tv Right This Minute KICU July 10, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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hello, everyone. i'm beth troutman. welcome to "right this minute." we've got videos first.ñi talk about a flying car. it slides on its side straight into a gas station. >> geez. that thing was moving. >> we've got details of the astounding video. he has got cancer. >> doctor said there's not much they can do. >> all he wants is to meet katy perry. how the internet is going crazy over one man's last wish. a reporter is covering a car event. >> and then this happens. >> oh! >> some people think it's a fake. but we've got the real story. lugging the old ball and chain. >> a friday night out in russia. >> the surprise guys risk blowing a disk. we'll get our show started with surveillance video that is graphic and could be difficult to watch.
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we got this from a gas station in hen rico county, virginia. >> oh, my goodness. >> the car was sliding on its side. >> you'll see an suv cross the median across two lanes of traffic. it slides on its side into this gas station into the last pump and flipped over on its roof. >> that thing was moving too. that driver must have been flying. >> police are still investigating what caused this crash. they are saying they believe a medical emergency might have been the cause of this crash. the driver was 44-year-old john holland. he was taken to the hospital after the crash. but died later. >> did you notice there were hardly any customers there. when i was at the gas station today it was packed full of people. think if there had been people milling around getting potato chips or gas. >> there were no other injuries, no customers. there was not a passenger inside the car. it was a single car accident. >> did the pump ever catch fire. >> after the suv slammed into the pump the emergency system
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was immediately activated to shut all of the pumps down because they were afraid of a fire. so everything was handled perfectly by the store owners, by emergency crew workers. the surveillance video you will see a man on his phone, you'll see the store owner inside the gas stion on his phne. ople c immediately. unfortunately, they don't know how the accident happened yet. i want you guys to tell me what tv show you think of when you see this video. >> "cops"? >> no. where's lieutenant dangle. >> this is your academy. you have six months to get it right. >> the recruitment video for newport beach, california. i want you to check out what newport beach looks like according to their chamber of commerce. >> real nice place to live. >> i've been there quite a bit in the last three years and it's a beautiful beach town. it's quiet.
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it's the o.c. >> because they have the hard core cops all over the place cracking skulls, keeping the place nice. >> this cop video makes it look like it's camden, new jersey. the world's most dangerous place. >> no offense to anybody from camden, of course. >> anyone that's still alive in camden. >> they got to show you action, that's what you want to go to work for. >> you don't want to show people the bad stuff. you want to show them you'll be patrolling the peach and these pretties in bikinis. you don't need to show dash cam video. that's what "right this minute" is for. >> lay on the ground. >> the people who are horrified are saying stuff like newport beach where your dreams come true. tired to sitting on your mom's couch? how about getting off that couch and coming to work for us. ♪ >> there may be a reason why the new port police needs to recruit some hard core cops because this
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was the scene in newport beach on july 4th. fireworks come in early with a couple booms to a couple dude's faces. girl trying to fight agy. >> shoving the guy in the green tank. that guy loses it. pushes her out of the way and decks a duke, knocks him cold. boom. >> and then just erupts into a full-on brawl on the beach. >> oh shoot. >> where is the newport police now? recruiting? >> they are recruiting. >> recruiting video. >> that guy got knocked out. >> his buddies are trying to make him come around. he is like a sack of taters on the beach. >> did you video the whole thing? >> the whole thing. >> why can't people get along when drinking on the beach? >> you're already at the beach man. >> how can it be bad? >> enjoy it. embrace the beach. >> cassy, a spokeswoman for the newport beach police department, on the fourth of july there were about 119 different arrests. she would not confirm or deny if any were related to this
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incident in particular. the alcohol related incidents, urinating in public, that kind of thing. >> there he is, the cop, he's there to break things up. he could put them in a chokehold. we've seen it in the video. >> they were taught how to do it. >> they know how. i challenge you guys this video because if things went a little different for the three of us this could have been us. this is tvc journalist andrew. he's 25 years old, in russia. he's doing a live hit here about auto exotty ka, like an auto convention. the car behind him starts doing some demonstrations, drifting around in a circle as this guy is live talking back to the studio. he has his eye on. >> i'm already laughing. >> then this happens. >> oh! that's not funny at all. he got hurt. >> a car comes around as it's
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drifting, clips andrew. he hits the deck. >> they're doing this to promote the event. that's not going to look good. >> watch how his body snaps. >> that's awful. >> you can see people are immediately rushing to his aid. >> is he okay? >> he was rushed to the hospital. hard to believe, you can see he's up and about, looks like he has his wits about him. suffered nonlife-threatening injuries. had a concussion. >> it's aamazing that didn't kill him. >> you know what would have been better if he would have bounced back up and continued his live shot. a true reporter doesn't let anything stop him in the middle of a live shot. >> i think you get a free pass for getting hit by a car. this race car driver takes a spin around the streets of san francisco. >> by himself. >> wow. >> that maze he set up for himself to spin around. >> see the stunts this dude can do out on the open road.
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and, what is this? >> is that the face? >> this is how the face develops. >> we'll explain this one later. >> we all start out really ugly. [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as 14.95 a month
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. it's time for another edition of the best of rtm where we tell you about bonus videos you can find on our website. we've all about videos first. >> this is awesome. we've had this on our show before. it's funny every time. more train horng pranks, the 25th edition. the guy has a horn rigged up in their car that sounds like a freight train is coming straight at people and people freak out. >> every time. it's good to watch. now this one is a little different than that. this is a new angle on a rock band. we've got a go pro camera on the drummer of the band pounders. they're playing their song "riot" and you're watching this man in action.
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>> yeah. you can attach a gopher to anything. >> and it looks cool, right? >> buy both these videos on our website. head over to >> and click best of "rtm." ken block is a precision race car driver. he's a drifter and a rally car driver. he drives the ford focus dc shoes car and to our fans who live in san francisco, he took over san francisco and got to drive through the street by himself. >> i would pay money for that opportunity, taking the bay bridge with no traffic. >> this is jim conna 5. the other videos he has put out have received millions of hits. this has just been released. cruising through in between two moving street cars. no problem at all. >> wow. >> like a maze he set up for himself just to spin around. >> san francisco is known for its hills. >> yep.
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>> he takes air. up and over one of those hills. i love that. >> didn't you do lombard street. that would be impressive. >> he didn't do lombard street but he did do something similar. does like a sideways jump and still manages to keep the car under control. travis, x games champion, makes an appearance. here he's doing doughnuts around a wheeling pastrana. >> he's a brave dude. not that he's on a bike, but he's there where the car is drifting around. >> i wonder if they told people -- >> warning, stay in your homes during the hours of this event because a guy is going to be flying around your neighborhood. >> it looks like this is in an area of san francisco called twin peaks. >> to see the entire video go to if you live in the san francisco area we have lots of fans there, did you see what was going on? did you check it out? >> i want you to take a look at this video that is starting to go viral. >> my name is tony harrison. i'm a 20-year-old male. i have cancer since the age of
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16. unfortunately, at the age of 20, which i'm at now, cancer is going to defeat me. in a matter of months. doctors say there's not much they can do. i created a bucket list. you're on my bucket list. i would love to meet you. >> he's created a bucket list and saying your aon my bucket list. i would love to meet you. the person he's talking about -- >> katy perry, if you're seeing this i would love to meet you even an hour of your time, it would mean a lot to me. >> this guy's one wish before the end of his life is to meet katy perry. of course people who saw this video, they were moved, they started sharing it with everyone. people are tweeting about it. people are talking about it on facebook. thousands of people have already viewed this video and he's hoping that katy perry will see it and that his wish will be granted. >> to be honest i would be willing to bet she's already seen it. stuff like this gets passed around like crazy. it spreads like wildfire,fá vids like these. they always end up in the hands of the people they're intended for and i wouldn't be surprised
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if she does. >> seems like he's been fighting a long time, kind of understand what he has to experience. >> i'm happy he's making the most of this situation, he's going to try to live an amazing last few months. >> i really, really hope somehow this video can get to you, that if you can find time i would really love it. he uses hannah montana to repel raccoons. >> why do you hang out with the raccoons in the first place? >> they hang out with me. i'm a likable person. it's time for the family shelf portraits. >> not self-portrait. >> not a self-portrait. >> like shelf. >> shelf portraits. >> yep. that's right. you'll get the picture next. and a true test of man strength in the wife carrying competition. >> do you have to carry her upside down and backwards? >> this is very caveman-esque.
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now i rock out every day of the week. [ male announcer ] for brian, the all new medicare supplement plans from anthem bluecross were music to his ears. he knows that traditional medicare won't cover all of his healthcare costs. so he added a plan that pays for some of the expenses original medicare won't, like deductibles and copays. he gets to keep his own doctors and hospitals
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like portraits of shelves. >> shelf portraits. >> not a self-portrait. >> not a self-portrait. >> shelf? >> shelf portrait. >> this is from cork, ireland. this is the casey family shelf portraits. this video is ten hours condensed down to ten minutes. it's a bit of an art installation meets photo session. and you see they're building these shelves on this white wall. in this ten hours, this photo session features three generations of the casey family. first, we've got alan, osheen and dara. we see their parents there back to back. and the third generation, grandma. grandma's up there on the shelves as well. >> interesting. a shelf portrait of the family for your shelf. >> so the video was put together by one of the brothers, dara casey. he's actually joining us right
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this minute from london to tell us about this project. dara, how did you sort of come up with this idea? >> this was my masters in london. my family was involved in what i was doing so i decided this would be interesting. >> what was everybody sitting on that they didn't fall and they were able to sit there. >> each shelf has been made for the video. myself and my brothers are on what i call a strator shelf, like a saddle. my parents are supporting off each other on larger shelves. my grandmother is on a really, really enforced shelf with basically -- >> did you have to do convincing for granny to put her on a shelf? >> absolutely. the project took a lot of convincing and coaxing. >> what are we seeing on the shelves? >> i asked individuals to bring objects that they thought reflect their personalities and lives. i asked my grandma to bring her irish bread she makes. my parents took objects that represent their lives. >> it's funny, because usually
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it's like a bad thing to put someone on a shelf. it's like i'm going to put beth on a shelf. save her for later. this is a good thing. it's cool. >> absolutely. the project kind of looks at reducing the hierarchy between people and objects and furniture. a little bit of kind of humor and dehumanization of people. but i think people enjoy it as well. >> this is definitely a step above olin mills photographs. on "right this minute" we've had all kinds of competitions, but nothing quite like this. ♪ >> what is this? >> this is a friday night out in russia. >> this is not in russia. in fact, this is in finland. this is the wife carrying competition. the whole purpose of it is to go through an obstacle course carrying your wife. >> do you have to carry her upside down and backwards? >> that seems -- >> the most efficient way, maybe. >> that's the most convenient way of being able to carry her.
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>> look at what happens to the woman when they get to the moat. >> oh, my goodness. >> you see the poor woman like -- how not to dress. >> this is very caveman-esque. very beat her with a club and drag her by the hair. >> this is a tribal practice of wife stealing. >> carrying the wife. >> it is kind of caveman-esque. steal someone's wife, run through a moat, get to the next town and she's yours. >> lucky lady. >> are you at a disadvantage if you are a smaller dude or you're a big dude or -- >> if your wife's a big lady. >> the winner of this competition gets their wife's weight? beer. that's the prize. >> if you have a spinner wife, you only get a six-pack. if you have a healthy lady, you get a keg. >> exactly. >> do you have to be married? >> no. you just have to be carrying a wife. >> you can carry somebody else's
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it's round one of puppies versus air conditioner? >> the puppy is sitting in the passenger's seat. it is enjoying the air conditioner. >> maybe he thinks this is better than a window. >> maybe he just ate a whole bottle of hot sauce and trying to cool off his tongue. >> that's excitement. that's the dog thanking the ac for cooling him down. >> dogs try to bite at the air. >> dogs do. he's doing it. ♪ >> this video comes from chiway entertainment. the bout of the century, puppy versus air conditioner. >> the bout of the forever and ever and ever. >> or fur ever and fur ever. >> that's a dumb joke and didn't come from beth. >> oh! steven, it is time for our favorite segment, the history of the face.
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>> first time but also our favorite. >> our favorite one. technology is going to show us the history of the face. this video was put together for the bbc series "inside the human body." >> wait, that's a face? >> this is how the face develops. inside the mother's womb between the first and third month after conception. >> this looks like slaw from the "goonies." we all start out really ugly. >> now starting to look like sort of an alien monkey. that looks like e.t. starting to slowly look like a person. >> like a pig. >> now look like a human. >> so that we all started looking like this. >> the thing that will be difficult to understand actually is how they put all of this together. >> let's find out. >> zach knows. >> hey, zach! >> hello. >> welcome. >> how did they make this face morphology video? >> they took embryo scans between the first and third
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months after conception and then actually they did this, they had to make virtual structures of the face and compile them together to make a time lapse. everything kind of all comes together at one spot around the nose, which is the little ridge you have above your upper lip. it's important all the facial structures come together at this point because if they don't all come together at the same time cleft lip or cleft palate can occur. >> it makes you appreciate the human body and what the female body can do. it molds and a person comes out. >> yeah. >> freaking you out. you can barely make words. >> gets me really excited. my body can do this. i think. i know that you guys are just dying to know what it looks like when you like 500 piccolo petes at the same time. >> what's a piccolo pete? ♪ >> our friend urban dictionary.
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piccolo pete is a small tu beau lar whistling firework that can made into a small m-80. starts out doing not so extreme trick with its fireworks. flash forward in the video we have 500 and light them all at once. >> that's going to be loud. sounds like a nasa shuttle taking off. of course you have multiple angles. a commenter on youtube notices one piccolo pete flying by the screen. the potpourri of reactions is something like this. >> yeah! >> yeah! >> unless you're the neighbor who works the night shift, dogs must have been going bananas for miles around hearing that. >> doesn't sound much like a piccolo. >> at all. unless you're a really bad piccolo player. >> worse of all time. ♪
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