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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  November 6, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm PST

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nnection your whole house can count on. ♪ hi, everybody, i'm beth troutman, we've got great videos, "right this minute"! >> firefighters try to free a man who is stuck. i mean, really stuck. >> he's impaled on a wrought iron fence. >> how a night out on the hollywood hills went downhill fast. a pizza delivery guy left more than pizza behind. we're not talking anchovies, folks. you're looking at one spoiled granddog. >> glad he had a life jacket on. how he finally rose to be top spot. plus, winners coast to coast
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in our ipad giveaway. now get your chance with tuesday's buzz word -- and some good samaritans stop to help a granny. >> this woman is lost. >> it's a bit nippy, especially in here. >> why no good deed goes unpunished. >> that's not very nice, grandma. >> what better way to end the night out than taking a beautiful view. even better, the view of the hollywood hills, right? picturesque, beautiful. that's what this guy was trying to do, except here's how he ended up. >> his leg is impaled on a wrought iron fence. this video is from the guy is 25 years old. police say he was drinking and he and a buddy tried hop over this fence -- around a home, to take in a nice view of the city. but, yeah, he ended up in quite a painful predicament. >> ooh! >> firefighters had to cut off a
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portion of the fence -- and take this guy to the hospital with a piece of the fence still in his leg. firefighters kind enough to give him any kind of heavy drugs during this? >> it doesn't sound like it, because -- look. >> oh, my gosh! you can see the dude is in obvious pain, they wheel him out on a stretcher, an lapd sergeant told the "l.a. weekly" quote it's not unusual for hollywood. it does look as though this guy will be okay. he was taken to the hospital, expected to survive. his buddy made it hopefully hiso take some pictures of the view they were trying to take in and maybe could show him later, put them on facebook. >>y know how to think about the video. sticks up in the leg and through muscle and it had to have been -- rubbing the bone? >> ow! >> yeah. when you order your pizza, you probably go for extra cheese, pepperoni, anchovies, if
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you like them. but you would probably never go with -- urine. >> what? >> check out what happened to this woman. she ordered pizza from pizza hut and she had it delivered. in this surveillance video we see this delivery guy at her door giving her the pizza. sometimes you don't have money for a tip. she didn't tip him and he pretends to walk away. then pauses, but before actually leaving, he turns back around, goes to her door. >> and can you see him there just -- doing his duty. >> once he turns around, the surveillance video shows him tucking his shirt in and zipping his pants up. >> oh boy. >> i was -- i thought you were going to tell me he peed on her pizza. >> extra gross. >> but this is still pretty gross. >> think about how many other pizzas he delivered that neat with pee-pee hands.
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did he get in trouble? >> kcci talked to the manager and they said the worker has been fired. but the woman said that he called to apologize and went back to clean her doors. ? practice for his next job, janitor. >> aw. he shouldn't have peed on the door, but you got to tip the guy. not too long ago i brought you this story. remember this? the bus driver in cleveland, ohio, who got out his cell phone camera so he could catch a woman driving on the sidewalk, to avoid a stopped school bus. >> apparently she did this all the time. that's why the guy knew to wait there with his camera. >> exactly. this woman passed with the stop sign out, a big, fat no-no. i have an update. this was a little sting operation, a police car was waiting right there to catch her in the act. this driver, 32-year-old sheena harden appeared in court
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yesterday. listen to her punishment. the judge sentenced h to pay suspended her license for 30 days. but here's the best part. she also, today and tomorrow, has to stand at the intersection of 38th street and pain avenue wearing a sign that says "only an idiot drives on the sidewalk to avoid a school bus." court-ordered punishment. today and tomorrow she will be wearing that sign standing at the intersection. >> court-ordered embarrassment. >> i love it. >> that's great. >> i wish they would do that more often. >> don't pass that stop sign. when it sticks out on that bus, don't pass it. pretty soon you might be wearing a sign saying you're an idiot. we've got an ipad to give away and you're going to need the buzz word. >> get ready, we'll be giving you tuesday's buzz word in just a little bit. then head on over to
1:06 pm, click on win an ipad button an enter tuesday's buzz word. >> tuesday's buzz word. you have to be 18 or older for your chance to enter and win an ipad 3. stand by to enter and win and good luck, everybody. formula one racing is my favorite sport. now there is a new way to view the cars. this is something calleded making view. playing an youtube video of an in-cockpit view of a formula one driver. ky go all the way around and look 0 out the back of this race car. ky see who might be racing to my side. i can even look down on the car. almost like i'm floating over the top. of the car. >> this is like google street view inside of a formula one car. >> i would like to turn the camera to see who is racing next to me. >> to see if the guy is shaking
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a fist or flipping me the bird or something as i'm going by. >> i like to think that it's me. >> that's the approach. >> here's a different video. from a rally in austria. >> i show you guys a lot of crash videos this one is a win. >> just watch how quickly this guy goes to a very narrow dark forest, dirt road. >> how do you know where you're going? >> you've got a navigator sitting next to you, sitting next to you and calling out the turns. >> it looks like it's wet. there's probably a ton of gravel. so unpredictable. and it's fall, 4how are you not distracted by the lovely leaves? >> you say left instead of right, you and your buddy are in a big wreck. >> you don't pick someone who has trouble with left and right. >> or somebody with a weak stomach who can't read in the car. >> secret information. beth troutman has trouble with left and right. >> it's an ad stirring up
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controversy. >> you see boobs working out, playing pool, on the beach. >> is it too much? >> oh, wow, wow what is going on here? we'll reveal why these women are baring their bosoms, next. and a wide receiver makes one heck of a play. >> look where he catches it. it's on the back of this defender. settle that's just the beginning. wait until you see how it all ends. @(
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great video, all day long. >> this lady was redoing her floor in her tattoo gallery but realized it's too expensive to buy and put down piles, she spent $25, got 25,000 pennies
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and made a floor using nothing but pen ins. >> isn't that weird that money is cheaper than using actual tiles. that seems strange to me, i would think that would be more expensive than using tiles. >> you would think. but in this piece -- it actually looks pretty cool. >> i think it's cool. >> can i do that? i just redid my house. >> maybe you could do did again. >> maybe i could do a countertop or something. >> you could have a garage, penny floor garage. >> hey, dude, come check out my garage. this is so -- money. >> nice. >> it's about three weeks to finish the job. she did trade tattoos for manpower so she had people helping her do it without having to pay any extra money necessarily to do it. and it did take them about 300 hours to complete. pesky really wants in.
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this is surveillance footage from a warehouse in houston, texas. the guy kind of climbing down dangerously from the roof of this warehouse. according to the sheriffs department in houston. this is a metal piece. you pick up this giant piece of equipment. it's a giant industrial air conditioner. people are going on top of these warehouses and pushing the air conditioner units off the top of the roof of these buildings. and then they're stealing the metal coils that are in it. stealing the scrap metal, all the metal in these air conditioning units. >> people are going for the copper and reselling it at salvage yards to get the money. a lot of people think it's related to drugs. >> the u.s. department of energy estimates this costs the u.s. economy around $1 billion per year. texas is the number two state for having to deal with the problem. they take anything from the coils from lights at a high
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school stadium to off the air conditioner at a church. they don't care who it is. they just want the metal for the money. >> these units are anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000, so it's costing them a ton of money to repair, a ton of money to fix. at this particular warehouse, this happened twice in a seven-day period. >> they got a new one and it happened again? >> it happened again. the sheriffs department in harris county released the video because they haven't caught these guys, and as you can see, they did it in broad daylight. wild finish to an end of a high school football game. you almost have to see twice to believe what happened here. this is bergen catholic out of new jersey travelled to d.c. to play friendship academy. >> so bergen catholic, white uniform? >> yes. >> the other guys were the black uniform. >> yes. >> that makes it easier. >> this is the early fourth quarter of a high-scoring game. the bergen catholic quarterback throws up this ball, jj coulter, a wide receiver, he catches the ball. but look where he catches it, on
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the back of this defender from friendship academy. around the guy, almost like in a bear hug as two of these defenders are trying to take this guy down, james dawson comes up and snatches the ball from his teammate and run it is into the end zone. >> is that legal? >> that's absolutely legal. the guy was still up in the air. it would be like if you were a stealing the ball from the guy on offense. >> the guy who caught it probably had no idea it was his teammate. >> i think you're right, when you watch, he has no idea what happens until he sees his teammates jumping around. >> maybe he's bummed. >> i think he was trying to drag the ball and the other player into the end zone. >> this is what took the game to overtime. bergen catholic ended up winning 48-42, a huge play. jack here is just trying to get his toy off the tv tray. >> he's stretching pretty far. >> see what happens when he
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decides to take a big leap of faith. >> oh! and how do you eat your strawberries? >> you do like to bite and then like the side, side bite. well, turns out you're doing it wrong. learn how to shuck your strawberries the right way on "right this minute."
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i got two dogs for you, one
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likes to have vaebt, one tries to have an adventure and it doesn't go so well. the first one, the dog -- is 0 on a jet ski, someone went to college, so the parents are like -- let's have fun with the dog. >> you're like, mom and dad, take care of my dog and you see this video on you tube and you're like glad he had a life jacket on. >> i'm pretty spoiled dog. very good mom and dad to take the dog jet-skiing. >> the next thing you know, that dog's going to have your old bedroom. this is jack, he is a yorkie. look what jack is doing, he's got the legs on his couch and he's trying to get the toy off the tv tray. does he get it? >> he's stretching. >> watch what happens. >> get up there, buddy. go ahead, you can do it. >> oh! [ laughter ] . >> he got it, but he messed up the smount. >> t couch is what got him. >> it was slippery up there.
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>> the person who was watching, don't you get the sneaky suspicion that they orchestrate everything. he's got these two legs and the camera was like i have a feeling this happened before to this poor dog. >> it looks like he's okay. >> you boys better get some bibs to catch your drool. because we're about to watch breasts go through every day life. >> they're doing lots of interesting stuff. they really are. they're doing it with that nice little -- hello. >> keep watching. >> please. you see boobs working out, playing pool, on the beach, in the shower. wow, wow, what is going on here? >> moments of everyone
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greatness. >> this ad is targeted at men. it says at the end of the ad, if we like them so much, we should look after them. encourage a woman to have a breast exam. to make sure that we prevent breast cancer in those we love. it's so in your face, it's very gratuitous, boobage everywhere. i wonder if guys are going to remember to tell their wives to go get their breasts checked. >> you have it on your calendar and your cell phone dings when you're ready to go. >> i don't know that this is going to work. >> you know what? if it gets five people to do it, that's all you can ask for. >> you're exactly right. >> now i'll play some air hockey. now take your shirt off.
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we have winners from all over america in the "right this minute" ipad giveaway. today's tuesday, time to give one away. >> remember, you have to be 18 years or older to enter and you have to have tuesday's buzz word. >> you have to head over to our facebook page to enter the giveaway. >> all right, steven. it's time. >> tuesday's buzz word is -- superhero! that's right, superhero. head over to facebook talk/rightthisminute. hit the ipad button. and enter s-u-p-e-r-h-e-r-o for your chance to win an ipad 3. good luck, everybody. grandma calls some people over to ask a question. and then -- >> oh! what? the heck? >> see how they hang in when she hangs out.
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today we're going to have little fun learning about the amazing honey bee. >> it's a honey bee eating honey. >> they make the hopny and they eat the honey? >> apparently the poster of this video saw this little bee being attacked by ants. so the guy rescued the bee, the bee was kind of in shock. so he you know poured a little honey on the table. it looks like a paper towel. and the bee, instead of flying away scared, sits here and eats it. >> his little tongue coming out. >> he's like slurping up the honey. >> the poster titled it, bumble
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bro. >> honey is one of the only foods on the planet that contains all of the substances necessary to sustain life. >> i didn't know that. doesn't also honey does not go bad, too. there's no expiration dates on honey. i feel like i need to eat some honey. >> it can also increase your brain power. >> i need that. nothing like helping out a little old lady. being a good samaritan. this woman isn't one. >> she stops to ask a nearby guy for directions. >> do you know how to get to boob street? >> boob street? >> b-o-o-b. like these ones. >> oh! what the heck? >> that is not very fis, grandma. >> this is a prank video. the guy's name is alky stevens, he's in australia and here's his
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costume. >> oh boy. he's got a granny kind of dickey that he puts over his head and chest. and drives around the streets of melbourne. >> it's a bit nippy today, isn't it? >> yeah. >> especially in here. >> i love that guy's reaction. >> oh! >> you know how to get to boob street? >> boob? >> like boobs. i think it's -- >> oh -- >> i love this guy in the blue jacket. he's keeping eye contact. he is trying not to react at all. he's not looking at him. he's just a gentleman. >> he's trying to give her directions to boob street. most people try not to look at the -- at the wet socks in that shirt. they're more like if you had like a pair of panty hose and you put an orange in there and you let that hang down. you know? that's kind of what it looks like. >> if you want to see granny in all her glory, go to "right this
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minute" and click on best of. >> strawberries are delicious. one of the hardest things to do is getting the green leaves off of them without chewing all over the place. >> you do the bite and then the side bite. >> sometimes you cut it in half. if you cut the top off you end up wasting a bunch of strawberry. >> or you can eat the green, which doesn't sound very tasty. you can rip it off. or you can do a trick that we learned from which is this right here. you take a straw and you basically just punch it right into the strawberry, and then the leaves come off like nothing.
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>> it like takes the little hat off. >> it's like a green leafy hat. >> foodbeast, they've come up with better ways to eat food. cupcakes, drinking soda and now the strawberry hat. >> i'm going to do this every time i eat a strawberry. >> a straw for your strawberries. >> that's why they're called strawberries. >> that's it for us here at rtm. we'll see you tomorrow, >> that's it for us here at rtm. we'll see you tomorrow, everybody! -- captions by vitac --
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