tv Right This Minute KICU September 4, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT
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hi, everyone. welcome to "right this minute." i'm beth troutman, and we have videos first. some folks giving a tv interview suddenly spot something. >> that's what he was, buddy was looking at. >> it's a naked guy. >> find out about the mystery man who walked out of the woods. the video shows an army sergeant undergoing what some call a rite of passage. see what happens when the right goes way wrong. a car is behind a construction crane that's -- >> making a left-hand turn. >> how in the world does that happen? and the saga of an elephant seal who lives up to her name. this is snickers. snickers -- >> has eaten a lot of snickers. when the cameras are rolling, as we all know, anything can happen.
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oh, boy. something definitely happened when a crew from kark out of little rock, arkansas, was interviewing this lovely elderly couple about some recent severe weather. >> what is this out here we got? >> that's what he was, buddy was looking at. >> i ought to sick buddy on him. >> they're obviously distracted by something behind the camera, talking about buddy, who's their dog, i presume. who is him? >> jim, do you know this gentleman? >> no, not at all. >> what? oh! >> wow. >> it's a naked guy. he just walks out of the woods in the buff nonchalanonchalant,.
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just covering up his junk. strolls out t tre for everyone, including the camera, to see. >> and he was doing it ever so casually. not a worry in the world, like he was in his own living room. >> where is he headed? he's just going down the street like it's nothing. >> eventually the cops do show up and 22-year-old nathaniel coba was arrested for indecent exposure and public intoxication. deputies do believe he may have been under the influence. it took a while to i.d. him. i think you might be able to figure out why. a disturbing incident happened in ft. bragg, north carolina. it was all caught on camera. i want to warn you, this is incredibly difficult to watch. we got this story from wwmt. you see two soldiers.
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one holding what looks like a giant wooden mallet. the other is sergeant phillip roach. he's just gotten a promotion and is going through what is a rite of passage. his father calls this hazing. you see sergeant roach bend over as if to catch his breath, to catch his balance. >> oh, no. he passed out. >> sergeant roach fell to the floor and began seizing. now, wwmt spoke to phillip roach's father, who is also a veteran. >> i was told that nobody came to his rescue right away. his fiance was there, and she knelt down with him, tried to get him to get somebody there to help him, and nobody really responded until his commander came. >> he ended up hitting his head. the wound in his head, the gash in his head required six
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disturbing. in this first video, it is a dash cam video. all the sudden you see someone walking across the street carrying someone. >> that person looks messed up. >> were they putting that person in the middle of the road? according to reports, that man was, in fact, trying to carry a lifeless body and dump it on the street. police were called to the scene, and apparently they did arrest a man they believe was responsible for this dumping. >> it's the weirdest way to stage it because everybody can see him carrying the body into the street. >> maybe he's trying to make it look like this person got hit by a car and is now laying in the middle of the street. >> there is an investigation going on. no word on why this guy had a lifeless body in his possession. from one shocking video to another. this one is in the u.k. it's surveillance video from a club where this girl here,
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that's 27-year-old jessica jones, she was trying to get up to the street level to send a text because her cell phone aparticipa apparently had no signal. when she got up there, she realized something was wrong. almost instantly a fight broke out between two different groups of men. >> oh, no. >> she was caught right in the middle of the punches. she did end up getting one punch to the face, which ended up breaking her eye socket. >> oh, my goodness. that's awful. but it could have been really bad if she got knocked down the strep steps. >> as you can see, she's holding on for dear life. she started realizing something was wrong. they are hoping that this video will help identify that man. fortunately, this didn't cause any permanent damage, although it did leave a scar. when you see this video, you're going to think something else happened. we got this video of a seven-11
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armed robbery attempt. you can see the man behind the counter. this man is brandishing a gun, points it at the clerk behind the counter. here's a second guy police are looking for. they think this may be an accomplice. but something happens. you see a little smoke. that smoke, police say, is from a firework. a firework went off and scared the suspects out of the store. >> maybe these two, their bright idea was, okay, i'm going to go in with the fake gun. you come in behind me with the firework. throw the firework, and it will sound like i shot the gun, scare everybody. >> if that was the plan to throw the firework to maybe the guy think that the gun went off and the fact it scared the guy with the gun, like, what? did he forget to listen to the plan? >> i think he forgot that part
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of the plan. definitely one of the weirdest failed robbery attempts we've seen yet. watch this amazing shot. >> it's the paralympics table tennis best shot ever. >> he's got a cane there holding himself up. >> see the shot you'll want to see over and over again. and dash cam video of a simple left turn. what could possibly go wrong? >> all the sudden the dash cam starts to
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watch this amazing shot. >> oh! >> no way. >> that's an amazing shot! >> he's got a cane there holding him up. >> he schooled that german like a boss. >> wow! >> yeah, that's sick. you got to sacrifice the body, troutman. >> right? this was part of the most memorable volley ever, they're saying, in the paralympics. he basically threw himself in the air to get that. the other guy, unfortunately, he did not medal in table tennis at the paralympics. >> even this guy keeping the score he was like, huh? well, all right then. point for blue. >> think about what an inspiration this guy is to everyone who's watching the paralympics. this guy says, you know what, i don't have a disability. i'm a table tennis player.
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this one is going to make you smile. this video is from the pacific marine mammal center in southern california in laguna beach. they're releasing three california sea lions. >> look how they just scoot on out of there. >> they know where home is. look at how fast they charge toward the water. look at what they do when they actually get to the water. >> they're just like, yes, we're home. >> oh, so adorable. you can almost see the smiles on their faces as they run from those cages. >> these three pups had been rescued and rehabilitated. they all had different types of issues. they were malnourished, dehydrated. >> even though they had been in captivity for a while, you see they recognize exactly where they're headed. they can't wait to get there and
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explore and live. i have another video of another rescue from the same organization. this is snickers. and he is about to also join the other ones in the ocean. >> is he wearing a hat? >> he's not wearing a hat. that's actually a satellite tag. they attached it to him so they could track his movement and his journey. they're trying to figure out where he was going to go, where he was going to hang out. just last week it looks like snickers went back to san miguel isl island, which is where they believe he was born. he's the guy who holds hands with seal. meet him next, right this minute. and still to come, time out for a little cute.
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you. this one from china. up ahead there's a large construction crane on a flatbed truck making a left-hand turn. watch what happens with it this dash cam. the dash cam starts to float around and spin around. >> what's going on? >> the car somehow got snagged by the crane hook as it came around the corner. right now the car is just along for the ride, hanging behind this crane. i have no idea how it got hooked up, but you see the horizon tilt back and forth. you see his mug go sliding. then he swings back around to the crane. >> how in the world does that happen? >> i have no idea, but i'm glad it didn't happen to us. >> the moped guy drives by like, oh, i just saw this yesterday. >> yeah, wild. here's anot w people should have dash cam.
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>> he just ran and hopped on the hood of that car to pretend that car hit him? >> exactly. he tried to create a pedestrian accident for an insurance scam. throws himself on the hood in possibly the worst acting you've ever seen on camera. then he rolls off on to the street. the guy in the car was like, yeah, i got a camera, pal. >> oh, i don't even know what to say. he's like, me? you got me doing -- that wasn't even my best acting job. >> he walks off scratching his head. >> i tell you what, these videos make me want a dash cam in my car at all times. >> then you're in good hands. ♪ ♪
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it's time for our daily dose of cutie patootie. comes to us from one of our viewers in ohio. this is her little boy logan. >> he is a cutie. >> logan evidently had too much to eat, and he's in one of those food comas. >> right. we've all been there. >> he's trying to fight it off though. he's fighting it off like a champ. >> that moment when you wake up and realize you were just sleeping and you play it off real cool. >> so smooth. i love that little smile at the end. now from cute little logan to adorable isabel. little isabel went to wisconsin with her grant paredparents for little vacation. that's grand. ma in the background encouraging her. >> look at you go. >> i think we could call her a rhinestone cowgirl. >> he's managed to make the rugged cowboy look pretty in
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pink. >> isabel is one of our rtm'er's daughters. >> looks like it's not her first day. >> it's about her first rodeo. football's here. what's it like to be a pro receiver? load them up with go-pro cameras. >> it's like every single view you could possibly see on the football field. >> see what it really looks like next. my name is debi.
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look at how gentle and self-restrained this doggy is. this bird is going after the dog. >> uh-huh. >> he's taunting and teasing this little doggy. >> then he moves the fight to the woman's head. >> maybe they're in love. this is actually a video that was submitted to us by a "right this minute" friend. she wanted to share this friendly interaction between the doggy and the birdie. >> i heard parrots are really social creatures. he's like, there's no other parrots here. i'll just play with who's around. >> i think it's awesome. i'm a little surprised by the fact that dog is not having that bird for lunch. >> dogs and birds playing with each other. and they're letting them climb
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all over the furniture. dogs aren't trainable, if you know what i'm saying. it's time for a little segment called hacking your life. >> in a good way. >> in an awesome way, steven. >> today i'm going to present you real life tips. when you're in these situations, you're going to be like, yes, i'm so glad i watched this video. >> this is doug j. armstrong. >> sorry to tell you you've beee life. turn the banana upside down, pinch the skin at the end of the banana tightly, and you'll realize that the banana simply tears open really easily. >> very few of my days have been ruined by failure to open a banana, you know? i don't know if i need help there. >> let's go to a second life hacking trick. you know that really annoying feeling uet when you know you' you're about to and it doesn't quite come? your nose is going all tingly.
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all you have to do is tickle the roof of your mouth with your tongue and that feeling will go away. >> what? >> this excites you that much? >> yeah, because that's the worst feeling in the world. that's like the most annoying feeling when you have that sneeze stuck right there. >> i don't know if i buy that one. >> you're just tearing into that thing like it's christmas. >> twist it so it's really small and compact. all you have to do is twist the loose ends through the knot. you realize it goes through so easily. >> does anybody have a plastic bag? come on in here, kerry. we'll tie this sucker in a knot. >> let me make it super tight. now you're just going to -- >> twist the end. twist it, twist it, twist it. >> whatever you need it in there. >> we've all been in the awkward situation where you know that you should know this person's name, but you just can't remember it. >> hey, guy. >> hey, you.
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>> all we have to do is say, i'm sorry, what was your name again? >> okay. that sounds really -- that was easy, right? >> they might act a little offended, but they'll tell you their first name. great, now you know their first name. but you have to cover your tracks. so you say, no, no, no, i meant your last name. it's more socially acceptable to forget their last name. >> oh, that's smart. i like that. that's clever. >> want a drink that's not in the fridge but you want to drink it straight away? >> you want to chill it up, but that takes forever. >> wet a paper down, wrap it around your beverage. put it in the freezer, and in about 15 minutes it will be ice cold. >> 15 minutes? i want my soda now. >> here's a hack for you. go in the freezer, grab some ice, put the ice cubes in a grass. >> we have our own hacks. >> to see the entire video, head to our website,
3:27 pm and click on "best of rtm." beth, i know you're all y jacked up because it's week one of the nfl season about to start. >> woo! so jacked up! >> i know. this is new england patriots wide receiver brandon lloyd. he's made it to the pro bowl before. it's a video from go-pro. this is during a training session. it's all set to a song called "dig." he's got some reps here. they've got go-pros attached everywhere to the quarterback. to brandon, on his helmet, on his chest. it's like every single view you could possibly see on the football field. >> this is so flipping awesome. every time i'm watching an nfl game, i always wonder what it would feel like to be on that field and catching the ball and running the touchdown, having the 250-pound guy coming right at you. now i don't have to get any bruises or grass stains on my pants. i can just watch this. >> exactly. it's cool.
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if you've never worn a football helmet, you can see what it looks like with the face mask. at the end, brandon is not, in fact, a place kicker, but it looks like he nails a field goal. >> this might be my favorite sports video ever. >> next year we're going to get you out there doing the same thing. >> i'm take you down. that's it for "right this minute." see you next time, everybody. -- captions by vitac --
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