> well, they won't reveal how the test works, but they said they went to a scientist and they came up with this test. its nd of like a preger urinen cup, you shake everything up. >> in five minutes, it's either going to match the orange for a girl or green for a boy. >> how accurate is this thing? >> it's only 80% accurate, but still, that's better than 50% or 30%. >> you can't wait ool tep weeks? you're going to know, anyway. >> people want to happen. you're excited. it's your first baby.
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you want to know what to name it. some people just can't wait. the next time you guy are out on your farm helping one of your cows birth -- >> you see, i wish i had seen this yesterday because i just gave birth to a cow. >> how was that? you're back to work so quick. >> yeah. >> this woman is obviously helping this cow give birth. except the birthing woman got too close. >> whoa! >> wow. >> she got it in the face. >> she got kicked in the mugshot. >> that is one tough cow because she was giving birth at the time she did the kick. did you notice, there was something coming out of her. >> what is more amazing is this woman has probably done this before and should probably know better. >> she was going in to comfort the cow. really? >> unfortunately, that caused the poor cow to stand up in the middle of the birth, which couldn't have been good for the cow. >> that is a ninja cow, too.
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it was laying on its side. it managed to pull the right kisser with the leg. laid her out. i have to give it to the lady in the dress. she got back up right away. >> and can we notice the man that's sitting there? he just watched. he didn't even go over to help her get up. >> because he just finished telling her, i wouldn't get close to that cow, if i were you. >> they're just waiting on the after birth. there's a calf over on the ground. the guy in the blue hoodie is in an adult sex shop. uh-oh. >> i don't really know what to say, except porn makes people do bad things. >> see what bad thing this guy does. blame it on the porn. if a picture is worth a thousand words, then what is the word on this pickle of an idea? >> now i think it's mortem. >> see it, hear it and decide for yourself. to pickle or not.
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welcome back to the show. don't forget to check in at "right this minute".com. straight videos all day long. >> i don't really know what to say except porn makes people do bad things. >> this is the fantasy shop in in daytona beach, mrr. and you see this man here, he was wearing a gray sweatshirt and check out some adult movies. and he's thinking, i want to get this one. notice, there's a close-up of his face so we can all see what he looks like. the store clerk comes up and, look, he's reaching into his pocket and he pulls a knife. he pulled a knife on this woman. >> she's told him, look, i've called the police. so he ran out this door with the knife, the movie and the store's phone. >> was he trying to attack her? was he trying to steal money or just the movie? >> he wanted money and the movie, apparently. >> does he know how much free
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movies are on the internet? i've been told, mae. >> everybody knows there's plenty of adult entertainment/porn on the internet. >> for free. >> yeah. but now he's going to be in trouble when he gets caught. for threatening the store person with a knife and he stole a porn movie. >> they didn't say what the title was. >> money for nothing i think. >> after the incident, they found the discarded sweatshirt and the phone. >> and he discarded his sweatshirt because he felt that was an identifier. he didn't bother to cover his face up. >> which as we see was full frontal face into the camera 37. if you've got a bunch of jokesters for roommates, it might be a good idea to block the bedroom door before you go away for a few days because that's what poor old jake forgot to do at south hampton university in the uk. while he was gone for a week,
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his roommates said, let's tinfoil jake's room. everything in jake's room, everything in jake's drawer, the walls, his bed, his dresser, everything. >> that's a pretty awesome prank. >> they spent four days doing this. this is what it liked like at the end of day one. >> that can't be cheap. >> no, it's not cheap. they went through more than 1,300 feet of tinfoil to complete this prank. after day four, this is what it looks like. >> holy smokes. >> they said while we're doing it, let's send a big f-u to our friend jake. as if covering everything he owns isn't good enough. finally, poor old jake does, in fact, come home. >> i think this guy has a whole
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unwrapping project for the next few weeks. >> you get so tired of the sound. >> he has a good head start on the world's largest tinfoil ball. stupid stunts always make for great video. this is no exception. dude here with his rock star helmet on orders himself a milkshake from mcdonald's. >> give or take a milkshake. >> for all our grade school and high school viewers watching, that is not the appropriate grammar. >> well, he has has you ever drunk. so the have is implied and it's actually right. >> oh, my god, are we actually -- we missed the entire video because we're discussing grammar? let's rewind. the top comes off. he litters, 80 miles per hour, 90 miles per hour, and the milkshake starts going everywhere. i don't understand the pointed of this video other than it's
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kind of silly, mostly stupid and quite dangerous. >> it doesn't even look like he tried. i think he tried to make it look like a big, fat fail. i don't think he tried drinking it. >> his skin is going to be so soft from that milk facial he got. >> my favorite part about this video -- >> the t-shirt? >> exactly, the "saved by the bell" t-shirt. it is so money. i want that. i'm going to say this guy probably saw zach morris do this one time in the past and tried to recreate it to pay homage to zach. >> i hope someone out there finds this man from the draw and they get him for littering. >> and you were not the only one to make that comment, beth. there were many comments about the same exact thing, about these guys littering. nobody likes a litter bug. emergency, there's a dog stuck under that house.
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emergency. >> why not just put a can of alpo on the outside of the house and wait? >> or you could rescue the dog. see how it gets done on "right this minute." so a guy walks into a pizza store. >> bingo. >> he's looking to steal something, but it's not money. >> caught on camera, caught in the role of pizza mascot, next.
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memories are generally associated with visuals and sound. >> everyone get away from the boat. >> there is no one up for that. called pickle. >> i forgot the day had been taking pickles. >> the creator of this application is alex harding. you take a photograph. and it will record about ten seconds of the ambient sound. >> i think it's a good idea, but why not just take a video? video essentially will do the same thing, audio and visual. >> the size of it is a lot smaller than a video. >> at the end of the day, it is to create a story. >> you can share it with other people on the pickle app website. >> very little effort.
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so if you and your friends have pickle accounts, you can share them. >> if you could get, like, smells to attach to a photo, then i would be all about it. because i could take a picture of a pizza and then you could smell the pea yeah. >> hey, beckett smell how this nower smes. ahat it smells like. it's not like you're going to say, look at this picture of the beach i took and then have the sound of something farting. >> why do they call this pickles? >> it's a word play. >> now i think it's mortem. dog versus slippery slide.
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♪ >> when you have a dog in trouble, all you need is a meter maid, animal control and friendly neighbor. what you're looking at is the end of a two-hour rescue in lancaster city, pennsylvania. it seems that somebody's chihuahua ran across the street and ran under a neighbor's house. so a friendly neighbor started to try to pull the dog out and then a meter maid got involved and they called animal control and they got involved and they dug and dug for this dog. >> why not just put a can of alpo on the outside of the house and wait for the dog to come out? >> they're trying to cox it out, but the dog smot having any of it. >> so he's not stuck, he just doesn't want to come out. >> he's stuck. they have three openings under this house to try to get this dog out. and finally -- >> yeah.
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>> yeah. they pulled him out. >> so the dog got out okay. >> now you've got one heck of a mess to clean up. >> i like his response. whatever. and as you could see, the dog is safe and sound in the arms of its owner. it's a road trip in the sky with video that will make you wish you were there. >> you're right, i am jealous. kind of like these guys won the lottery. >> we're showing you the wow of the west, next.
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some like it hot. really, really, really hot. this is a soup restaurant in kyoto, japan. that looks like nothing out of the ordinary, two bowls of soup. >> but when i meant they like it hot, i meant it. >> what? oh, boy. >> isn't that the craziest thing you've ever seen? they pour flaming hot broth into this soup. who eats this stuff, first of all. >> that is definitely some soup that you want to do one of these. >> notice that these bowls don't have one of those, caution, you're about to cop assume a hot soup. do they get lots of lawsuits from burnt tongues? >> i think if you walk into that
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restaurant and don't assume that soup is hot, you're kind of in trouble. in the words of one paris hilton, that's hot. >> oh. wait until you see who the police are after in lakeland, florida. surveillance video from this papa john's shows somebody walk in, a boy, it appears, wearing a shirt and tie. and he takes the papa john's pizza costume, puts the thing on in the store, and then walks right out. >> you mean to tell me he didn't steal any money, he stole the pizza costume? >> bingo. >> maybe easing he's getting ready for halloween and he thought thievery is the best way. >> the suspect is believed to be about 18 years old. he pops the costume on. basically, this piece of pizza grew legs and walked right out
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of the store. >> the weird thing is, no one seems to notice this. it's every day to see a pizza pizza walk out a store. >> it's the perfect crime. >> he should be easy to find in that cas >> i think you guys rgoing to lovein this was shot at lake powell by a group called team black sheep. now, you're going to be so jealous of these guys, nick. team black sheep is these guys that just decided they were going to spend the first couple of weeks in december traveling the western part of the united states, creating cool videos and then putting them out in a series of blogs, if you will, for people to view and enjoy. not only did they decide to travel the western part of the united states, the whole trip is
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sponsored by holly kings. >> they got to travel to the west sponsored and using remote control planes and stuff. it's kind of like these guys won the lottery. >> yeah. >> people are, in fact, loving watching the videos. here is a shot at their facebook page. they've gotten quite a few followers and quite a few people who were interested in seeing what they were up to in december. that's going to do it for this edition of "right this minute." we have one more video for you. this is adele's "rolling in the deep" being played on a chinese traditional instrument. we'll see you tomorrow, everybody. have a great one. ♪
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