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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  September 12, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm PDT

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hello, everyone. i'm beth troutman. this is the show with the best videos of the day and the stories behind them. it's time to talk about them right this minute. a motorcyclist runs smack into a trailer and -- >> this guy goes flying. >> hear how the bike didn't make it, but the rider did. >> no! >> las vegas streets are looking -- >> white water rapids. >> see how getting done the strip becomes a crap shoot. a car swerves around a school bus and finds cops on the other side. >> was this a setup? >> hear the story behind the sting. plus, we've seen a few ways to smash a beer can, but never like this. ♪ and a giant turtle steals some green, while the shocked clerk -- >> is like, is this really
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happening? motorcyclist out for a group ride on the road in south carolina. >> oh! >> no! >> kind of tough to watch. this guy was on a kawasaki vx 10. nick, tell me a vx 10, pretty powerful bike. >> very powerful. light weight bike with a lot of engine. >> this guy goes flying. >> he does two full rotations in the air with his arms and legs spread and then just keeps rolling after he hits the concrete. >> the dash cam is from a rider on a ducati, named antoine thomas. according to him the guy in the accident had to be airlifted to a hospital. survives, but suffered a broken arm and broken leg.
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the folks in seattle are getting a real view of how dangerous it is for detention officers in prison. >> they obtained this video leaked to them from a february 4th riot. see here a fight is starting between two inmates. at the end of this riot that lasted about six minutes, four officers and one inmate were taken to the hospital. they say that two inmates in this fight ended up having shanks or homemade knives made from toothbrush handles. cairo showed it to a former washington police chief who said they didn't handle it like they should. >> now they know he still has a knife they're going after him with no protection. >> what's your feeling about that? >> you simply shouldn't do it. >> look at the guy at the middle of the screen. the one guy in white with the long sleeves. watch what he does. >> oh! >> he's on a rampage. he attacked at least two cops right there. >> they're not approaching him
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because he's got a weapon, so they're trying to corral him, get him to calm down or whatever. >> i would bet this video is going to reignite some training issues with the force inside the prison. >> the superintendent of the prison invited the station to come in and talk to them about it and here is what the superintendent said. >> the staff responded, recognized that there was a wedge involved and acted appropriately. they kept their distance from the weapon until the other tools could arrive. >> he did say they did change training techniques like you guessed they would, nick. now all those officers in close quarters now have pepper spray in case something like this happens. the superintendent says they did the best that they knew how under crazy circumstances. i absolutely love this sids we got from wews in cleveland, ohio. >> here she comes. stop sign, 8:34. >> this is video being shot by a school bus driver named uria
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harris. >> here she comes. >> hey look. here she comes. >> right there. >> there you go. >> wait a second. that's a school bus. >> that's a school bus. >> with the red lights on the back. >> exactly right. >> and the arm thing coming out with the stop sign. >> the arm thing, stop sign and that silver what looks like jeep liberty doesn't stop at all. instead she just drives up on the sidewalk to get by the car that's in front of her to get by the school bus and keep going about her merry way. keep watching. >> o, yeah. >> and the police are right there. >> was this a setup? because it seemed like -- has this happened before? >> yes. according to reports, this was a daily occurrence by this woman. this driver was apparently 32-year-old sheena harden and she did it every day, would not stop for the bus driver.
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so the bus driver catches the whole thing on cell phone video, cops are waiting there for her. she was stopped, was not arrested, but was cited for this incident. >> all right. she has been caught. justice has been served. el dodd is at it again rescuing yet more dogies. that need help. he runs hopes for paws, a rescue organization in california. they're going to help melody and macy. they're both lost in this home and there they are. >> these dogs are living at a construction site. >> who knows what condition they're in. we know he gained their trust and ends up saving them. it does take some convincing. >> yeah. but he seems to be like the pied piper of dogs because he knows what kind of snacks to use to break them down. >> dogs are always like this guy is throwing us some treats, might not be all that bad. >> such sweet dogs but their
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eyes always look so sad. >> by the end of the video, they like that guy. >> he is a man of infinite patience. the length of time he spends trying to rescue these dogs. >> eventually, el dog does it he rescues them. i have a little surprise for you guys, because once melody was rescued, they discovered melody was expecting. >> oh. >> some puppies. >> that little dog had six babies in there. >> oh, yeah. >> who did this to her? >> somebody who needs to be spayed and neutered. >> if she was left out there on the street these puppies wouldn't make it. >> no. >> and there is melody very clean. >> cleaning her puppies. look at her licking away. >> another hopeful paw success story. >> way to go, el dog. an amazing motorcycle accident caught on camera. >> this video shows you how lucky somebody can actually be be when all heck breaks loose. >> see what happens to the rider after the the wreck. and this critter is caught in the act. >> i think those are fangs.
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a band of slow-moving thunderstorms drops massive amounts of rain on las vegas, nevada. take a look at some of these videos that have been popping up all over the internet. this is the parking valet area of the imperial palace on the strip. it looks like white water rapids. >> the only thing you could valet here is like a boat. >> if that. this what is the parking situation normally looks like at the imperial palace. nothing compared to that. take a look at this video, this is inside a guy's apartment. water just poured in from the roof. >> according to the guy who posted this video, he said, more than 90% of the apartments in his building, all three floors, were flooded. >> what? >> if you're on the bottom floor you're getting the worst of it.
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you're getting the water from the ground level and other people's apartments. >> unintentional shower. >> all over everything that you own. >> according to reports, this storm drops more than an inch of rain in a short period of time which is incredibly dangerous in a desert area like las vegas because the soil is so dry. take a look at this video we got from 8 news now. they had to perform helicopter rescues of stranded motorists in this neighborhood. >> considering this is not something that happens all the time, they have no idea, one, that this was going to happen and two, how to respond to it or be safe around this environment. oh! >> out of nowhere. >> oh! >> this video shows you how lucky somebody can actually be when all heck breaks loose. this motorcyclist somehow loses control, manages to go just right of the pole that the bike
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wraps itself around. not wearing a helmet. the bike erupts into flames and he's able to scurry away from that. >> looks like he was wearing a helmet and the helmet flew off on impact. >> you're right no how does he have enough wind in him to get up. >> i don't know if he ever hits the pole or not. it goes so fast, it's hard to see. if he actually hits the pole or if he avoids it with his body and just the bike hits. i think he manages to avoid the pole. >> how can it catch on fi so quick? >> the bike is hot, the fuel is spilling because the b destroye get. >> don't know anything about where the bike came from, who this guy was. very little information coming out of colombia on this wreck. just incredible pictures captured by police security camera. after he gets away from the fire he starts running down the ride like he's still trying to get to the appointment. he was trying so quick to get to. >> lost my bike. keep on trucking. cat just chillin'. ♪
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♪ the latin name for this creature you are looking at is otherwise known as the tarantula. and tarantulas molt. it takes them between 50 minutes to three hours. this was 1:33 seconds. if it's rolled on its back and looks like it's dead, it's not. it's about to molt. if you touch it while it's molting that may kill it. >> that looks like some kind of alien abduction alien takeover. isn't it neat? >> do you think he's yelling, i'm molting. >> it sheds its coat.
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>> what? then like a whole other tarantula sitting there. >> darker brown, richer, more lush color. >> fangs. >> that's what i pointed at. i think those are fangs. >> that is scary stuff. say good-bye to the penny, my friends. at least at this guy's store. >> he's not going to accept them or give them out. >> see why the penny isn't welcome at this store anymore. and it's one of those late night restaurant food fights. >> what is this train wreck going to do now? >> see what the big argument is all about. >> geez. this is stupid. >> it all goes down on video, right this minute.
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welcome back to the show. don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. >> this video is from a so-called power play sports. it is owned by caleb magoon. he has already decided he's going to stop using the pen beeny. he's not going to accept them or give them out. if your change is $5.73 he's going to round up to the nearest nickel and give you $5.75. >> can't you make the prices in the store come out to fives and tens. >> he still has to charge you
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tax. he could charge a very round number all the time, but a lot of people do still pay with credit cards. there is a bit of a debate on whether we should keep the penny or not because it also does cost 2.5 times to produce each penny than the penny is actually worth. >> doesn't add up there. >> we reached out to caleb so he can tell us why he's taking a proactive approach saying go ahead bye to the penny. we have him via skype, right this minute. what do you have against the penny. >> couple things. the practicality of having a little extra change in your pocket that you don't necessarily want. little extra change in my drawer not making me any money as a business owner. the personal statement of you know, we're spending too much money to make this currency that we just don't need in our system anymore. >> to be clear, you're always rounding up. >> that's correct. i always round in the customer's favor. >> aren't you losing money, though, by rounding up, if they're, you know, change would be $2.63 and you give them
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$2.65, you're losing money. >> 85% of the transactions done in my store are done with a credit card or a check. i'm only losing 2%. i'm spending $20 per thousand transaction for the convenience of not using the penny at all, which i think is a safe thing to do. >> what's been people's reaction. >> people are practical and understand this is a currency er than for lly revant collectors which i totally understand. there's no longer a [ inaudible ] currency for any reason. >> i would give him a penny for my thoughts, but i don't think he'd take it. >> kitten can't catch the bird. ♪ in many parts of the world
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it's common and legal to split lanes on your mort psych. meaning you can ride between the cars. you see heavy traffic in what i believe to be russia. >> this never looks good. this never looks safe. >> no. >> oh! >> that's why! that's why it's never safe. >> it's a risky move. i tend to side with the biker here a little bit, because if it is legal, here in russia to do this, fine. the car, if you pause it, there's no blinker. >> sure. >> not signaling the lane change. probably didn't even look. >> i see that. >> but this guy is going pretty fast. he was goosing it pretty good. wet roads too, that doesn't help him or the other driver. thankfully it looks like he's head to toe in second gear and jumps after he hits the pavement? after he slides across the pavement? >> even if the guy in the car did put the blinker on, i don't think anything would have been any different.
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>> i don't either. >> too close to jam on the brakes. there's a few ways you can smash a beer can. with your hands, step on it, be a meat head and crush it off your forehead. >> i've never seen this. >> [ bleep ]. look at this. >> what? >> holy -- >> what is happening? >> hold on. >> she just is smashing these things like they're bowling bowls. >> does that hurt? that's got to hurt yourself. >> i can guarantee you that would hurt. >> can i point out the intensity in this woman's face, she's not smiling. it doesn't look like she's having a good time. she's literally -- like just smashing it down as hard as she can. >> no wonder her boobs hang around like that if that's what she does with them in her spare time. >> see the entire beer can smashing video, if you dare, head to our website and click best of rtm.
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an attempted robbery where the suspect is a roller skating turtle. he comes in -- >> and he goes straight for the lettuce. towards the food of choice for all turtles. >> but is this heist the real deal or one big high jinx?
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here's a fresh go pro video for you, steven. this impresses me because it's downhill longboarding. skateboarding. i can't even stand on a
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skateboard, never mind get up to the speeds these guys are getting to in this video. >> how do you stop? >> you hope there's a big uphill at the end where you can coast to a stop. >> there's no quick stop but you kind of swerve back and forth. they have the go pro on the end of a pole. this guy with a cool so cal long blonde hair sticking out of his brain bucket there. guys are passing each other back and forth all the way down. doesn't look like the hill is closed to other traffic because at one point they cross this mercedes coming right at them. >> i love how the guys are flipping the camera all over the place to get his buddy in front and behind him. >> we've seen this more and more in the last six months people with go pro videos. >> that just gives you all these unlimited amounts of crazy angles and cool video. ♪ let this video be a reminder to keep it classy, america. this is around 4:00 in the morning in alabama near troy university.
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this is a waffle house. people are hungry. they've been out and partying. >> i want -- >> this girl went in there to order herself a cheese omelet, but after they took way too long to give it to her, she started screami at the she started throwing things at them. one of the employees picked up the phone to call the police and when she did that, she grabbed the ketchup bottle and threw it right her. >> there's people waiting against the wall. was she expecting drive-through service at mcdonald's for a happy meal. of course you have to wait. it's a sit-down restaurant. >> she's with a friend. have a lovely conversation with your friend. >> she continued to do this. >> no. no. >> she broke one of the light fixtures at the restaurant. >> holy molly. >> they go around and get back behind the counter into the employee area and get physical. she starts beating one of the cooks that came out to offer to
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give her her cheese omelet before everyone else. >> she should be thankful that a place like this stays open so you can get an egg omelet -- >> did end up identifying her as 21-year-old erica chambers, she was arrested and charged with third degree assault. >> she's not going to get her omelet at all. she missed out. >> no. no. >> got to tell you guys, just a wild and downright scary attempted robbery at a grocery store of all places. look at this. in walks a turtle on roller skates and he goes straight for the lettuce. towards the food of choice for all turtles. ♪ this guy here in the suspenders is like, is this really happening? he goes after him. takes him down. turtle loses the lettuce. and eventually skates his way out of there empty handed. this isn't one of the ninja
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turtles. raphael and donatello were all cleared of suspects from this incident. this is french humorist rami gahard, funny guy, popular youtuber, he's got 1.5 million subscribers on his channel. this is just his latest little funny bit he put on his channel. and at the end of the video a french quote comes up that translates to, it's by doing whatever that one becomes whoever. >> this is funny. i feel a little bad for the old shop keeper there. you know. he could have gotten hurt. he did fall down. he could have broken a hip or something. >> right. i agree. but i like to think that old rami has been doing this a long time, maybe he came back in later and said look, i was the turtle. let me pay you for the lettuce and then some. i hope. i hope so. i hope you did that, rami. that's going to do it for us here at "right this minute." one more video for you. this is an incredible musician
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named johnny lynn playing on the streets of bris bon. enjoy it and we'll see you next time. ♪
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