tv Right This Minute KICU April 2, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman, it's time for some great videos and the stories behind them "right this minute." a teacher is accused of taunting a boy with cerebral palsy. and it's all ought on audio after -- >> jose's mom alicia bugged little joe's wheelchair. >> do not draw on my paper, joe. >> hear how the recording is sparking worldwide outrage. it does not get much more dangerous than firefighters on a roof top over toxic flames. >> wow. >> the roof begins to collapse under their feet. >> what happens when the heroes need a hero themselves. >> a motorcycle comes to a stop but the car behind him, not so much. >> then there's this video. >> called choppers, banana bread
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and punctures. >> weird title. >> yeah. little confusing. >> professional riders who picks the amateur? >> see why that's the understatement of the year. steven will get our show started today with our top story. >> two alabama school teachers have been placed on administrative leave. it has to do with this student, 10-year-old jose salinas. his friends call him little joe. he's a fourth grader in newton, alabama. now, little joe suffers from cerebral palsy, but a high-functioning version. he can walk. he can talk. his mom says when he's at home, he doesn't shut up about the teenage mutant ninja turtles and power rangers. every day when he would come home from school, she would ask how was your day at school? he would say good and seemed depressed. when one of little joe's
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classmates told jose's mom that some teachers were being mean to him at school, jose's mom alicia bugged little joe's wheelchair and took him to school and got 16 hours worth of recordings. >> do not draw on my paper, joe. i do not want to catch your drool. you understand that? obviously you don't. is anybody else at this table drooling? >> that's the voice of alicia brown. >> look at it! look at it! that's because you won't swallow. that's disgusting. >> i want to cry. >> as you can imagine, when little joe's mom heard these recordings, she said it broke her heart. she immediately pulled joe from the school. the superintendent of the school heard these 16 hours, these 16 hours of recordings, and immediately put these two teachers on administrative leave. a few days later, the teachers
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returned back to the school to teach, but that's when other parents in the school started pulling their children out of the school saying, no, my kids are not going here. >> good for them. >> when other parents pulled their students out of the school, the superintendent said i made a big mistake, put the two teachers back on administrative leave. april 9th the school board will meet to decide what happens next to these two teachers. >> what i heard sounds like something that doesn't belong in a school. sounds like somebody not properly trained to deal with a child with cerebral palsy. >> the facebook page called we got your back little joe has currently pore than 7,500 members where people are sort of rallying behind joe saying, hey, we got your back. >> guys, i want you to listen to this next video first and tell me what you think it is.
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any guess? >> sounds like guys typing on computer keyboards really fast. >> sounds like chains on a roller coaster, lifting a cart up a hill. >> i felt it sounded like somebody riding a big wheel down the street. >> was gunfire. this was found on a youtube channel. these are soldiers from the 101st airborne somewhere in afghanistan, they're riding in a mine resistant ambush protected vehicle. think of a hummer but bigger with more armor. this is the driver filming with his cell phone. see that spider web in his window? that window just blocked a bullet. those thumps you hear? those are rocket propelled grenades going off. they're in a heavy ambush by taliban fighters. the vehicle they're riding in is
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resistant to this type of attack, because it has a v-shape hull, and the heavy thick glass blocks against bullets. >> i'm so glad they have this to work with. >> if you listen closely at the end, one guy says my leg hurt. >> he hit my door. my leg is killing me. >> what we know, all these guys got out okay. >> i'm sorry, but this video really makes me kind of hate motorcycles. that is exactly why. this guy is riding his motorcycle. comes to a stop. but the person behind him is not paying attention. >> so the motorcyclist ends up smashed between two cars. >> but he's fine. he's fine. he's on his feet -- >> he doesn't look like he's fine. he's walking. we found this video on liveleak. >> i'm so sorry.
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>> sorry? >> of course she's sorry. she didn't do it intentionally. >> the guy was in front of her to begin with. got to watch out. he's also at fault, too. i'll tell you why. he's got to watch his rarview mirrors all the time. when a c like thatfryo eye on the mirror and be ready for somebody to plow in the back of you. if you see a car coming, not slowing down, be ready to get out of the way. >> the scary part is the crunch sound as the car hits him. >> i think it's time to ban motorcycles. >> stop it. it's time for people to start paying attention to everybody around them. i ride every day. he rode today, i'll ride tomorrow. look at this video from wxyz. it's from dearborn, michigan. this is a fire that broke out at a cleaners. so firefighters were nervous of the cleaning fluid inside of a dry cleaner.
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these three firefighters are on the roof trying to ventilate the situation. watch what happens. >> oh, my goodness. >> get. get. get off. >> the whole thing just starts caving in. >> wow. >> the roof begins to collapse right under their feet. the guy in the red helmet, you see him get off the roof quickly, he helps pull both of his partners up over that ledge. >> geez. >> man. if he had gone down there, they could have died. >> how would he have gotten out? >> cue imagine that moment that roof started giving way? >> it was close but they were kick, too. it wasn't but a split second and they were jumping towards the roof there. >> they were so close to all three of them dying. >> luckily in this situation they did get the fire under control and no injuries were reported from this blaze. >> wow. >> can you imagine the discussion at the firehouse that night? talking to the buddy that just essentially saved you?
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that hole did open up a little bit. the guy standing next to you pulls you to safety. a tour bus loses control and takes down everything in its path, including a cop. >> where did that person come from? >> find out what happened after this tour turned ugly. and it's almost that time. real or fake time, of course. first up -- >> ah! >> fireworks gone really wrong. but is it real. >> i think it's real. >> you decide when we break it down later.
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too fast for the traffic comes barrelling through. look down towards the bottom of the screen, you see a crumbled up body. >> where did that person come from? . he was trying to direct traffic off screen. this bus clipped another vehicle, lost control and ran over the officer killing him. he's a 30-year veteran. the bus driver tried to flee the scene after this. police caught up with her a few hundred yards after she comes to rest along the side rail. >> she tried to flee the scene in the bus or on foot? >> on foot. she jumped out and ran. i don't know how that bus got so fast and so out of control. >> you see the person stand big the disabled vehicle comes to help the officer. >> after the bus hits the police officer, knocks this other person down, too. >> even if there wasn't this accident, the bus is going too
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fast to make that curve. this is ryan grassley, he's in panama. >> this is the place where i first met my wife when i was here with the national guard. we were working on this clinic. >> every year they try to give back to the community that brought them together. >> aw. >> so they spent roughly $75, they got dolls, green army men, toy cars. >> the faces are so sweet. they look so grateful. so cute because they're waiting their turn. >> yeah. >> my favorite part about this video is the fact that someone is doing something very find for someone who doesn't expect it. so one of his subscribers sent him $20 to help the community, he heard there was a dump that people were living in. so he decided to ride over to mcdonald's, buy 20 $1 hamburgers and take them to these people. >> these are not workers.
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these are people who live in this landfill? >> these people live in this landfill. >> that's beyond poverty. we wanted to find out more, so we reached out to ryan, a he's joining us via sky all the way frpanama. >> what i want to do is show people how easy it is for them to just pull off the side of the road once in a while and say here you go. make somebody's day brighter. >> what is the reaction of the kids when you're handing them these toys? they looked a little apprehensive at first. >> it's something that doesn't happen often in a place like that. it took a couple seconds for it to sink in what's happening, then a warm comes back when they hear. >> tell me about this landfill, how did you come about these people in the first place? >> someone had mentioned to me there were people living at the landfill. i just decided to drive out there one day. it was really shocking to me because that place was like ten minutes from where i live. i live in a decent house, i have
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plenty of things. so, only ten minutes away there's people with nothing. it is really shocking to see that. guys, this next video is called choppers, banana bread and punctures. >> weird title. >> little confusing. but it will all make sense in a second. it's a highlight video from this year's abra cape epic, an eight-day bike race that happens every year in south africa. here is your chopper. there is your banana bread. here is one of this rider's many punctures. riders enter as part of two-rider teams. this team is sponsored by jamis bicycles. they have to ride together and reach the daily finish line together as well. this includes aspiring, amateur and pro bicycles. they are go over the african plains, mountaintops, vineyards,
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up rocky uphills, tricky downhills, crossing rivers. all in all, it's 541 miles long. more than 53,000 feet of this track is climbing. >> their legs look bionic. >> these teams are made up of professional riders and amateurs and they all have to start and finish each race together? >> you basically with your teammate -- we could be a team. >> who's the amateur in this? >> it's not one amateur and one pro. >> that's crazy that the pros are waiting at the top of the hill going where is that -- >> no. no they are a two-person team. >> they can be two amateurs, they could be a pro, it could be an amateur and a pro -- >> it doesn't have to be amateurs on the team? >> no. no. >> you're still not getting this? >> i get it. >> what pro would ever pick an amateur as a teammate? >> they don't have to. >> poor amateur guy -- >> i get you. if i were a professional rider, i wouldn't pick an amateur
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welcome back to the show. don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. dancing cows -- ♪ ♪ the favorite part of every monday, real or fake time with matt. since the beginning of april, we like to say april showers bring matt's flowers from the garden of the internet. >> wow. >> let's get started with real
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or fake. our first video, why you shouldn't make bootleg firework fireworks. i just like the title. >> ah! ah! >> is that his hand flapping? >> okay. >> i think he blew off his hand. >> the scream is real. >> i think it's real. >> that's why you don't play with fireworks. >> i think you can actually see his legs blow up right there. >> maybe it's more of his leg -- >> i don't know. look at his hand. his hand does not look right. >> don't play with fireworks, kids. >> that was rough. >> it was a successful clip. got to hand it to him. >> oh. >> guy runs head first into metal gate. >> what? it wasn't even an accident? he did that on purpose?
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>> it looks like he did that on purpose. i don't know why, though. >> this is a guy running head first into a metal gate. >> did he think he was going to break through it? i can't think of what the goal was? >> i think he just thought he was going to get his head up against the metal gate. >> almost looks like he pulls his arms up, too, at the last second. i think some of his arms take the blow. >> either way he shouldn't be trying so hard to get rid of the brain cells he has left the. >> what do you think? >> i think he was hammered. >> he's hammered, it's real, and he hammered into a metal gate. let's go to number three. pipebombs and beer don't mix. ♪ >> man. >> still holding his beer. >> oh. >> eight pins, 35 staples, four inches of staples, eight pin holes. >> yeah. all real. all injuries. all good.
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>> that was my favorite, i think. >> definitely real. sadly, we're not always on tv. but don't worry, because we're always on full episodes, breaking news, great videos, always on mommy take some out. >> i think this is a smart video. reels you in with the funny comments in the beginng. >> but then it takes a not so funny turn. see what this video is all about.
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♪ >> i came into my room to find my dog like this. >> is that a pug? >> that's morty the pug. when his owners were away, he found his way into the trash. >> next to him is a piece of pizza crust he pulled out of the garbage. >> he left the evidence. he should know betterment. >> he can't move now. he's trying to move. >> he's so knocked out. >> he gorged.
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>> you can tell he's a healthy eater. >> more rolls than a bakery. >> i would like to point is, you towards the dog bed, located one foot to his left. >> he does look super comfortable. >> i like how he put his paws up there like come on, get that camera out of my face. >> ladies and gentlemen, my dog, morty. >> you know kids say the darnedest things. we have all seen the videos, the bleep blank says. somebody has put the two together. >> that is not scary. it's like eeh, it's like i don't like them. this is called the bleep kids say. >> i will take that. >> two babies, do they know
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already? frnlg>> that one. you like it. >> things start to get a litt moreio i don't want to go back y house. >> is this a psa for something? is this a psa for alcoholism? >> this is a psa from the nfpcc, by filmmaker amanda boyle. and this is to help people who think something is odd with kid s to do something about it. don't wait until you're certain, call somebody and ask them. >> i think it's a smart video. reels you in with the funny comments in the beginning, then halfway through, one of the girls say -- >> it was my fault.
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>> it breaks your heart. >> heartbreaking and yet effective. that's it for us here at "right this minute." we're so glad you joined us. we do have one more video four. it's russian snowboarding. it's called carving moments. enjoy it. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ bailey: there are 13,000 cabs in new york city,
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