tv Right This Minute KICU May 14, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. are you ready for great videos? we've got them. "right this minute." british policemanhandle a suspect. >> he does start asking for a doctor. >> and you are about to see why. >> ah! >> my gosh, is that his hand? something is lurking deep under water. and people want to know -- >> what is that? >> we'll clear up the mystery. skateboarder rob deerdeck pulled a new trick with a glass door. >> you can walk right through it. >> so did he really do that? >> i don't know. >> and they are viral video gold.
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now we talk to thersto. >> now -- >> the kardashian tapes. >> where do you get -- >> no. this is at the peterley police station in the uk. you see several officers and a detainee sitting down on a bench. the man sitting down on the bench is david heeler. they ask him to stand, but he won't. they have some questions, but he won't answer them. so one of the officers gives the order to stand him up. and so several officers then walk over to david to get him to stand up. >> is this guy sick? it seems like he's having trouble standing. >> in fact, he does start asking for a doctor. and this is the most dramatic part right here. >> stop! ah! ah, stop, please! >> my gosh, is that his hand? does he have his arm folded
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completely backwards? >> one of the officers, steven harvey, does take his arm and twist it around his back while the other officer, michael mount, takes his other hand and drags it across the desk they are on. >> that's a common means for cops to use, a submission move to get guys to do what you need them to do? >> he was asking for a doctor, and he did not appear to be well. >> do you need any assistance reading and writing? >> i need a doctor. >> what if this man was having a stroke? >> david is an angina sufferer, and he had just been at the hospital and treated. >> what did he do that put him here? >> he was detained on suspicion of violating bail conditions and assaulting an officer. that does, then, justify the treatment because it was later determined by the complaints commission that this was a form of torture. >> my client's life has been affected greatly by the treatment he received both mentally and dphysically. and he has to live with this for the rest of his life due to
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spinal injuries that occurred. >> this happened last march. the reason we're talking about it now is because both officers were convicted of two counts of common assault. and they were ordered to pay david about $200. take a look at this bizarre slow-speed chase. this video from wvit. this police officer takes offer down the road. he's trying to catch up with a transit bus. see the bus up ahead? the chase doesn't last very long because watch what's about to happen. the bus is approaching a green light. but then the busbee ginns to swerve to the left right into oncoming traffic. >> what? >> that's bad. >> goes head long into two cars, pushes them out of the way and then continues going up the hill into the grass off to the left. >> who's driving this bus? >> nobody. >> oh. >> there is no driver in that bus. what you don't see in the video is right before the video picks up, that bus was involved in an earlier accident. police were investigating that
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accident when suddenly the bus rolled over the wheel shocks holding the bus in place. and that's when the bus took off down the hill. the cop car trying to catch up with it. >> and i thought it was because somebody forgot to pay their fare. >> it just came to a stop on the sidewalk, too. like it could have went right into that white house. the road started going uphill, and that's what brought the bus to a very slow stop. when it hit those other cars, it wasn't moving fast, which is good, but imagine what those other drivers were thinking, like what is this guy doing? >> they had very little time to react. thankfully the injuries to those two people were minor. they were sent to the hospital. no serious injuries from the accident. a new britain transportation supervisor was cited for failing to set the brakes on the bus. they believe that's what believed it to roll over the wheel shocks. the french spider-man is at it again. last week he scaled france's tallest building. this building, 758 feet tall,
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and the french spider-man climbed up it with no harshess, no safety gear, just his hands and feet. as you can imagine, this draws lots of spectators. >> how old is this guy doing these stunts? >> he will be 50 this year. >> is this legal? >> it is not legal but he did have permission from this building's owner to do this. but alain has had a career that spanned over a decade, and he's scaled many different structures. and he has been arrested on several occasions. >> when he gets to the top, does he have to shimmy down, or do they send a helicopter up to get him? >> the ib times spoke to him when he reached the top, and this is what he had to say. >> i knew for sure that i was going to do it. i know that nothing is going to stop me. >> if you're in that building, do you go, hey, he's coming. and then go mug on the window and go -- >> i want to do that.
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you get like a murder charge. >> go, alain, go. the crazy thing about alain, he's been doing this for so long, he's had a few injuries. back in the early '80s, he had two injuries that left him with permanent vertigo. so he deals with vertigo as he climbs these tall structures. >> i guess don't look down. >> there he is looking down waving. >> i know that no matter how i did this time. let's go deep sea drilling near the uk and see what we can pick up on camera. so the question i ask you is, what is that? >> is it a deep sea drill? oh, what's that? >> yes. >> that's a rock. that looks like a boulder. >> you think it's a boulder? what do you think it is? >> i've goat t to see that agai. >> that's a squid. >> like someone lost their
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dress. >> burlap sack? >> that's oil. >> that is not oil. that is not a burlap sack or a squid or a lost bridesmaid dress. this would be a jellyfish. yes, this is a very large jellyfish. >> looks like it could wrap itself around you like a blanket. >> these aren't exactly all that rare, but they do live 5,000 feet below. >> this is so weird. i mean, it really looks like it could just bubble right over you like a parachute. >> what's that? >> organs and appendages. according to the marine species identification portal, the jellyfish has oral arms, and that's what you're looking at right there. >> when you get over to this lobe, it's almost as if you can see a human face going in and out of it like with eyes and a nose. >> thanks for creeping us out, gail. a guy sto rca and took it on a joyride.
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welcome back to the show. but don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. i think it's safe to say we'd all love to get our hands on a camaro and drive it 150 miles per hour. one man did that but he did it without permission. you're looking at video from our sister station kiro-tv in seattle. police say david lee stole a camaro from hertz rental car and took it on a joyride. >> at the rest area. >> he is going through a rest stop. there you see the camaro and the police car collide. and the bumper comes off. but they keep going. and then look.
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>> 1546 and 42 right now. >> he ran over some stop sticks and then the sparks start flying. he slows down and finally comes to a stop. >> don't move! >> no one was hurt in this whole incident. this guy you see here is david lee. he's the one accused of being the mastermind behind this vehicle theft and chase. >> think if you rented that camaro for the weekend. >> well, it was only missing a bumper. >> some tires. >> they say he may face other charges in all the counties he drove through during this chase. and the interesting thing is, he was -- >> there he goes. >> there he goes! it's wedding season. and i feel like no one does the
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conga line anymore at weddings. but i found video of a group that's trying to bring the conga line back. >> look at those pebears. >> it's baby bear cubs. and for some reason, they're doing the conga. >> that is hilarious. >> watch. starts out with three, four. one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. >> and they're not done. >> what? >> eight. nine. how did they learn how to do this, and whose wedding are they going to? >> this has to be a circus video, like circus training. >> i will tell you that i will not be doing a conga line like this one at a wedding because there's no way i'm licking the ear of the guy in front of me. >> but then you get your near nibbled, too. rob dierdeck, the mtv guy and skateboarder, he's famous for pranks and funny stuff.
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>> the way it's built, if you step into it walking slowly and hit your thigh and forehead at the same time, you can walk right through it. >> never knew that. >> i don't think anybody knows that. >> i don't believe anyone knows that. >> yeah, i do that every day. >> i'm going to show you. >> you're going to hit your face. >> i'm not going to hit my face. i'm telling you, forehead, thigh, walk right through it. >> you've never tried this? >> i've ran through some screen doors in my day. but not a glass door. >> you're going to buy the door if it works. >> it's a deal. here we go. >> you just walk right into it. >> his side has fake glass. >> wron. y i don't know. you tell me. have you ever tried this? so who knows if it's real or not?
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>> how did you do that? it's not real, dude. that's not real. what the hell? >> you know that guy went home and tried this. on his door. what's up, guys? >> it's real or fake time. this not-so-street-legal recliner -- >> yes! >> we've seen people do weirder things with their mouths. >> yes, we have. but is it real or fake? see what yo
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we've judged a pageant before. >> i have. >> you've been in beauty pageants. >> i've just watched a lot of them on tv. >> that works, too. well, with your expertise, i want you to help me judge this pageant in sao paulo which is a place we know has the most beautiful women. >> beautiful brazilian babes. >> are you ready? this is the sao paulo beauty pageant for grannies. >> literally in my head, it went, wah, wah. >> they're beautiful older women out there that i think should be recognized. out of 80 women 60 years and older that applied to be part of it, only 25 were selected. >> that's got to be a punch in the gut, huh?
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>> yeah. >> to not get accepted. i've got to figure these ladies are pretty -- probably pretty sexy in their day. >> we celebrate older men as sexy all the time. it's about time that somebody celebrates older women as sexy. >> men age better. it's a fact. >> that is -- >> is that an pcopinion? i thought that was a fact. >> that is why you guys get to hang out while the women areitt the koich asking for the beer and playing video games and the football game. >> we age because of you guys. >> i think we just aged. >> i think i did. >> because you take it seriously. that's your problem. >> our point is to ignore them. we already knew that. >> let's be anti-anti-aging. >> i'd rather probably --
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the cat and pony show. ♪ you guys ready to check in with matt dreidel from e-bomb's world? pleasure to have you. we're going to dive right in. driving around in a recliner. >> yes! suck it, segways. >> it's obviously motorized. >> i love it. >> this is the couch potato's dream. >> i think it's real. >> totally real. all right. what's your sixth sense about this one?
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>> you know, judging by your comments, i'm going to side with you and say real. >> i think it's a realcliner. >> next one, guys makes crazy bird noises. >> this is a real talent right here. >> that sounds more like r2d2. >> he sounds like woody woodpecker. >> he's just pretending to mouth. listen to the sound and then watch the movement of his mouth. >> we've seen people do weirder things with their mouths. i think it's real. >> i think it's real, too, because we also heard beat boxers and the amazing talent that they have to make sounds. so i think it's real. >> this is fake for sure. the sounds don't match up with the face it's making. i think it's a weird looking dude trying to act like a bird. >> oh, man. >> last video, rooster plus duck
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equals ducken. >> it does look like a rooster and a duck. >> does he have like a bluetooth in his ear? >> look. he's got moves. he's groovy and hip. >> i can't believe there was interspecies lovemaking that actually worked. >> maybe they're just nesting up and it's going side to side. it's real. >> you're going real, mac? >> it's just so awesome vements. come on. >> weird and fascinating finds, asalways, matt dreidel. >> i think the ducken would make a great pet. remember these ladies? >> kim kardashian's sex tape with ray j. ray j who? >> they're back and talking with us. >> i always thought she was awkward. do you watch her show? >> about everything.
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whalabyes. >> even the golden retriever lunges. >> it looks like the wallaby lives in the lane. he comes hopping down the path like what are you doing on my proerpt? >> i love the staredown like who's going to move first? then the dog takes off. >> they do think this is a wallaby escaped from a farm but that now lives in the wild. >> i bet he's known as wes. >> he's legit now. not so long ago i showed you a video of three lovely grandmas having a splendid lunch. >> it's on the internet. >> just chatting about the kardashian sex tape. >> they're the golden sisters. turns out they talk about all other kinds of stuff. >> oh, my god, it's marijuana day. >> for example --
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>> oh! grandsons. >> this is hysterical. >> they're teresa, josie and mary. they're all related. they're all hairdressers. they grew up living in the bronx. and on one of their videos, they discuss a man who had a problem with a 20-month-long erection. >> he thought he was a big shot. try and go to bed with a really fat old lady and maybe you'll lose it. >> i think it's safe to say these three lovely ladies, any hold nothing back. >> no. >> so we wanted to find more. we had to get them on skype. joining us, we've got teresa, josie and mary. we think you ladies are hilarious. where did you get the idea to start filming your conversations? >> we wanted to start a website. we're, like, over 70, all of us. and we thought, what would be fun? so we started a website. and we just have a great deal of fun together. >> now --
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>> when the kardashian tape came up, you know rs it was spontaneous, and we watched it. we were shocked. shocked. >> do you get -- >> we don't like porn. >> sex tape with ray j. ray j who? >> i'm a fan of kim kardashian. she's beautiful. >> okay. i've always thought she was awkward but do you watch her show? you see her in the magazines. she's nice to look at, she's very pretty to look at. >> i have a question, though. >> let me tell you, i've got an education. i'm 71 years old and i got an education. we've never saw anything like that in our lives. get out of here. >> oh, my god! >> what kind of advice would you give women now?
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