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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  May 24, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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[ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious. hello, i'm beth troutman. we've got the best videos of the day, "right this minute." a rowdy passenger makes for one nerve-racking flight. >> other passengers try to restrain this guy. >> but see why he wasn't going down without a fight. >> [ bleep ]! tornado chasers head straight into the vortex. >> these guys are fearless. >> now they reveal the secret weapon to riding out the storm. >> the whole vehicle shakes back and forth. >> grab one of these, because you're going to need it. >> me? >> you too. >> oh, boy. >> you might need a tissue, too, for the story of two kids braving cancer. >> it's one of your worst fears.
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making friends, and they'll be your favorite. >> see how they're toughing it out together. plus, demolition derby from the inside. and paper. it's what's for dinner. nick is going to get our show started, with our first video and the story behind it. >> soccer fans are known to be pretty passionate. this guy on an air tran flight brought his passion on the plane. >> what's going on? i wanted -- [ bleep ]! ah! >> passengers on this flight from london to toronto say this man appeared to be very drunk. he was celebrating at a soccer game at the chelsea match, chelsea won. >> y do you hav -- you [ bleep ]! >> the flight attendants and other passengers tried to retrain this guy. by now, nick, everybody knows you can't cause a scene on a plane. how annoyed are you if you're
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just trying to get home or get on this flight so you can connect to somewhere else? >> get off me! him off me! >> according to the poster, three men and five attendants tried to subdue this man. >> calm down and they won't hurt you! >> don't they have tranquilize e guns they can shoot at passengers like this? >> wouldn't be a bad idea. >> what happened? >> i can only assume they landed safely in toronto. there's no news reports on this. we tried to contact air tran, we did not get a comment by the time we came on-air with the story. >> [ bleep ]! >> i feel like if this happened in a flight that was continental u.s., this guy would have been arrested as soon as they landed and this would have been an actual news story. this surveillance video is full of deplorable behavior. we got this from wews, news net 5. this surveillance camera is on the house of a guy named sean
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mcernie. he installed the cameras three weeks ago and if you look in the corner of your screen, that's a man passed out in his front yard. you would think if someone is passed out in the front yard or along the street, and this is the main street in portchester, new jersey, people might call 911. but look at what all these people do. this first guy is removing his shoes and his socks, looking for valuables and, according to reports, took his wallet and some other valuables. >> did two other people keep walking by? >> keep watching the video. it's not just one or two people. >> maybe they thought the guy was friends with the passed-out man. >> look at the crowd. according to sean mcernie, some people did stop, but believe it or not, the people who did also went through his pockets. no one thought to help, but according to mcernie, five different people took things. this happened in the wee hours of the morning on sunday morning. about 10:00. mcernie's wife went out to do some gardening, and this man who
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had been passed out scared her. so mcernie called 911, and mcernie pressed charges. this guy who was passed out was arrested for trespassing, and according to the police, he was still highly intoxicated. mcernie posted this video himself on a blog, hoping that it would raise some red flags and get people to do something. >> how do you avoid the situation? you don't pass out in the street. >> i bet you that happened in utah. if you're going to chase a tornado, you want the dominator 2. that's what reid timer and the other guys at tornado did when a tornado touched down just the other day, just shy of the canadian border in north dakota. >> whoa! >> they go directly towards something i would turn around and go as fast as i can away from. >> that's the dominator. >> holy moly. >> those guys are fearless. >> we have reid timer from to tell bus
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this experience and the dominator 2. why do you guys do this? >> we built the dominator primarily for research purposes so we intercept tornadoes and measure wind speeds and temperature and things other people can't collect inside the vortex. >> tell me about the dominator 2, because this is not just some regular tricked out truck obviously. >> i'm in it right now. it has 16-gauge steel with protective coating on the outside, windows that are resistant, a hydraulic system so we can drop flush to the ground and also spikes to anchor us even into pavement. >> do you feel safe when the tornado is right in front of your face? >> well, you always have instinct in the back of your head saying that you're in a bad spot. that never goes away. but we also have trust in the vehicle to keep us safe inside a tornado. but it's really intense. the whole vehicle shakes back and forth, your ears are popping, 30 seconds seems like
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10 minutes inside a tornado. >> you're not going inches close to it, you're driving through it, right? >> yeah, we were getting inside that one. >> some people on youtube were saying these tornadoes in north dakota didn't show up on radar. they're saying you might have faked this footage. >> i promise we didn't fake it. we've seen enough tornadoes to not really have the motivation to do that. >> how do you fake a tornado in the first place? >> i wouldn't even know how to start. narcotics officers were responding to a call in darlington, south carolina, of an officer that had been shot at, trying to make an arrest. one of the officers responding to the call was benjamin dale weatherford, in an unmarked suv that in a few seconds you're going to see fly across the screen. >> oh! >> whoa! what? >> we don't actually see the moment of the impact. but we just see what happens just moments after. he was driving around 119 miles per hour. trying to respond to this call.
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after an investigation about what happened here, those investigators determined that he was driving way too fast, a car pulled out in front of him, and then in an attempt to swerve and miss that car, ended up rolling several times, missing the driver. amazingly, sustaining only minor injuries. >> whoa. >> at 119-mile-an-hour crash? >> and didn't hit anyone else on this road. >> there are just pieces of whatever he is driving just left behind. >> weatherford did end up being suspended for five days without pay. his superiors did feel like he was going too fast, and they do encourage their officers to be very cautious, and use care when responding to these calls. >> very little room for error when you're going 119 miles per hour. >> other people on the road, too. that's not safe. ♪ isn't it annoying when you just can't get that last bit of
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ketchup out of the bottle? well, we're showing you some new science that will forever change your condiments. >> that's definitely better. and it's a song all about ikea and their furniture -- >> weird swedish names. ♪ >> that actually sounded dirty. ♪
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we see a ton of dash cam video on this show of cars getting smashed up because of accidents. but this dash cam video, cars getting smashed up on purpose. because -- [ inaudible ] >> i've got to do one of these some day. ♪ >> demolition derby with a dash cam. it's the dress deny demolition derby in canada. i like this part here because the guy is totally blind after his hood gets smashed up.
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>> i love that he has been holding on to the side. >> yeah, he's got like a holy handle ready to go. >> i think that's a technical term. >> yeah. the clown kind of painted station wagon just does a full throttle reverse back into this guy with the camera. that's the trick, man. you've got to use your rear bumper, because all of the important stuff is up front. >> demolition derby notes. >> take out the other guy's radiator with your rear bumper. drive around backwards. you don't want to smash up your own. yeah. ♪ >> don't really know what kind of car makes a good demolition derby car? >> yeah. >> i can -- >> what is it? >> big american cars with rear wheel drive. there's something so primally awesome about that. it's like a good steak, barbecue and beer. it's man food. it is. >> i like it. i think i would like to do this.
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what's the worst thing about condiments? >> not enough of them? >> well, yes. but also, you know that last little bit of ketchup that's in your bottle and you just -- >> you don't need signs to fix that. heinz 57, hit it on the 57. just comes out. >> o science has made this easier. >> we got this video from and dave smith and along with engineers and technologists created a lubricant that goes inside the condiment bottle. watch this. >> that's definitely better. that's better than the 57. except now you're eating the lubricant, too. >> but if this lines your stomach, think about how easy going to the bathroom would be. >> whoa, boy, that is -- yeah, that is -- yeah. >> i'm just saying, right? >> we should bring in our chief lubricant correspondent for this. >> we should bring in our chief lubricant correspondent, tech man zack.
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hey, zack. >> hello. >> good entrance. >> steven has made a fair point. if this is in the ketchup bottle, are we going to ingest this lube? >> what they said, they created a structured liquid, so it's rigid like a solid, but lubricated like a liquid. >> so you're saying they put this lubricant in there and it's just stuck to the bottle, doesn't get mentioned with the ketchup? >> that's right. originally they were trying to use materials that could stop oil and gas clogs in pipelines. >> oh. >> and then someone said, you know what, scratch that, let's use this for condiments. >> apparently condiment bottles is a $17 billion industry. and this should be good for are the environment, too, because apparently they said if this is in all bottles, it could save 1 million tons of food every year. >> going to save us food, it's going to save us money. >> it's going to save the planet! >> science makes life better. and science makes condiments better. and science makes you better. i don't know what that means. >> that was weird.
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you guys are standing along the street watching some cool hot rods cruise by on the coastal highway in ocean city, maryland. some fun cars out there, good-looking stuff. but there's one guy that just can't stand gettithe others get attention. and here he comes. oh. what an idiot. >> yep. >> yeah, yeah. that's like a moped. >> that's a little scooter. he bales, flips over backwards, gets up and does another wheelie. >> and he left something in the middle of the road. some piece of his mic fell off, probably too embarrassed to pick it up. >> he did the classic, i'm an idiot and just did something stupid move, like oh, i'm okay. and everybody laughs at minimum. now the rest of america can laugh at him too. you see that deer swimming in the water. and like us, don't you just wonder -- >> maybe in ten years, deer will
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start just growing food. >> yeah, maybe this is the beginning of an evolution. >> yeah, probably not. see what's going on with this deer, next. >> grab one of these, because you're going to need it. take it. >> me? >> you too. >> see the story of two young soul mates. go grab a tissue. we'll be right back. ♪
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♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right ♪ ♪ if being right means being without you ♪ [ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, 100% whole grain oats... and that sweet honey taste. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy.
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grab one of these, because you're going to need it. take it. >> me? >> you too.
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>> oh, boy. >> i'm tough. i can take it. just watch me. >> all right. i'm not. i'm taking one. >> i'm right here! >> look straight ahead! >> no! straight towards me! >> this is the beautiful story of a friendship between 5-year-old bella hicks and 7-year-old addison klinehance. they created such a beautiful relationship that people are now calling them soul mates. >> it means we were friends in another dimension. >> these two met a few years ago when both of them were at the hospital. >> she was diagnosed one day before me. >> they were both diagnosed one day apart from each other with acute limbo blass particular leukemia which is one of the most common cancers in kids. they have been through spinal taps, bone marrow transplants,
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every process of their recuperation. >> it looks like they lost their hair together. >> yes. >> the thing is, i mean, this is so scary, it's such a scary disease for anybody. imagine how scary it is for a little kid. it must be really nice to have somebody else around the same age to go through this, to battle this thing together. >> even their moms have become friends. >> she is like a sister to me. >> we've definitely developed a lasting bond with them. forever. i mean, we feel like we'll be friends for the rest of our lives. >> i told you! >> i can take it. >> they're no longer living at the hospital. add son will have to continue going for chemotherapy for one more year. >> wow. >> he did say he misses her when she is not there when he's getting his chemo. one of my favorite parts of this story is at the very end. >> like, one of my old sayings, if it's one of your worst feared
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place, make new friends and it will be your favorite. >> oh, man. >> they're going to get through this together, no matter what. >> i hope we end up 20 years from now seeing their wedding video. >> yeah, because that would mean they beat it. >> best friends forever. last time i saw a video like this on our show, i think it was a bear in the water. this time, it's something that you can approach without fear of getting clawed. >> is that a deer? >> she is taking a swim in dale hollow lake in tennessee right on the northern border. >> good swimmer, too, because the water is running. this isn't a very peaceful body of water. it's moving. >> i think she is training for the olympics or something, maybe wants to swim from one side of the lake to the other, be the first deer to accomplish that? >> maybe in ten years, deer will start just growing fins. >> yeah, maybe this is the beginning of an evolution. >> evolution, yeah. they'll just -- they'll all be swimmers in ten years. >> they'll be called dish.
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>> oh, man. another -- >> maybe deesh. >> you could go fishing for this deer with like an ear of corn on a fishing rod. throw that out there. >> you don't want to hook it. >> yeah. >> apparently, deer swim when there are islands around and want to get to another island. maybe one island has better bushes and berries. >> or they're tired of their deer friends on the one island. >> or maybe they have just been voted off the island. >> oh! ♪ this guy is shoe nice and he's paying tribute to reddit. >> i know where that piece of paper is going. >> see where it's going, next.
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pigs can be domesticated like house pets like a dog. but this pig is kind of a bully when it comes to this beagle. now at first you're thinking, why won't the beagle share the ball? he's keeping the pig away, but this little pig will not be deterreded. finally, the pig goes on the offensive. >> whoa! >> freaking out on the dog. >> they're just flayiplaying. they look like they're really good friends. ♪ >> the pig is not done, because he's like, you know what, i'm not through with you. and the dog runs away. ♪
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>> whoa. >> the dog is loving it, though. the dog is coming back for more, rolling around, pawing at the pig. >> great. >> and the pig is like, you want some more of this? i've got some more for you. come on. >> the dog is like -- they're going to eat you alive. check yourself. >> you guys remember shoe nice. >> oh how could we forget? love that guy. >> he made a little video to explain his arousal to internet fame. >> i got -- they're awesome. >> it was when featured him. >> not a surprise. reddit is known to make things viral. >> and you can see here, he wrote it on a piece of paper. right? >> oh, i know where that piece of paper is going. >> oh, boy. >> so let's try and do the world record for fastest piece of notebook paper being swallowed without water. game face. >> apparently that's the move when you're trying to eat a piece of paper with no water. that's how you moisten your
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mouth. >> i do that every day before lunch. >> okay. here we go. on your mark, get set -- >> how long is it going to take him? >> 15 seconds. 5 seconds? he's pretty good. i don't know. ♪ >> time. >> wow. >> 8 seconds. >> i want to know, where did he get the name shoe nice. >> let's ask him. >> hey, shoe nice, where did you get your name? ikea has long been the place for affordable, modern furnishings with weird, swedish names. we all know that. well now there's a song. ♪ it's friday evening and i know what i'm gonna do ♪ ♪
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♪ pull those swedish meatballs out ♪ >> this is musician brad go. you can find out more about brad at ♪ >> that actually sounded dirty. i don't want to move too fast, i'm going to pour some bubbly in your -- that sounded bad. >> when you put bubbly on the first date -- ♪ ♪ ikea >> if you notice, you click on all of the different weird swedish names. and when you do, the director of product nomenclature, david ikea's son, comes to tell us the origin of these names. >> this is. [ inaudible ] named after my favorite singer. >> yes, well, now, that was a short one. >> this is. [ speaking in swedish ]
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swedish for snail. snails are slimslimy, slow and , like babies. >> we'll put this entire video from brad go up on our website, ♪ ♪ ikea >> that's it for our show, everybody. we're so glad you joined us. have an awesome rest of your day. have an awesome rest of your day. we'll see you tomorrow. -- captions by vitac --
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♪ we were skipping stones ♪ and letting go ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats, or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.


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