tv Right This Minute KICU May 11, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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lelo, everybody. it's time for the top ten countdown, the best videos of the day "right this minute." it's one of the greatest dangers a firefighter will ever face. >> that's a backdraft you just saw. >> to help the woman whose house just blew, you'll hear about it. a guy is arrested for -- >> uncycling naked. >> could the former teacher have been researching something? >> how does he handle a unicycle seat. >> people around the field like this but we never find out what happened? >> you're about to. from the guy who went from the ballpark to a jail cell.
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>> at least i wasn't there for armed robbery or spousal abuse. >> and -- >> i'm google to kill you with some cuteness right now. >> when you see what this little girl is teaching her dog. we begin our countdown today with our number ten video. nick has it. >> news cameras were rolling when they captured a pretty incredible sight at a house fire. this from whio. this is a house fire. look at this. it's a backdraft you just saw. that's when super heat, gases and toxins in the air reach such a high temperature they sort of form a mini explosion. when you slow the video down, you can see the fire just breathe out the right side of the house. you see kind of the puff of hot air and fire come out of the porch. two firefighters were on the porch. about another dozen of them were nearby. none of them were seriously hurt. >> i've got to imagine that
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woman on the sidewalk, was this her home? >> that is her home. yeah. she was standing there watching it just as it blew up right near her. >> i was watching tv. all of a sudden i noticed something was jumping. looked like it was going in levels. i said why is this heat coming in my house? >> it's amazing nobody was hurt, especially since the firefighters were on the porch fighting this fire. >> good thing they all had all their protective gear on. nobody was prepared for this. >> were they able to contain the fire at all and save something? >> sadly the house was a total loss. >> i'm surprised i got out of there. i could have been sleeping. i wouldn't have never got out of there. >> we're counting down to the day's number one video. let us pause for a moment for some crazy at number nine. what are teachers to do on a hot day in houston?
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go out unicycling naked. right? it only makes perfect sense. this is joseph farley. he was pulled over by this officer because he was riding on the bridge completely naked. >> on a unicycle. >> you're wondering was he drunk, impaired in any way? he wasn't. investigators said he was not impaired. >> he said he liked the way it felt. i really don't know what he meant by that but that's what it said. >> listen, when it's hot, it's hot. they make all that breathable spandex, whatever, bubble flex stuff. still hot. >> does this man have all his faculties? >> he is a former teacher, disountd -- doesn't sound like he's teaching anymore. his former students don't want
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to see mr. farley. >> a former math teacher, you and friends out for the summer. you're riding across the bridge going to the candy store. you're like, is that mr. farley? i like the older people get the less they give a poop but doing it. i'm going out on the bridge. i don't care. >> he could be researching for a thesis or something. >> how does it handle a unicycle seat? >> it cost him a lot. he's charged with indecent exposure and his bond set at $1500. underdressed at number nine. it's only fitting we find this video at number eight. you remember when gayle brought a video of a woman shoving a coke up her coat. >> a fur coat. >> it was a fur coat. believe it or not i have another one of those videos. this one from cleveland, ohio, we get it from our friends at
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wews in cleveland. she looked like she stuffed hers in her girdle. >> that looks like a serious granny girdle. >> that's not one coat but two coats. these were worth $5,000 bucks. the reason i'm showing you the video now it happened in2010. but this woman just got the maximum sentence for this sfense on wednda rison for stealing this coat. she did plead guilty. her name is nikita norman, she's 44 years old. she had an accomplice that distracted the store worker. she also pled guilty. she got a year in prison for helping out. >> how does this woman think a fur coat is something easy to hide up your dress. >> how do these women not know -- >> there's a security camera in a high-end fur shop. the number one video is just
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minutes away. but first at number seven, a little help for a big guy. this elephant rescue you're watching took place in new delhi, india. this elephant is about 40 years old. for the last 20 years, someone has been using her to beg for money, which in india is illegal. now, there was also another person who was riding her. the elephant got sick, so the owner just left it out there to fend for itself. dogs started biting it and one of its legs got gangrene. she was in a river. for four days residents in the area were feeding her. they finally notified authorities. the authorities came in. they had veterinarians looking at her, caring for her. they are transferring her to a rescue center. the owner and the person who was riding her to beg for the money, they disappeared.
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so they are looking for them. >> what an awful owner. the elephant got sick and the owner just left him. >> abandoned. >> probably didn't have the money to take care of the elephant and left it there to fend for itself. >> what a heartbreaking sight to see, this beautiful regal creature being lifted up like that with her trunk limp. it's heartbreaking. i'm so glad all these people came together to give the elephant a chance. >> there has to be a sanctuary they can send her to and give her some kind of peace. >> can we adopt an elephant? can we just have one. >> here on the show. >> steven. >> why do we name all the animals steven? it's an accident waiting to happen. >> look at this car coming through. it runs a red light, slips. >> and it doesn't end there.
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the shocking video when the countdown continues. >> it's time for some extreme now's a great time to get at&t u-verse tv. make the switch! [ female announcer ] call to get u-verse -- now with free hd -- for only 25 a month for six months -- our lowest price ever -- with a total home dvr included. plus get hbo and cinemax free for three months. [ male announcer ] with u-verse tv, you can record
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back to the rtm countdown to number one. at number six, would you do this? >> you guys feel like getting extreme? good. it's time for extreme bag jump. >> bag jump? >> basically a huge airbag that people jump onto. it's been around since 2006. hollywood stunt men use it, olympians use it to train, people do it for fun. christine, people jump from 10 meters, 15 meters. but brought along a professional jumper to show you how extreme this really can get. his name is daniel. has his up 30 meters in the air.
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almost 100 feet. >> keep in mind, the scraps, no safety harnesses. the bag looks like the size of a football field, so it's huge. look how small it looks. the bag looks smaller up that high. >> looks like a baseball base. >> i feel like it's like belly flopping into a pool. >> i don't think it would hurt anything like a belly flop. the thing is designed to give. you can see vents open up and let's the air out gently. >> look at this. he's got a stick with go pro on it, just hanging from his toes. >> he looks like he got a little closer to the edge. all smiles. >> it's top five time on the rtm countdown. listen up. number five, a little girl with a pretty big lesson.
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>> i'm going to kill you with some cuteness right now and a little bit of poop talk. this is gabriella and three-moh-old puppy matilda. gabriella has a lesson from her puppy. >> this is how youp you sit down and push hard. you come up. and then mommy picks up the pee or poop. okay, silly. bye-bye. >> i love she is physically and verbally describing it to the three-month-old dog. matilda looks like she's listening. she's looking at her. >> my favorite part step three. step one, step down, step two, push hard. step three -- >> then mommy picks up the pee or poop. okay, silly? >> that is just cute. >> i don't see anything can be cuter than a bulldog puppy but
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gabriella is. >> told you. >> you said you were going to kill us with cuteness. >> it's weird you're still talking, though. >> bye-bye. >> number four, china and a security camera. >> there's a video that originally aired in china in august in 2011. it's gone viral in just days. you won't believe what you're about to see. what you're seeing circled on the lower right of the screen are three people on two motorcycles. you have a couple and guy by himself on this motorcycle. they are waiting for the red light. earlier in the video, one guy saw nobody here, a red light, i'm going through. that saved his life. look at this car coming through. it runs a red light. it flips after hitting a guardrail. all three people on the motorcycle were killed. the status of the driver is
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unknown. >> he had nowhere to go even if they reacted faster, where could they go? >> how strange for this motorcyclist that he chose to go through that light and it saved his life. >> so weird. what made that car flip over? what made that car lose control? what an unlucky situation to be in that same spot. in my opinion looks like the driver is trying to make a left before that barrier wall came to an end. hit the wall and launched the car and flipped it over. they were only a few seconds away from avoiding this whole thing. >> he sprints across the field of play on a dare. >> you don't have a problem with this being on your record at all? >> see what he has to say ais r and what this girl does makes the countdown -- >> three, two, one, see ya.
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game. the highlight. tyler is not a ball player. when he gets out there, of course security is after him right away. the first guy bites it. obviously the crowd likes that. that's where one of his friends says make it, make it. >> make it. >> does anyone ever actually make it? i have to say it was tyler's friend who put him up to this. they dared him to do this. >> it was he who accepted. >> of course tyler was arrested, spent 22 hours in jail that night. $600 bail and $200 for a second degree trespassing and second degree disturbing the public charge. his friend dared him. they went to the jailhouse and filmed tyler up there on the screen speaking with the judge. at one point you can hear somebody say, how do we know he's not going to do this again?
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a lot of times when people run on the field likethis, theme we never find out what happened to these people. let's find out what happened to tyler. he's joining us "right this minute" from minnesota. we have to know, $600 in bail, $200 in other fines, $800. >> i was doing to be the one going to jail. we knew that was going to happen. the whole thing for me was as long as they paid for it, i would do it. i didn't care about setting in the jail cell. >> you didn't have to pay a dollar. >> just the time. >> you don't have a problem with this on your record? >> no. the way i view it, at least it's not armed robbery or spousal abuse. it's a good story. >> what do you say to the baseball purists who say, you know what, you don't go on the field like that. >> i waited until the bottom of the ninth, down by seven at this
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time. it really didn't matter. everyone knew we weren't going to win. i thought i was a good sport about it. >> next time you go to chase field, will you want to run on the field again? >> probably not. i don't think i can go there for a year or so. >> if you want to find out what the other inmates thought about his antics head over to >> all right. it's runner up time of the next two of the best, number two, a video called another day in paradise. >> it's called another day in paradise and it was created by jill who is a jumper. >> three, two, one, see ya. >> oh, boy. >> she's making it look easy. >> but the craziest part for me, because i've never seen anything like this. notice she's holding her chute. it's hanging over the cliff.
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>> that's some trust in your gear. that's figuring out how long you're going to fall, how long it's going to take for the parachute to open up. i've never seen that. >> it would be really tough to take this girl out on a date because everything would be boring. >> she let's herself get pretty close to the ground before she releases her chute. >> we always look at these videos and wonder how do they not crash. >> you don't normally see those videos. >> oh, but today you do. >> looks like she just landed somewhere where she shouldn't have landed. >> she landed with her face. >> if we meet again i'll puke on your face. >> two layers. >> pretty hard core chick. you're right. you candidate her. >> do you think she's going to
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[ female announcer ] what do you share with your family? how do you keep in touch with friends on the go? stay connected to the people and things that matter most to you? with at&t's amazing u-verse services that let you build a personalized bundle that works for you. call now. bundles including u-verse tv, internet, and home phone start as low as $79 a month for 12 months -- our best bundle price. switch today and get a total home dvr included. or you can choose from a variety of tv packages to get the channels you want and from several reliable internet speeds up to 24 megs to get what you need. record 4 shows at once with a total home dvr that lets you play them back in any room. plus choose from a wide selection of home phone
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>> here is a row of 100 red balloons, not 99, 100 red balloons. >> we're experts onlayser balloon technology. >> we can explain to you how this will work. >> held in place by little glasses of water modified. if the balloon pops, knocks the next one out of the way. ladies, since you all know so much about lasers, tell me what's going on. >> very important part, the balloons are colored red. >> they absorb the energy from the laser forcing it to pop, which is why as the laser hit each balloon it explodes. >> explains this is a world record. it hasn't been official yet. sent it off to guinness to see if this is official. >> all right, everyone. finally made it to number one video of the day. because it's mother's day this
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weekend, we thought it would be appropriate to celebrate the number one ladies in our lives. as you all know and our audience knows my mom has been battling ovarian cancer since last year. a few weeks ago when i was out for a few days she got some pretty difficult news. so my husband and i decided to surprise her on a trip that she already had planned to orlando. i am walking through the terminal at charlotte douglas international airport in charlotte, north carolina. i flew from here to charlotte specifically to be on my mom's flight to orlando. she has no idea i'm coming. this is my mom right here walking up right now. >> i think i'm on this flight. >> what the heck! >> your mom. >> you pranked your mom. >> this is a nice prank. we spent time at disney world
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and seaworld and had a wonderful good time. mom, i want to say to you we're going to have very, very many more special moments like this. happy mother's day. i love you very much. >> i want to say happy mother's day to a mom-to-be, my sister and her husband are expecting their child "right this minute," could be this week. we can't wait to meet you. thumbs-up and happy mother's day to a new mom. >> i want to show a picture of my mom, my favorite mom. this is my mom and my aunt janet. these two ladies are very important in my life. i want to say happy mother's day to both of them. i wouldn't be the woman i am without these women in my life. >> [ speaking foreign language ] thank you for tolerating me. >> i'm notoriously bad for not getting cards.
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i love you, mom. thank you for being my co-rider on the motorcycle. that's it for rtm top ten countdown. thank you for joining us. happy mother's day to all the mothers out there. thank you so much for being part mothers out there. thank you so much for being part of the rtm family. -- captions by vitac --
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