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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  September 11, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for the day's best videos, and it starts right this minute. a plane flies over another small plane when something goes horribly wrong. >> and these two aircrafts become somewhat attached. >> we've got the story behind the midair emergency some are calling an act of sabotage. hate crime suspects are caught breaking into a restaurant -- >> and lighting the entire place on fire. >> how this one backfired straight up one guy's pant leg. adventure divers squeeze into narrow caves --
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>> and it is terrifying. >> meet the cave diver with all the answers. >> it's not as bad as you think it is. and mom warned you about public bathrooms. now see a way to fight germs. >> i think this is a great idea. >> but will it make you go "ah-ha" or "oh!" a tense moment caught on camera over the air in holland. a view from a small plane. you see another plane. as the plane with the camera goes to fly over this other plane, the plane below pulls up and these two aircraft back somewhat attached to one another. >> they're stuck together in midair? >> they're stuck together in midair. it took about half a minute before the planes were detached. according to the youtube poster, one plane was able to make an emergency landing on the beach. another one was able to land at a nearby airport.
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we actually found a second angle of this incident from ta websit. there's more to this story. we found out that these two planes were actually flying banners for rival political groups. the plane on top was flying a banner from the socialist party. the plane below from the christian democratic party. we reached out to the socialist party. they said they were not, in fact, endorsing the banner flown on the plane above. because they were flying banners from rival political groups, people thought maybe this was on purpose. did this plane below intentionally pull up to try to wreck this plane? i guess it's being determined this was definitely just an accident. the incident is being investigated. >> it's an accident that could have completely been avoided. the plane below obviously doesn't have rearview mirror, can't tell that the plane is coming. he shouldn't have been anywhere near that. >> he shouldn't have been anywhere close to that air space.
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that's incredible. lucky for both of the pilots. this could have ended really ora, are trying to figure out if this arson incident was caused by hate. you see a couple of men coming into this business, and they start pouring an inin inin ini. >> this is a restaurant. >> you're right. it is a restaurant. it's a kosher food restaurant. there's some suspicion that maybe it's a hate crime because the men responsible for this didn't go after the cash that was in the building. they came in, septembt the plac fire, and left. the fire did destroy two large
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freezers. for two months, this restaurant will not be able to do business, causing adverse effects to it. >> that's the worst for me. >> pleaolice believe these are young men and not professionals. one of them sets their own pant leg on fire. they also broke into a nearby business. they set it on fire, and it is also inoperable. >> is the other business related to a jewish person or owned by a jewish person? >> the other business is a kosh kosher pizzeria. over the weekend, battle continued in the civil war between the rebel forces and the syrian army. you see that cloud of dust. there's a tank inside that cloud of dust. [ gunfire ] >> the tank just disappears.
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you hear the glinting of metal showering down around it. makes me feel like the person behind the camera knew that this was going happen. >> well, you know, you've got a tank within 100 yards of you. you might pull out your camera anyway. although, the people in syria are probably seeing this more and more, it's still something i would imagine is quite jarring. in a separate incident, here's some images captured by australian photographer tracy shelt. they were setting up a makeshift base and just cleaning up the streets they're camped out in from a previous tank attack. just seconds later, he captured this series of incredible images. see this one here? that is the moment a tank attacked. >> wow. they just got ambushed. >> three men were killed in this attack. >> the guy right beside the chair, you still see the chair as a point of perspective, and the three men are gone.
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a surveillance camera outside a north carolina barbeque joint catches something unexpected. this is from tarheel barbeque. on labor day, these guys are closed. a fellow wanted to get in and probably get up to no good inside of tarheel barbeque. here's the guy. first he comes into the door with a shovel. >> kind of an unorthodox burglar apparel. >> looks like he just came from the beach. >> you see he struggles and struggles with the shovel and this door. the barbeque at this place must be really good. so then he walks away, comes back with a butcher knife. this guy spent nearly half an hour trying to break in to this door. well, he evidently worked really, really hard and got himself good and tired. watch as the surveillance camera shows the time that passes. you see the sunset. you see the security lights come on. meanwhile, the guy trying to open the door is napping.
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>> i don't know if this is a nap. this is a full-on night sleep. >> it's three hours' worth of sleep. then, he woke up. i'm rested now. i'm going to scratch my sleepy face away. >> whatever. >> whatever. i don't care if i get in there. i don't care about that door anymore. >> and he probably doesn't remember how he got there in the first place. what am i doing here? >> smells good though. 60-mile-per-hour wind. >> and this dude takes it head on. but then mother nature fights back. >> the insane thing is this whole video has gone viral because of this accidental moment. >> see what had this guy running for cover. and it may look like a video game, but this is all real. >> this guy's got shot in the woods. this guy's got shot in the snow, at night, on the move. >> how many gun, how many shots, how many places? fi
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this video is being passed around all over the internet, and you're about teewhy. >> oh! what was that? >> that was a concrete wall being blown over by a storm in yuma, arizona. you're probably wondering, why is this guy standing out in the storm? >> looks like he's out there trying to do the michael jackson lean. >> you'll hear at the beginning of this video why he's out there. >> about to go outside. it's raining. >> over the weekend, an enormous thunderstorm hit yuma. they reported 60-mile-an-hour winds, knocked out power to thousands of people. there were some injuries reported. this guy is like, my friend's got a camera here. i'm going to go out and see how my body responds to these winds. you're right, it does look like the michael jackson move from "smooth criminal."
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the insane is this video has gone viral because of this accident accidental capture of this concrete wall falling down. i think the guy most terrified was the guy inside shooting the video. intake of air. his friends looks back. >> now is the time to stay out there and try that trick again. now you don't have the wind resistance of the wall. philadelphia police are asking for the public's help in identifying some suspects in this nerve racking surveillance video. you see these two suspects come in, hooded sweatshirts on. immediately one of them pulls out what looks like a silver revolver. pointing it at the faces of both of the guys working in this place. according to the philadelphia police, one of them shouts meet
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immediately "give me the money." so they're trying to, of course, rob this service station. you see one of the workers get struck in the head by a pistol. i don't know if that's a reaction, brave, or stupid. you see him smack the gun away. watch what happens next. you're thinking, these guys are going to clean out the register. this worker here closest to us grabs this metal stool and chases these guys out of the store. these guys walk away with nothing. >> but they had a gun and he had a chair, and the chair trumped the gun? >> that's what i thought the first time i saw this video, which makes me think either these suspects were in no way prepared to fire this gun or this was a fake gun from the beginning. >> this guy, the entire video, he is so remarkably calm. >> you don't get to see much of their faces because they have hoodies on. so it will be tough to identify them. the philadelphia police department released this video asking for the public's help.
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there's a reason why we don't really like using public bathrooms and facilities, because we all hear the reports about how they're not very clean. >> remember the last time you used a public restroom? >> oh! >> i know! >> looks like someone finger painted with their pop. >> introducing potty packs. the portable toilet seat cover and toiletry system that prevents your skin and clothing from touching the toilet seat and bowl when using a public restroom. >> that's right. you can carry around a potty pack. just unzip it from the pack, lay it over a public toilet, and then you can comfortably go as if you're at home. >> i like this, but you got to carry this thing around. then you got to take it off the toilet and all those germs that were on the toilet are now in this thing that you're carrying around in your purse or car. >> i don't like it at all. >> you have to fold it back the right way. you sit on the same side. then you're alleviating those problems. >> i think this is a great idea.
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>> it is a germophobe's biggest nightmare. i make these intricate nets out of toilet paper that are like a fortress. >> does that clog the toilet? >> multiple flushes. >> i will always go with the hover method. unless the germs have pole vault sticks, they're not getting on me. >> here's the problem with you hoverers, you might leave a drop or two of something you don't wipe off. >> clean up after yourself. now seems like a very good time for a scary looking adventure. so here's one. >> it is terrifying. >> it's the tight squeeze cave dive. >> that shows you how small the space is. >> see how it's done. he's the next teenage thing on a snowboard. and -- >> i love this kid. even his picture. >> see the one all the rest already fear on "right this minute."
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get ready. it's time for best of rtm where we tell you about bonus videos you can find on our website. >> make a laser gun sound, if you can. it's this exact thing they're tackling in this next video. it's a battle of the sexes. who makes better sounds effects noises? they're doing all kinds of stuff. all to see which sex is better
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at this kind of thing. >> just check out this video at i'm going to ask you all to take a very deep breath and try to put aside your fears of confined spaces. i'm going take you cave diving. this is castle rock cave in wisconsin. that teeny little hole in the rock where the water is gushing from is where these divers are heading straight into. it is terrifying. i never thought i had a fear of confined spaces until i started watching this. this video is about 11 minutes long. these divers are squeezing themselves into the teeniest little trenches beneath the earth, and it's freaking you out, isn't it? >> i'm really claustrophobic. >> basically, they're pushing their air tanks in front of them
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through the path they're trying to go. that right there shows you how small the space is, the fact they can't even wear their air tanks. they have to push them in first and follow the air tanks through. the other crazy part is there's a photographer shooting all this. watch this part. this space gets so small he has to take off his helmet to get through. are you kidding me? >> how do they get out? how do they turn around? you can't. you're in there, you're stuck, and it's small. >> to answer some of the questions, we have the photographer joining us via skype. richard, we're freaking ining t watching this video. you got to tell me what's it's like to be down there. >> well, it's a little tight, but it's not as bad as you think it is once you get inside. you can't be claustrophobic nope. >> how do you get out? >> they call it the five-point turn. you have to find a little hole
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to stick a leg in, another hole to stick your arm in, another hole to stick your head in. you wiggle back and forth until you get yourself turned around. >> you mean to tell me that there's no big open cavern you're crawling to get to? it's just a tiny hole going in and coming out? >> if there is a big hole, we haven't found it at the end. the original reason it was explored was to find dry cave and dry pass. age at the end. we've explored about 500 feet. it just keeps getting tighter and tighter. >> what do you do when you finally make it out? >> big sigh of relief. ladies, at first glance this might look like a video game, but i can assure you this is indeed real life. it's a recent video posted to youtube. it is a first-person point of view shooting montage. 140 shots, 40 different scenes. listen to some of this. [ gunfire ]
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he's using handguns, riecfles, shotguns. blowing up gallon jugs. they explode in the air. if you haven't guessed already, he's a second amendment enthusiast. >> this guy is really good. >> i've tried shooting before. i almost knocked my teeth out. that thing, like, jerks back. >> the one thing that is interesting, you see how a lot of these different firearms are used. you're seeing him aim through a scope, through the sights. you're also seeing him aim, like, lasers, which is interesting. >> this is the best part. it almost looks like green explosions as these bullets hit the target. listen to this. >> if anybody was ever thinking about breaking into this guy's house, they're like, oh, not this guy. >> i think i'll choose the next door. >> moving on. this cat is getting a big present. >> this is like an entire box
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city or a box skyscraper. >> hear why rufus the cat is living large.
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wedding day, safe to say it's the most important day for two people that just married each other. but of course you have to take the photos to remember that day. >> kissing her hand. she's sitting there looking beautiful with her dress that
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she spent months looking for. so while they're trying to get this perfect shot, look at these two in the back. >> is that a bridesmaid? >> i don't know who she is, but she's kind of creeping in on the picture. >> this is where you go, hey, you two, back there, move it along. >> but that's not the point of this video. >> oh! >> no. he started going first. then he took her with him. >> that's not a good groom. if you're starting to fall, just fall. don't grab on to her dress. >> he didn't just grab on to her dress. he was thinking, well, you know, where's the most ample grip? look, look, look. >> oh! guys, people in the snowboard world are saying be afra afraid, be very afraid of redman gerard. he's the guy we're seeing in this video with some serious skills on the slopes on a snowboard. the dude's got serious talent. they're saying this guy is
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crazy, sick, he's scary, unreal. he's 12 years old. >> what? >> he's small. >> this video we found on they have some pictures of him. he's already landed big time sponsors. burton, big names in the snowboard biz. they're saying this dude could be like the next shaun white. >> he does have the look going. >> he could be like the flying potato. >> i love this kid. >> he grow up in the mountains around snow? >> he's from colorado. he got started at 2 years old. he's 12. so he's got ten years of boarding under his belt. >> these kids are still pooping
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their pants. >> i think we'll be hearing a lot more about him in the future. when i first saw this video, i thought, i've got to show this to steven and to nick. we've got the cat enthusiast and the man who questions cats. >> yeah. >> this is billy brown. this is his lovely cat rufus. adorable little cat. recently rufus had an ear infection. >> i put drops in every night after work. unfortunately it was very, very painful. he ran away from me when i got home and was hiding from me. >> he's like, now that the ear infection is gone, i'm going to make it up to my amazing cat here. the one thing that would make rufus happy, a box. billy has an entire plan he lays out for rufus. >> you can climb up here. there will be a little hatch on the top. >> as this progresses, you see -- this is like an entire box city or a box skyscraper or a box, like, block of
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skyscrapers, if you will. >> it's a fort. >> he puts rufus on top of the box. then billy starts showing him how this is all going to work. >> i think it's awesome. it's a great way to enrich your cat's life. i don't know that the cat realizes that, you know, he's trying to make up for some medicine. super cool. >> the beginning of this video i was worried about rufus because he had the ear infection. now i'm worried about billy. that's it for our show. see you tomorrow, everybody. -- captions by vitac -- from your tv service, now's a great time to get at&t u-verse tv. make the switch! [ megan ] call now to get at&t u-verse tv for only 29 a month for six months -- with a total home dvr included free for life. plus add hbo and cinemax and get the first three months free. [ male announcer ] with u-verse tv, you can record
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