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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  September 13, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT

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hello, everyone. i'm beth troutman. we have the best videos and the stories behind them. let's get started, "right this minute." a swedish train station is the setting for -- >> the most despicable act you may ever see. >> how a good samaritan turned out to be a sinister thug. >> this person can't even be called a person. this is an animal. >> i like animals. this isn't even an animal. >> trash update. no one can believe this guy survives and now -- >> we actually spoke to the man in the accident. >> hear how he's doing and meet the shocked driver who witnessed the whole thing. >> next thing i knew he comes flying over my shoulder. >>d moose calf gets tangled in barbed wire.
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>> look how it is struggling. >> see the hero who saved the day bare handed. >> oh, my gosh he did it. it's not the most original prank but it's always a good one. >> come on now what the [ bleep ] sitting up here -- >> see why many who became butts of the joke were not amused. >> i'm kind of scared of that lady in the red pants. >> right. ever have a stomach ache around her. you guys are about to witness the most despicable act you may ever see. it came from stockholm, sweden over the weekend. see the man at the top of the screen, stumbling around, getting close to the edge of the platform and yes, he falls right in. there's somebody right behind him to lend a hand. the guy in the blue shirt looks at him for a second, trying to figure out what he should do. soon after he jumps down on the tracks but instead of helping this man back on the platform. >> no. >> he rifles through his pockets, takes what he can find,
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and runs away. about ten minutes later, the train comes through. and runs over this guy only known as johnny. >> oh. >> oh. >> oh, my gosh. >> that train takes up the entire track there. >> this victim survived. >> no. >> he lost part of his left foot and will need a prosthetic knee. he lived. the suspect walked by the platform guard, never mentioned hey, somebody's out on the tracks. in stockholm there is no law against leaving someone to die. if they find this guy he can only really be charged for the theft. >> really isn't much to say other than that this is an awful thing for a person to do to another person. >> heartless. heartless. no concern for another human being. only concerned with what he might get that was material. >> this is just -- just a soulless scumbag. >> boom. yesterday i showed you guys
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this downright scary motorcycle accident in south carolina. got some new information. we actually spoke to the man in the accident. his name is will. he told us he is recovering at home after suffering a broken wrist and a broken leg. not a broken arm. he wanted us to clear that up. he told us that he saw the video for the first time on wednesday, just yesterday, and it's just been replaying in his head over and over. he also told us he's not going to be getting on a bike again. he said that he has a wife and kids and he has a responsibility to his family. i told you yesterday that antoine thomas was the rider with the dash cam behind will. he's part of the south carolina rough riders. in an exclusive interview, antoine thomas is joining us right this minute from south carolina. how do you think this accident -- >> honestly i'm not too sure. he says he didn't see it. there's a group of us that saw the trailer slow down, but next thing i know he comes flying
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over my shoulder. couple riders said he passed them. maybe he wanted to get to the front. >> what wept through your mind when you did see this footage. >> it happened so fast i didn't really see it until i watched the video. pretty much amazed at how far he actually went in the air. i heard the impact when it happened, but -- >> after seeing something like this are you reluctant to get back on your bike? >> i actually rode my other bike that same night. not more reluctant at all. more aware of what's going on. >> what did the bike look like after all of this? >> wasn't much left of it. it was broken. you couldn't tell it was a bike after that. take a look at this video from inside a department store. according to the poster of this video, the guy who is being manhandled apparently was attempting to shop lift and mr. security guard, the guy who's doing the manhandling wasn't having it. >> i thought they were just supposed to report and try to, i don't know -- >> one of the reasons this video
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is getting a lot of play not just the fight that's happening. it's not just the security guard's actions. it's more the play by play from the guy holding the camera. >> how do you feel today? i think he feels all right. no. he's got it. i said, what's up? wrap your legs around him, yo. >> wrap your legs around him. oh, he got him with the cuff and all that. >> he's cuffing him. >> so the guy is just giving play by plays telling him what's going on. he's got it. this is his job. one point things get rough and they start heading toward a mannequin. >> right into the man ne can. watch out manny can. >> don't offer assistance. >> he needs help. >> help me, please. >> not you. >> nobody said help the poor guy. >> i didn't do anything wrong. >> i didn't do anything wrong except i have a bunch of stolen stuff. >> in my pants. >> i didn't do anything wrong.
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let's go outdoors with michael short. >> okay. >> watch this. >> there she is. >> you've got a fish and wildlife officer firing a gun and you see this moose calf. >> oh. >> little leg is caught in a barbed-wire fence. >> its little leg is caught in a bashed wire fence so the fish and game officer fired a shot in the air to scare the mom off so he could come and with his bare hands unwrap the barbed wire wrapped around the calf leg. look what happens. >> oh, my goodness. he did it. >> and he stands right up so his leg is okay. oh. poor baby. >> now he sounds like he's chirping like a bird. he's tentative like okay, man, you stay there because you already fired a weapon in the air. i'm just going to back up slowly and go find my mama. >> smart move scaring the mom
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away, though. because as you know, a moose can be really mean, especially when talking about a baby moose. >> look how it is struggling with the leg like that. there's no way the mom would have been able to help out. >> i think at the end of this after he gets out of the barb wire fence and looks at the officer, i think he says a thank you. don't shoot me, bro. a pro kyacker takes the plunge. >> oh. >> i was not expecting that. >> flipped my stomach. >> see how it's done, right this minute. a car dealer gets creative when he ies to catch some thies. >> think one o u in for $10,000. better return those, skippy. >> meet the man who turned a lousy sit
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help me determine if you
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think this video caught an act of hate? we found this video on itn and it shows three men walking down a sidewalk in lester, in the uk, and about to walk past this traffic cop taking the license plate of this car that is parked right in front. now look at what one of the men does when they walk past the traffic cop. he leans in to spit on the note pda the cop is holding. the cop seems to confront the man who spit on his notepad. it doesn't end there. it gets worse. >> oh, wow. kicked him right in the head. >> just straight up hits him right on the head, knocking this cop to the ground and hitting him so hard that even his hat goes flying right off his head. and then they just walk away. now police are trying to figure out who these guys are. they are hoping someone recognizes them from this video. the traffic cop that they
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assaulted is reportedly a muslim and those men are also thought to be skinheads. >> yeah. i mean you can't know for sure. their shaved heads definitely suggest that. you don't necessarily know. >> any report on how the cop is doing? >> fortunately they didn't cause any serious injuries, but he did have to be treated for some severe bruising to his face and his head. here's a recent radio ad from marty, owner of north star ford. >> marty here for north star ford. i know you heard about our family pricing initiative. over the weekend we had some come steal. >> you're used to our family pricing, family deals. but over the weekend, somebody who wasn't a family member came and stole some stuff from some of our cars. >> i worked in radio for 14 years and never heard news mixed with a commercial like that. >> if you give us a tip that
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leads to the recovery of these tires and rims and arrest of these criminals we will give you $10,000. >> it's like the national canadian police force. >> if they return these rims, i will call off the pos se. better return those skippy as i get a great deal on commercials. was your friend on the cell phone talking to his sister or maybe calling us to turn you in. >> oh, i would turn somebody in just to hear that funny call. >> this ad hit the airwaves about 90 days ago. right this minute via skype we have marty. welcome to the show. >> how are you doing today? >> give us the news. have you caught the guys. >> no. about 45 days after this we got hit for a couple more sets of rims that are gone. >> has this been common for you to get stuff stole wherein you felt you needed to resort to these commercials. >> the rims were wo rts about
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$20,000. the thought is if we're going to get the rims back, i owe $20,000, give the money to the community over who turned them in. >> have you got an lot of business because of these ads. >> there was definitely some pride in fort mcmurray. >> why did you choose humor instead of going we have the best prices buy my trucks. >> seems like that humor, people seem to listen to it more and make this human. >> do you worry that the rims are worth more than the amount you're offering for information. >> i wanted to give the $20,000 to someone who helped us catch these people and some to a charity. so the reward is still out there. more than happy to put my $20,000 to catch these guys. beth, it's ban while. what do you say we get down with some science. >> love it. >> let's get down with space. lots of people talking about mars in the last month. as we know mars looks like this. kind of not the best looking place. not a place where you think you might want to move to or be able to live. some scientists believe that
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mars used to look like this. to tell us what happened we have our science man zach. >> hey, what up, zach? >> hello. >> we know this is only just a theory, but some scientists believe that mars at one time had an atmosphere like earth. >> the idea is billions of years ago mars had a thick atmosphere that was much like earth. their idea is that sputtering occurred and sputtering happens because little light packets called photons, light emitted from the sunmashes into molecules in th atmosphere. mol electron and become ions. because these ions are now charged they're susceptible to magnetic fields which solar winds have, so these solar winds come, pass by mars and can actually take the ions along with them. this new mission is looking to observe the atmosphere on mars to see how mars may have lost its atmosphere. >> why is an atmosphere important in the first place?
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>> an atmosphere is important for life because it protects us. >> people may have lived on mars? >> some scientists believe that mars was the building block of life and then life from mars came to earth. >> so in a sense, you're saying that mars could have been like a practice planet for life and then they moved on to earth? >> it could be. or the opposite could have happened. >> oh, boy? hope we're not a practice plan. >> i know. we better get our spaceships ready. if this is a practice plan we need to high tail it out of here. >> i'm pro martian. >> i'm pro all planets. >> i like life. >> she's known as tisha unarmed. >> she calls her shoulders nubs. >> is that like nub stepping. >> let loose in her latest video. then a little game of what the heck is that? >> like a big gummi bear. >> oh, no. this is like a science experiment gone wrong. >> stick around to find out on "right this minute." my name is debi.
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[ wheezing ] this may be my last chance to warn you... about the dangers of smoking. gradually, tobacco took not just my health, but my dreams. [ inhales deeply ] think about what tobacco is taking from you. quit now, before it's too late. [ inhales ] [ coughs ]
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it's all about the first in the world of professional kayaking. the first descent. like this one. >> whoa! >> wow. >> i was not expecting that. >> that's 34-year-old professional kayaker ben tooksberry going off the brasswell glacier in norway.
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65 feet, he plummeted into the frigid waters below. this was all shot as part of a brazilian tv show called "kayak." nobody's ever kayaked a glacial waterfall. he went nose first, man, straight vertical right into the water. >> coming right out into the midnight sun, peering over, getting my first look at how far i was going to drop and it was, you know, it was just surreal in that way. >> seems like they just found a natural stream, right. >> that's exactly right. as part of the gla shar, water does melt and run off and this is just -- you can see that channel carved by the melting water. it was a perfect opportunity, perfect size for the kayak to just go through that chute and off. >> i love this moment right before he goes down. he's kind of holding on to the side of the gla shar with his kayak paddle straight in the air peeking over the edge before he falls. and the viewpoint from his
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helmet cam, flips my stomach. >> that two seconds that i was in the air felt like, you know, an eternity in that moment. definitely something i'll never forget. funny monkey loves pepsi. ♪ >> tisha is back. no stranger to "right this minute." she is a woman who doesn't have arms, so in her blog tisha unarmed she does things to show people how she does things with just her feet. she calls her shoulders nubs. today she is nub dancing. ♪ >> is that like nub stepping? ♪ >> like a hula of the shoulders. >> yeah. yeah. to the beat.
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>> she's got quite a bit of movement there, you know what i mean? she's doing all kinds of moves. >> that's her foot. >> that's her foot rubbing her shoulder. >> how does she get her foot to her shoulder? >> crazy limber. >> she's really flexible. >> wow. >> tisha has an amaziust s much self-confidence and is so willing to put herself out there. >> she's like biting and licking her -- what she calls nubs. biting them. >> it does get a little -- >> little risque if you will. >> i have to give it to her. she doesn't let the fact she doesn't have arms stop her from getting down, getting funky. ♪ >> how would you react if someone walks past you and -- >> oh! >> while some think it's funny, others ain't having it. >> people aren't happy about this stuff. >> no. i wouldn't be either.
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>> see the prank next. ah.
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fire bad! just have to fire roast these tomatoes. do you churn your own butter what? too? this is going to give you a head start on your dinner. that seems easier sure does who are you? [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. five delicious cooking sauces you combine with fresh ingredients to make amazing home-cooked meals. ♪ ambiance [ female announcer ] new progresso recipe starters. your head-start to home cooked. floodwaters aren't always a bad thing. especially if you're a wake boarder at unlv. >> parking lot is flooded. >> heavy storms left floodwaters all over the las vegas area this week. this video just coming out from name productions. brandon and jeremy are out there taking advantage of the flooded unlv parking lot and shredding
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it on their wake board. >> looks like just a bit of water too. doesn't look very deep, maybe six inches. doesn't seem to slow these guys down. >> wondering how are these guys wake boarding. where's the boat? >> sthey set up a winch in the back of a pick-up truck. only thing is this hurt morse if you bite it than if you're actually wakeboarding in the water because you're landing on concrete. >> did they block it off themselves so they could have nis? >> looks like they took advantage of the situation. because they're also using the pylons and blockades as their course to slol lom in and around. >> what's up, guys. >> one of our favorite pranksters jack teamed up with roman atwood's sketch empire to create a funny prank. >> did you just fart? >> what's that? >> they casually walk up to people just enjoying their afternoon, their day, and they -- >> oh! >> right in front of them and
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the reactions are awesome. >> fart in my face, bro. >> what's that? >> you farted in my face. >> it wasn't me. >> people aren't happy about this. >> i wouldn't be either. >> you need to go down there somewhere for real, though. >> don't be breaking wind up in here. for real, dude. >> i am surprised he didn't get beat up. these people are getting really mad. they're not happy about this. especially this lady right here. >> come on now, what the [ bleep ] you sitting up here farting for. how come you can't get the [ bleep ] up. you're trying to be nasty. [ bleep ]. nasty. go over there. >> who do you think you are? i think she totally ripped him a new one. >> kind of scared of that lady in the red. >> hope to never have a stomach ache around her. >> pretty good prank when you get two groups of people good at pranking together. >> come on now, what the [ bleep ].
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we're going to play a little game called, what in the heck are we looking at. >> love that game. let's do it. >> take a look at this little pink thing there. what in the heck are we looking at? >> like a big gummy bear? >> someone shaved a mouse, cut its tail and then dyed it pink. >> oh, no. this is like a science experiment gone wrong. people are trying to like read two different kinds of animals and this is like what was created from people playing god? >> but i like that guess. this is actually a baby hamster. >> oh. >> if you look there are few baby hamsters in this liter. mama is carrying that one in her mouth. you also have the commentary provided by the cameraman. >> man, they look like bald little pink polar bears, some kind of little aliens. that one looks kind of like pennsylvania after he's had one too many. >> cans of spinach?
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>> evidently popeye is a drinker. >> he made his way home after a night of drunking foagt out whe was watching this video on mute. >> keep listening. >> maybe next time he'll stay on the boat when it stops in singapore. ha, ha, ha. >> don't hop off the boat when it stops. >> that's our show. we hope you had as much fun as we did. see you tomorrow. have a great rest of your day.
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