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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  July 3, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. welcome to another edition of "right this minute." we've got videos first. stuck in a tree. usually it's a cat. but when firefighters roll up -- >> it's a dad this time. >> they ask me how far you were up. i said over ten feet. >> over 15 feet. over 20 foot. >> how the devoted dad got rescued as his nervous family watched. >> i was nervous. i just was more nervous. she's a convenience store robber wearing the ultimate distraction. a beautiful smile and a low-cut shirt. why police are warning this suspect is disarming and dangerous. a new death-defying wing suit flight that's -- >> as extreme as i've ever seen. >> the video that asks just how close can you cut it. we've got a rescue -- >> of the furry kind. and the science behind a
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cool video of banana slugs. >> it looked like they were fighting over a piece of cheese. >> that was not a piece of cheese. that was his penis. when firefighters are sent to rescue someone or something from a tree, you'd think it's a cat. well, not this time. >> yeah. there's dad stuck in a tree. all the way up. >> whoa! >> it's a dad this time stuck in a tree. the dad is in lincoln, nebraska. he was trying to hang a swing from his daughter, arianna. climbed up there, managed to get himself stuck. now, his fiancee, alex, is filming this. >> they asked me how far you were up. i said 10 feet. >> over 15 foot. over 20 foot. >> i'm not very good at guessing feet. >> oh, man, i have a spider on me too. >> i never thought i'd call the fire department to save my fiance from a tree. usually it's a cat.
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>> the fire department eventually does show up. >> i feel embarrassed. >> how do you get up there? i don't even see a ladder. >> we've got vinny, alex and their very cute daughter, arianna joining us right this minute from lincoln, nebraska. vinny, we're glad to see you're safe and sound, but first of all, how did you get yourself stuck? >> so i decided to toss the rope over the tree limb. i just climbed up it. once i got to the top, the rope was underneath me. >> alex, you seemed amused by this whole thing. >> oh, i was nervous. i just was more amused than nervous. you should have known i was going to get you on camera on this. >> when the fire department eventually comes, they put the ladder up there but it looks like you were able to get the rope where you wanted it before you came down. >> they told me to finish the job so they didn't have to come back.
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>> after we see you, you know, walk down the ladder, what did the firefighters say? >> they told me i was the first human being that they actually rescued out of a tree before. >> i've got to ask though, vinny, did it hurt your pride at all? >> oh, absolutely. i'm not afraid to say it. >> you're handling it really well. i think all of us can say you got a gold star as a dad for your efforts for sure. >> heck yeah. >> because that was a high tree. >> i hate to bring this up, but your daughter is going to grow up one day. how will you get the swing down? >> i think i'll leave it for the next people that decide to move in with kids. >> here's dad stuck in a tree. you don't expect a thief to be wearing a smile while they commit their crime. take a look at this woman. she walks into a petrol station in australia, smiling quite brightly. >> she's the thief?
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>> she is the thief, steven. you'll probably also notice something else about this woman besides her smile. maybe you, nick. >> wow! >> i don't think anybody can miss that, beth. >> her hat. she's got a hat on. >> did you notice she had big bazooms. >> thank you, gayle. she came in with a beautiful smile in a low-cut shirt and was quite an attractive woman. but the strange thing is, she came in, smiled at the clerk, then immediately came behind the counter demanding cash and charged at the clerk with a knife. he did end up opening the till and giving her money but actually tried to leave the store. the clerk behind the counter started throwing everything he could find at her before she was able to get out the door. >> he just threw stuff at her? this is the perfect time to tackle the robber and defend yourself. >> real hands on. >> now, this woman did leave the store with cash in hand.
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there was a vehicle waiting outside for her that they believe was driven by a male accomplice. police are still looking for this woman and her accomplice. >> you know what, i don't think she'd get convicted with these two on the jury. >> she just had a bad day. >> a crime's a crime, guys, no matter how low cut the blouse. you guys are going to feel really bad for this next guy i'm about to show you. this is omar, he's 62 years old. he lives in india and he's got a genetic condition called neurofibrometosis. his entire body is covered with benign tumors. >> his entire body, like every inch of his skin. >> it's like bubble wrap all over him. it started when he was about 14 years old as small lumps and just continued to grow all over his body. he gets itchy in the summer. imagine trying to wash your body with all these crevices and
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lumps all over you. >> that's almost like a washboard. >> and doctors say it will likely affect his children. in fact his youngest son, who's 12 years old, is already starting to show signs of lumps. >> and there is nothing they can do? >> doctors say there's no cure. omar says it's ruined his life. when he goes for a job, people just should know hun him. they don't want to look at him or give him a job. his wife has had to be the provider for the family. >> this is one of those videos that makes you think if you're having a badust think about this guy. you had a flat tire today, not as bad as this. you are about to watch a rescue of the furry kind. >> what you're looking at are firefighters from florida looking into a car hoping to rescue a kitten. >> you got him?
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>> ahhh. >> apparently that car belongs to a mom. she was dropping one of her kids off at a library. she drove two to three miles away to a high school, but apparently while she was at the library, she picked up two stowaways, two kittens. well, two teenagers, katie and her friend, cker, saw the cats were under the c so ran oer f kittens got wrapped up in the axle, so they took off the wheel and got the cat out. the other cat climbed up deeper into the engine and that's when they called the firefighters to rescue the cat. >> any idea where they came from? >> curiosity carries the cat in all kinds of weird places. >> that cat was screaming on his way out, terrified. >> and you didn't ask the most important thing. >> what's the most important thing? >> what did they name the cats
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that are now available for adoption in seminole county, florida? >> axle and wheel? >> no. tucker and tuckerina after one of the teen rescuers. this guy's famous brother is a hollywood sex symbol. >> he kind of looks like him. >> but now doug gets a taste of the celebrity lifestyle in a new endorsement deal. so, who's the superstar sibling? >> oh! and a musician who takes his acoutic guitar playing to the next level. >> he just needs that one more beat. >> the story behind the new style next. >> it's entertainment. [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home
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on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. so call now to get at&t u-verse high speed internet for just 14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. that includes access on-the-go to our entire national wi-fi hot spot network, with nearly 30,000 hot spots. at&t u-verse high speed internet. now on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection your whole house can count on. ♪
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who is the second most famous pig? >> this is doug pig. >> be real. >> this is doug pitts and he is
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brad pitt's brother. >> hello, everyone, my name is doug pitt. welcome to my home. >> he kind of looks like him. >> what this video is supposed to show is the difference in lifestyles between the two. doug pitt is not a superstar. he can play basketball in his front yard without the paparazzi. >> does he have 20 kids? >> he doesn't, but he does his own lawn. >> usually starts on the first pull. >> you're right. this isn't real. it was created by virgin mobile in australia to try to help promote their services, that you get celebrity services at celebrity brother prices. >> oh! >> but it's really brad pitt's brother. >> it really is him. >> do you think he's acting? >> i don't think he would be that excited about printer. >> this baby right here, it scans, it prints, it faxes, 1200 dpi, black and white. >> i think he's doing quite well for himself, though. even though he isn't brad pitt. >> i think it would be better to be brad pitt's brother than brad pitt because you don't have to
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deal with the paparazzi. >> pretty sweet christmas gifts. >> clearly he didn't get the color fax machine he was looking for. >> i'm going to upgrade to the color, but right now this baby gets it done. >> they're trying to give him a little taste of what it's like to be a celebrity, so his first celebrity endorsement is virgin mobile. and now we all know doug pitt. >> exactly. there's a lot of talented musicians on youtube. blake mcmurray is one of them. he's 17 years old and he can play the acoustic guitar like a total boss. ♪ he has so much music inside him, he needs to use more than just two hands to play this guitar. ♪ >> is he slapping the bottom with his foot? >> yes. he just needs that one more beat in this song called "eclipse" that he can't get with two hands. this seems to be blake's own style. i've never seen it before.
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to see how he developed this unique playing, blake joins us via skype. >> describe that moment where you thought i need to use my foot. >> i was in my dining room. i was practicing. i needed an extra beat, as you said, so i foot just bumped up and i wanted to write a song with it. >> are other musicians trying out your technique where they're using hands and feet to play the guitar? >> i think i may have seen one video where it was tried, but i don't think so. >> why use the foot? >> in some sense it is definitely for some visual appeal, it is entertaining. >> i see a couple of guitars behind you. can we see you live in action? >> yeah. ♪
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♪ [ applause ] >> very nice. >> well done. >> it's like he's playing five different instruments. do you have to stretch out and limber up before your performances? >> i used to. it probablyook around there, to really get the style down. >> so "right this minute" fourth of july. >> that is intense. >> fireworks, food and fun. celebrate fourth of july next time on "right this minute." the new ride to take you to a special event. >> a minivan? >> no. not a minivan. >> oh, that's a porsche limo. >> no, not that either. but there is something different about this ride.
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>> well, that's pretty cool. >> sneak a peek, next. and a serious case of monkeying around. >> whoa! >> he did a cannon ball. >> there's
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it's time for the best of rtm where we tell you about videos you can find on our website, we're all about videos first. you know the hit band gta.
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well, this guy knows it but he's playing it heavy metal style. ♪ >> cool. >> definitely a song worth checking out. >> you can do some head banging to that. in this one, beth, everyone has got to grow up sometime, even harry potter. this video is from serious molecules called harry potter and ten years later. let's just say his life ten years from now is a little bit more adult. this one is not for kids. >> oh, it's not for kids. definitely head over to our website and check that out. all you have to do is click on best of rtm. you guys, if we ever get nominated for an emmy, we're going to show up in this. >> a minivan? >> oh, that's a porsche limo. >> that is not a porsche. >> oh, is it an electric limo? >> that is a nissan leaf limo. the people at, they
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build all kinds of specialized limos so they made what they say is the world's first 100% electric limo based on the nissan leaf. they stretched it out. they're also going to give us a peek inside as to what they did with it because a regular nissan leaf doesn't fit this many people. >> that's pretty cool. you can show up and feet good about what you're doing for the environment and when you're in an electric car, you can sneak up on people because they don't make a lot of noise. if we don't get nominated, we can sneak in in this. >> it's not like the biggest -- it almost just looks like a sedan. you're not going to make a statement showing up in the leaf, a visual statement. you're going to make the statement of, look, we're very green and eco-friendly. aren't limos supposed to have cheesy lights and stupid stuff? this just looks like the inside of a car. >> this is like a nicer version of the town car. a town car is a classy way to arrive because it's not ostentatious. this allows more people than a
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town car and you're not hurting the planet. steven, it's time for weekly gross us out, freak us out segment. >> okay. always a fun segment. >> i don't know what he's going to show us, all i know is it's a doctoral thesis. already sounds fascinating, right? >> already sounds like something i won't be able to understand. >> zack, get in here. okay, zack. >> what's up? they're eating each other? >> you've got an idea. >> what did it do? did it just suck something off of the other one? >> did it take its life? >> none of those things. >> tell us what's going on here. >> these are banana slugs. what you're watching is post-coitus. >> is that one banana slug's penis? did he eat his penis? >> you got it.
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they have both male and female genitalia. scientists started noticing that some of these banana slugs would have either deformed or no penises at all. >> what are we seeing? it looked like they were fighting over a piece of cheese. >> that's not a piece of cheese. that was the penis. >> what you saw was one of the slugs chewing off the other's penis. >> is that like a post-coital ritual? of. here you are having a good time thinking that went well and then your penis is gone. >> was this a doctoral thesis? were they trying to figure out the behavior of banana slugs post-coitus? >> yes. she was doing it on sexual behaviors of these banana slugs. >> what happened to eating a bowl of ice cream and watching tv? >> a little pillow talk. >> this is violent. this is sexual and violent. that guy is about to jump off of that cliff.
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really? >> oh, boy. >> he could touch the ground if he wanted to. >> see the most death-defying flying video we've ever shown you, next. i used to rock out every weekend, now i rock out every day of the week. [ male announcer ] for brian, the all new medicare supplement plans from anthem bluecross were music to his ears. he knows that traditional medicare won't cover all of his healthcare costs. so he added a plan that pays for some of the expenses original medicare won't, like deductibles and copays.
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what is he doing? is he playing the air guitar with a cane? >> well, he is. he is in buckley falls. it's fwhirwinter in australia, this is water.
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got his pants rolled up, playing the air guitar that he just throw as way. >> dunking his head in the cold water. >> in the cold water. >> you want that rock star wet hair style. >> here he goes. oh, look. >> i love seeing people -- he got like a onesie on? no, overalls. he's got suspenders jacked way up. they're having a good time, not caring about anybody else, what people think. they're making each other laugh. i'm okay with it. >> oh [ bleep ]. if you're into death-defying feats of sports, you're going to love this. another wing suit video, but this one is as extreme as i've ever seen. this whole time you feel like, oh, my god, he's going to hit
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the ground any second. >> and he could touch the ground if he wanted to. if he reached down, he could touch the ground. >> pick up a rock. >> maybe it's the perspective, but to me it looks like he's just barely skirting the tops of the trees. what if he misjudges one of these turns? there's going to be no room for any kind of mistake. >> whoa! >> this angle is really cool because you can see how close his shadow is to the ground. he just kind of zooms by. it looks like he's doing over 100 miles an hour. i'd say on the scale of 1 to extreme, this is pretty nuts. >> is there a learning curve? do you just jump and learn? >> yeah. you probably have one jump. when you go to india and you happen upon the sun temple tourist spot, you might see some of this. >> whoa!
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>> he did a cannonball. >> he's not the only monkey doing a cannonball. >> oh, and they hug. >> yeah, they hug. >> this is awesome. >> at first i thought i was going to be scared of this video because monkeys in packs really freak me out. >> do they? >> yeah. they take turns too. that one was pretty high. look at that, all they need is a couple buddies on the ledge with scorecards. >> you missed the other animal in the video. >> there's a pig and a -- is that a pig? >> that is a pig. >> that's the biggest pig i've ever seen. this is cool. >> i'd want to sit on the edge with my feet in the water and watch them do acrobats into the water. >> i want to see one do the pencil. >> i like how they hug it out. like man, good job. >> good jumping, good cannonball. >> i love 'em. they're different.
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>> in a speedo, you hug another man in a speedo. >> every time. that's our show for today. thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time. -- captions by vitac -- now's a great time to get at&t u-verse tv. make the switch! [ female announcer ] call to get u-verse -- now with free hd -- for only 25 a month for six months -- our lowest price ever -- with a total home dvr included. plus get hbo and cinemax free for three months. [ male announcer ] with u-verse tv, you can record four shows at once with a total home dvr that lets you play back, pause, or rewind your shows from any room. [ female announcer ] so call
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