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tv   SJSU Update News  KICU  October 21, 2012 1:30am-2:00am PDT

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introducing chase liquid. card hassles? the reloadable card that's easy to activate and can be used right away. plus, you can load cash or checks at any chase depositfriendly atm and checks right from your smartphone. get rid of prepaid problems. get chase liquid. campus s-j-s-u students could have a huge impact on how much workers get paid in san jose ... i'll have a live report back from war ... student veterans at s-j-s-u say the university is not doing enough to help them adjust to campus life. and one of the men immortalized for his olympic games protest returns to where where it all began ... we'll show you what he had to say about those historic
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times. ...update news starts right now hello and welcome to update news... im lexy nuno. and i'm pedro garcia... thanks for joining us. the veterans student organization or vso has been demanding for space on campus dedicated to veterans who have served in the armed forces. and with the group growing every year it becomes increasingly important for these veterans to have their own space. elliot alagueuzian has the story. " mark pinto was a marine helicopter pilot from 1982 to 2002 and fought in the gulf war. now he's a photography major at sjsu fighting for student veterans returning from afghanistan and iraq. mark pintoéstudent veteran they've got all the traumas of war to deal with. they come back and it puts them in a different world in a way. it's really hard to relate to everybody else who hasn't been where they've been. pinto says the space that vets have now in the art department is too small to support the up to 500 veterans on campus. mark pintoéstudent veteran
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so having a place where they could gather it makes perfect sense. where they could actually talk, create community and gather. it's really important. the university administration has offered some resources...but veteran advocates say it's not enough. damian bramlettéveteran coordinator the last piece of the puzzle is a dedicated veteran center. i believe that vets can feel welcomed and comfortable and they don't feel like they're bothering anybody. history professor jonathan roth is an advocate for veterans. he does not believe the university is doing enough for the men and women who risked their lives for this country. prof. jonathan rothéhistory dept. it's a question of priorities and i don't think that this school has made helping veterans a high enough priority. elliot alagueuzianéupdate news on campus through the g-i bill veterans are eligible for tens of thousands of dollars every year to complete their education. mark pinto/student veteran it's a source of revenue for the school, so it's a win-win situation. the more veterans we have , if we're known as a veteran friendly campus, if we can really help the veterans make that transition and we get that
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reputation, it's going to help everybody. the university administration released this statement. quote "we cannot do enough to thank our veterans for what they have done for our freedom and our country...unfortunately, for the university this is not a question of money or resources. we must first address what the specific needs and objectives are for our veterans before we proceed to the next step. elliott alaguezian reporting on campus." s tyler huffman is live on campus to tell us about a san jose measure that would force businesses to pay their employees more. thats right pedro, measure d will have the potential to put more money in the pockets of employees in san jose, but thats not all it will do...
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" this fall voters will be able to put more money in the pockets of minumum wage workers like baristas at a coffee shop. measure d will raise the minimum wage in the city of san jose from the $8 required by the state of california to $10. ancisco based company that already abides by a $10 minimum wage required by san francisco. the campus alliance for economic justice group, or cafe j, started the campaign last semester to raise the minimum wage. saul "we just feel like $8 is simply not enough and we believe that if you play by the rules and work hard like anyone else you should be able to get a living wage." s/o: the vote on measure d won't likely have many negative effect on franchises like philz here in downtown san jose, but smaller businesses like psycho donuts fear they may have to close their doors if the measure is passed. mezcal restaurant in downtown san jose is a small business owned by adolfo gomez.
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gomez is worried that a negative domino affect will occur if the measure gets passed and he has to raise his prices in order to pay his employees higher wages. if a higher minimum wage becomes law in san jose, it would be the largest city in california to do so. some wonder if more cities will follow. reporting live from campus, tyler huffman... update news. one of the most controversial but iconic athletes ever came back to his alma mater--san jose state--this week. " "dr. john carlos..wooo" the olympic legend will be forever remembered--not for what he did on the track, but for what he did on the medal stand. at the 1968 olympics in mexico city, john carlos--alongside tommy smith--raised their fists to protest human rights injustice. it became one of the most powerful images of the 1960's. the hall of fame sprinter says he and smith formulated exactly what they wanted to do. (john carlos/human rights activist) "we looked at what artifacts we had to bring to
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the table, such as the gloves, the beads, the scarf, the black shirt, to bring the puma shoe to the stand, to leave our shoes off our feet...we pretty much laid it out in terms of what we were going to do and how we were going to do it." all of these items...symbols of defying oppression. the famous black glove salute is immortalized by the statues at san jose state. and on wednesday, carlos himself was inspiring students. "these are the fights that we fight for." (lexy nuno/update news reporter): "hundreds of students gathered at the statues to hear john carlos speak, and now they're lining up behind me to meet the san jose state legend." spoken word poet malcolm halcrombe was one of those students--excited to meet the legendary activist. (malcolm halcrombe/spoken word poet):"having john carlos come here and tell me what he went through back in the late 60's is very similar to what i'm going through right now. so having him speak was very opening and very grounding for me." the bronze-medalist says san jose state prepared them for what took place in mexico city. (john carlos/human rights activist):"we established the olympic project for human rights right here on the campus of san jose state, not too far from where you see the statues today." carlos has a new book encouraging activism.
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the book explains the hardships he faced after mexico city. but he was all worth it. (john carlos/human rights activist):"for me...i'll never denounce what i did to say it wasn't worth it. i would do it again today if it was necessary."" joinging us now is dr. harry edwards, a human rights activist and a former san jose state professor. tommie smith was in your classes here at san jose how much of an influence were you on him and john carlos?
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lets talk about the boycott...the boycott at new york athletic club was successful. but how did you feel when you realized the boycott at the olympics wasn't going to be a reality?
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thank you so much dr. edwards for being with us today. coming up next, well introduce you to a man who sculpted the carlos and smith statues. and legacy week was upon us with students given a chance to commemorate a powerful movement that sparked the nation.
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but first we ask students who they think is ahead in the presidential race after the first two debates. " "i personally liked obama a bit more because he wasn't as - he was aggressive in protecting himself and not so much, you know, out right saying someone else was doing - like saying mitt romney was being a liar the whole entire time."
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the csu system is being sued for campaigning for proposition 30, the tax increase measure, that will benefit schools. the howard jarvis taxpayers association filed a lawsuit thursday. the group claims an email urging support for proposition 30 originated at c-s-u monterey bay's interent address. there have been numerous rallies including here at s-j-s-u calling on voters to pass prop 30. state laws prohibit using public resources for poltical purposes -- including mailings ... and classroom time for political advocacy. the attorney representing the c-s-u says prop 30 emails were inappropiate and unfortunate, but it was done by a professor ... not the university. with the presidential election less than a month away the pressure is on both mitt romney and barack obama to do well in their third and final debate. the second presidential
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debate was held on tuesday. voters gathered in san pedro square in downtown san jose to watch the two candidates ... go toe to toe. the free event was organized by hot talk 560 ksfo radio ... organizers say they wanted to encourge people to vote. the next presidential debate will be held on monday october 22nd at 6pm. it was a busy week on campus for arts and entertainment. elliot alagueuzian is here to tell us all about it. elliot? yeah i would even call it monumental because of it being legacy week. sjsu celebrated its annual legacy week this past week...but do you know what the celebration is all about? briana villalobos says its an important part of spartan history. " students made posters
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to mark the seventh annual legacy week. but some students were left woundering what legacy week is . "legacy week is an opportunity for everybody to recognize people who are leaving legacies on campus and trying to make our society a better place." the organizer of legacy week says it has deep historic roots. " we believe that it is important to honor the legacy of student activism what most students and community members may not know that san jose state has a long history of student activism, social movements and overall social justice work." not only do we celebrate the legacy of activism but we celebrate two san jose state olympians john carlos and tommie smith who are the landmark statues on campus. "it started in 2007 and since then we have been commemorating the anniversary of 68' olympic stance which is october 16th as an annual event." this week students participated in events that celebrated the two olympians as well as events that were geared towards social change.
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there were student and community debates on mesure d and prop 30. as well as movie screenings of independent films...fist's of freedom, waiting for super man and the line. the associated students of ceaser chavez community action center hopes to keep this annul legacy week going for many years to come... on campus briana villalobos update news." students pass by the enormous statues of tommie smith and john carlos everyday...but what's not so obvious, is the man behind the masterpiece. he calls himself rigo 23 and he is the artist who created the 23-foot-tall figures. rigo was on campus this week restoring the statues for the first time since the unveiling in 2005--37 years after the olympic athletes staged a protest for human rights. rigo's name goes unnoticed most of the time...but he says it's not about him.
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" i feel almost invisible, but i kind of like that because i think it's in this case, a sign of success in the work cuz it's not, it's about the moment and about what it represented. so my role was like a facilitator for keeping the legacy alive." rigo 23 says the athletes and their families were--in his words "blown away" by the statues--thinking they'd be less detailed and much smaller. rigo says he is humbled to see people taking pictures by the artwork and using it as a gathering place for political events on campus. islamic art is now on display at the m-l-k library. the islamic art exhibit is a san francisco bay area non-profit group. their mission is to promote islamic art and provide a platform for creative and unique individuals of the muslim community. every year the islamic art exhibit looks for talented people to participate in their year long exhibit, including children.
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" theres a lot of different intrepretations of what they've done, so it's very interesting to see how everybody kind of gets a theme and has to run with it." the islamic art exhibit will be shown on the fourth floor of the m-l-k library until november 29th. thats it for arts and entertainment this week guys, back to you! thanks big guy, i loved it. over 700 students reside in joe west hall. out of those 700...not a single one is a above a first year student. upper classmen who wanted to live in joe west were forced to find other accomodations. we spoke to a pair of those students about their expirences. " miguel patino is a thrid year computer engineering student who lives in campus village b apartments or c-v-b. this isn't where he originally intended to live. miguel patino/cvb resident "i honestly didn't want to move to cvb." instead he wanted to stay in joe west hall because it's
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less expensive ... but he was denied. last spring housing officals made the decision to convert joe west hall into an all freshman building. this isn't the first time something like this happened. kevina brown/housing "there are some years where we need more housing rarsome yee we have a lot of upper division that wanna retain their space in that building so go ahead and accommodate them and let them stay." according to sjsu housing services ... a double occupancy room with a five day meal plan will cost a student about ten thousand dollars a semester. the same plan costs more than 15-hundred dollars over at cvb where patino lives. gabriela gonzalez also had to relocate from joe west. she chose off-campus housing instead ... but it was a tough decision. gabriela gonzalez./off campus "initially i didn't know how far i was going to move off campus if i was going to find something walking distance, i didn't know if i was going to have to leave the city and move back home." housing officals decide each year what the living arrangments will be for each dorm. brown says there is always a possibility for upper
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classman to be able to live in joe west hall again. kevina brown/housing "if we find next academic year that we need more space for upper division students then there may open some floors that we open up to non-first year students. but, if we see that we have a large population of freshman then we will probably use the space to accommodate them." regardless, patino and gonzalez feel they as though they never had a say in the matter. miguel patino "i'd first have to know their motives, i'm pretty sure there was a reason why they did it. then from there i can argue. but right now i'd just tell them i'm pretty disappointed." gaby gonzalez "i understand that living on campus is a good experience for first time freshman so i guess i don't blame them it's just kind of sucks for the rest of us who didn't really have that option anymore."" patino and gonzlez both are comfortable with their
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current living situations but wouldn't be against the idea of being able to move back into joe west hall. for now, it will be a wait and see for both students if the opportunity to move back into the hall next year will present itself again. still ahead on update news, speed city might be coming back to campus. and well show you a hockey team that is making news in the bay area, while the sharks are still in a lockout. but first, we asked students if they knew who the men on the statues are. " "so from what i've heard, they were the first black olympians to win in the olympics and they went to the school."
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tim vantress joins us for sports, tim i hear theres a new option for hockey fans to turn to during this nhl lockout, is that true? yes it is lexy, and this applies to any fan in the bay area who wants to watch some good local hockey. the n-h-l is on ice and no one knows when it's going to end. the growing hockey community in the bay area has been looking for a new team to cheer for . . . and they may have found something. take a look. " (nat pop of check against the wall) at first glance, you would think this is an n-h-l hockey game. judging by how loud the crowd has been this season at sharks ice . . .
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(nat sound crowd cheering) many people would be guessing the same thing. . . . but with the n-h-l players locked out, south bay hockey fans have found something new, yet familiar to satisfy their hockey fix. . . . . . san jose state's division ii hockey team. jonathan wold, "last year, it wasn't packed... maybe about two-thirds full on some of the bigger games." jonathan wold announces games for k-s-j-s, and is shocked at how full the rink has been this season. "it is absolutely packed." . . . so packed that sharks ice employees had to turn away paying customers at the door during the home opener against u-s-c, which the spartans won 10-2. the rink can hold no more than 500 people in the bleachers, and 200 standing-room-only, says team manager andy dickerson. the new crowds are giving his team a much-needed boost.
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"it's always great to have a loud building, to try and intimidate, to try and set a good feeling for opponents that come in. because we often get that on the road, and it's really great to have that at home." the spartans rallied from a 2-0 deficit last friday against utah state thanks to a crowd that was not just full of people, but also family and friends. sam dwyer: "well, there's people that you know, there's a couple guys we went to school with, you know, high school, and obviously people they go to school with now." wolp: "you get much closer to the action when you go to a san jose state game. not only the fact that you are physically closer, but you are closer to the athletes themselves." the results over the first two games have been overwhelmingly positive both on the ice and in the stands. but what does this mean going forward for both the spartans and the n-h-l? dickerson: "the nhl's going to lose a lot of market share the longer they stay out. it's unfortunate because they've been building up a lot, especially with hbo's '24/7' leading up to the winter classic, those types of things have really helped build a profile, and it would be a shame for them to lose that."" after that game, the spartans went on the road to cal-state fullerton in anaheim. they come home for the game on the 25th against cal-state northridge, and the crowd will surely be there with them.
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with legacy week this week people are remembering their fond memories of san jose state's track and field team. dominic urritia joins us live from campus now to tell us if we might see the team return. tim.. there used to be a time when san jose state wasn't just known as san jose state. it was also known as speed city. and not just to locals, but to people all over the country. " believe it or not ... this old ... beat-up track was once the heart of speed city. during the 1960's -- san jose state track and field took america by storm, boasting some of the country's fastest runners coining -- including tommy smith and john carlos. ron davis -- now the spartan cross country coach -- was an assistant to the legendary coach bud winter during speed city's hey day. :09 r. davis - when we showed up for competitions usc, ucla, stanford, all the top school in america did not want to see us show up. the 1969 ncaa championship team featured smith and carlos.. who put speed city on the map not only for their blazing speed but for their historic protest
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against oppression during the 1968 olypic games. as smith and carlos raised their fists for equality among all ... it's easy to forget that the two spartans won gold and bronze medals that day. smith got gold after setting a new 200-meter world-record -- while carlos trailed less than a second behind to capture the bronze. :11 john carlos - i'm just very happy that i was able to be successful in my sports and set a precedence for kids who wanted to come into the sport after me and just do my do. a year later the speed city legacy continued as san jose state won the 1969 ncaa track and field championship trophy. today this monument on the sjsu campus reminds students about the courageous act smith and carlos took at the olympics. alum terry melvin was around back in the speed city days. he was on campus this week recalling the glory days. :15 terry melvin - the
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track was packed, beautiful weather and great anticipation. anticipation that something special was going to happen. we didn't know weather r not it would but everyone was there to see it. in the wake of title nine san jose state cut the men's track and field program in 1988. today the speed city track is used by the public and serves as a parking lot during home football games ... something davis hopes to change. :09 r davis -so you had the worlds attention here and that's something that we all want to see come back again in the future i'm mean this school was known around the world." now track and field is coming back to san jose state university with the addition of an outdoor women's track and field team beginning the 2013-14 season. whether or not that will lead to the addition of a men's track team and the reemergence of the speed city legacy remains to be seen. on campus dominic urrutia update news the spartan football team suffered a crushing defeat on homecoming last week at
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the hands of the utah state aggies by a score of 49 to 27. even though he was sacked 13 times by the aggies defense ... spartan quarterback david fales threw for a season best 467 yards and completed 38 out of 50 passes. despite those good numbers head coach mike macintyre has no doubt about which team played better. " utah state is a good football team. i knew it coming in that 16 and 25 would make plays. we worked on stopping them and we didn't stop them. so i didn't do the right thing to stop them." utah state had 14 sacks on the season coming into this game and got at least one from nine different players. san jose state will face the university of texas san antonio next saturday at the alamodome. the spartans' next home game will be october 27th.... at 1pm against texas state. thats it for sports this week guys, back to you. thanks tim, great stuff
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well done tim. thanks that'll do it for now. thanks for watching san jose state update news. and be sure to check us out on facebook by searching 's-j-s-u update news.' now get some rest so we can see you again next week.


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