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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  July 31, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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hello, everyone. i'm beth troutman. it's time for the best videos of the day, "right this minute." a night out clubbing turns into a night of, uh, clubbing. as a full-on brawl turns into a sidewalk people show. >> we're seeing a lot more than we asked for. >> the story behind the video that comes with a valuable lesson. >> if you're going to wear a dress, don't pick th day to get fight. soldiers sick of walking didn't know they were almost really dead on their feet. >> look what his buddy spots. >> shell shock in action. >> get back, get back. a quick-thinking mom is able to save her entire family. how she went right when things went wrong. and they're grubbing for seafood at the buffet.
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see how much worse it gets when the fresh catch arrives. >> i don't think they have a system here. it's time for our first video of the day. steven has it. >> a guy is walking around downtown orlando, florida. he comes across this crazy scene. as you can imagine, he pops out his camera and starts filming. we're seeing a brawl between a group of club goers and two off-duty but in uniform orlando police officers. we're seeing an unidentified woman officer and officer renalre-na renaldo rivero. they're being attacked outside this bar from this group of club goers. >> why? >> according to police, there was a group of women not being allowed to go back inside a certain club. the two officers were just walking by. when they walked by the scene,
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they were assaulted by friends of these women who weren't allowed back inside the club. at one point, the female officer is really wrestling with this woman in a yellow dress. she eventually was able to tase this woman. you see her there, and get her under control. yeah, her dress comes up. we're seeing a lot more than we asked for. eventually, they were able to get this under control. >> it looked like a bouncer at the door picked up a barrier stand and was trying to help control the crowd. >> yeah, you notice a guy in black, and he's trying to help the officers fend off this group of club goers. in all, nine people were arrested. four charged with aggravated battery on an officer. the officers were treated for minor injuries at the scene. cuts and bruises. >> seriously, ladies, if you're going to wear a dress, don't pick that day to get in a fight. >> wear your underwear when you leave the house. let's start with that. number two, don't beat up a cop because you couldn't go back into the club. what kind of nut case does that?
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>> if this is what kind of mood they were in, no wonder they weren't let back into the club. i want you guys to take a look at this video that's making waves in new zealand. skateboarders running away from a security guard. the guy with the camera was actually one of those skateboarders. if you notice, the security guard's got a skateboard in his hand. >> the gate was open. >> put one of them here. >> hey, i need it back. >> this is all happening in eden park in auckland, new zealand. it's a big starts arena. >> the [ bleep ] gate was open. >> if you leave the gate open, would it be all right if i came into your house? >> he's trying to do his job. if something happened to these guys inside this park, it could
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have been a huge liability. >> well, remember how i said this video is making waves in new zealand. let me show you why. security guard shows them the door. the guy with the camera is following him. he's still trying to get his board back. keep watching. >> look, we won't do it again. i need my -- just give it back. >> hey, hey, hey. >> hey! >> oh, no! >> all right, all right, all right. >> breaks the board into pieces and then throws it at the guys once they finally leave the exit door of the park. we contacted the folks at eden park. according to the spokesperson, they found out with cc-tv footage that the skater was lying about the gate being opened. they did, in fact, break in. >> what he should have done is
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said, you come get the board when we're open for business. get out. >> they also didn't comment on whether any further action would be taken against the security guard or the trespassers. our soldiers are still serving overseas and in harm's way. you will never believe what happened to these soldiers while on patrol in afghanistan. >> oh, [ bleep ]. >> he thought it was an empty artillery shell. then he noticed there was a wire on it. so they all broke into a run. >> get back, get back, get back. >> [ bleep ]! sorry. scared the bl[ bleep ] out of h. we just found a bomb. >> i'm surprised he just went up to that thing and picked it up. >> yeah, a lot of comments on a website are like the first thing you learn is don't. touch anything. he was thinking it was an empty
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shell. then they run into a vacant building to get some protection. >> we would have [ bleep ] died. that was a big [ bleep ] artillery round. at least, what, 25 pounds. >> it's amazing that it didn't go off. it didn't blow up. >> i like how his friends joked and apologized to his wife saying he won't do it again. >> hopefully his wife gets this. he's very sorry for picking that up. >> you know what? it looked like an artillery shell. i was going to inspect it more. then you see wires. >> he's just keeping it real. good to see them jump right into what they're supposed to do. i have two videos. i think we can safely guess they're from russia. the first one is titled "surprise," very appropriately. >> oh! >> yeah, that's a surprise.
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that's a terrible surprise. >> that's awful. >> yikes, is all i can say. >> yeah, watch that again. >> i thought for sure somebody was going to jump out of the back of that truck. >> me too. somebody's going to open the flap and do something funny. surprise! >> that would have been a better surprise. this surprise was terrible. >> this is an awful surprise. >> yeah. >> check out this other video that also caught the drivers by surprise. you're going to see why. >> oh! no! no! stop a little kid. >> this little kid was about to cross the street on a very busy road. >> he has a chance to go back. go back right there. don't try to keep going playing frogger here. all these cars ran into each other. >> you can see the glass on the ground, on the road. >> that kid definitely high tailed it out of there. you could see him running down the street as soon as the cars hit. >> he's also thinking, i just
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caused this huge pileup on the street. >> he doesn't even see this happen. he paid his pants. >> we see these accidents and always wonder, where are the police? in this case, we hear the police. they keep going. >> he honked his horn like, hey, guys. >> i see something happen. >> good luck to y'all, okay? here comes the walrus. all we can say is he's 200 pounds of love. see the story behind the baby walrus video next. and a big crowd following a big voice ends up, well -- >> reminiscent of my halloween
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a woman in eastern china is being called a hero, and her actions were all caught on video. this is surveillance footage from a highway in eastern china. as you can clearly see, a truck carrying a large load flips on
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its side, narrowly missing a man, a woman, and a small child. >> oh, wow. wow. >> wow. >> you could see the driver in the car just fall to the ground. >> this woman moved her husband and child out of the way, narrowly missing this overturned truck. this truck was carrying 37 tons of cotton. according to the report, the loads were unsecured. the mother noticed this truck was unbalanced and was able in a split second to save her entire family. >> why were they standing there in the first place? >> it looks like they were actually walking on the edge of the roadway headed somewhere. >> this is a pretty scary roadway for this family of free to be walking on. >> this wreck took emergency workers a while to get this truck out of the way. >> good job by the mom, but, man, what was the husband thinking? he's just standing there, not paying attention to this truck tilting over. >> she's the e pitmy of a mama
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bear. this is a bay bby walrus. it's believed to be 4 to 6 weeks old. found by some fishermen in alaska. the fishermen that discovered him saw him on a piece of ice. they believe he was separated from the rest of the herd. now it is at a refuge center. >> he's a big little guy. how much does he weigh? >> about 200 pounds, but i think he's going to get just a little bigger. >> 200 pounds of love. >> walrus cubs stay with their mom at least two years before they go off on their own. >> he's so lonely. >> don't you want to squeeze them and rub them like you would a puppy? >> i want to play with his whiskers. >> so who's going to play his mom? >> everybody at the care center is going to play his mom. you can see some of the videos they made. >> oh, just laying on her lap like a lap dog. >> his mom must be so worried right now. >> you know what?
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she's in alaska like this. that translates into where's my baby? >> i think it's nice there's a group out there to help take care of this little big guy. >> if we were in alaska, i think i'd volunteer. >> i wonder if they take volunteers. we could fly up there and let this little guy sleep on our laps. ladies, get your nature detective caps on. see if you can tell me what this is. guy comes across something a little peculiar. >> i just wanted to bring you a cool outdoor snippet. >> is this like a motor that fell off another boat? >> is that a crab or something getting twirled? >> he describes this as a natural -- >> phenomenon. >> is this a giant clam? >> and that's his little tongue. >> really exceptional. >> i honestly think there's
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nothing alive here. >> i think this is one of the most interesting by chance happenings i've ever seen in nature. >> it is a resort for the fishies. >> it's totally weird. like nothing i've ever seen in a stream or river or creek before. you want to see what the guy taking the video thinks this weird thing is? head over to our website, a group of men take over a clothing store. >> there's people everywhere. >> so what's great deal or shady steal? we'll reveal. and he's the science guy who's teaching how to tie a bowtie. >> you want the one that's dangling from the right to be just a little longer. >> the lesson in dressing, later. don't for
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[ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown
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then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. mom, we're dying. no you're not, you're just hungry. make some totino's pizza rolls. we don't have any! front... left, totino's. [ male announcer ] well done mom! less drama, more fun! totino's pizza rolls. less drama, more fun! [ feedback ] attention, well, everyone. you can now try snapshot from progressive free for 30 days. just plug this into your car, and your good driving can save you up to 30%. you could even try it without switching your insurance. why not give it a shot? carry on. now you can test-drive snapshot before you switch. visit today.
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the spirit of the olympics. our friends from improv are back with their own version of the games. it's called the mp-3 experiment nine. it went down on governor's island in new york city. they had 4,000 people download the same mp-3 file. they all pressed play at 3:00 p.m. then they are then given a series of instructions accompanied with music. >> my name is steve. i'll be your voice today.
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one, two, three. drop to the ground. >> for their first instructions, drop to the ground, hit the deck. instruction number two -- >> one, two, three, get up. >> and from here they go into a series of all sorts of goofy instructions like following somebody who doesn't have headphones on and copying that person's every movement. one of my favorites is this one. >> ready, set, slow motion. >> this is awesome. >> they all were instructed to all bring a sheet. >> this game is called the ghost walk. >> now they all put their sheets on like a ghost, reminiscent of my halloween costume from 2011. but it all gets capped off in a
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grand finale that is a giant water gun battle. their videos are always a lot of fun. i always have to think, what are you thinking if you're not one of those people? >> i think they're mad they didn't get the memo. >> i'm mad i didn't get the memo. >> let's all shout good-bye. keep trying. ♪ there's definitely a trend of flash mobs that we do not like because they're flash mob robberies. and that is exactly what this video is. in chicago at a clothing store, suddenly a group of men enter.
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you see them approaching the table with jeans. they start looking through the piles. there's people everywhere. >> how do you defend against this if you're one of the employees of this store? >> the employees realize what was going. they did try to lock the doors with all the men inside, but the men did eventually manage to break open the doors and escape, having taken with them about $2,000 worth of merchandise. there was a street festival going on in this area, so perhaps these were just a group of guys who were at the festival and decided to give it a shot. >> what i cannot get over is that they're milling around like it's nothing, but because they're going so slowly, you can clearly say their faces on video. >> police in chicago are asking for anyone's help who possibly recognizes any of the men in this video because, yeah, you're right. very clear images of their face.
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meal time at the vietnamese buffet. >> are you kidding me? >> see the good-natured food riot next.
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see if you can spot the life of the party. >> what is going on here? >> tell me that is not the cutest little goat ever. >> and she jumped on the other
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goats, over the other goats. >> jumping on them like mario. >> it's actually a she. her name is buttermilk. she's a nigerian dwarf goat. >> she lives at a farm in maine. >> i think she took a five-hour energy before this video. >> i think she's souper excited about this world because she's only 5 weeks old. this is her personality. >> she's excited to be alive. >> these other three are like, oh, geez, here we go. buttermilk's at it again. someone give her a chill pill. >> you can actually call this farm and buy your own goat. if you have a farm, if you have a home with a big backyard and you want to have goats, you can have one. steven, i know a problem you've been trying to solve for yourself for years is the problem of hand tying a bowtie. there's no bow tie wearer cooler
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than bill nye the science guy. >> oh, the coolest. >> bill, bill, bill, bill, bill! >> here is bill nye, the science guy, teaching to tie a tie. >> in this case, he's teaching chris hardwick. chris hardwick is a television personality known for shows like "attack of the show." >> left over right. you want the one that's dangling from the right to be just a wink longer, like a seam width. >> an actual scientific measurement. >> make an overhand knot. bring the one from the left over like this. just a knot. the same knot you'd start tying your shoe with. bring this one back. this is key. one thumb doing this. this one comes over the top. the other thumb is poking the middle of the bow back through there.
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>> they make it look so easy, but it's not. it's not. >> now we must, as we say, dress the knot. >> all right. >> you have to snug it by, pull it tight, pay attention. make it take on the bow tie iconic shape. >> i don't think i'll ever be able to do it. >> what we learned today is the way to tie a perfect bow tie in your own home is to have bill nye come over and do it for you. you might want to wear some protective gear the next time you go to a vietnamese buffet. this video popped up a couple months ago, but it is now trending again. it's just the symbolic thing for out of control. they start reloading what looks like shrimp. they just use their bare hands. something else comes out. these look like oysters. again, these are gone in six seconds. >> well, you know, people are hungry. a lot of people there.
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but wait. >> oh, my goodness. >> are you kidding me? >> it's like black friday. >> but it's pretty crazy. they're not trying to push each other out of the way. they're laughing about the crab and just going after it. >> i don't blame them. this is a buffet. they all paid the same. those are the prime items. >> the people in the back are out of luck. >> i don't think they have a system here. no holds barred. >> is anybody bothered by the fact they're using their bare hands to pick up this food? >> i was just going to say, i'm a little grossed out by the fact that everyone is just kind of going at it. >> i'm not going to visit this place. if this was a best buy on black friday, people would be getting like punched and elbowed and choked and strangled. instead, these people are at least being friendly with each other. >> that's it for us here at "right this minute." see you tomorrow. have a great rest of your day. -- captions by vitac --
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