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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  March 20, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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hi, everyone. i'm beth troutman. it's time for the best videos of the day, "right this minute." panic in the halls as a tornado bears down on a school. >> holy cow. >> watch as teachers try to rush students to safety. >> i don't think i've ever seen anything like this. it's powerful dash cam video. >> that really shows just how quickly an accident can happen, sort of out of nowhere. >> we've got the story leading up to the moment of impact.
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she may look like a leather ottoman, but that my friends, is a rare animal. you'll get to see her global debut. and ever look at your camping tent and thought, hmmm, that looks really yummy. >> no. >> like, eat it? >> uh-huh. >> never once. >> then you've never seen tents like these. >> ooh. gayle is going to get things started for us with some dramatic weather footage. and, of course, the story behind it. >> this video you guys are looking at is from a west clark community school in henryville, indiana. notice how everything is still quiet. but then outside, teachers are running outside, telling everybody hurry inside, a storm is coming. these buses had had just come back to the school. it's around 3:00 p.m. kids had been dropped off, but there were still students and staff in the school, about 80 of them. four minutes later, a tornado hit. and there were cameras inside the school, and it caught the destruction.
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>> whoa. >> whoa! >> the amount of energy and destruction that took place in such a short amount of time really boggles the mind. >> that was dr. john reed, the assistant superintendent. the building's roof was ripped off in a matter of 20 seconds, all of this happened. >> holy cow. >> watch what the people had to climb over after the storm hit. >> oh, it blew the doors open. gosh. >> i don't think i've ever seen anything like this. >> well, to think this is a large commercial building, the tornado seems to have noroblem just teing i to pieces. >> now lk at the it hits. you see the structure. intact. >> oh! >> whoa. >> whoa. >> it looks like it blew down a whole wall. >> holy cow. >> all you see is a skeleton of what the building formally was. >> it's so fortunate this happened after school. to see how the structure just crumbled under the force of these winds. i mean, imagine if students had
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been in school. >> and no students were injured. but, again, there were 80 students and staff members inside the building when that storm hit. on "right this minute," we've seen a lot of things. this is customs in germany, and people are smuggling cash wrapped up inside croissants. >> that would be tricky to bake money into a crescent roll, too. >> and here you see the chocolate easter eggs also stuffed with money inside. >> that would be a great easter basket to get. >> can you imagine? open it up and you've got $10,000? >> and the money would smell nice and chocolatey after being inside one of those easter bunnies. >> you're wondering, why are people smuggling this money? germany allows citizens of the european union to bring up to 10,000 euros, $13,000 into germany. anything above that has to be taxed. that's one of germany's leading sources of income.
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and they have discovered people are getting extremely creative. you have boxes that have dollar bills in them. here is a can of cocoa powder they put money in. they rig -- cell phone charger to stuff the money in there. >> how are they finding this money? >> because it's a problem for them. just last year, they confiscated 14 million euros worth of smuggled money. >> so why do they need to tax it? >> because they make a lot of money taxing this. last year, they made $123 billion euros. anywhere you travel, if you carry more than $10,000, you're going to be screened, because authorities worry you're trying to launder money. >> it would really stink if you were literally just trying to bring people some chocolate bunnies and they broke your chocolate bunnies open. and you're like, thanks, now you broke my chocolate bunnies. >> that would be pretty awful. so st. patrick's day celebrating turned violent in london, ontario, canada. and videos have been popping up
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all over the internet. >> whew! >> about 1,000 people near this college got tipsy on st. patrick's day and things turned into a riot. police came out, as you can see, in full riot gear to try to get these people under control. but as the rioters saw the police coming in, they just got more violent. they started throwing everything they could at the police. in all, 17 police vehicles were damaged. police couldn't get this riot under control, and eventually, back down for a while, because people got so incredibly crazy. in fact, take a look at this. the vehicle that you're seeing is actually a news vehicle from c-tv. the rioters got crazy, it looks like, and started beating the news vehicles.
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they eventually set this news vehicle on fire. >> was there something that triggered this rioting? >> yeah, something called alcohol. >> you see how big these flames get, because there was an explosion. >> holy cow. so nobody got hurt from that? >> no one got hurt. only minor injuries reported. but when this explosion happened, people finally started getting more under control, because police officers were saying, hey, you guys need to get back for your own safety. and by about 4:00 a.m., police finally got these wrioters unde control. in all, these rioters created $100,000 worth of damage. >> oh, yeah. it will burn. that will keep it going. i've got dash cam video for you guys that really just shows how quickly an accident can happen, sort of out of nowhere. this was on a highway in south korea. keep your eye on this white truck that you see ahead. [ screaming ]
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>> oh! >> as you can see, another car hits into that white truck, and both of them are airborne towards this car with the dash cam. >> oh, my goodness. for that truck to be lifted into the air and to fly toward the dash cam the way it does, i mean, the impact -- >> scares me the most too to listen to the conversation at the dash cam are having -- having a normal, in-car conversation, and then -- they barely have time to scream. the car that crashed into the truck was a hyundai. that driver was 72 years old, had two other people in the car. >> oh. >> that person blacked out after an additional accident that we don't see on-screen. and then was unconscious behind the wheel. >> oh! >> and sort of just barrelled into that white truck, which sent the white truck in the hyundai flying towards this dash cam. >> wow. >> almost looked like maybe that accident happened on -- >> a ramp, maybe. can't really tell. the truck driver was left in critical condition. the couple in the car with the dash cam, they only suffered
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minor injuries. >> wow. >> which is almost hard to believe. unfortunately, the three people in the hyundai who caused the accident did pass away in this crash. it's cardboard gone hard-core. >> the dragon wagon coming down the slopes. >> but it doesn't end well. >> i imagine it's kind of hard to control. >> find out what happens when cardboard and snow just don't mix. and a car that never quits. introducing the -- >> hagani wira. >> find out how much this baby is going for. >> it's hand-crafted. >> it's not like hand-crafted. it is hand-crafted. >> when we show you the new
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welcome back to the show. but don't forget to check in at great videos, all day long.
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guys, big, huge fight broke out on the streets of ukraine recently. the fight involves this guy you see right here walking with what looks like his girlfriend. and this road sign. >> gosh, those road signs are mean. >> apparently, this road sign was a mouthy one. starts punching and his girlfriend is no he didn't say anything, break it up, be cool. this guy is, like no, he has secrets about me. so then he tries a ninja karate kick, and that goes nowhere. the guy face plants on the sidewalk. at this point, it looks like if you're keeping score at home, it looks like the road sign is winning. eventually, the tides start turning. starts sort of bending this bottom part of it. a lot of his friends have left. they're like, oh, boy. jerry is fighting a road sign again. then he starts shaking it back and forth until he's able to actually bend this thing down to the ground. he bends it back the other way. /& this dude eventually snaps the road sign off and walks
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away. >> this is why people don't like going out with jerry anymore. >> jerry. >> jerry, you're the road-side-fighting champ. a fun springtime event sent several people to the hospital. this is maryland. it's the cardboard box derby. you see the dragon wagon coming down the slopes. it got out of control and slammed into some snow-making equipment on the side of the hill. some reports say as many as seven people were injured, including two children that were airlifted. there were as many as 14 people in this particular sled that was built out of cardboard. i imagine kind of hard to control. there's all sorts of weight in different areas. >> and was this a charity event, fund-raiser? >> this is an annual event that the lions club puts on to benefit the blind skiers program. >> oh, my god! >> the event is all about people building sleds out of cardboard
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boxes and having a good time and going down the tubing run at whisk ski resort in maryland. there are snow berms built. you can see about a foot and a half to two-foot berms to try to keep them in the run. >> but if you're picking up enough speed, those berms sort of turn into jumps if you fly off the edge. >> oh, no. >> and there's really no real way for them to stop. have you ever been out camping, looked at your tent and thought, mmmm, that looks really yummy. >> no. >> like, eat it? >> uh-huh. >> never once. >> well, i think you are about to, because these are the new tent designs. ♪ >> ooh. yeah, i like it. oh, a sandwich. >> always wanted to sleep inside a sandwich. >> right? >> so this is a company in the u.k. called field candy, and
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this is their latest collection called yummy. if you want to score one of these, they range in price from 4 to 900 bucks. >> i think i'll just eat a club sandwich. >> would you pay $3,000 for a really cool play house? >> no. >> because this is a company in maine. they're called wooden wonders. and they created this hobbit hole play house for kids. or you can really use these hobbit holes for anything. you can use it as a play house, a cottage, storage. but it's all in the shape of a -- >> hobbit hole. >> why don't i know what a hobbit hole is? what is a hobbit hole? >> a hobbit hole is the living quarters of the hobbits in the "lord of the rings" movie. >> i see. >> i think it's kind of cool. >> it is cool. >> not $3,000 cool, though. >> it is a completely usable shed, though, if you think of it. >> if you're going to use it for
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a shed, the circle door there, it's not very easy to get things in and out. >> you have to store really small things. maybe some hobbits. >> yeah, it's good for your hobbit storage. there's a whole new way to see the stars. and the new york subway goes all civilized. what a nice, comfy sleeper car. >> i would be so scared if somebody said hey, just lay down in this bed in the subway.
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i've always thought one of the coolest things about traveling by train is there a sleeper car and you can go there and pass out and wake up and you're at your destination. i've got a video of a sleeper car on a completely different kind of train. the new york city subway. >> is anybody here interested in hopping in? come on down. come on, it's okay. it's a sleeper car. frs it was put together by improv everywhere. this was an end train taking off from astoria in new york city. >> ladies and gentlemen, the one rule of this car, we do have some people who aren't sleeping so we're going to try to be very quiet. if you would like to put on pajamas, we have pajamas for you. >> i would be so scared if somebody said hey, lay down on this bed in the subway. i don't think they would change the sheets between passengers.
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>> oh, right. and what stop would you like to wake up at? [ inaudible ] >> you're the center of attention. it's a little weird to fall asleep with like rows of people on either side of you watching you sleep. >> all right, everyone, all three beds are now taken. so unless someone wakes up, i'm not able to offer a bed. i am able to offer a sleep mat, if anybody just wants to do what this gentleman is doing. would you like a sleep mat? i think it's a cool idea. neat experiment. you see a few people here when they get woken up at their stop. >> i'll take your mat. thank you. how was it? did you have a nice rest? >> yes, i did. >> great. >> the thing i love about improv everywhere, they always end up making people smile. ferraris and lamborghinis, they're like a prius compared to the wira.
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this video is for all my motor sports fans out there. it's a documentary about this car, selling for $1.1 million. >> what? >> this is as exotic a super car as you can get. 0 to 60 in 3.3 seconds, 700 horsepower. it's made of something called carbo titanium. >> a material that offers the rigidity and low-weight characteristics of carbon fiber, and makes sure that during an impact with stresses beyond the point of fracture, the titanium holds the parts together. >> the name wira comes from the south american word for wind god. >> so it does fly, right? >> it does not fly. it flies up to about 235 miles per hour, but it stays on the ground. and it stays on the ground with some really intricate and interesting computerized arrest owe dynamics. >> in milliseconds, the system determines which of the four wheels requires additional down force to balance the car.
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and individually ack ates four aerodynamic surfaces. they're cutting everything individually. it's not like a big stamp and robots are putting it together. it's like hand-crafted. >> it's not like handled-crafted. it is hand-crafted. >> one man, one engine. skilled master mechanics individually hand-craft each engine. >> this is a 15-minnesotay documentary that & we'll put the entire thing on for all my car fans who want to see how they make the pegani wira. take a look at this little bundle of joy. little is figurative here. >> well, little is the key word, because this is a pigmy hippo, smaller than the average hippopotamus. this is eve, a pigmy hippo born at the he had enboro zoo in scotland. >> aww. >> she is shiny. >> she is a couple months old.
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this is her mom, ellen, behind her, and this is mom's second baby hippo. >> they're more of a jungle animal, correct? >> they are a jungle animal. they are herbivores, love to eat cabbage, apples, and lettuce. they feed in the evening. >> they're more aggressive than regular hippos, aren't they? >> they are more aggressive than regular hippos. they are considered to be pretty aggressive animals in general, but cuter, because they're so tiny. >> the mom ellen is keeping tabs on her as she is playing around out there, like a good mom would do. >> they say ellen is a great mum. >> they would say mum. >> scottish. >> she is a mum. >> she is a great mum. >> what happened to ellen's first calf? >> ellen's first calf -- >> she went off to college. >> ellen's first calf is now in spain. her first calf was born a couple years ago. the pigmy hippopotamus is a native of west africa, and currently they are considered an endangered species.
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♪ we are taking you on a bike ride -- >> from 3,600feet all the way downhill adventure that -- >> so cool.
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according to this next video, this takes place in mexico. looks like it's some sort of parade or celebration. you've got this guy on a horse here on the street. horse is in heaven.
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the horse is like, you know what, i thought i was coming to this parade to eat some cotton candy and watch some floats go by. i didn't know i had to be part of the performance. >> oh! >> that horse is like, this is one way to get you off my back. i'm going to jump directly straight in the air and show off my vertical. >> what is that wrestling move? >> pile driver. >> the two-stone pile driver. >> coming soon. >> oh. >> man, that could have been bad. >> that's one way to get the dude off your back. >> need to learn that move. >> you can take this video home. brace yourselves for some gorgeous scenery. this beautiful scenery was shot in fiorina, norway. now, this is a beautiful area that has some high mountains and goes all the way down to sea
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level. and what you're about to see, some crazy mountain biking from 3,600 feet all the way down to sea level. so the guys who were biking here called norona ambassadors, an outdoor clothing store in norway. and they are testing some single-track mountain bike clothing. these guys are billy from the swiss alps and alex from sweden. what they're trying to showcase is you can do on a mountain bike what people do on skis and snow boards. >> except without the snow. >> right. >> that's gorgeous. they're just coming right down that narrow spine. that's so cool. >> they shot this with some handheld cameras. they said they even had some home-made zip line cameras and gorgeous aerial shots. they're from a helicopter. >> looks like they met some friends on the way down. >> they about, some sheep. >> it's cool, they come from the rocky mountains to where it's wet and mossy.
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i would love to do this. >> they were saying these trails were actually trails cleared by local farmers going up and down this mountain. >> and you know what's amazing, how fast they're going down these very rocky mountains. >> they're pretty talented bikers. and there they are. they made it to sea level. that's going to do it for this edition of "right this minute." we're so glad you joined us. and we're going to leave with you one more video. this is time lapse footage of the stars, as seen from the international space station. enjoy it. we'll see you tomorrow, everybody.
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