tv Right This Minute KICU September 17, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for the best videos of the day and, of course, the stories behind them, "right this minute". like to buy a ticket we would be glad to sell you one. >> how much? >> would you like to buy a ticket. >> a couple with tickets to a packers game is outraged. >> their 2-month-old baby requires a ticket as well. >> the story that's striking a nerve on the internet. >> this is unbelievable. >> a vintage aircraft takes flight when suddenly. >> the plane seemed to lose lift.
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>> [ bleep ]. >> the close call for an old war horse. >> a dairy queen is the scene of an -- >> inedib edcredible welcome ho moment. >> as a soldier surprises his brother at work. >> shut up right now. shut up. >> and we're checking in with e-bomb's world for a store surveillance video of the smelly kind. >> oh! nfl football season is under way but i found a video posted on youtube raising a few eyebrows. >> this is unbelievable. >> would you like to buy a ticket. >> at lambeau field, home of the green bay packers, during their thursday night football game last week. according to the person who uploaded this video, this is a couple that drove in from iowa to green bay and this ticket agent is telling them their 2-month-old infant baby requires a ticket as well.
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>> i'll have security come out. i'm not going to have somebody wave them in front of me. >> the infant baby in front of one of the pouch es on dad's chest. >> according to the uploader he said this couple purchased suite tickets. we found out that eight of the 32 nfl football teams do require tickets for everybody, regardless of age. >> but the baby is not taking up a seat. >> let me show you the green bay packers website. right here very clear. all individuals, regardless of age, babies included, must have a ticket to enter lambeau field. we got in touch with the green bay packers, spoke to a director of public affairs and asked about the video. he referred us back to this policy listed on their website. what's a little puzzling is you hear the ticket agent over and over again say -- >> would you like to buy a ticket and put your baby in the nose bleeds and you watch in the suites which is confusing because the man we spoke to from the green bay packers told us
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the game was sold out. >> hopefully this will make their policy more clear. >> it's important to point out that the ticket agent is just following policy. surely he didn't write these rules. >> [ inaudible ]. >> world war ii planes, so cool to see up in the air. >> [ bleep ]. >> oh! >> crashed right into the ground. >> [ bleep ]. >> oh, my god. >> that's pilot john ellis and reporter james salmon. they were coming in for a low pass. the plane seemed to lose lift and crash land right into the field. this happened at the cape girardeau regional airport. it's a pt-19 training plane from world war ii. both people inside suffered only minor injuries, transported to the hospital for precaution. you can see the plane just comes kind of low, skips its left wing and flat on the ground.
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>> almost as if there's an invisible hand pushing it towards the ground. lucky they weren't hurt more seriously. >> these planes ahave been aroud for a long time. you don't want to see them go down in a crash like this. >> historic, beautiful, regal plane and now it looks like a tin can smooshed. >> oh, my god. i'm pretty much sure that none of these people will be nominated for parents of the year. this video from dallas and dallas pd are looking for two couples. they're in a 7-eleven and look what they're doing. >> they're shopping. >> that's not a shopping bag. >> that's a purse. >> yeah. >> is she pregnant? >> good observation, beth. at one point she did stand up and rub her belly as if she was pregnant. wait. this isn't the end of it. look what happens when this other man comes into the scene. look what they've got with him. >> is that a kid with them? >> look what happens when the first couple takes off.
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what the boy does, when the second couple comes. turns his head. this boy is hiding his face. >> ashamed of what you're doing. >> police say they got away with about $100 worth of laundry detergent. >> who knows how many stores they hit after this. >> they're not being like subtle about this or sneaky at all. they're just standing at the end of an aisles, not trying to block her or anything. don't people know that there are surveillance cameras in convenience stores. >> plenty of camera shots where police know what kind of car they're driving. >> seems like these people do not care. >> this little boy hiding his face. >> and that woman is rubbing her baby in her belly. >> it's a little rainy in some parts of the country. not mow your lawn season. wonder why these two, maybe three guys, on this pick-up truck break into a landscang ir trup to the corner and then they latch on this flatbed and steal the flatbed with a john
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deere riding lawn mower. >> they didn't bother putting the lawn mower in the truck. they stole the entire flatbed. >> it's an expensive item. >> $6500 john deere lawn mower. according to some reports the owner of this business said whoever did this, knew the padlock code to the fence that allowed them to get in. so they think it might be an inside job. >> interesting. because if it was a break-in, someone would have came in with bolt cutters and cut the lock. might have skewed themselves by locking that back up. they knew the code. >> they should have done it your way. >> police hope someone recognizes the truck. you don't see the thieves. maybe the truck will give someone a clue. >> the lawn mower thieves are. bmx goes to baghdad for the troops. >> wow. >> oh. >> sort of like the uso tour of
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freestyle bmx just got more extreme. check out this trailer for a new documentary called "bike over baghdad". >> we go on these ten-day missions to take action sports to iraq and bring for the troops. >> wow. >> sort of like the uso tour of the new millennium. >> go and have fun. >> you bet. >> day to day is pretty monotonous. >> eat, sleep. >> picks your spirits up. >> they battle injuries,
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exhaustion, heat, all the things that the troops are also battling, to lift the spirits of the guys and ladies there fighting for us. to tell us more about this sport and what they dealt with, one of the riders, christian shaw. what was your number one difficulty you had to overcome? >> i think it's just kind of pushing the limits of the human body and spirit. in the back of your head knowing you can't fail. we had to put these shows on. not going to say sorry, guys, we got tired. it's just an amazing, amazingly challenging scenario but pretty rewarding. >> it's crazy to me, to see these guys taking bmx bikes out of like military helicopters, like a huge contrast. like two different worlds collide in the same place. >> what a brilliant idea to come up with a different kind of way to take the troops' minds off what it is they're having to do day to day. this must have been a treat for them. >> we sit around and hang out and sign autographs until the
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last person leaves and then we go to bed and do it all over. >> that was freakin' sick. >> morale booster. >> hell on wheels. >> there is a group of free runners and parcourse that gets to do pretty awesome stuff. their name is sword and their latest venture in malta, an island south of italy, and this time they were just cliff diving. >> oh, man. >> whoa. >> beautiful, gorgeous scenery. >> like how you say they're just cliff diving. no big deal. just taking a wake down to the corner store. just cliff diving. >> obviously they are really good at what they do. >> want to jump off the set. >> let's do something extreme. >> let's like -- >> jump over. >> i have a feeling if you try that, we will not have a nick and steven co-host. >> if you can jump can you doing that other than look like you're horrified and falling.
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>> i would do the pencil. >> i think i could jump off a cliff and our eury nate myself and vomit at the same time. >> jump and evaporate. >> big dog gets an ear scratchin'. ♪ ♪ uriosity landed on mars backn au wouldn't it be amazing to see what it would be like to land on mars if you were like strapped to curiosity as it was descending. >> yeah. a guy named bards tried to
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create that moment. this is curiosity in real time, descending to mars and what bards did is took the original four-framed per second footage from curiosity's landing and then he enhanced it with smooth motion technology and also enhanced it, detail enhanced it. it took him four weeks to create an actual constant motion, beautifully colored, almost 3d experience of curiosity landing on mars. >> this is all real? >> yes. >> i'm looking at mars? >> you're looking at mars right now. here's a comparison, side by side, of the actual nasa footage and his enhanced footage. >> has nasa approved of this? >> according to bards, people have reached out to him from jpl, the jet propulsion laboratory, part of nasa, saying wow, this footage is really incredible. he even claims that one of the people said hey, can we use this
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for marketing? >> i think bards may have just landed himself a job. we're excited. it's monday and time for real or fake with e-bomb's world. >> real all the way around, right. >> we've got three videos to judge and one of them, well, yuck. >> [ inaudible ]. >> see what's real and what's fake, next.
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somewhere in the uk, stopping people in this square asking for directions. and you see what they're wearing there. somebody comes by with a big slab of cardboard and poof. they just continued to ask for directions, get a whole bunch of people in this thing. >> definitely a video you want to watch from beginning to end, head to and click on -- >> best of rtm. monday, is synonymous with matt. time to check in with e-bomb's world for fake or real videos. what's up, mat. >> holler back. >> from 2001. >> holla back. >> like the brits. >> the first one, pull up [ inaudible ]. ♪ you know you love me >> oh! >> flat on his back. >> i'm going to go with real. >> that was all kinds of real. >> real painful. >> that really hurt.
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♪ >> i love seeing people fall. >> especially when it's like a guido [ inaudible ]. you want to see him fall the whole time. spectacular. >> matt. >> real preside. >> got what he deserved. >> next one. bark vader. >> the imperial march. ♪ >> i am your father. ♪ >> no. >> couple questions here, right. so is the dog involved in the skit? is the guy always going to hit himself in the [ bleep ]. >> i think it's an accident. i think he thought the light saber would go this way and instead this way and nailed him. >> i'm going with steven. >> i call fake. >> fake too. because if this was just a crowd dog, where's the owner and not trying to get the dog off darth
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vadser? >> it's a plastic light saber. >> i want to say fake. >> i thought the dog was going to hump the guy and made it funnier, but he didn't. >> last video, watch the guy in red. ♪ ! >> doing the butt scratch. >> oh! >> he's doing the deep -- >> oh! smelled his fingers. >> why would you do that? >> he is touching the clean clothes that other people are going to come and grab and hand toll see if it fits them. >> where is he putting his fingers. >> looks like he went to china for that one. >> and flicking it like he picked a booger. >> really gross. >> real. >> real. >> i don't know what to say, dude, but thanks for joining us. >> you bet. >> how about cute puppies next time. >> all right.
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>> dog daring escape. ♪ this story gives me hope. hope because so many times on "right this minute" we've done stories of deadbeat ducks. >> this has got to be the worst duck mom of them all. >> i just wants ducks to take care of their ducklingses. this time it's a duck in capetown. >> why are you going that way for? >> this is urban area for a duck. >> notice something about these ducks. >> police escort? >> yes. they do have a police escort. one in the front, one in the back. and they seem to be following
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this police escort beautifully. >> there's two adults. >> i think the dad stuck around. >> for once. for once. >> of course they're still in traffic and need to work on where they're going to raise this family but i'm glad the family is still together. >> i have to think these cops have to be fresh out of the academy. imagine getting that assignment. >> what did they do to make the chief mad. >> or out of the kindness of their heart they said we're trying to keep this family together. >> that's right. i think this is the best responsibility these cops could have on that particular day. they're getting to keep these ducks safe. he's training for america's largest obstacle. ninja warrior. >> you have to be this crazy good athlete to pull off some of these stunts. >> pulls off this one until -- find out what happened in this big warrior.
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if you live near the woods you might get these fellas in your backyard. >> look at that. they're playing on a rope swing. >> three bear cubs. wait. somebody is lurking. >> oh, boy. >> here comes mama bear. mom's like go play. i'm going to go back and look for berries. you notice there's only two ropes. one bear was left out. that bear went back with mom. these two are swinging. >> always happens when you got three kids. >> this is a lesson these bears
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can take with them for the rest of their lives. in the woods when buy by your sufl. >> you're saying fight to the death so you get the rope swing into yep. >> i have two brothers and two rope swings you better believe i'm going to be on one of those rope swings. >> scared of play time with steven. >> you might die. >> they do look like they're having a good time. >> we can't get enough of these videos at "right this minute." another incredible welcome home moment from the welcome home blog. >> yeah. >> in this video as it picks up, pay close attention to the guy in the blue shirt behind the counter. >> they were at a dairy queen and he's going to play a very simple role in this video. >> that dairy queen is crowded. >> good stuff. >> not getting an argument out of me? >> in that crowd is the dairy queen worker's brother paul.
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paul has been serving overseas. >> oh, my god. shut up rightow. shut up. shut up. >> anything. >> i think he wants him to shut up. >> he's hold someone's chicken fingers or hamburger waiting to take it out to people waiting for it in the parking lot. he remembers he has work to do. run it out to deliver the food, comes back in, still saying the same thing. >> shut up right now. >> [ inaudible ]. >> i like what his brother says. he's like you want to [ inaudible ]. >> also got to surprise mom. in this moment, mom is on the phone with her son. she thinks he's still overseas and telling everybody, oh -- >> leftover corn on the cob. >> that looks good. >> oh! paul! >> gets me every time. so much love between family members. >> she hung up on him.
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>> the guy in the next video, he's training for ninja warrior. >> ninja warrior. >> you have to be this crazy good athlete to pull off these stunts. what he's doing here is pretty impressive. even though in flip flops. climbing up the back of the stairs trying to make his way up to the top. didn't exactly examine these steps before he attempted this training. you see he makes it up to the top. he's starting to struggle a little bit. >> he's probably up 20 feet now. >> pretty high. >> and then -- >> wow. >> you hear him scream and then drop down into what he calls a thorn bush down there. there was a wasp nest atop of this stairwell. that's what made him kind of recoil. you know what i was wondering, once you get up here even if you didn't get stung where was he going next? going to hop over this stuff? in his youtube description he said the thorn bush sort of broke his fall and he's okay.
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no broken bones. maybe wasp stings. >> pay attention his friend filming this before he shuts it off, listen. -- >> you can just hear not even a second of his friend start to laugh because how can you not? >> that's it for this edition of "right this minute." we'll see you tomorrow. have a great rest of your day.
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