tv Right This Minute KICU March 22, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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hi, everyone. i'm beth troutman. we have the best videos the web has to offer and the stories behind them, "right this minute." a helmet cam shows what it's like in the middle of an inferno. >> seeing it from the inside, it almost takes your breath. >> how some brave firefighters beat back the flames. >> people that complain about their desk jobs being boring should watch this video. he rides circles around squad cars and amongst the cops. >> this guy is dumber than dumb.
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>> what it took to finally outsmart the ghost rider. an overcast day turns to a weather emergency. >> that weather emergency, pop storm. >> see what blew that really mucked up the streets. and meet the kids pounding coffee and cigarettes, whose mom can't get him to stop. >> i'd smash his behind with my belt if he didn't stop smoking. >> yeah. got a rare look inside the workings of a fire. check this out. it's a two-story house fire. you see the firefighter approaching a very well-involved fire. he grabs his tank, throws it on and right through the front door begins attacking this fire. the fire seems to be bursting out of the upstairs doorway. you see the firefighter approaching and going up the stairs. you can hear him thumping around, checking the floor to make sure the floor isn't unsafe to walk on. he goes upstairs and turns
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right, because that's where the fire seems to be coming from most. and hear one of his other buddies say watch out to your left. >> i've always wondered what that looks like for them when they go into a burning home. and so this shows us exactly what they have to deal with. >> a couple other partners find a hot spot inside the wall. they bust out some of the wall material, gets in there with the hose. >> move out of the way. [ inaudible ] >> this is a whole new perspective. think of this happening at night. now that i'm seeing it from the inside, it almost takes your breath. >> were they able to put out the fire? >> they were able to get this house fire under control. hopefully saving a lot of property and memories and the rest of the house. people that complain about their desk jobs being boring should watch this video. i think they have -- think they have a pretty cushy job after that. [ inaudible ]
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there's a ghost writer that was haunting neighborhoods in a park in illinois. he's a little more criminal and a little less super hero. this is the motorcycle rider, and he is driving through a big, grassy area. it doesn't seem out of the ordinary, until you see a police officer trying to stop this rider. [ sirens ] >> but as you can see, he doesn't stop. >> oh, he's blowing stop signs, popping wheelees in the face of the cops. >> he is taunting the cops. [ bleep ] he caught all of this on a gopro camera on his helmet. there he is evading another cop. he gets on his back wheel, lifts the front wheel and zooms right past him. >> this guy is dumber than dumb. i do enjoy the videos, though, they're kind of fun to watch. but he's a bonehead. one of these days he's going to
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get t-boned or something. >> these were taped in november by this ghost rider, but he was recently taken into custody and now faces three felony charges, including possession of a stolen vehicle, fleeing and alluding the police and a count of driving on a suspended license. >> do we know how old this guy is? >> yes, this is 22-year-old justin jackniak. >> how crazy he's got video evidence now they can use in court against him. >> this guy definitely never saw csi. because he's taking these videos, posting them on his youtube channel. obviously, they can figure out some way to trace the youtube channel. >> it can't be hard to find this guy, because most of his driving was on wheeler drive, and he posted these youtube videos on a channel called wheeler drive bandits. >> this guy is dumb. guys, i've got video of a never-before-seen weather emergency. [ sirens ] that weather emergency, poop
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storm. >> oh. >> oh. >> yeah. >> oh! >> yeah, it looks like a regular overcast day. people walking on the sidewalk. keep your eyes on the right hand corner of your screen. watch that ant hole cover. it pops off and it's a sewer explosion. >> wow. >> oh, that poor person in that block suit that was in the crosswalk. >> yes. >> you can imagine what's going on here. the poop storm sets this car's alarm off. you can see the lights start blinking. but there is one person trapped in the poop storm. >> oh, my god. >> even put a hole in the rear window of this blue car here. the poop storm can be dangerous. >> holy cow. that's awesome. completely knocked that person off their feet. wants that's awful. not awesome. are you kidding me? >> how often do you get to see a natural phenomenon like this? >> i don't believe this is a natural-occurring phenomenon. >> i guess originally it was caused by mother nature, the origin. and imagine if this is your car,
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you park it on the street and, oh, man, found agreat spot today. you come out, your back window is open and full of poop. fmplths that person doesn't come out for a few hours, they'll be, what happened? >> yeah, it is gross. f-4, f-5. the poop storm scale has yet to be determined. this is the only one ever caught on camera. down the line on rating. nick wrote poop storm enthusiast. >> i don't think people would come to see this happen. >> the duty geyser. i just want to know what you guys think about this news story. this is in richmond, virginia. a woman took her 4-year-old daughter to belle isle, which is this kind of park area with water and rocks and she took her daughter there to play. per daughter had some sidewalk chalk, as 4-year-olds often have, and made some markings on the rocks by the water. got a ticket for this, for
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destruction of property. >> are you kidding me? >> i assumed she could use the sidewalk chalk on a public sidewalk, that it would be okay on the public rocks. >> one legal analyst says this is ridiculous for this woman to get a ticket, because destruction of property means something that's permanent. this is sidewalk chalk. >> it's sidewalk chalk that's going to wash off in five minutes of rain. >> now the officer that issued the ticket says, well, we give people warnings, and sometimes sidewalk chalk doesn't wash off with the first rain. >> i don't know she should have gotten a ticket. maybe the cop could have said don't do this anymore. but look, if everybody was out there with all their kids, marking up the rocks with chalk, yeah, it looks messy. i want to see the beauty of the spot. and the parents should maybe think about keep the chalk to your driveway. >> this is a public area, not a historical marker, not covered with graffiti. and the ticket is going to cost mom about $300. she is set to appear in court in june. and beyond the $300 ticket and the june court date, she is also now banned from all public
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parks. >> that's dumb. >> that's ridiculous. what was this kid writing on the rocks? drawing swastikas? >> she is not a sex offender. why ban her from the park. we want to know what you think, head to we brought you this video yesterday. the guy who looks like he can fly like a bird. but some people are skeptical. >> i was a little suspicious about this guy. >> the bird man who ignited a worldwide debate. real or fake? and, okay, so we've got some more driving stunts for you. but wait. this is really cool stuff. >> that is insane. >> don't believe us? check out the drifting stunts that won't disappoint. ?ú??b??? ???c??@?????c:ow
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juan mcgreggor, what do you think it would be? >> something british. >> it would be a rom-com? >> that's close. what about you? >> i don't know. >> well, i'm going to tell you because they're in a new movie. comes out friday the 23rd of march. >> i act on behalf a client who has indicated the desire to introduce the sport of fishing into yemen. >> salmon fishing in the yemen. would that make you want to see it? >> it's specific. >> it's what it's about. >> not a weird, ambiguous title. >> i got a chance to talk to emily and ewen. >> i said what is it? and he said salmon fishing in the yemen. and to me you hear so many bad titles and so many boring titles that i was like what is this film about? >> i really don't -- i think it's an intriguing title. >> a breath of fresh air. that's why people should see it. >> now, this is specifically for you, beth.
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do you think it's fair that she gets to choose between ewan mcgreggor and this guy in the movie? >> fair how? fair to other women? >> yes. >> go emily blunt. >> isn't it awful? what a tough life. >> i'm not sure it was that difficult, really. yesterday i brought you guys this story. this is the netherlands. city casing his bird wings. >> i'm skeptical. >> i'm not. >> he was a little suspicious about this guy. he didn't look to me like he had the upper body strength to fly under human power. >> this video has ignited a debate. the folks at gizmodo spoke to george lucas' cgi mastermind, several of their cgi masterminds seem to think this is, in fact, fake, calling into question the quality of the video. they say, okay, if this guy can build a pair of bird wings and invest all the money in that process, don't you think he
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could also invest money in a really great camera crew and maybe some nice equipment? they're also calling into question the physics behind it. there are other videos on his site and cgi specialists looked at these videos and they're calling into question different shadows. they're looking at different angles, and thinking, okay, this is actually cgi. burr they're saying if it is fake, they did a great job. but the folks at yahoo spoke to myth buster star jamie heinman and he thinks it's real. >> i didn't know he thought it was real. i love that guy. >> is he saying that it's just him flapping the wings? >> no. he admits there is a mechanical device that helped assist in the flapping of the wings. >> i really want this to be true. because it would be so fantastic if it was. >> i hope i'm wrong. >> well, we want to know what you think. head over tookpage. one distraction it all it takes for a driver to lose control of a car. >> this is going to be good. >> these people in scotland are going to learn an experience
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that is first-hand. these theater-goers are seeing an ad, a life cinema ad. the driver and the passenger are carrying on this conversation. and when they shot this, they make it seem like the audience is in the back seat. so the driver or the passenger on occasion turn around to talk to the audience. [ phone ringing ] [ speaking in foreign language ] >> this guy is part of this campaign. [ phone ringing ] [ speaking in foreign language ] [ speaking in foreign language ] >> i'm really sorry. i can't talk right now. yeah, i understand. but i can't talk right now. i need to go! >> very effective. i like it. >> i get the idea, because it is a great idea to showcase what
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could happen if you're distracted in that one moment that an accident can happen. but what kind of a lame way to like have the guy like -- oh, no, i can't talk right now. i can't talk. >> i kind of liked it. cool, sitting next to that guy. oh, my god, this is the guy in the back seat. this, i think, was a really clever way to drive the message home. ♪ some hooligans get caught on camera. >> are they trying to be like african poachers? is. >> well, you could call them art poachers. and we'll explain why people are fed up. and a mother whale and her calf get very friendly with whale-watchers. >> she is showing off her new baby. >> see why this video is more like people-watching, later.
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we have seen videos of people trying to steal all sorts of things on this show. money, cars, jewelry. but we've got a video for people trying to steal something a little bit different. these are a couple guys trying to steal the horn of the aluminum rino statue outside of the museum london. you see these guys kicking and punching this thing. they are taking pictures with this thing. the statue is one of the best-known and loved sort of landmarks of the city. >> are they trying to like be african poachers? >> the creator is a guy named
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tom benner and he made this as an owed ode to the rino species. it was said the horn had magical powers. >> had someone come and do this. exactly why i built it. to have some morons from london come and rip her horn off is just almost exactly why i built her. >> he estimates this is the sixth time that this horn has been stolen. >> every time i have to redo the horn -- >> he has replaced it every time since and they're hoping the surveillance video leads to the arrest of this most recent occasion. >> once you go through the trouble to steal this horn, what do you do with it? >> put it in your trophy case with all of your other ill-gotten gains. >> the fact that this has happened a sixth time, people are weird. >> yeah. if you see somebody walking around in london with a big
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aluminum rino horn necklace, maybe turn that person into the cops. we've seen a lot of videos on "right this minute." this one starts off in saudi arabia. here you think this guy is about to tip over. >> that's awesome. >> insane. >> we see some pretty awesome inside-the-car videos. >> holy cow. >> the guy driving sticks his head out the window and drives with his toes. did you see that? >> that is fantastic. >> his hands aren't even on the wheel. it's just toe. >> who is pressing the gas? >> cruise control. >> i could watch thistuff all is part of their driver's test over there, okay, you parallel park. now drift that car on two wheels, and we'll give you your license. >> there is definitely a science to this, without a doubt. >> there has to be something about distributing the weight inside the car, too. >> this shot right here, the guy is actually grabbing on to the window of the passenger side while he's driving with his hands. >> oh.
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this is seriously, though, my favorite part. the guy is just straight-up chilling with the door open with his flip flops, on the ground. >> those are like slipperses, house slippers. he's got both legs out. >> he has both legs out. >> you're right, he does. >> he's standing on the running board. what? >> he's opening the hood. >> is he like checking the oil? what is he doing? >> but he does have his hazard lights on. this kid has got a bad habit. >> he smokes 25 cigarettes a day. >> wow. >> and he is only 8 years old. >> are you kidding me? >> nope. not kidding. the mini chain smoker that just won't quit. honey...? [ mom ] yes.
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where is her cord?! we switched to at&t high speed internet and got wireless access. no more cords. wireless, okay, honestly, can i just get a cord, please? dad, the cord's invisible. [ female announcer ] call at&t today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. oooh. videos online? here? how much is that? nothing. at&t high speed internet at home includes access here. our invisible cord is really long, dad. oooh. [ female announcer ] get access to the entire national at&t wi-fi hot spot network for no extra charge. so call today to get high speed internet for just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. aren't you glad we switched to at&t? yes...but i want my own invisible cord. you already have one. oh. ♪
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stunt rider jorian knows how to handle two wheels. here he is on a track in willamina, sweden. he has got his studded tires on. watch this. dorian approaches his pickup truck. the pickup truck does a spin and is slides out. jorian does too and goes right underneath the truck. >> oh, boy. >> isn't that awesome? >> that's dangerous.
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>> but it's awesome video. this is what jorian does. he's a stunt man. feet up and over the front of the handlebars. one hand. >> who knew you could do these stunts on like a slippery surface? >> i could see putting studded tires on and that would give you some traction. i'm just amazed at how much control he has on snow and ice. this is one of those videos that makes you just say how the heck did you let it get to this? let's go to indonesia where we see an-year-old. this is otty, he smokes 25 cigarettes a day. what's worse, he has dropped out of school because he can't smoke in school. >> he's 8 years old. how do you even get started? >> well, there's no age limit for buyers of cigarettes in indonesia, so he could walk right up to your neighborhood convenience store and buy these things. his parents say they're scared to make him stop.
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[ speaking in foreign language ] >> i have to let him smoke. otherwise he will get mad. he smashed the windows five times because i told him he could not smoke. >> i would smash his behind with my belt. >> a lot of people would agree with you. >> an 8-year-old nic fits. >> you see him also drinking coffee. >> not chocolate milk. >> coffee? >> i think the parents are going to have to deal with the nicotine fit for a week or two until he gets it out of his system. if they want their child to be healthy and get back in school. >> talk about who is in control here of the parent, you know, child relationship. >> without school, we have to spend 20,000 for cigarettes each day. >> are you kidding me? the parents are supporting this? the parents are paying for his cigarettes? >> where does he get the money, of course. they're giving him money to kind of feed into this habit. smoking is super popular in indonesia, which is why some people are calling for some stricter legislation.
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so an 8-year-old can't go and buy a pack of cigarettes. this is a remarkable moment all caught on camera. it was shot by one world, one ocean. it's a nonprofit organization, and they shoot movies, they do television shows, they put things on the web. because they want to start kind of a grass roots campaign to get people involved in ocean causes. this is in mexico. these folks are on a small boat, whale watching. twh this gray whale does. this is a mother gray whale and her calf. and it appears as though the mother whale is lifting up her calf to get a better look at the humans. >> geez. >> unbelievable. >> i don't even think this is whale watching anymore. i think this is people watching. >> talk about getting your money's worth. you're lucky if you go out there and see anything. and you see this? >> listen to the reaction of the people on this boat. >> that's -- >> that's the calf.
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come back here -- >> the mother is right there! there's the mother! oh! >> this is in the reserve, one of the last protected gray whale nursing and breeding ground. >> i would be nervous, because when a mother and young are out in the wild, that's the last place you want to be. on here, it seems the opposite. >> she is showing it off. she is showing off her new baby. >> that was so cute. >> that's going to do it for today's "right this minute." we hope you enjoyed yourselves. have an awesome rest of your day, everybody. have an awesome rest of your day, everybody. we'll see you tomorrow. -- captions by vitac --
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