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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  September 7, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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hello, i'm beth troutman, we have great videos and stories right here, right this minute. >> where is the store? >> i don't know. >> a cop questions a woman that seems to have misplaced a five day old child. see how the search to find a baby leads down a dark and scarey road. >> a guy makes it to the top, but -- >> he didn't have so much fun coming down. a trooper takes a nasty hit. hear the amazing story of survival. >> we also have a kid that mocks
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school dances, and a woman gets her lifelong wish, but not everyone is impressed. police in new mexico released footage from a officers lapel cam, and this story is heartbreaking. do you hear those cries? those are the cries from a five day old child. calls came in from citizens where they say they saw a woman who they thought was intoxicated pushing a stroller around town with a five-day old baby inside. >> where is the stroller? >> i don't know. >> yes you do, did you just have a baby? >> and the woman insists she
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doesn't know. >> the stroller you're pushing -- >> me? >> the woman continues to deny, so she has to let smith go, but this amazing woman continues searching for this child, and 45 minutes later finds the baby in the arms of strangers that took the baby to protect it. you see the officer digging through a book bag looking for food or anything for the infant, and nothing informs that book bag. >> did it turn out this woman was the mother of the baby? >> it was assuming this woman was the mother of this child, she was taken into custody and charged with child abuse. >> that's a bold move for strangers to snatch a baby.
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>> she should not get the baby back -- >> she won't be getting it back. >> the child is currently in foster care. >> heavy rainfall caused flash floods in india, and it lead to this. >> is that a bus? >> you're right, it is a bus that was swept away in the waters. the driver lost control of the bus and it skidded on the bridge. it looks like a lot of the passengers are standing on stop of this bus, and they're looking like maybe they want to get off on the other end. look at what happens next. >> oh no. >> wow -- >> those raging waters just take the bus with them.
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apparently there were anywhere from 50 to 70 passengers on this bus, you see them rushing in the direction of the bus, and according to reports, they were able to help a lot of the passengers into safety, but there are still some people missing. >> a maryland state trooper is encouraging everyone to follow the move over law, and this is why. this happened in mairz just near the pennsylvania border. watch what happens. that is state trooper david avela. he was giving somebody a ticket, and that big truck his his car and then it hit him. >> i heard the rumble strip, but i was unble to make it across.
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>> he made it to the guard rail and there he was hit and collapsed. >> i think it just smashed him up against the car he pulled over. it could be v been worse if he was hit by the truck. >> he talked about his injuries. >> sometimes it doesn't seem like the light is at the end of the tunnel, but i'm able to walk. >> he is undergoing physical therapy for injuries to his shoulder, back, and he has post concussive symptoms. >> their jobs are intense enough, they should not have to worry about this. >> for officers safety and protection for everyone. summer is wrapping up, and
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people have been posting videos of their extreme outdoor adventures all summer long, and i have a couple mishaps foryou. people always have aff diving. this guy is pretty high, and i have to say didn't have so much fun coming down. >> oh! >> you can clearly see he hits into the side of the cliff. according to the person who posted this, the guy suffered some broken ribs, bruises, and scrapes, but lived. >> the next video, we go to a popular hiking spot known as half dome. they were hiking the area when somebody in the party in front of them fell 150 feet.
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luckily, one of these brothers had a cell phone on them and they were able to call into yosemite search and rescue. the person in the basket is a female hiker who fell and is still in the hospital. it was a successful rescue. you have to get a permit to mic this popular spot, sometimes a year in advance, and it's a bummer it ended like this. but the rescue guys did a good job getting there and getting this person so safety. >> a quiet ride down a country road, right? >> see where this ride is headed, next. and mixed drinks without lifting
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a finger.
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welcome back to the show, but don't forget to check in at this guy is parked on the side of the road. nothing seems to happen until here where you see the pedestrians go up to the crosswalk. they stop to wait their turn, and a car stops to let them cross the street. >> whoa! >> one guy was able to jump out of the way completely. >> the other guy didn't have a chance it all happened so quickly, and that one pedestrian was struck and it sends him flying. >> this seems like an arbitrary crosswalk. i feel like there needs to be
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signs telling them to slow down. >> did the car that hit even apply the breaks? >> this looks like a case of distracted driving. the second video we found on live link, and it's a motorcycle on a country road, and up ahead -- >> something is going on. >> a ton of birds, right? they just take off. >> they didn't know where to go. >> and there was nowhere for that motorcyclist to go except down. >> it looks like one of those trucks that clears the brush from the side of the road. he could not stop. >> there was no warning to let them know this big truck was coming. >> the birds were trying to give the motorcyclist a warning.
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san diego zoo panda cub gets a little check up. ♪ >> move over letterman and conan because coming to a computer screen near you, "late night with little jay." >> he has himself set up with a web show, and he is ranting a bit about the school dances that come with going back to school. >> today i want to bitch and whine about the final weeks of
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summer. >> he is not afraid to drop the occasional swear word, but he gives us the orig of t schoolc >> school dances were created by teachers. >> he says looking with aren't we too young for this kind of activity? what is my mother going to think of me wearing some chicks waist? shouldn't we wait until high school to begin this dating ceremony? in high school, let themselves touch each other in the dark, they're getting knocked up anyways. >> i think he's a bit young for that language.
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>> he might want to rethink it. >> monday on "right this minute," two homeless dogs living on the street, and this guy is trying to rescue them. >> you see when they're ready to go, they go willingly. >> the man behind dog rescues next "right this minute." and coming up -- >> my name is tony harrison. his video went vooi ral. a young man dieing of cancer, a meeting the singer missed. see why she says no to tony, next. >> and the commotion over this thing. i know it's a sin, but i want to be in her shoes right now.
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>> it's best of rtm video time again. what do you have? >> at times, ladies worry about how their eyebrows look. doing that this time is one of the golden sisters. one of them decides she wants to get her eye grows tattooed on. the others try to talk her out of it, but she gets it done. >> i have jenna marbles.
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this is her version of things girls lie about. my favorite one, there's nothing wrong. go to our website and click on best of rtm. >> my name is tony harrison. >> we've had tony on the show before. >> i've been battling cancer since age of 16. unfortunately now at 20 cancer is winning. >> he created a bucket list with things he wanted to check out one of the biggest items was meeting katie perry. he has checked off some of those things, he's gone sky diving, he got engaged, he got married.
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last night at the vma was tony's big chance at meeting katie perry. tony, you have news for us, what happened? >> my brother got an e-mail says they won't be able to make it work. >> that stinks, tell us how you're feeling right now? >> i'm super bummed. >> can you tell us what the communication was? >> it was through my brother. who knew people who knew people and knew katie perry's best friend. they contacted joey directly, and told him that they were able to fly tony down to the vmas and maybe do a skype session. >> did they confirm that you would meet her. >> we're going to make it work is what they said, and then i
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get a text saying it's not going to work. >> did grow to any extra expense to do this? >> i have an awesomemoer paid for my plane ticket, we're going to universal studios. >> does this change how you feel about katie perry at all? >> no, i still want to meet her, i don't blame her at all. i blame her management. i'm really angry to be honest at the management for giving me the high hopes. >> we put a call in but they did not get back to us by our deadline. >> i'm a little jealous of kayla. she is at costa rica, and look what she got to hold at a stand here. >> this has been my dream for a long time. he is surprisingly soft.
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>> i'm jealous, i know it's a sin, but i want jealous. >> i'm weirded out that her dream is to hold a sloth. >> dream of something other than holding a sloth. it's cool, and the sloth is weird and strange to look at up close, but that's your dream? >> you know what my ann mall dream is? >> his fur reminds me of something drk. >> i got it. it looks like corn silk, tell me it doesn't. >> i had no idea they were that soft. an intriguing report about a sloth she found. >> i'm about to give you the most thrilling ride of your life. >> it's 007 times six. >> a fan probably watches is and then they blow
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who are these guys? oh, that's just my buds. bacon, donuts. -my taste buds. -[ taste buds ] waffles. how about we try this new kind of fiber one cereal? you think you're going to slip some fiber by us? rookie. okay. ♪ nutty clusters and almonds, ♪ ♪ almonds. ♪ fiber one is gonna make you smile. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing new fiber one nutty clusters and almonds. with 43% daily value of fiber for you. crunchy nutty clusters and real almond slices for your taste buds. not too long ago i introduced you guys to savannah, the new cheetah cub at the cincinnati zoo. well, they sent this in. she has a new friend, max, the puppy. >> oh, a puppy? >> yes. and they're playing together. >> awe. >> well, now that is cute. >> that is cute. and they are going to be life partners. yes. >> life partners as in boyfriend
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and girlfriend? >> well, they do play together. i don't think they'll be able to breed. they have paired them up so she will have a playmate because she will be part of the zoo's cheetah encounter. and so max will be there to play and run with her. although you know what? my money's always going to be on her to win the race. right now the lab seems to have a leg-up on the cheetah. he better watch out. he'll soon be running as fast as a bus. >> he'll have to learn very soon not to make her mad. >> i don't know if bartenders are going to love or hate this thing, but i sure think it's pretty awesome. it's called the ainebriater. he developed with the programmable platform thing you can kind of make it do whatever you want. and look at this. he pushes a button. it's got all the different kinds of liquors up here. i believe all your different
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kinds of mixers are over here on the left. this thing makes a screwdriver, something called a hoolahoola, sea breeze, sex on the beach, look at this thing. you hit a button, what you want. and apparently it's a perfect drink. it blinks like this when it's ready to consume. and it's just that simple at the push of a button. >> does it also do the shake? like if you want your drink shaken? >> well, the guy said, yeah, they haven't quite figured out how to get it to stir or shake a drink. the reason they created it, which i think is pretty cool, when you have a house party, no one wants to be the hired bartender. no one wants to sit there and make everybody their drinks. so they came up with this crazy thing so they can have a good time and everyone can drink and no one has to work. >> and a conversation starter for the awkward parties where you don't know anybody. >> and then you're like this drink stinks and you yell at the
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ainebriater. i am about to give you the most thrilling ride of your life in just a minute and a half. >> can you tell what this? other than a car chase? >> that looks like daniel craig in the rearview mirrojéá4 rñyes. that is daniel craig and all the other james bonds who are involved in this one car chase together. >> that was timothy dalton. >> yes. >> and sean connery. >> and daniel craig. >> was that two different james bonds nodding at each other? >> yes. this is basically a masterfully put together splicing of 007 movies. these are james bonds chasing and shooting at each other. >> for the james bond fan, this is the best thing ever. a james bond fan probably watches this and then their head blows off. >> this is a promotion because
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on october 5th, sky movie 007 channel in the uk is going to allow fans of the series to watch all of the movies leading up to the release of a new 007 movie. but don't get too excited. the movies are only going to be able to british fans. >> well, that's it. i'm moving to the uk. >> that's it for us here at "right this minute." thanks for joining us. we'll see you next time.
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