tv Right This Minute KICU May 22, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. we have the best videos of the day "right this minute." it is a great big bite from a great white. >> these guys are going, oh, i would touch it and they are laughing. i would be terrified. >> of all that power, all those teeth and angry nose holes. they have those angry nose holes. it is a high speed smackdown. what happens when the road isn't big enough for both of them. a cell phone captures a new york cop going off on -- >> a pretty controversial tirade. >> hear the rant causing outrage. a guy practices safe gliding
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over a pool. >> what can possibly go wrong? >> oh, no! it's time to get our show started. steven has our top video and the stories behind it. >> i want you guys to be the judge of this next video exclusively obtained by the "new york post." in it, we are seeing nypd sergeant, leslie charles. he is angry with a group of guys in brooklyn for illegally parking a car. they have a conversation on the street. that conversation then moves inside this chinese food restaurant where sergeant leslie charges goes on what some are calling a pretty controversial tirade. >> go the other way. >> trying to intimidate this guy, a 21-year-old who is later arrested and charged with disorderly conduct for ignoring the cop's orders to leave. the guy has apparently been arrested 20 times before. listen to what sergeant charles says next.
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>> you are guys are humping or whatever, i ain't gat no problem with that. i ain't got no problem with you hustling but when i come around and see it -- >> alluding to the fact that he doesn't have problem with some criminal activity going on across the street. >> who are the guys behind him? >> two plainclothes police officers. >> he is doing this in front of other officers and isn't concerned about being turned in or concerned about any kind of backlash from this behavior? >> obviously so. >> he doesn't know he is being video taped. someone has a cell phone video. >> i have a feeling somebody is not going to be on the force for too much longer. >> according to a source, they are known to low ter and play loud music which leads to a lot of complaints from local businesses. the source went on to say that the sergeant was just trying to get his message across to this 21-year-old in a way he could understand. >> we are not cops on the
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streets. >> maybe this is okay. he tells him he is okay with hustling and then when he cease him hustling, they arrest him. >> they said the matter will be interviewed and arrested by the civil complaint board. a horrifying accident between a motorcycle and a small car. watch closely. you will see two vehicles move in from the right side of your screen. i say both of them are at fault here. >> oh, oh, oh, oh! >> it is bad. the motorcyclist spins down the highway face down for a while. he seems to be conscious. he has obviously got a broken leg. that is hard to see. the motorcycle, as you watched, keeps going all the way down the road, as does the mazda spree that he collided with. i questioned, did the mazda even know he hit the motorcyclist. neither one of them had turn signals on. i don't think either one realized what the other was
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doing. i show this video, because i want people again to know, you have to watch out. motorcycles and cars, keep your eyes open. watch for motorcycles. watch for cars. if you ever come across a scene like this, don't ever remove the motorcyclist helmet without medical attention there. these people take this guy's helmet off. that can potentially cause neck and spinal injuries. leave the helmet on. >> did the driver of the mazda stop? is that it up there. >> no. the driver kept going. like i said, i don't think the driver ever even noticed what had happened. >> the motorcyclist is lucky in that he did not get hit by any other car after he flew off of that motorcycle. he could have easily flown into traffic. >> he could have gone over the railing into oncoming traffic. >> so in that he was fortunate, because he did survive this crash. we have a protest video on
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our show. i am going to take you to montreal, canada for a protest video shot over the weekend. >> whoa! >> i was about to say, there is no real clash, but the officer went right for the mace. >> what i don't like is that the guy, he looked like he was in an argument here in the hoodie and he sprayed that guy and kind of sprayed everybody else in the area. >> it has been going on for more than three months. students protesting because of a tuition hike, 82%, which is a huge amount for students. this particular protest was in response to a law that went into effect on friday night saying that any gatherings that are larger than 50 people, they have to talk to the police beforehand, at least eight hours beforehand to talk about the route, the timing and what the protest is going to be like. in this particular protest, there were 5,000 people. so according to this new law that was in effect, all of these people were breaking the law. it can carry a fine anywhere from $7,000 to $35,000.
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>> they are basically trying to eliminate protests at all. >> sounds like you are not allowed the right to protest. >> that's the way students are feeling. government the officials are saying they put this law into effect so the students that aren't protesting can go back to school and have a school experience that doesn't feel threatening. there was one other video protested from over the weekend from these protests. take a look at this. >> the cop just ran, at least it looked like one guy down. >> right. they are saying this didn't happen. >> so, basically -- >> we just watched it. >> we all four collectively witnessed, didn't happen. >> so far, that's the word but not a lot of people are talking about this video yet, other than protesters who are passing this around saying, you know, the police should have stopped in this situation. shark boy, hunter stevens is back and he is out in the water
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again catching yet another sea monster. >> hold the rod up. >> can you do it? >> it is too big. >> did you see that? >> i love his dad. he is so encouraging. >> he was about to pull me out. >> is that better? >> i am concerned that they are fishing for ocean monsters in a kayak. i was waiting for shark boy hunter to go bing into the water. >> keep rolling. let me see what it is. let me see the rod. oh, oh! >> that's what i'm talking about! >> it is a stingray. >> wow, what do you do with that? how do you get your hook out? >> cut the line. >> eventually, they get the stingray really close and little hunter notices something different about this stingray. daddy, it is cut off.
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someone got him before us. this is what i mean about this. mean people. he can't protect himself now. >> so they pulled the sting ray up and you can clearly see, its barb is completely gone. >> they are not out there to catch things and bring them back. they just want to see the an zals they are known to catch and release what they bring up on the hooks. they share a lot of these videos on their website, shark boy >> look at it. >> they take a few minutes to hang out with the stingray and appreciate his beauty. >> he is beautiful! >> yes, he is beautiful. don't know why someone would cut him. >> that's sad. >> so lovely how sympathetic this young boy is. >> there he goes. we have a little angry elephant video for you. that elephant bumped that little tourist and then walked around it a couple of times just to tell him how it really feels.
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>> see how this one goes down. >> getting ready for the don't look down sweaty palm feeling. >> oh, boy! >> yes, he is. see what happens to him "right this minute." [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. so call now to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with nearly 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet.
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welcome back to the show by don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. this elephant wasn't too excited about the tourist coming into its territory. >> oh! whoa! >> that elephant bumped that little tourist truck and walked around it a couple of times to tell him how he really feels. >> they can't be that scared or they would have driven away by w. >> there is another elephan aroundthre. cracks me up why this elephant paces around the truck, oh, yeah, got his ears out lookinging. just imagine you are in that
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thing, not an enclosed van, not that sturdy and it bumps him. >> i don't blame this elephant. i would probably be pretty mad at a van full of people coming through you my house while i was trying to eat and use the bathroom. >> getting gauked at all day by all these people. you just want some privacy. can't a dog get a little privacy? this is max's little routine that he does. he is just scratching himself. >> are you sure he is just scratching. >> according to his owner, max got caught in the act this time. >> what is he doing? >> max gets caught in the act. he is looking and goes, are you seriously recording that? >> he looks like he actually got caught. >> he stands up and he goes, seriously, you are going to have to delete that? >> he is done twirling his tube of lipstick. >> oh, bad. >> see the entire video of max
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and to find out what he is actually doing if you want to. head to our website, >>. >> we have a lot of dangerous and daring slack line videos. the guy has his rope set up over the pool. so smart. if you fall like he does, right into the pool, right? here he is going to practice his upside down technique. nothing can happen to him. he is totally safe over the pool. >> oh, no. >> tell me they didn't even use mortar to put the bricks together. it was probably just bricks laying on bricks. >> was this a leggo house that he was slack lining from? >> it does appear to be put together kind of shoddy. >> look at the guy inside the porch. he is just like, duck for cover.
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you can see him kind of like -- >> it comes out right on top of his head. it looks like it misses him. >> here i am thinking these guys figured out a safe way to practice slack lining. the guy took a brick to the head. what could possibly go wrong? it looks like jaws and -- >> all i'm thinking is note to self, no swimming at bonn die beach in australia. >> see the big old bite from the great white. imagine controlling someone with the power of your hand. >> this is starting to look like a minority report. >> we will explain how you can get your hands on one cool new gadget. >> and we can all look like we are imagine jigses
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i have the greatest recipe for a great jam. ♪ a traffic jam. this is in china in beijing. you take one car in really bad rainy weather and equal part broken traffic light and a lot, a lot of cars busted scars, scooters, people, very frustrated drivers. >> probably a dash or two of road rage. >> there is like one lane for
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all the cars to get through. >> this is awful. >> this is awful. this scares me. honestly, you might as well get ready to sleep in your car that night. >>. >> i wouldn't move. i would turn it off and let everybody drive around me. there is no way everybody got out of this in like ten hours. >> jam the gas. >> yeah. >> this is a recipe for a giant headache. all right, everybody. a couple deep breaths. dry your palms on your pants. this is going to make you a little nervous. we are in the ukraine in kiev on an old constructn crane. look at wh is out there. >> , boy. he is by himself. no fancy equipment, nothing. >> there is no way to look at this video and not go -- >> freak out. >> immediately, your palms start
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sweating. >> he is about 450 feet up, climbing on a construction van. it gets crazier. now, he decides he is going to climb up this narrow beam. >> i can't look. i can't look. is he going to fall? >> these guys don't have that part of your brain that says, you are really high and you are scared. >> this should be scary. >> this should be scary. he doesn't have that. >> we feature these guys on our show before back in february. we showed them climbing on a brinl in kiev. so this is not a one-time stunned. they do this quite often. >> this is what he should be doing on a playground. >> on the monkey bars. >> about four feet off the grown. 450 feet off the ground. upside down, hanging. now nonchalantly he does this stuff. he pulls himself up with his hands an hangs by one. >> this is making me nervous. >> then, he hangs by one hand. >> he is just crawling around
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like he is two feet off the ground. >> everything else in life is kind of boring, you would think, after this. a monster lives under the surface off the coast of bondai beach in sydney, australia. because of this video, we are going to get to check it out same to absolute boat brokers. they were out there fishing. they had a smaller blue shark on their line and look what came in and took a big bite of the smaller blue shark. >> is that jaws? is that the jaws this he used in the movie jaws? >> except this one is real. yeah. a giant great white. these guys say it is a jubilee great white. if it gets any better than this, i don't know what will be left in the ocean. >> were these not other fish and bait? >> they caught that fish. they caught that blue shark earlier in the day and maybe they just had it trailing on the boat in the water? >> oh, yeah! >> all i'm thinking right now
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is, note to self, no swimming at bondai beach in australia. >> these guys go, i touched it, i was laughing. >> i would be crying in the corner of the boat. >> i would be cutting the rope off. >> it looks huge, like you could fall right into its mouth. >> and angry nose holes. they have got those angry nose holes. look when he comes up to eat it. >> i am looking at his teeth. look at that. >> angry nose holes. >> did he eat the whole thing, including the tail? >> i think so. >> oh, my! uh-oh, kangaroo versus the p
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time for another edition of dogs do the darndest things. >> what do you notice about this fence here? >> hold on a second. they look like a couple different dogs jumping, t my ths are practicing on their pogo sticks. >> maybe they are also training trying to get up high. >> listen to these dogs. they are also into what they are doing. >> someone just drilled a hole
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in there and -- >> it looks like they are. >> it sounds like they are almost pogo sticks. you can almost hear the string. >> they want to know who is coming to the house. it cob the mailman. it cob uld be a burglar. >> it could be a female dolg. they bought pogo sticks for that. this is a game changer when it comes to personal computing. that device is the leap. it eliminates the need for you to use a mouse arks touchscreen or a keyboard. as a matter of fact, it is so sensitive, it is 200 times more ensitive than current tuc screens o there market. >> this is starting to look like minority report. >> it is like minority report where you are just using your hand movement. this uses 3-d motion technology that let's you do all your typing, all your game playing just standing in front of your
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computer. >> we've had stuff like this, the wii operates and the microsoft connect operates by following body movement. this is taking it out of the gaming world and into a personal computing sense where you can do it on more of a macro level. >> they can track your movement down to 1/100th of a millimeter. the wii can't do that right now. >> i can get this now. >> you can roux he ordpreorder . it only costs $69.99. >> it is crazy but i always wonder if it will actually make it to a level where we are all use teeing. >> are you going to spend $70 on me getting me one? >> we can all look like we are magicians or weirdos or like raver? this video was taken in a zoo in buddha pest, capturing a few can gar roos and one of them has interesting intentions. you see a kangaroo chasing a
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peacock. >> are they in the same cage? >> it looks like they are in the same cage. >> whoa! >> smart move by the peacock. >> a pretty sly move by the peacock. >> i feel like the little kangaroo could jump up on the roof. >> he was very determined to catch this peacock. >> by the feathers on the peacock, i can tell it is a female. i guess green feathers means it is female maybe even looking for some female peacock love. >> i thought they were brown and didn't have feathers. >> no, that's the male. >> i thought they were blue. >> i'm pretty sure that christiane minored in peacockology. >> females are green. >> the males are the fancy ones. >> it doesn't matter. >> i know that i'm wrong. >> this kangaroo was trying to get himself a little bit of
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peacock tail. >> imagine that cross breed. >> a kangacock. >> or a pearoo. that's it for our show. thanks so much for joining us. if you have one more video, this is the beginning of the 2012 cliff diving series. enjoy it! cliff diving series. enjoy it! we'll see you tomorrow. -- captions by vitac --
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