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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  October 8, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT

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hi, everyone. i'm beth troutman. it's time for the videos and stories behind them, "right this minute." armed robbers storm a bank. when a worker calls 911. >> the dispatcher realizes someone. >> it's the home invasion people. >> how she connected the dots and where police cornered the suspects. a horse's buggy ride goes haywire. >> you never know what will spook a horse. >> how some folks saw more of the countryside than they wanted. a man's weight makes him miserable. >> fast forward to today -- >> many pounds lighter. what he finally wanted more than food. that's on a barbed wire fence leading to a massive
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rescue. >> 108 of them. >> see how they're recovering, in the bat hospital. and it's a dodgeball move straight out of the favorites. three guys with masks and guns bust into a bank in orange city, florida. they're not there to make a deposit. they're there to rob the place. you see them here forcing people on the ground. many of them elderly. at times even fired random shots just to prove, hey, they're guns are real and they're serious. this video comes to us from wf-tv. after they take off with an undisclosed amount of money, someone calls 911. >> where your emergency? >> 2240. >> give me a description. >> a white lincoln towne car. >> you can see the person from the bank is frazzled. calls 911, describes the vehicle four minutes into the 911 call theiz something. >> it's the white lincoln towne car, isn't than about what they
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stole? >> break into a home, steal a car and use that car to rob the bank. >> exactly, nick. the same dudes who rob this bank carjacked louis in florida earlier. >> two guys just pulled guns on me, stole my car. a 1995 white lincoln towne car. >> louis says they tied him up way fan cord and tell foephone . >> they ditched the white lincoln towne car and picked up another vehicle which eventually ended up down there. off the freeway, they wrap their cars in the woods there. all three men were picked up. stacy taylor, christopher donaldson and windsor miles. this crime spree crossed county lines and falls into multiple jurisdictions. heads up on dispatcher. a white lincoln towne scar a
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pretty common car. >> that's the home invasion people. horses are beautiful, big beasts, but when they get spooked you don't want to be near by. >> that's what happened in demont, indiana. look what happened here. >> oh, no. >> ah! >> are you okay? >> i'm fine. get the horse. >> everybody appears to be okay in this, but this video demonstrates that you never know what will spook a horse. they don't know what was along this path, but at some point the horses got spooked. make an illegal u-turn and the buggy tipped over. >> could have been anything. could have been a little tiny frog or something on the side of the road. it can take anything to send a horse off. >> a snake. >> i'm curious why they're filming this. >> a nice buggy ride on an indiana country road. two nice, noble steeds. >> just getting the good shot of, you know, what it was like
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to ride in a horse and buggy. >> tell you what, when those thing, they're big and strong enough. when they want to go somewhere else, they're going to go somewhere else. >> oh, yeah. >> whoa-whoa, whoa, whoa. whoa-whoa! more videos showing the ongoing violence between the syrian army and rebel forces. this video appears to show a syrian gun shift up in the air and before you know it, it looks like some sort of rocket or rocket-propelled grenade, strikes the tail boom -- [ speaking in foreign language ] odd thing, the helicopter goes down in smoke and flames. >> oh, no. >> when the video zooms out, you see how high up this helicopter was. comes down -- fire erupts and crashes down to the ground. [ speaking in foreign language ] it had no chance. once the tail was hit, down like a sack of potatoes. >> a second video that appears to show the wreckage here in an empty field. luckily it seems it didn't hit
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any other buildings or take out anybody else on the ground. [ speaking in foreign languag ] language ]. >> imagine what it is like for these people to be there and see this. >> well, this is exactly why so many refugees are leaving syria. thousands and thousands per month. they're trying to flee this violence. [ speaking in foreign languag ] language ]. >> seems endless, though. you know? >> seems like no end in sight. ivan inspiring story of a guy determined to achieve his goal. this is kevin ammerman and ken was determined to join the armed forces. he initially went last year to apply to be a marine. >> but he got turned down because of his weight. >> according to people in the armed forces, they're saying that obesity now is a huge national security problem, because people are too overweight to fight in battle. >> kevin was one of those people coming in at 351 pounds. >> but kevin wanted to achieve
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his dream. he wanted to be in the armed forces. >> he used this as motivation to lose the weight. >> he absolutely used it as motivation. listen to this video shot last year just as kevin began his weight loss journey. >> i've wanted to go into the military a long time and can't do it because of my weight, also i'm trier tired of being as heavy as i am. >> he join add program he thought might work for him and one of his friends was a co-founder of the organization. >> kevin's goal too loz 150 pounds. fast forward to today. he's lost 160 pounds. and was just accepted into the army. he deploys later this month. >> i wish him godspeed as he goes off to serve. that is quite the achievement he made. >> i'm certain i'll be able to do it. because if i can do it, there's no reason that they can't do it. cruising on the open road, and then -- >> oh. >> it all goes wrong. >> then he rode his bike for a
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while there. >> see what a mishap like this does to a dude, next. and sick of lugging around your luggage at the airport? >> a big mess what if your suitcase could follow you? >> like a dog. >> that's right. find out how it works on "right this minute."
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welcome back to the show, but don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. we've seen these videos before. hot-dogging sports bike riders out on the open road. this guy up ahead got his bike up on the back wheel, one foot off the bike, and -- >> oh. >> it all goes wrong. ♪ >> then he surfed ton for a while. >> got really lucky he didn't look like he got any road rash because he was kind of protecting himself by riding that bike that way. >> he did hang on to the bike
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and that may be what protected most of him. you see him slide the bike all the way down the street, lands. kind of winds up off the side of the road. sparks flying from outside the bike. and he doesn't have any leather or protective jacket on. so you're right. he wasn't sliding down the road on his body. but that doesn't mean he didn't get hurt here's mr. stuntman now in the hospital. >> ah. >> is that a burn from where he was holding the bike? >> underneath his right arm, he's got what looks to be a burn and a pretty deep gash. maybe from the peg or something that poked through his arm on the bike, but in there with a smile on this face. >> look. he seems like a nice guy. am i supposed to feel bad for him? because i don't. i don't feel bad for him at all. out there doing stuff on the road. it's illegal. >> this guy needs to be a more responsible rider all-around. >> wear your protection, kid. baby, don't get stuck.
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>> fire truck! what did you do? did you get your head stuck in a bucket? >> some women went to rescue some bats and got a call about 30 bats trapped on barbed wire. what they found were 108 of them. this is from a video from north queensland in australia. most of the bats they say were juveniles. only three were adults. they say these bats, or as they call them, little red flying foxes, get trapped on barbed wire when it's windy, plus not as experienced fliers, so they can't get away like adults can. >> awful. all those metal spikes. >> and it's the day time. they're probably freaking out. >> 2:00 in the afternoon. these are the bats we're rescuing. >> so sad. they use sonar to fly. how they avoid things.
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i bet it didn't work effectively off of the barbed wire. >> how did they get them off? >> they just twist and untwist carefully using their hands. >> they found 108 of these things living. they also found several that were dead already. >> ah. >> they ended up having to euthanize 18 of them. so at the end of the day, there were 112 of them found. >> to put it in perspective, when the winds died down the next day, they only had one bat rescue. >> here you can see them at the hospital caring for them. what an image this is of all of them in a basket wrapped up in blankets. some given aspirin, antibiotics, it's like a baby nursery, but no funding to take care of this. they're looking for donations for neighbor has the urge to hem. or go to a website if you want to contribute and help. you ladies might not believe me, but this plane from the main forest service is about to drop
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bombs on this beautiful, lush, clean forest. >> what kind of bombs? >> fish bombs! >> is that how they put fish in lakes? >> well, they're stocking this body of water. we believe these fish are either trout or salmon, but you see capsule on both sides and fly over these bodies of water and -- fish bomb. >> this is awesome. i feel kind of sorry for the fish. i mean, if these are trout, what if they're scared of height? >> i'm sure they're fine. a lot of friends with them. any time during one of these drops there can be 100 to 1,03 a fish dropping into an area. >> what do you think they're aing sow each other while falling? hey, bob, where are we? >> yeah. they have no idea. that's right. what's up? >> ebaum's "real or fake" is
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what's up. three video, next video. >> nearly headless girl. what's real? what's fake? >> ah! >> ooh. oh. >> get back in there, you dummy. >> play along -- next.
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welcome back to the show, but don't forget to check in at great videos all day long. monday means mac dreidel
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time. joining us via skype "right this minute" for facetime. mac, we love you. >> mac. >> we're getting into our "real or fake" videos. first from ebaum's world, parking your bike. ♪ >> oh. what? >> what, what, what, what? >> oh. >> ah. >> no way! >> this was a total accident. they just happened to catch it on camera, but that was pretty rad. >> this is real. >> yeah, real. >> yeah. >> really cool accident. what do you say, mac? >> yeah. that's a real ghost ride on the bike. dancing outside of it, ghost riding a bike, just let that thing go. >> next video, nearly headless girl. >> i -- >> oh! >> ooh. >> oh. >> get back in there, you dummy. she saw it coming and had the bright idea to look the other way. those thing, moving. she's got to know that. come on.
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>> she just peed in the floor. >> she will have to change her shorts. she can't even stand up. >> she's obviously chasing the darn train. >> i'm sure he sent a tweet of it. just didn't get it in time. >> on the website, this is labeled gross. >> go to the website, you see a gross clip. click on it. all your great gross clips. >> this one, kid with subway railing for one dollar. >> oh, my god. >> oh -- no. no. [ laughter ] >> oh! >> he couldn't do a little lick. he swiped the little thing. >> for a dollar? >> are you kidding me? >> think about how much stinky hand sweat is on that -- >> i'm curious if he knows that girls will see this and he'll never kiss a girl, ever. >> maybe it's because, boost his immune system. he never gets sick again. think about that angle.
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>> sars and bird flu. >> real videos. >> yeah, for real. >> three reels. >> that's a new record. >> and unanimous. i think we're all on the same page here. >> a nice kum ba yah moment. singing whale. [ high-pitch sounds ] >> i've got a big boom. >> hello, my friends. >> the guy from fps russia famous for his guns decides to step it up a notch this time. he's got a giant, big, old sniper-looking rifle. >> l-96, we are going to be one
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of the biggest explosions ever upload and the internet legally. >> he loads up about $3,000 in explosives. gets everybody out of the way and -- blows it up. >> blow this [ bleep ] up. >> look at the giant smoke bomb. >> if want to see the entire video head over to, click on best of rtm. you're going to want to see the size of the crater that this created. one fight. one good kick. an thend
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you've seen this? >> i have. >> and always come home with extra coins from the foreign countries you've been to. >> and keep them for decoration. >> i have something pretty amaze ug can do with the coins now. >> take a handful and put them inside a case or nag will hold a coin. >> this idea came to us from a channel called follow the foote. you take a handful of coin, put them in some sort of container. take a box and hide it in a playground. when nobody else is around -- you dig a hole in the sand. hide the bag of gold from around the world and cover it up.
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the hope is that a kid playing in the sand finds this box full of coins from around the world -- >> and to the kid it will be like mystery coin. >> and hopefully, insight curiosity to learn where the coin came from and bring our nations together. >> steven it is travel tech time. we're going to make travel less tedious for travelers. >> triple t. >> triple t tech time. don't you hate dragging your suitcase, you got it on the wheels and -- [ fast-forward ] >> a big mess. >> yes. what if your suitcase could follow you? >> like a dog. >> like a dog. it's call the the hop. it's going to drag its way on to your screen, "right this minute." >> so -- okay. so i walk somewhere. my suitcase follows me right behind? >> yep. and it's all because of the bluetooth function on your smartphone. >> here's the problem i have. this guy's walking down this
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empty hallway. walking through an airport terminal, 8 million people going this way and that. a, someone could pick your bag up and walk away. where'd my bag go? some dude stole it. b what if somebody walks between me and my bag and the bag stops walking and, there we go. >> tell us why it works. why you'll want one. bring in our chief luggage correspondent and tech-spert tech. hey, zach. >> what's up, dude? >> this thing is pretty cool. you have to convince steven. why will it work well in an airport? >> like you said, it works on bluetooth technology. why it will work fwhel an airport, it follows you around. you don't have the to carry it around. >> in an airport, a lot of people. >> this doesn't have a way of detecting it anyone's in front of it or the user. it might run into people. right now just a design created. once they work on it a bit, it could be really improved and
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could be really cool technology you might want. this next video is a bit of a lullaby, of sorts. the an mma fight in russia. going at it. pretty hard core. watch this. >> good night! >> that happened so fast. >> that he gave him one more for good measure. >> to make sure he was truly asleep. watch that again. this guy looks like he's going low and does some sort of kick. right upside the head. this guy is done. the ref motions to the ring side, calls the doctor in. >> yeah, yeah. because he's bleeding fast. >> did you see his fast after kicked in the face? completely stun. >> from one guy knocking out another guy to a video of a guy knocking himself out. the university versus western kentucky university. minutes into the game here, watch jeffrey. got a headband on.
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coming through here. watch this move and -- boom. >> ha! good night, irene. >> we're laughing. severe concussion. knocked out when he hit the ground. knocked out cold. watch this again. he had to spend the night in the hospital. he did get stitches. >> what was he trying to pull off? >> he said he does this move all the time. >> what is the move? >> i don't exactly know what the move is. he is okay now, and university of kentucky, they did win the game. >> an unempress everybody dodgeball move to a very impressive dodgeball move. this time at keen university in union, new jersey. keep an eye on this guy. watch this. a blue shirt on. goes in to throw it, watch this. does some crazy spinning, i don't know, hard core move. dodges a ball and also gets somebody out in the process. >> maybe this was the move the other guy was trying to do and just couldn't execute? >> he smoked the guy that he
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just dodged. >> i've played a lot of dodgeball in my day and have never seen anything like that. that's our show. we'll see you tomorrow. have a great rest of your day. -- captions by vitac --
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