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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  October 18, 2012 11:30pm-12:30am PDT

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we are outraged. the media has exposed what we have known all along. all of this coming after we uncovered questionable expenditures by a port
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executive. good evening everyone i'm frank somerville. >> and i'm julie haener. the executive director of the port was put under suspension on monday. our investigation revealed that the director spent money on trip clubs, massage parlors, golf outings and barbershops. jana katsuyama was there when the boardroom erupted. >> reporter: one seat was empty. omar benjamin the executive director. the meeting started about an hour and a half late. workers took over the meeting and shouted their frustrations. siu workers were lived addressing the port commissioners tonight. >> the media has exposed what we've known all along.
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>> reporter: the worker held signs, saying they are upset about questionable objective spending while the port insists on worker concessions. the commissioners shut the meeting down. >> we've asked them to clarify their finances and they just kind of wring their hands. >> reporter: the board voted unanimously behind closed door to put omar benjamin on paid administrative leave following the investigation by ktvu. bills including $4,500 at a strip club and other questionable charges. >> we were all sort of taken aback and shocked at that expenditure. but again we have an investigation going on and i think we really need to get to the bottom of exactly what transpired in that one instance. >> reporter: the board president would not comment on mr. quan's status at first
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until we pressed her. >> is he at maritime director. >> correct, he is serving, correct. >> reporter: when you heard about the expenditures about mr. quan what was your reaction? >> i was disappointed. it gives the port a black eye. that doesn't feel good. >> reporter: the board president tells me the acting executive director will be responsible for addressing mr. quan's job status. and the investigation is expected to wrap up in the next few weeks. reporting live from the port of oakland, jana katsuyama, ktvu channel 2 news. for the second time this week there is a problem with one of the racing yachts practicing for the america's club in san francisco bay. artimus basis says the front of its catamoran was badly
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damaged. coming up tonight at 10:30, san francisco's civic center transformed. the sport event generating a lot of money for the city and also a little controversy. happening now, firefighters are reporting progress on their efforts to contain a wildfire near clear lake. the so called 29 fire started just before 3:00 this afternoon along highway 29 above a street in the community of lower lake. calfire say it is fire has burned 300 acres and there are mandatory evacuations tonight for the mercy spring subdivision. the fire has also downed some power lines. calfire says right now the fire is only 20% contained. but if there is some good news is that crews say they have managed to halt the forward spread of the fire. at this point there are no reports of any injuries. firefighters near santa barbara say a fire burning near the hills there is fully contained. the fire burned near some homes yesterday but that is no longer the case. firefighters said they are confidence the flames will not
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spread any further in fact, they say they have no crews on those fire lines tonight. we uncover a lighting problem on bay area freeways. if you drive after dark you will notice dozens of signs that are supported to illuminate signs are out. jana katsuyama is live where the problem seems to be widespread and she tell us criminals are to blame -- janine de la vega. >> reporter: behind me you can see this sign it's actually a little difficult to see because the lights are out. i've noticed the long 880, 17 and 85 numerous lights are out and caltrans officials told me tonight that it is the work of cooper thieves. >> reporter: this is how drivers are used to seeing overhead freeway signs listing the exit. lightly lit and readable. but along 880 many of the signs
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are dark. donyell johnson noticed it on other freeways as well. >> 280, 237 sometimes, 880 also. >> reporter: caltranss says thieves are stealing the cooper requiring, they are selling it to recycling centers in exchange for cash. in recent months there have been 700 reports of those thefts in the system. maintenance crews have been reporting the problems but they don't know about all the outages unless they see it for themselves or motorists report it. >> it's a safety issue i think. it could be dangerous and you can't tell where you're going. so it makes it hard for drivers. >> reporter: some drivers say the dark signs cause them to slow down or squint. so far california highway patrol officers haven't noticed an increase on accidents. caltrans says those responsible are stealing from taxpayers. >> we pay for caltrans ourselves any way just like we pay for our schools.
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when people are stealing from that you're stealing from everybody that pays their taxes. >> reporter: caltranss officials say some lighting systems on signs can cause up to $800,000 to replace. they are making it more difficult for thieves to access wiring but they stáeul would like the public's help -- still would like the public's help. if you do see a sign that is not lit, they're asking you to please call 911. janine de la vega, ktvu news. police say they have arrested one of their own on a single charge of felony grand theft. officer jeffrey enslen is being charged of time sheet fraud. the arrest following a nine month investigation. enslen was arrested today without incident and booked in. he's been placed now on paid administrative leave. a federal judge today called the city of oakland dysfunctional and gave it until tomorrow to check the integrity of its e-mail system. all of this stems from a possible federal take over of
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the oakland police department. judge fellton henderson was upset that police chief howard jordan failed to respond to e- mails. the chief said he hasn't received the e-mails. the judge says oakland needs to be more responsive. now to castro valley where authorities spend all day at the scene of a house fire after the discovery of a body inside the home. this is video of the coroner's van at 4:00 this afternoon. the fire started at a home in san carlos avenue just after midnight. a woman's body was discovered inside but authorities still haven't called it a homicide. they do say the fire is suspicious because they found evidence of an accelerate. >> any time you have an accelerate with a body, you have a suspicious circumstance. that's not to say that a person can't commit suicide using an accelerate. that's happened in the past. >> reporter: investigators towed away a toyota tundra and took other bags of evidence. neighbors say the home is owned by a retired san francisco
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firefighter who lives there with his girlfriend. a family friend told us he's out of town. the woman's name has not yet been released. police in pacifica identified the victim in their city's 51st homicide of the year. coffee was found dead in front of the home on dell road yesterday morning. police say the two men apparently got into a fight. furlong was booked into jail on suspicion of murder. it's official sunny vale chip maker advanced microdesign is cutting 1,800 jobs. the word comes after reports that a massive lay off was going into effect. the job cuts were announced today as amd reported a 25% drop in third quarter revenue. the san francisco giants have their backs to the wall
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again. the giants face another must win situation after losing to st. louis 8-3 tonight and falling behind two games to one in the national championship series. debora villalon is live, she spoke to giants larry baird to find out about what needs to happen tomorrow. >> reporter: better pitching, more hitting. like everyone who saw tonight's game. the giant's president walked through this good day to tell us the giants are a come back team and he expects nothing less tomorrow. >> as bochy has said throughout you have to do it one step at a time. we're not thinking about three more, we're thinking one more tomorrow night. i do think they will get home on sunday and it'll be ruckus. >> reporter: the fireworks capped a night of frustration for the giants. the pitching they needed from tim lincecum wasn't there. two home runs scored but never at the right time to bring runners home.
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cardinal fans are jubilant with a second world series in sight. but the giants faithful who come to st. louis to root for their team aren't throwing in the rally towel yet. >> i think we have them right where we want them. we'll win tomorrow night, go back and have six and seven, win those two and we'll be in the world series with detroit on wednesday. >> the weather is not helping at all. this is really bad weather. you know, first the wind and the rain and the cold. and not so good. not so good. but maybe tomorrow. the sun will shine on us. >> reporter: also rooting for the giants tonight, a familiar face, the that man on the right kirk reeder former giant pitcher who knows a thing or two about clutch performance. retired seven years ago. he's here with his two nephews giant fans disappointed by what they saw tonight. >> you stood behind and the cardinal pitching is so good, once you get behind you can't come back from it. >> the people asked me tonight, how are you a giant's fans
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living in illinois and i was like my uncle played for the yo night. >> i said curt reeder they say who? and i said woody. they say i don't know curt reeder but i know woody. >> reporter: so it comes down to tomorrow, each with years of rich tradition and rivalry. here the budweiser clydesdale prominent. if the giants don't turn it around tomorrow the only ride their getting is back home to a season ended. sports director mark ibanez will have the low lights from tonight's game a little later in sports and the pitching match up for tomorrow night's game five. and coverage starts at noon. the rally to raise the
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minimum wage in the professional sports owner who
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happening now students at san jose state university getting ready to go to sleep under the stars. and ktvu's matt keller is here now and tells us why they are trying to call attention to how
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much certain people are paid. matt. >> reporter: yeah frank about 25 people are here in the middle of san jose state's campus. they are in and around their tents. now their here for the annual poverty under the stars. this year's theme is raising the minimum wage to $10. but now a big hitter in bay area professional sports is speaking out against measure d. >> reporter: it's not unusual to see people sleeping outside in downtown san jose. but here on san jose state campus tonight it's not a lifestyle but a message about poverty in the area. >> there's 40,000 minimum wage workers in san jose that are paycheck to paycheck away from being out on the streets. >> reporter: the push to raise the minimum wage from $8 an hour to $10 started here at san jose state. sociology professor scott myers whitman helped his students start a petition drive to get the measure on the november ballot. >> we believe if you work full time and play by the rules you should get a decent wage, a
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fair wage. in silican valley and san jose $8 an hour just doesn't cut it. >> reporter: the owner of the oakland a's and the fairmont hotel lou walt said he's against measure d. he says that forcing san jose to increase labor costs, puts business at a disadvantage to near by cities. gomez says san jose shouldn't be singled out. >> the way the economy is in san jose, it's got to be hard to increase prices so what's going to be the answer? we have to cut labor again. >> reporter: now the students here will stay overnight until 7:00 tomorrow morning. they tell me they are optimistic that measure d will pass. reporting live in san jose, matt keller, ktvu. jury deliberations begin on monday in the deliberations of
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a woman who is accused of killing her friend michelle le. esteban's attorney claims she was upset about a possible affair between the father of her child and le. new information tonight the pilot of a plane that crashed in half-moon bay was identified today as 75-year-old andrew charles haden from florida. his remains were found tuesday in the burnt wreckage from the plain. he was reported missing after taking off from half-moon bay airport on monday morning. the coroner's office had to use dental records to identify him. oakland police said today that a 32-year-old man who was shot monday night in the city's fruitvale district has now died. william jones died this afternoon in highland hospital. jones was walking with his half brother in east oakland when
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the shooting happened. his half brother was also hit but is expected to survive. the boy scout's of america has released their so called perversion files. the list spans decades and contains names of former bay area scout leaders. ktvu's john sasaki is live now in piedmont where boy scout officials say children's safety is paramount, john. >> reporter: julie, the news is not good for the boy scouts. decades of alleged sexual abuse, all covered up but here in piedmont the boy scouts showed us this handbook, their handbook and the first 23 pages which are aimed at parents, scouts and preventing child abuse. volunteer scout masters and leaders held a meeting tonight to learn the latest in training and policy. >> youth protection is something we've always taken seriously. mistakes were made back then. >> reporter: today the national boy scouts released its so
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called perversion files. the 2,300 documents covered from 1965 to 1985. attorneys in oregon had sued for the release of the records saying they protected more than 1,000 suspected child molesters. >> child abuse thrives in secrecy. and these secrets are out. >> reporter: the >> reporter: -- the boy scouts released a statement. >> the important thing for a parent to know is that everything that can be done is currently being done to protect young people. >> reporter: the documents include cases from cities across the bay area. including san francisco, san jose and concord. but not in piedmont. officials here say all volunteers across the country must undergo criminal background checks. >> it's more than understandable and i am afraid it's kind of the sign of the times. >> reporter: this handbook addresses the kinds of abuse. the signs of abuse and what
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children need to know including the three rs. recognize, resist and report. live in piedmont, i'm john sasaki, ktvu. and at we have posted a link to the full data base where you can search for former scout leaders. just look for the web link section on the front page. coming up in four minutes, hundreds of thousands of petitions delivered to scout leaders today. one teenager's mission to earn his eagle and change scouting policy. a seasonably hot weather once again across the bay. 80s at the coast. upper 80s low 90s inland and these areas highlighted in orange breaking records. oakland airport as well as downtown oakland, mountain view set a new record. san francisco didn't set a record but sfo actually did. we have a sizable drop in numbers coming our way for your friday. the on shore wind is already back. and we're seeing it blow through the delta at this hour. patchy fog partly cloudy skies
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will resurface by tomorrow morning. and by the afternoon, five to 10 to 15 degrees cooler than what we felt this afternoon. we'll start with the cooling trend. it could culminate with some wet weather. i'll bring you those weekend numbers and i will show you just when you may need those umbrellas coming up. starting next year you will no -- next week you will no longer be able to buy newsweek. the newsweekly announced today it will start printing the magazine at the end of this year. newsweek started in 1933 but it's been challenged by declining sales and the print advertising economy. the online version of newsweek will be available by paid subscription. that high tech high service called oober is expanding. the new way to use the company's app to call for a cab. >> 400,000 signatures it's not even dreamable. >> he was denied eagle because he's gay. the message one bay area teen delivered today.
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a federal appeals court struck down the defense of marriage act ruling. saying it's unconstitutional. the defense of marriage act does not recognize same-sex marriage in cases under federal jurisdiction. the defense court is expected to take up the issue. six days and washington, d.c. currently allows same-sex couples to mary -- six states and washington, d.c. currently allow same-sex couples to marry. a boy who was not allowed eagle scout because he is gay, is not taking no for an answer.
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he and 400,000 other people are now pushing for a change in the decision. >> that really hurts me. >> reporter: andresins mother launched a petition. today armed with 400,000 signatures the andresians and their supporters delivered the petitions by the box load to officials of the local boy scout council. >> all of the support i'm getting is nothing like i've had before. 400, 400,000 signatures is not even dreamable. >> we just gave our opinion and he basically listened and just stated the national policy. so, i don't know what his thoughts are. >> reporter: the boy scouts refused our request for an
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interview but said, does not meet standard. >> very overwhelming, being the shy person i am. i'm just an average high schooler really. >> reporter: ryan says he's carrying the fight for what he says are scores of people suffering under the boy scout ban against gay peoples. in moraga, rob roth, channel 2 news. a new gallup poll is out and it seems to indicate that the lgbt community is smaller than some people might think. the poll shows that 3.4% of americans consider themselves either lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgenter. it also shows a higher percentage of lgbts among nonwhites than whites. more low income and more
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younger people than older people. smart phone based car service oober has expanded it's reach into san francisco tightly regulated taxi industry. the pane is now testing a new service -- the company is now testing a new service that will allow people to hail cars through their smart phone. but the new service taxi service is controversial. just days ago new york city's taxi commission shut down the service in that city. in 2010, san francisco's transportation agency issued a seize and assist order against the company when it operated under the name oober cab. >> sharing the stage. the event that allowed president obama and mitt romney to take shots at you're on timeout leo!
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. save up to 15% on an ikea kitchen.
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the heart of san francisco is almost unrecognizable tonight. civic center plaza is under more than 2,500 cubic yards of dirt. patti lee is in the city and tells us there's some amazing stunts being done on that dirt tonight. >> reporter: you can find a lot of dirt at city hall but never before has there been 80 truckloads of it right in front of steps. not to mention an extreme sports arena in what used to be the plaza. just two of the many firsts we found here today. it was a spectacle never seen before. certainly not from the steps of san francisco's city hall. >> we imagine that it was going to be some kind of x game but we didn't know there was going to be motorcycles and flying in the air upside down.
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>> reporter: for the next three days, 200 of the world's sports action experts are going to be performing. >> to have it here is a treat. we've been all over the u.s. in the last few years and never anything like this. we're wrapping around the statute in the city square. it's pretty wild. >> reporter: init's great the city of san francisco allows them to do this. >> reporter: the event is filling hotel rooms with athletes and tourists. and parks and rec are also making money. but not everyone thinks it's worth it. >> are we making sure we're getting enough money for the city. are we undermining our standard around promoting fitness and education by promoting with a drink company? >> reporter: residents cannot use the plaza for two weeks during set up and break down. and that's not fair. but there's another perspective. that the event is filling a need for city kids who say
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there's not enough for them to do. >> skateboard, bmx bicycles, motorcycles, it's a kid's heaven. this is the event that we should schedule yearly. >> reporter: you can see crews are now cleaning up. they are also prepping the courses for competition tomorrow. the finals will be held on sunday. reporting live in san francisco, patti lee, ktvu news. more details now on how much the city of san francisco is charging to host the dew tour. in all the city will get $325,000. that includes for clean up and for park rangers. there was a brief seize fire in the increasingly bitter presidential campaign. president oe what and mitt romney appeared in the annual al dinner named after the first catholic nominated as president -- president obama and mitt
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romney appeared in the annual al dinner. it gave time for the candidates poke fun at themselves. >> i've already seen the headlines of tomorrow's paper. catholics embrace obama. romney dines with rich people. >> i hear a lot of people did not focus on the first debate, and i happened to be one of them. the federal government is offering $50,000 to anyone who can solve an annoying practice. the money will be awarded to whoever can develop a solution to block those illegal commercial robo calls. the federal trade commission which oversees the government's do not call list are making the offer. the calls are illegal unless the consumer has given the company written permission to make them. stock markets closed lower as investors wait for signs of
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improvement. the dow dropped eight points, nasdaq dropped 31. that was largely due to google. google's earnings were accidentally released earlier than expected. earnings are less than expected. at the close google fell 8% to close at $695. that's a drop of $60. the cost of renting an apartment in the bay area is going up way up. the apartment tracker real fax says san jose has seen the steepest increase in the country in the past year. 10.4%. the average rent is now $1,980. rent in san francisco have gone up 1.4% and now cost an average $1,858 a month. now you can get ktvu news to go. click on the live i con and you can watch all of our newscasts live right there on your mobile
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device. former penn state assistant football coach jerry sandusky today asked the judge to overturn his child sexual abuse convictionings. sandusky claimed his lawyers did not have enough time to prepare for his trial. he also asked the judge to grant him a new trial. sandusky was convicted of 45 count of abuse against 10 boys. he received the sentence of 30 to 60 years in prison. sandusky has insisted he is innocent. extra security was in place at the san francisco 49er game in candle stick this evening. police said officers were using a tactic they did in previous games, using the jerseys of the opposing team, in this case the seahawks. san francisco giant fans had to sit through another tough loss tonight. we caught up with fans at a
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couple of locations around the city. they watched the giants lose again to the st. louis cardinals this evening it wasn't even close but no one says they're giving up yet. >> the giants always surprise you. even though we lose i think the last game was -- not this last game but the game before is example that they are good at the come back. a notable cool down is on the horizon. i will break it up
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we have developing news out of oakland tonight a little more than an hour ago, a man was shot and killed in east oakland. his body was found on the sidewalk at 106th and voltare shortly at 9:00 tonight. the killing took place off a residential neighborhood. investigators are now working the scene have not yet identified a victim or a possible motive. a san anselmo man is in the marin jail after a tax fraud investigation. 54-year-old allen flax is said to be arraigned tomorrow on more than 40 felony charges including filing false returns and money launders. its investigation of flax led to multiple indoor marijuana operations in marin and humble
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county. investigators seized more than 100 pounds of marijuana and 1,500 plants. a prominent san jose doctor was in court where he was charged with 18 felonies. 61-year-old marvin bonam faces charges of trading prescriptions for cash. according to documents obtained by ktvu. bonham wrote prescriptions for at least 25 people. >> prescribing without a medical need and also prescribing to people that he knows or should know are addicts and that is kind of the basis for the criminalty. >> off camera, bonham once again told us he was innocent. one of six defendants tried for a gang rape in richmond is set to be arranged tomorrow.
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manuel ortega pled guilty. witnesses testified he was one of the instigators of the rape of the 16-year-old girl outside a high school homecoming dance three years ago. a memorial service is set for tomorrow for a hercules woman killed inside of her home. the service for suzy ko will be held in san rodeo. she was found stabbed to death on october 5th. police say an escapee darnell washington and his wife tanya are suspects in the case. the supple was arrested in the seattle area last week. in news of the world tonight in greece, hundreds of protesters battled with riot police near parliament. one man died of a heart attack. some 100 other people were detained. earlier about 70,000 people took part in a peaceful march and general strike to protest new austerity measures. one in four workers in greece
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is currently unemployed. and many fear that number is going to rise. in northern ireland. the country's first abortion clinic opened today to protest. the clinic only officers abortions in exceptional circumstances to women or to women who are less than nine weeks pregnant using pills that induce miscarriages. opposition to abortion is one of the few issues uniting protestant northern ireland and the mostly catholic republic of ireland. at the guantanamo army base, the legal office is being used for the september 11 trial are badly contaminated by mold and rat droppings and are unsafe. the problems are said to be worse in the offices used by defense lawyers who complained they were getting sick. the issue has delayed the trial proceedings. some where between here and i i know it's in there some where. >> reporter: the hunt is on now for the meteor seen last night
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in the bay area. how much the big chunk could be ís ?ó???óóñ
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>> continuing coverage now of an event that rocked the bay area last night sending a flash of light and a loud boom across the sky. ktvu's health and science editor john fowler reports on the hunt of what could be a valuable piece of space debris. >> reporter: almost as brought as the sun that's how concord nurse wendy dalverde described it to me. >> it was a big flash and a ball of fire and it had a big tail and it lasted all the way across my neighbors house here. it looked like it was coming
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down martinez or venetia. >> reporter: a car sized meteorite. the american meteor society tracked more than 150 credible sitings you see it here with lines of triangulation. it's possible the meteor came down some where near here, just outside martinez. there's a lot of territory and possibly a treasure waiting to be discovered. >> i would like to find it but i don't want to look for it you know what i mean. >> reporter: rancher ken duarte was closest to the impact. he says it went right over his cows. >> some where between here and highway 4. that's-- i know it's in there some where. >> reporter: from chopper 2 we scoured the area and saw nothing unusual. >> debris trail could be 10, 15 miles long. >> reporter: meteor hunters say a big chunk could be worth tens
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of thousands of dollars. health and science editor john fowler ktvu channel 2 news. san francisco mayor ed lee fired chief joanne hayes white and greg suhr joined third graders for a nationwide earthquake drill. the three city leaders took cover under a desk before heading out to the schoolyard. that's where the mayor reminded the may where are of dr. charles r. drew elementary school about the importance of preparedness. local air quality officials took a step forward on a response plan for air polluting fires. the new policy was approved two months after the chevron refiery fire in richmond. it calls for increased studies on ways to reduce the risk of a toxic leak. good evening to you a cooler weather pattern is
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unfolding this evening and will bring us cooler temperatures for the week. odds your door we are already -- outside your doors we are already seeing the signs. winds gusting to near 30 at times. most areas reporting a south or southwesterly breeze at this time. temperatures still mild though. 67degrees in antioch. still holding on to 72 in oakland, mid-70s in redwood city. i do suspect they will be back across the bay. at least patchy in nature by tomorrow morning. a look at your satellite radar, so here's the system way to the north of us that will be digging our way as we progress through the weekend. that is going to continue our cooling trend. so today the final unseasonably hot day by tomorrow we're looking at a notable cool down. any where from five to 10 to 15 degrees below what we felt today. and take a look at this big drop as we get into the weekend.
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tomorrow low 80s in the forecast for some of the warmer spots by saturday we're talking 70s. and by sunday upper 60s to low 70s in the forecast for the warmer areas. picking it up for you tomorrow morning. note we do have patchy fog and low clouds across the area. it's going to burn back, it's going to burn out of here but it looks like along the coastline it could remain patchy. partly cloudy throughout the afternoon. as we start tomorrow morning, temperatures will be a lot like what we felt this morning. cool in areas near santa rosa and napa. upper 40s for you, widespread 50s around the bay area. 57 mountain view, 53 in san jose, inland 55 for livermore. for the afternoon rolling back that heat. still going to be mild and warm in some cases but nothing like we've felt over the last couple of days. 80degrees expected for santa rosa. 77 in kentfield. 70degrees for sausalito. 79 expected in danville, low
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80s for livermore. these numbers more seasonal for this time of year. 77 redwood city. upper 60s in san francisco and notably cooler at the coast. pacifica hit 80 degrees today by tomorrow mid-60s in the forecast. there is your extended forecast with your weekend in view so we begin the cooling trend and then by the end of the extended forecast you can see there the possibility of wet weather coming our way. could even see maybe an inch or so out of this system coming monday into tuesday. >> looks like it's been a while since we've had any. an australian sailor has been rescued thanks to the crew and passengers of an air canada jet. nine days later he triggered an emergency beacon. the passing jet was asked to help so the pilots dropped to 4,000 feet and asked everyone on board to look out their
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windows and soon after the man was spotted and a rescue boat was
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the blond bomber is free tonight. the sea lion was released into the pacific ocean today at rodeo beach in marin. crews rescued her after she was spotted tangled in plastic. the sea lion turned back to look as if to say thank you before entering the water. the giants will be going to the beach if they don't win tomorrow. it's do or die for them now. >> backs against the wall. got them right where they want them. >> that's right. >> i don't know from a giant's perspective the story was supposed to read like this. tim lincecum steps up big time, erases the memory of his miserable regular season. instead he just made sure it was all an indelible memory. walked the second guy and matt holiday takes him right back up the middle. john jay the lead off man no
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problem. had a sacrifice fly to go up 2- 0. finally an awakening. hunter pence who had been 1-11 in the series prior puts the fat part of it on the bat for the first time and his first rbi and long ball it is cutting the deficit to 2-1 giants are awake and ready. lincecum had settled down but in the fifth it all comes unlit. hector sanchez can't hang on and in comes another run as you will see it right here, you just kind of made the tag before he had the ball. and carpenter the guy who replaced beltran in right field is in. that guy has had quite a series. lincecum gave up three walks, very disappointed with his out. >> yes, i don't want to go out there and put the pull pen in
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the situation the way -- and put the bullpen in the situation that we've been using them in. yeah that first-inning was really big. >> lance lynn against zito tomorrow. didn't hear a peep from the yankees. swept right out of detroit and the play offs with very little fight. tigers blow it open in the fourth. miguel cabrera mr. triple crown. listless into the night, coke the new closer for the tigers gets a final out. clean four game sweep the tigers are the american league champs. taking the pennant right there. you know the 49ers they've never lost two consecutive games in the jim harbaugh era, still a true statement after the gritty win over the seahawks. no shortage of energy from their coach. he is stoked it seems on every
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play. 6-3 seattle. alex smith to walker. again a little nervous just four minutes left they hasn't scored a touchdown in some 6- quarters but you will see the replay. delaney gets his toes in there. fourth quarter they could have wrappedded it all up but alex smith picked up in the end zone here when it looked like they were going to score again. brandon browner still too many mistaked by alex smith in the offense. final moments seattle fourth and 17. quarterback russell wilson completes the pass but the hawks are called for an illegal pass on alden smith but harbaugh declines the safety he doesn't want it. he wants the 49ers to get it back and simply run out the clock. after the game harbaugh called it the hardest fought hardest hitting game the 49ers have played since he took over. >> i totally got before the game it's going to be a 60 minute fight. and we all play together stay together we're going to win this game 6-13. we'll take it. >> all right so, 49ers victorious.
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at least we got one local winner. giants tomorrow, barry zito on the mound. >> good to hear, thank you mark. >> thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. we'll see you the next time
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