tv SJSU Update News KICU May 6, 2012 1:30am-2:00am PDT
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tbi is real. get educated. don't brush us aside and don't count us out. hear more of their stories at usoinvisiblewounds dot org. i'm michelle rivera live on campus... faculty... staff... and students will be dramatically impacted by a vote decided this week... i'll tell you more in just sixty seconds. a vote decided this week. i'll have more in 60 seconds. >> a popular fratern is suspended. we'll tell you which one and why. dozens flocked.
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update news starts now. . >> thanks for joining us. the california faculty association has voted to go on strike. this biggest strike in california state university history involving 10s of thousands of faculty members. michelle rivera has details on what a strike would men. >> they have been at war trying to decide on a new contract and the union is tired of talking. >> with a commanding 95% of the vote the faculty association gave the green light to a vote. this comes after faculty and
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staff members finished voting. >> if it comes to a strike we're a union, we care about quality education. we are doing this for the students. >> and is in los angeles to continue meeting with the canler's meeting. union members have not received promised. they haven't been willing to give us anything we are asking for. >> it's a rolling strike of coursing two days of classs. >> the california faculty association has been good about trying to make their point but not impact students, not impact students trying to graduate.
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>> they came within three days of a strike and hope for similar results. nobody wants a strike. the faculty don't want a strike. that's why our strikes say i don't want to strike but i will. >> although i am disappointed they rejected this proposal we remain committed to a negotiation process. >> both parties are meeting to continue discusses on the contract that would be aimed at preventing a walkout. my shelf rivera. >> wouldn't it be nice to meet the first lady. our attrition professor and students created a video to do that. michelle obama created a contest to fight childhood
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obesity. they created the ministry to teach people how to eat and stay healthy. >> i would like to tell the story what's happening between san jose state and most holy trinity church and how my students are working with the community partners to improve the lives of people in our community. winners will receive an invitation to meet the first lady. dr. freeman is in fifth place. go to dot golf gulf deem drats and republicans are working against increasing student loan interest rates. >> san jose congresswoman he'll a news conference thursday to discuss the extension of federal student loan rates from
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increasing. cut the interest rate to 3.4% but is due to expire. >> with the cost of education as they are economy in tough shape. families are struggling to send people to college and to double the interest rate is just a terrible mistake. not only for the families but for our country. many democrats and republicans support the extension of the interest rate cut the issue is how the pay for night the republican lope in the house did a tricky maneuver using it to eliminate the health care act. to determine cracks want it to come the -- democrat want it to come with taxes from higher earners. some believe the g.o.p has the right approach. >> at this time health care is
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important but what's more important is being able to cultivate the students and giving them to best opportunity. that means taking money from other programs to keep the rates from going up i agree. according to the obama administration this would affect 7.4 million students and cost each $1,000. >> in san jose spring has sprung. a falcon gave birth to four babies and observers found out if they were boys or girls. 4th street garage was the advantage point to clara a falcon, mother of four and web
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cam celebrity. a handful of followers flocked to witness the tagging of newborn falcons. >> we have done it for the last four years. my wife turned me on to the web cam. san jose retiree jack and his dog sit near the campus chapel to check in. >> it's a nice view of the city hall. you can take a break from our walk and i'm able to see in the birds are coming in with food or anything. banding is a process i.d. tags are attached to the legs of each baby. with each banding you see glen stewart determine the sex of each bird and observers make predictions. >> i think three males and
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three females and one male, that's my guess has been. when stewart banded the babies followers aevacuated the verdict. >> we have three boys and a girl. they look healthy. i wouldn't say happy. >> the once endangered falcon but det was banned. >> we're close to not having these birds at all, banning det and passing the endanger species act kept these birds on the planet. >> the public will vote on the names on the ninth. >> the party is over for some fraternities. student involvement is cracking down to creek system suspending one and putting others on the watch list. >> social based fraternal phi,
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kappa, alpha has had run ins. they have a lengthy list of violations including underage drinking, noise complaints and disorderly complaint this results in a two year suspension. there's been alcohol abuse but being suspended is a statement. >> a fraternity behavior has to be pretty bad for the university to take that kind of action. >> they plan to use the suspension to improve relations with the university and the community. we're a strong fratern and we will rebuild and rebrand. >> they are not the only organization in the past. other greeks are kai, alpha kappa alpha.
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some offenses include unable to meet academic standards, hazing and unacceptable member behavior. >> we're working with the police more trying to make sure that we have better risk management skills. a lot of the issues come down to poor risk management at parties, people go outside with alcohol. there's drunk in public. we want to make sure that doesn't happen. >> i tried to get a comment from the student conduct adviser but she declined to talk about it. some students are feeling the blues the graduation blues. keith bryant has the story. >> the school year is coming to an end and participants field the weight of graduation upon them. >> for many students the reality of graduation is
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setting in. senior hospitality major is feeling the pressure. like many other this is the first time she won't have to return to school in the fall. >> it's a much to take in. had a meltdown. had to call my parents crying. get through it and everyone has to graduate. >> dozens have to find a job. for some that can be scary. for others it's no sweat. i have a few drecks i'm laoing to go into for summer. after summer i have plans for the fall. >> some students have a plan to do, many do not. >> many graduates don't do favors by stressing out about life after college. it's a way to try not to graduate, because the idea of leaving the university is hard for them to fathom. in the end graduation should be a glorious day, not a bummer,
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in the end you're coming out an educated individual. >> in the end you have accomplished something great and setup for a future. i'm ready to go now. i've accepted the fact. it's time to move on. >> commentment is may 26. >> live on campus. update news. >> students are flying high. so high it earned them to top spot in a flying competition. a group of 15 students won first place for their plane three weeks ago. the team spent months working to plane making sure their work wouldn't go to waste. >> it's fun running around and seeing the other planes and at that point we knew we had the latest plane. at that point we were against ourselves. each plane was judged for
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performance. the team was awarded $2,500 and making plans for a new plane for next year. helping the nonprofit group replay with it a shoe drive for less fortunate men, women and children. the donations will go to the homeless in san jose. dr. johnson said providing basic necessary is vital because it lifts the spirit of he's in mead. >> if everyone looks in their closet there's shoes we no longer use and there's life left in the shoes and can provide a life-line to members of the community. you can bring your shoe donation in to determine through may 14th. coming up. we'll show how unplanned
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pregnancies are getting needed resources. >> cinco de mayo has a folk dance performance on campus. the museum of heart has -- art has a new exhibit. we asked withs the worse job you've had. marketing corporation. we sold cut cold cutlery which is knives. the worst job i've ever had was for sure abe worked t my worse job was vector marketing corporation. we sold cutlery which is knives. >> the worse was abercrombie, i worked there for three years, got paid $8 an hour. working at a restaurant in napa. too many people and it was gross and dirty. i didn't like it. >> to be honest i didn't think i've had a bad job. i've worked for my family for
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my dad's construction business. >> always a bunch of kids taking care of them. the campus pregnancy support team made an effort to let students know there are resources available to students who might find themselves dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. the campus pregnancy support team let people know there's resources the club members were out to discuss the options and provide support. the director handed out free pregnancy tests because it's important to be aware. >> i think that knowledge is the answer to everything. knowledge is your best tool for making a choice.
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and that's why we're here. >> young women tend the shy away. the group's goal is to meet the needs of all students. >> the regional competition of the international economic game. this is the fourth year. 10 high school from southern california, arizona and nevada showed up to compete. each school picked a country, dresses in that attire and some make national dishes to bribe the judges. >> if you geography quiz and a flag quiz, a political element and discuss the goals and whether or not other countries will agree and the highlight of the day they have an economic program of what they think their country should produce and trade for. this helps students be aware of
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cultures throughout the globe. the wince of the summit receive a trophy, prizes and bragging rights. mia gonzalez with arts and entertainment. >> we have a lot of events. performed last saturday on campus in the auditorium. the student organization preserves the mexican culture. the dresses had the crowd mesmerized. each dress represented each part of mexico. fernando lopez is a member of the dance club and expressing her culture is important. for me it's important, a lot of us didn't grow up in mexico or there for a a little bit and raised here. it's important, we want to
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maintain that culture, that environment and it's just part of who we are and it helps us come together. >> after the performance was over the seniors were honored for their contributes. the club allows them to dance with the group. >> new art exhibit that looks at mexico culture at the san jose museum of art. >> it's a combined art attributes of 10 artist of mexican and mexican american descent. >> recently been a lot of exhibition features either mexican artist or mexican- american artist but this is the first to feature both. it shows the cross dialogue that's happening.
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>> well-known artist presents art pieces in this exhibit at the san jose exhibit of art includes gonzalez who's work has been shown internationally. >> a lot of to work put a contemporary spin on traditional, cultural object or craft that people may be familiar with. a remade version of the traditional mexican card game and sales receipt from wal-mart and said that the combination of art shows that diversity of mexican culture. it shows you a wide variety of the way people live and what they go through. >> visitors have left the exhibit with admiration and messages they believe the
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artist try to deliver. i enjoyed the rear view mirror exhibit. i thought that captured something about crossing the border. >> it's empowering to see that what our people are able to do and produce and show the world. >> this art exhibit will be open until september 23. >> this week art lovers had a chance to buy work from up-and- coming artist. collaborating with students and held a sale. student artist sold pots, mugs and crafts. >> you get your name out there. it's good to kind of cultivate relationship. you get to see what everyone
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else is working on. >> for more physician vis -- information visit the page. >> a gathering of classic cars and fans was bomb. cars, music and family was the recipe for a fun filled day. >> fun united is a group of the car enthusiasts. they came to show their chicano pride. they listened to old school funk and admired cars on display. the beauty of the car, people want to show a positive side of our hispanic culture. the entire community was invited. radio personality helped host
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the event. there's nothing better than being in a safe environment and showing people the positive side of chicano culture. >> the low rider lifestyle and the music, all goes together and we as a family is a family oriented event. we like to keep that and keep it going. the car club founders enjoys the events it brings the family together and that's reward. >> you get an old car, the kids are here, the wife is here. park your car and socialize. it's the socializing part. you bring your kids out. there's no drugs, no alcohol. where else can a unique group of people come together and
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celebrate their love of family and unity. coming up in sports. leading the western athletic conference. what might be next for athletics. >> dozens of runners raise money for a good cause. we'll have that story coming up. first we asked how students relieve stress. to relieve stress i dance. lyrical dancing. >> i go out and party. going shopping. going to the spa. >> i go to the gym a lot. twice a day. once a day. >> how much do you squat. >> i can't tell you that.
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>> i throw people. pin people. >> i go to sharks games. >> who's your favorite player. >> patrick marleau. >> why. i have always liked him. when he wore number 14, back in the day. fun facts. >> paris. what had students running. >> it was a great call. finals around the corner it's easy the check students running. earlier this week some of the runs was a good cause. the third 5k run took over the campus. the 5k is 3 miles long and took
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participants around campus so racers could find their way around. run, walk, roll was in recognition to the donations for the wheelchair foundation. the race is a positive thing to participate in. 5k is a good way to help promote fitness and exercise and fund raise for a good cause. all runners were accepted. everyone came out. >> water and bananas were handed out for race finishers. participants appreciate those who showed up. >> the more that aren't students we want everyone to get involved. >> 150 found their way across the finish line. raising money for a good cause and enjoying the weather was
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enough. this is better than being at home. that's why i do it. it's a nice day why not run. >> $450 or more will go to the far west wheelchair foundation. move over boys the women are the stars. the golf team won the wac championship. michelle rivera caught one of the ladies to see how they are celebrating. the lady spartans brought home the championship. this was a familiar place to be. >> we have the experience and knowledge and knowing that we know how to win that championship, and what to do in that tournament. it works both ways. it keeps out edge. >> the spartans held the lead the whole time the ladies won
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by 13 shots. the team shot an 877 overall. we played really well. very consistently. >> jennifer and madeleine were the stand out players placing in the top 10. once i was under par in the middle of the round, i wanted to keep going more-under par, like how i finished was not in my head. >> never placing outside the top 10. >> every year you prepare yourself. i don't have an expectation i do my best and it's been nice to finish top 10. >> winning the championship was just the first step. they add van to regionals and a possibility of going to nationals. >> the spartans are confident they will be successful. we play a lot of tournaments in
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colorado. we have experience with the thin air and the ball travels farther. we understand that. we'll be ready. >> the ladies are on par to finish strong. >> looks like this week the conference is turns into wac. san jose state has accepted to join the mountain west conference. giving them long-term stability leading to a better tv contract. >> that's it for sports. >> that will do it for now. check us out on facebook. get some rest so we can see you next week.
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