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tv   SJSU Update News  KICU  April 22, 2012 1:30am-2:00am PDT

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like he said. ♪ campus... the inauguration of s-j-s-u president is happening right now... i'll have a live report. the u-s- secretary of homeland security was on campus this week... we'll have team coverage of her visit. c-s-u faculty and staff around california are threatening to strike. we'll tell you how soon professors could be boycotting the classroom... update news starts right now.
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hello and welcome to update news... im keith bryant. and i'm michelle rivera... thanks for joining us. today san jose state is officially inaugurating its president ... mohammed quayomi. the ceremony -- happening right now at the event center -- has drawn foreign dignitaries, including the afghan ambassador to the u-s and saudi ambassador to the u-s. the mayor of san jose and the chancellor of the california state university system are also honoring quayomi. brandon castillo is covering the event ... he joins us on campus with a live report ... brandon. michelle... preparations for the inauguration have been planned for months. activities got underway at 9-30 this morning with an official procession of faculty to the event center. quayomi was appointed president of san jose state in july of 2011. he was born in afghanistan the son of a carpenter. and that's the reasons the afghan ambassador is here -- to recognize the remarkable rise of an afghan-american. " one of the really great aspects of our new president is that he does share a life
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story that is similar to a vast majority of our student body. he is the first in his family ... first generation to go to college. he enjoyed learning from an early age and had a goal of becoming a university president."" quayomi addressed a large crowd -- including many afghan- americans. he talked about his roots ... and the importance of higher education. we'll have full in-depth coverage of this historic event ... next week. reporting live on campus ... brandon castillo update news. four former san jose mayors... along with current mayor chuck reed... got together monday for a round table discussion to talk about their experiences as city mayor. norman mineta... janet gray hayes... susan hammer and ron gonzalez rounded out the panel of former mayors... representing four of san jose's five previous city leaders. the discussion was part of the s-j-s-u don edwards lecture series. moderator and political science professor terry christensen is an expert in local politics. " usually people don't just run for mayor. they start at a lower level like school board. i think some of our mayors were school board members, city council members, supervisors and so on to get experience and to
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become better known." the former mayors made themselves available afterward to talk with audience members. it is the last don edwards lecture series christensen will participate in because he is retiring this year. he has been part of the program since it started in 19-95. u-s secretary of homeland security -- janet napolitano visited san jose state this week. she was greeted by both protest and applause -- as she spoke about career opportunities and cybersecurity. we have team coverage of the historic event ... we begin with jayme sy live on campus ... jayme. napolitano ... was on campus on monday for just a couple of hours ... but during that short time she got a lot of attention. " (nat sot protestorsñ protestors speaking out against the federal government's deportation policies tried to get secretary napolitano's attention ... their chants could be heard during naplitano's speech, but she did not comment on them. the department of homeland security oversees border security and immigration.
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(juan sanchez)this affected community, this affected the latino community." security was tight in around the engineering building where napolitano spoke. sjsu police and federal agents swept the building -- usingb bomb-sniffing dogs. agents searched the belongings of everyone who attended the speech. it was open to all students -- and some professors strongly urged their students to attend. (glynn falcon) i brought my class here today, they're the aviation safety and security class, and this is the topic they're on right now, homeland security, and how we can improve aviation safety, what would make it a little more convenient. some professors said the main topic she addressed was important all students. (tomas kolodziejak) cyber security relates to all the majors, whether you're civil engineering, or business, or even nursing you know, it affects you and we need some it literacy in that sense." the focus of secretary napolitano's visit was about cybersecurity. justin germono has that part
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of the story. " secretary napolitano received a warm welcome from students, faculty and staff in the engineering building early monday. napolitano often speaks at various college campuses...but san jose state's geographic location made this visit all the more timely and relevant. professor young: "i think it's important, given we are the heart of silicon valley, that she recognized san jose state as one of the larger entities that's dealing with cyber-security" and cyber security is one of napolitano's biggest concerns. napolitano: "threats in the cyber domain encompass a broad range of activities, form targeted spear phishing attacks, to malware, to denial of service, to intrusions into the control systems of government networks and systems that manage our nation's critical infrastructure." these attacks can be carried out by individuals, criminal or terrorist organizations, and even nation states. < begin stand up>" "but it's not just the government at risk here. staying connected be it with our mobile devices or laptop computers are a part of our everyday lives. and with social networks like linkedin and facebook, and the increasing popularity of online shopping... our personal
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information is also at risk."< < end stand up> everyday internet users can police suspicious activity by using the "see something, say something" approach implemented after 9-11 "being alert and being willing to share that information, so that we can make appropriate decisions" napolitano says college students understand today's technology -- are creative -- innovative and important to this country's security ... now more than ever.n napolitano "what we can say is, we need you, we want you, and we believe that this is a great, great thing you can contribute to your country and that's an important value too...thank you" (applause) on campus... justin germono... update news..."
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california state university faculty and staff members have been at war with chancellor reed for 22 months ... and now a strike may be looming. 24-thousand faculty and staff members have been working without a contract since june 20-10. the c-f-a has initiated a vote---to decide if they'll go on strike. voting began on c-s-u campuses this week and continues until april 27th. after months of failed negotiations and meetings -- the two parties cannot come to an agreement on a contract. the c-f-a says the chancellor has lost sight of what the state university system is about. " this is about the faculty standing up to keep the chancellor from restructuring the people's university and keeping him from turning into a for profit university." a c-s-u spokesman says that this strike vote is premature and that both sides still have bar-ga-ning to do. the c-f-a says that if a strike is necessary it won't happen till fall 20-12 and will be designed to have a minimal effect on classes. graduation is around the corner and sjsu seniors are starting to worry about paying off their student loans.
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as maya gonzalez shows us -- there may be a way to make monthly payments easier to swallow. " engineering major oscar hernandez is getting ready to graduate next month -- but he's stressed out about paying off his loans. "i don't know how i am going to pay off the loans, they start building up interest once i graduate." more than 36-million students have taken out federal loans and the numbers keep increasing with the rise of tuition each year. now graduating seniors are struggling to find ways in to pay off these loans as they enter the real world. like hernandez, many seniors plan to get a job and set aside some of their earnngs to pay down student loans. "i got a little part-time job so imma try to see if that helps me just kind of make my way through for a while until i find an actual job." but having a part-time job won't cut it, in many cases. finance and accounting expert frank jones says there's not much most students can do -- but be patient and manage their debt.
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" ideally pay it back, there is no way to avoid it but paying it back and come up with this reasonable plan."b but there are actions freshman can take so their debt wont be as big by the time they're seniors. applying to several universities will give students different financial aid offers and meeting with financial aid advisors in advance will help students dfecide what type of loan they should get. freshman valeria rodriguez already took out a loan this year she's already worried. "seeing like everybody, like a lot of people i know that are graduating and they are like stressing out its making me kind of stress out im like omg what if when im there im not going to have a job, there's not going to be lots of jobs available." one thing is certain, students like hernandez will have to set up a plan soon. many seniors are starting to look into getting inclome-based payment plans, which will help them have manageable monthly payments. in san jose, maya gonzalez, update news." the school of journalism and mass communications tackled the issue of how the media are covering the presidential election. the fourth annual spew-ler ethics symposium was held on
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tuesday with a who's who of prominent journalists. each year the the symposium aims to show journalism students the importance of ethical reporting. students participate in open conversations with the panel ... and to discuss news stories public relations professor mathew cabot says -- the public has a right to skeptical of some news coverage. " in an age where people are looking for real information to make real decisions about important issues such as presidential campaigns, the message is that ethics matters" the multi award winning panel of speakers provided insight to what is expected of a journalist in terms of ethical reporting. with this year's large turnout--- plans for next year's event is already in the works with graduation nearing, seniors are making it a point to network now before stepping out into the real world. the "meet us after school" networking event was held tuesday evening at the student union. this annual event was put on by the advertising club, and p-r-s-s-a to give students a chance to meet professionals in the advertising and public relations industry.
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" robb silverstein:" there is not alot of these events where people get a chance to one on one meet people that they are looking to hire. it's a great opportunity for all students."" nine bay area advertising and p-r agencies attended. students took advantage of the opportunity to sit down with these business professionals and got a chance to talk about their future careers. what are the five secrets of successful communication? students found the answer at a workshop sponsored by campus counseling services. the five secrets deal with how to handle criticism and high conflict. the secrets are empathy ... finding the truth in a person's statement -- giving compliments -- making "i feel" statements -- and asking questions. " for students that are interested and maybe couldn't attend the author of these methods david burns has a number of good books that students can use to supplement their communication skills." counseling services provide students with weekly workshops on other topics such as time management, stress management, and relationships.
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for more information search counseling services on the campus website. coming up in update news... we'll tell you all about an underground dodgeball league here in san jose. tacos galore! a san jose park hosted an event this past weekend--that filled peoples stomachs with the tra-di-tio-nal mexican dish. and women are paiting with a purpose. but first... we ask students if they know the name of our school president. " no i forgot. i forgot his name. it's a new guy mohammad qayoumi something like that. i believe its, i want to say bob rucker. i don't know i have no clue i should but i don't. no clue.
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no idea." the first rule of dodge ball--- underground---is you don't talk about dodge ball underground? well, it's not that dramatic .... or that secret ... but for those who participate in this weekly gathering ... it is a lot of fun. " welcome to the underground... here at this parking garage in santa clara is the playground for underground dizzle bizzle or u-d-b. members of u-d-b gather every monday and thursday nights to play. cousins kenny and david cox run dizzle bizzle, which has been dishing out weekly dodge ball matches for six years. kenny who is known as the dodge-father says u-d-b is like no other experience. "so this is unique to us and we love the idea. where else in the world are you going to go to an underground parking garage late at night and find 300 people and kill them with dodge balls." it's unique to brandon vil-pas. he has been playing at dizzle bizzle for about year now and he says he loves the adrenaline rush he gets playing the game. "having the feeling of something go by you...almost hitting you in the face.... it's like fight or
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flight...move out of the way or you get it." here at u-d-b the five d's of dodge ball -- duck, dodge, dive dip and dodge do not apply, there's just one rule. "pay attention and that's it. that's the only rule we have. past that you can dip, dodge, duck, dive and dodge and go for it, just pay attention. that's the big thing we look for." u-d-b encourages good clean fun -- and stresses that playing in this garage is a privilege. "we are just here to have fun. we do not allow any drugs, alcohol or violent behavior." for the players -- dodge ball is the ultimate high ... many come from different walks of life to have fun and mingle. on the surface, it may look like it just adults playing a kids' game...but it's more than that. "we're not just dodge ball player or team...we are a family."" underground dizzle bizzle is always looking for new members to join in the fun. you can find more information on u-d-b by going to their facebook page slash welcome to the underground.
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it was a historic day in ... where else? san jose history park with the first ever taco festival ... there you could find a new spin on some old classics. " tacos, tacos, tacos...these were the guests of honor at the first annual san jose taco festival of innovation. taco trucks lined the streets in history park on saturday to dish out their fare. over 25 trucks were in attendance and offered something for everyone. first i grabbed one taco, then i grabbed the next, then i went over there to check stuff out. diners could pick from the traditional mexican tacos to some out of the ordinary creations. we are having the mongolian tri tip taco that's our taco for today, we also have going to have the five spice chicken taco and our meat and potato taco. college students and families alike came out in droves to try these two-dollar treats. it's not expensive couple bucks here couple bucks there. and you know what to expect from every truck that everyone is charging two dollars. attendees could even vote for their favorite taco by texting from their phones. and don't think all tacos are spicy because ice cream tacos were also being served. eating wasn't the only thing to do either, vendors set up booths to sell clothing and hats. and on the main stage ksjs was in the house giving people something to listen to while they enjoyed the afternoon. but the tacos were what people came to try.
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i saw the soulnese truck soul food and chinese, good to go. with the event lasting from eleven am till 5 pm there was definitely time to make your rounds. i think i'm going to have to have tacos from each kind of taco truck, like i don't even know." if you missed the event... moveable feast is planning anoter taco festival in may. for more information you can go online to jansey lagdamen is here with arts and entertainment... jansey? well there was a lot of buzz this week. so let's get right to it... s-j-s-u students made a concerted effort earlier this week to support green technology in africa. paris maxey has the story... " nat sot up full concert
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jewish heart for africa and spartans for israel organized this benefit concert to raise 5-thousand dollars to help bring green-tech -developed in israel --to impoverished african communities. the president of spartans for israel says harsh consequences result from the lack of electricity in african communities. "generations end up dying from really preventable diseases and its kind of a shame because if only they had power and solar panels--- africa--- like the sun is probably one of their most useful natural resource" funds were raised from the sales of food, portraits drawn by artist and various games. "its wonderful. music is great and the people are fun." silver wings -- an on campus organization -- pitched in by sponsoring "a shoot the cans" game. "we were able to get ourselves and other organizations recognized and let people know who we are and that we're able to help them and this cause we have going on here" "we're out there to help everyone. just help people
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within the community, in the state, help people in the nation and all around the world" with 5-thousand-dollars -- jewish heart for africa will be able to help pay for solar panel systems for schools and health clinics ... and water irrigation systems for african villages. stand up: today, 1.6 billion people - a quarter of humanity - live without electricity. without energy, medical clinics cannot store lifesaving medicines and vaccines and the clean water below ... with solar panels in africa all of that can be correctedl live on campus, paris maxey, update news" women are using their brushes to make a stronger statement about their roles in society and the art world. in palo alto -- a new art exhibit is dedicated to telling herstory. " more and more women are making their mark on the art world. the women's caucus of art or wca is a national organization committed to recognizing women in the arts. it was at a time when civil rights was just infused everywhere and women had
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begun to realize that there was more than a glass ceiling and they weren't allowed to do a lot of things that they should be able to with being full citizens of the united states. the wca is celebrating its 40th anniversary throughout the month of april at the pacific art league in palo alto. the 40 watts illuminating herstory exhibit showcases multiple women artists. organizations like the wca help empower women because in the past women were seen as unworthy to practice art, which was usually done by men. the only way women were involved in any form of art, was through nudity. during the time where women wore high neck dresses and long long skirts and weren't really allowed to do manual labor unless they were a very poor person and they certainly weren't allowed to paint. the role women play in society can limit what they can achieve with their art. i have to spend lots of time on my family. i love my family, but you know i have to spend lots of energy and time on them. you know but for my art it's kind of struggle. in fact according to kraft, most successful women artists end up never getting married.
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but now, women are making a name for themselves in the art world. just by their act of painting and showing in public and selling and getting into museums, that alone is a feminist movement because it wasn't done before and they're changing the face of the art field." the woman's caucus will have a conference and exhibition honoring woman's rights at the national steinbeck center in september. two sjsu students received first place in an illustrators competition with their film "bloom." the animation-illustration seniors have won top honors for their work created here at san jose state. emily johnstone and brian kistler won first place for their film "bloom" at the distinguished new york society for illustrators student scholarship competition. the film followed the vision of johnstone and kistler from the development of the story boards to post-production.
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" it's a lot of love and passion, you know. we had a lot of members of our group just come together and really produce some really nice work and they seem to enjoy it and i think that's an important part of making a film." the film is about a lonely woman living in despair -- until her compassionate neighbor gives her a simple gift that changes the woman's life forever. the winners will receive their award in new york in may. that will do it for arts and entertainment... back you you guys. next in sports... out with the old and in with the new... athletics begins its search for a new athletic director. and we'll show you highlights of the beauty bowl. but first... we ask students who they would want to see most at coachella. " probably hieroglyphics or people under the stairs two of my favorite bands.
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avichi definitely would have wanted to see the tupac hologram i would have cried if i saw that in person. i am assuming that everybody knows the tupac hologram it was crazy that would be it. oh actually i saw that the shins are gonna be there or they were there so i would see them because i don't know anyone else there. most likely pairs hilton i want to see her dancing. i would like to see rage against the machine because the usually play in southern california are they going to play any shows down here i am not sure." edwin wise is here withs sports... edwin? a seven year run has come to an end.
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athletic director tom bowen has left san jose state for the same position at the university of memphis. on monday, bowen was introduced as memphis's new athletic director...a position he's held here at s-j-s-u since december of 2004. his core mission of building a "culture of champions" academically, athletically and in the community, was a vital aspect in what made him the unanimous choice for memphis. however, his departure has opened new doors for marie tuite was quickly named the interim athletics director. a position she feels fit to handle. " (marie tuite) "there's no doubt in my mind that i have the skill set and the leadership capabilities to lead any athletics its not a matter of whether or not 'i could do the job,' it will be more a matter of 'is it the right fit for me'...and president mo."" tuite joined the spartan's athletic department in june of 2010. since then, she has served as deputy director for internal operations and chief operating officer for spartan athletics. s-j-s-u will launch a national search for bowen's
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permanent replacement, this summer. ### for the first time since 1997, sjsu will be adding to its ncaa division i intercollegiate athletics program. motivated to enhance its women's cross country team, the spartans plan to add womens outdoor track beginning with the 2013-2014 season. " there was once a time when this track was home to what was known as "speed city." san jose state had one of the world's renowned teams under coach bud winter in the 1960s...and produced olympic stars like tommie smith and john carlos. but since sjsu discontinued its men's track team in 1988, the spartans have been nonexistent in the sport. however, they hope to make a triumphant return...led by the lady spartans. (aylin) "hopefully we can gain a good group of strong women...and we can start from there, and build it up to having a good team...for both guys and girls." san jose state recently announced they plan to add women's outdoor track
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beginning with the 2013-2014 season. while the spartans have sported cross country teams, they were limited to local races as individual entries and could not compete as a team during track season. once women's outdoor track is launched, the spartans will compete as a team locally, regionally and in conference competition -- and be eligible to qualify for the ncaa championships. it's something that can benefit all runners. (rebecca) "you can really tell the difference between schools that do have track and schools that don't...and when you add a track program, most of the time your cross country team will get better ...and vice versa for track." at the same time, this addition to women's athletics brings a more well balanced participation ratio between men and women sports, that reflect the population of sjsu. but simply adding more runners isn't the will be quality over quantity. (liz jarnigan) "what we are talking about is...increasing the ability to recruit a higher caliber top-notch competitive distance runner...which should allow us to be more competitive in cross country and the distance events in
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track." initially, field events and short distance runs will be absent from the program, but they could be integrated later on. (jarnigan) "the focus will be on the distance events time goes on and we build a foundation...there's definitely opportunity for us to add the jumps, the throws and the sprints."" san jose state's first hurdle will be naming a new head coach to oversee both women's cross country and track, following the retirement of coach augie argabright. the annual beauty bowl was played last saturday, but don't let the name fool you. the ladies who participated ... played to win --and at times it wasn't pretty. brandon castillo has the story. " the annual beauty bowl was held at williams street park, and these eight teams definitely came to play. this all day event drew out quite a crowd. companies like muscle milk and armadillo willies sponsored the event. there was more to this event than just seeing sorority girls play rough.
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mathias ritter armstrong: " we're here today to raise money for the fisher house foundation. so each of these teams pay an entrance fee to play. we sell t-shirts and all those proceeds go in." aside from playing football for a good cause, these ladies wanted to win. and for some that meant by any means necessary. in the past -- the beauty bowl has been known for it's catty play. so this year's referees were brought in to make sure these ladies played fair. alex layog: "the energy out here, and the competitiveness is really intense, and uh its great competition."n nat sound (crowd) standup "we're in the quarterfinals right now. and this game right here already has a championship like atmosphere." alpha phi came with a vengance against delta gamma.i it was a close game all around but alpha phi came away with the win moving on to the next round. rec city, was beauty bowls first ever club team, and they reserved a spot in the championship game. in the mean time alpha phi got no breaks on the field. these ladies took on a o pi. the alphas pulled off another win and headed to the championship to defend their three year title against rec city sports club. this new club team had definitely thrown around the ole pigskin before asr rec city's quarterback made a deep pass for a touchdown.
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alpha phi tried to answer back on their last drive but got shut down. r rec city came home with the win, and took away alpha phi's title. jenna doyle: "just beast mode, we just wanted to go hard or go home and just win it all!" these ladies were very happy to bring home the beauty bowl trophy but also thankful to even be allowed to be a part of this sorority event. i in san jose, brandon castillo, update news..." that will do it for sports... back to you guys. thats a wrap this week. thanks for staying up late with us. be sure to check us out on facebook by searching 's-j-s-u update news.' now get some rest so we can see you again next week.
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