tv Right This Minute KICU August 27, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT
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hi, everyone. i'm beth troutman. we have the best videos of the day and the stories behind them, "right this minute." >> full throttle action. a woman claims her kia raced out of control. >> she did everything she could to try to stop the vehicle. >> now hear from the driver about her 100-mile-an-hour ordeal. >> i didn't think i was going to come out of it alive. some villagers stumble upon a baby elephant -- >> that got trapped in a well. >> see the rescue. a showdown in the courtroom turns into -- >> something we see all the time but not from this angina sglle. >> why a lot of people think this guide it coming. >> and mr. bump goes bump.
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what happens when slippery and wet meets. >> look at the look on his face! state troopers and sheriff's deputies are in hot pursuit of this kia suv. they are reaching speeds over 100 miles per hour. the person in the kia, though, not a criminal. her name is lori and she claims that her kia suv was completely out of control. she says the car just took off. this video from kcci -- >> oh, wow. >> you can see lori going off into the soft shoulder, getting back onto the highway. she did everything she could to try and stop the vehicle, including stomping on the brakes. she tried to turn the key off, put it in neutral, she says, nothing would slow this car down. she was on the phone with 911 dispatchers telling them somebody has got to come and help me. she managed not to crash this
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vehicle at high speeds for 59 miles. to tell us about this harrowing experience, we have the driver, lori, joining us via skype right in minute. what was going through your head when you were approaching 100 miles an hour in your suv? >> i didn't think i was going to come out of it alive. i told the 911 officer i'm going to die, i'm going to die, this is it. people aren't moving. the officers could not get ahead of me. they weren't able to clear traffic very often. i was going in the ditch from one side to the other. it was terrifying, absolutely terrifying. there was no key. i want everyone to understand there's no key, it's a push button start. we put on the emergency brake, we pushed the brake. i tried to move the gear shift. there was nothing i could do. and i had just filled up with a full tank of gas. >> what were the police saying to you when you were on the phone with 911? what were they telling you to do? >> well, the 911 dispatcher was
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unbelievable. i mean she literally was my lifeline. >> describe to me what you did to finally get the car to slow down and stop. >> a major of the department, he said pull up on the accelerator and push on the brake, and that's what i did. >> lori hasn't decided whether she's going to take any legal action against kia. kia motors did issue this statement saying our technicians have been unable to duplicate the issue and this appears to be an isolated incident. being called a good old-fashioned courthouse brouhaha, 21-year-old robert petern, walking into the court house for a hearing made af vid. >> i'd just like to know where your warrant is. >> you guys can search it but you're going to be billed for it. >> the personnel at the courthouse are telling robert that he can't bring his video camera into the court house. robert has a problem with that.
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>> i'm a person. i'm a man. i'm not subject to your jurisdiction. >> he gets the camera through and he starts filming the court house. of course he's noticed. now, he's given ample opportunities from people here at the courthouse. >> there are no cameras in the courtroom. >> yeah, there is. >> you have to put that away. >> no, i don't. >> shut the camera off now. >> no, thank you. >> i'm holding you accountable because you're about to overstep your bounds. >> let me tell you why he's there. 21-year-old robert peterson got a ticket for riding his bike at night without a light. >> what? >> i'm not like everybody else here, i'm not a person, i'm a man. >> these guys clear out the entire courthouse because robert is causing a seen. they give him ample opportunity to get the camera off. >> you can't bring the camera in. >> i can and i will. >> you can't. >> he's not listening. then we get a look at something we see all the time. >> i'm going in. >> no, you're not going in. >> don't touch me.
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let the record show that you just battered me. >> step back. >> oh! ah! >> should i be laughing? >> i'm going to say yes, you can. >> what's your first and last name? >> i don't have a first name. i don't have a last name either. i have a name. my name is robert. >> he was booked into jail and is being held on $50,000 bail and has a court hearing scheduled. >> he's lucky they waited as long as they did to break out the taser because they were infinitely patient with this guy. >> it sounds like he was really confused and now he's tased and confused. >> i don't know what the hell law book you're reading, but it doesn't apply to me. >> that's a nice speech, but you're still not coming in. father-son water skiers were rescued from the water after they were drifting off the western coast of the u.k. as you can see in this video from rnli, the life boat
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volunteers are to the rescue. you can see a little bit as they start to come up. on the right side of the screen, there are their heads bobbing in the water. >> they have life jackets on so they're not struggling. >> but they are without anything other than their water skis. >> how did they get out there in the first place? >> the boat they were following behind had engine trouble, so they were left stranded. i love what they say to the little kid when they get to him first and lift him out of the water. >> this might hurt a little bit. >> i don't think he minded at all. >> they're just happy to get out of that water. >> it takes two of them to get the dad out. >> 1, 2, 3. >> but wait, the rescue is not over. watch what happens later. >> you are the only two in the water? the boat is broken down? >> they go to the boat that has
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engine trouble and watch what they do. they start getting off their ropes and tie the boat to that little rubber life boat and tow them back to shore. >> that's a lot of people. four people in this little rubber boat saved six or seven people. >> it's just pulling it back to shore. >> i'm going to tell you right off the bat, this one is going to be very difficult to watch. this is a video that we found on traffic and it's in romania. you see a very busy street, cars driving right next to the tracks that are for a tram. notice this girl walking across right in front of these cars on -- >> no, no, don't do it. [ horns honking ] >> what the heck is she thinking? >> oh, my god. >> how do you not see that? how do you not hear that? >> you do hear the sound of the tram coming. the driver of this car starts
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honking his horn and yelling. >> was she wearing ear phones or something? >> what's even more amazing, it looks like she actually does look in the direction of the tram. >> she was about to step back and she didn't make it. >> she didn't have a chance to even react. you do see the tram hit her. it drags her a distance, but you do see -- you do see the tram run over her leg. the poster of this video said she did lose the leg and you immediately see the tram stop. the operator comes out and a lot of people come to her aid. right about here you do see her sitting up by herself. >> if this isn't an ad for what not to do around -- >> just don't do it. don't do it. don't cross without looking first. >> and aside from that, that's not a place you cross the tracks. you don't just jump over the tracks. here's dave feherty.
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he's out doing a live shot about a possible homicide when real breaking news happens behind him, you'll see what he caught on camera. and look at this little guy going to work. and the spider is apparently the size of the head of a pin. see how big he gets it and how size of the head of a pin. see how big he gets it and how fast he goes. [ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet with more speed options, reliability and wi-fi hot spots than ever. call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. it's the fastest internet for the price. our newly expanded advanced digital network gives you more of what you enjoy online. and with at&t, our wireless gateway turns your home into a private wi-fi hot spot that connects your wi-fi devices and can even save on your smart phone data usage at home. so call now to get at&t u-verse high speed internet
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if you're looking for bonus videos, you're in luck because it's best of rtm time. nick, what do you have? >> pranks. we love pranks. this one involves probably the least favorite change in our pocket, the penny. what do you do with the penny? they're useless. >> exactly. these guys try to pay for stuff with 5,000 pennies. it's pretty fun to see the clerk's reaction in this one. >> nice. always love a good prank. all you've got to do is head over to and click best of rtm. when people see news crews
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out on the street, they tend to slow down and look at what's going on. here's dave feherty out doing a live shot about a possible homicide in the neighborhood. it looks like this pickup truck in the background may have been slowing down for a red light. >> we have been checking here with the sheriff and also -- >> whoa! >> and also the jail website. >> oh, my gosh. there was an accident right behind me, folks. there was a truck right there that slammed into this car. >> dave didn't quite see exactly what happened, so he gets a little bit backwards. the white car actually slammed into the black pickup truck. >> they were going really fast because that car had major front end damage. >> plus the impact. the impact was pretty -- it wasn't going like 35. they had to be going faster than that. >> dave jumped out of the way because it scared him, but, you know, he didn't really miss much of a beat. he grabbed the camera, turns the camera around to show what just happened and he says, you know
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what, i better wrap this live shot up probably. >> let me get off this camera real quick, i'm going to make a call into emergency services here and send it back to you guys in the studio. >> dave, wsoc, handled it. chipmunks being cute. two amazing rescues of two very large animals. this first one is an elephant in kenya. he was a baby elephant that got trapped in a well late at night. some villagers heard some noise and they thought, oh, it's probably some elephants. the next day when they went to feed their livestock in the
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afternoon, they found this baby down a well. so they called a rescue service and they came and got him. and not only did they bunk him down for the night, they gave him some milk. they said he was a little mean to his handlers until they gave him some milk. >> that's got to be a big well to get a elephant -- even a baby elephant stuck in it. >> and then they put him on this plane. >> look how they have to strap him to transport him. and they say while it makes him a little uncomfortable, obviously, the very next day, he was okay. >> at least they gave him a nice big pillow. >> you see him at the wildlife trust two weeks later making friends, doing well. >> so is he an orphan? >> what they think happened is that his mom was the one making all that noise that the villagers heard and that to protect her herd because they were in the area that's really not safe for him, they left the baby behind.
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si since they didn't think they'd find his mother to reunite him, they took him to a trust area. another rescue, this horse fell into a creek bed in australia. as we see from 7 news, they used a winch to pull the horse out. you can see the straps they put on this horse and you see them pulling it. they push him up -- >> popped right up. >> and he is good to go. >> well, linus, the horse, escaped with cuts and bruises. it's a dressage horse so i'm sure they want it to look all pretty and nice for the next competition. it's that time again. real or fake? >> we've got a theme this time. >> okay. >> things that go in circles. an orange spiny thing, a car driving itself and -- >> we've got one more. >> ah, yes, g
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welcome back to the show. don't forget to dmcheck in at great videos all day long. if you've got a case of the monday blues, it's time to cure them with our buddy from matt from ebaums world. we've got another edition of real or fake but we've got a theme this time. things that go in circles. take a look at video number one, orange duck devil.
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>> definitely real, right? i'm almost certainly positive it's real. >> we've seen this stuff before, but we haven't seen it in this color. >> so do you think this was like treated in after effects? >> it's not red up at the top. i think if somebody had done after effects, they'd be pretty thorough. >> we're saying real. >> yeah, i think it's real. pretty awesome, though. >> number two, lady leaves car running. missing something here, steven. >> is there a driver? >> someone is turning the wheel. >> no way? >> there's no one in the car. >> i think that might be the lady whose car it is. >> are you serious? >> i'm guessing one of our weekly russian clips. she left her car running, it's going in circles. how does that happen? >> this is all real. a woman does something silly with a car. real. come on, girls, fire it up. >> you had to do that, didn't
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you. >> like guys have never done stupid stuff on that show. >> if it was a guy he would have set it off a jump and it would have looked awesome. so this guy is going to run in and save the day. >> oh! >> yeah, i'd say real. >> yeah, i think it's real too. there's just so much wtf in this video. >> well, we got the tornado. that was going in circles. this car is going in circles. >> we've got one more. >> i don't know how you introduce this one there, matt. >> it's going to be a surprise and i might be in it. >> it's mack and his cronies doing some synchronized office chairs. >> they think they're okay. >> this is really well executed for guys. >> oh, there's the jab. >> oh, come on now. >> yeah. check this out. this is a real awesome part. >> you suddenly have long hair. >> and he's a person of color. how does this happen without after effects? >> i don't know.
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that's real. i think that's real to me. >> yeah, definitely real. >> is this like the first time in five years that you've had on business attire? >> everyone in this video looks like they're going on their first job interview. check out this amazing video of this spider spinning a web. the person who captured it said it took about six minutes for this spider to spin the web and the spider is apparently the size of the head of a pin. he sped it up so what you're watching is about three minutes long. >> this is just crazy to watch. >> it's amazing to me how spiders can sense everything by feeling vibrations in the web. >> she is moving quick. i know that this is sped up, but still it's amazing to see such a tiny little spider creating this web so quickly an precisely, mind you, too. >> this is absolutely innate
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nature for these guys. >> if you're catching this, you're sitting there and recorded this web-making day, do you then take it off when she's done? >> i'd let her have it for a while, before company comes and then you want to get rid of it. >> you leave it up until you walk by and it gets stuck in your mouth. >> i think you owe it to this little spider to at least let it get one meal out of it. it's not humpty dumpty who had a great fall, this time it's clumsy mr. bump. >> slip and fall. >> just wait till you see how long it took to get mr. bump back up. >> look at the look on his face. >> he's in pain.
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check out what musician ryan nichols caught on his virgin airlines flight from manchestero orlando. he shoots out the window. >> just a con trail. >> that's fuel coming out of the plane. this is actually a safety precaution. this flight was being rerouted back for technical problems and they're dumping fuel over the irish sea. it's official name is called a fuel jettison and the faa said certain planes are designed to land lighter than they are when they take off. they need to dump this fuel because if they land too heavy,
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there could be issues and cause a problem. in this instance the flight went back, was refueled and went on its way. >> but after all this, they make you turn around and say it's a technical issue, don't you think they should have got a new plane so nobody is worried? >> from manchester to florida, that's a lot of water in between. the turtle just wants some finger food. i don't even know how to introduce this one because it's just so funny and ironic at the same time because this little guy you see here walking down the stairs is known as mr. bump. he's the sixth character in the mr. men series and mr. bump is known to be a little clumsy for -- you know, he just can't help having accidents.
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check this out. this is actually during a christmas caribbean cruise. so he's very carefully working his way down these stairs. you do see someone in front of him. finally he makes it to that last step and -- oh! >> slip and fall. >> so character appropriate. >> oh, no. >> he gets down the whole flight of stairs and he falls there? >> does anybody see the "wet floor" sign? >> does this show off how much of a jerk i am that i'm disappointed he didn't fall down the whole flight of stairs? that he only bit it on one step? >> are you sure he's not in character here? are you sure he didn't do it on purpose? >> he's like, okay, here's my opportunity. last step. >> look at the look on his face. he is mr. bump. he has accidents and he just had an accident. what do you want him to look like? he's in pain. his bum hurts. >> oh, my goodness. that's pretty funny. >> i have to just kind of -- you
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know, bounce off of him. >> i'd be tempted to get him back up on his feet and push him back. >> that is classic. >> finally they're able to get him on his knees, then on his feet. >> it looks like he's got sea legs or something. >> why didn't he use the elevator? >> that wraps it up for this monday. we'll leave you with this awesome time lapse video from alex pitt photography. thanks for watching. we'll see you next time.
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