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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  January 18, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm PST

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hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. it's time for great video, right here, "right this minute." firefighters start to get the upper hand on a house fire, but then -- >> the ceiling does begin to collapse. >> hold on. >> see the desperate escape from a raging inferno. >> talk about your road hazard. >> this car is driving erratically. >> what happens when the car head wraps him out.
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a tandem jump turns terrifying when a prayer glider s paraglider sees his buddy. >> twisting, turning, headed straight for the forest. >> how it left these guys, and the kamikaze kayaker show. >> what it's like to go over these incredible waterfalls. >> now meet the guys behind a real-live action film. >> do you think these people are nuts? >> would you do that? >> hell no! firefighters in east st. louis responding to a single house fire, and you can see fire blasting out of the windows as soon as they get there. the house is occupied, but persons inside the home have already gotten out. so firefighters are going to do their best to save what they can. they do make entry into this house. >> i'm surprised they went into this building because it's a rather small home and the fire is huge. i can't believe they didn't just call it immediately. >> but you think. think about the person whose home this is.
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they're going to do everything they can to try and save anything. >> the ceiling is already falling in. i mean, bits and pieces are just caving in around them. >> beth, you're exactly right. they're doing their best to fight this fire, but you're right. the ceiling does begin to collapse. and it's not long before they get the official call to get out of this building. it's not a moment too soon. listen. >> get out immediately. >> as they're exiting, you hear that one last crash? that was the ceiling on the roof coming down. just clips one of the firefighters scba tanks, the air tank on their back. no firefighters were injured, but you've got to think, a second later, maybe that would have come down right on their heads. >> looks like the house was pretty much a total loss. they were able to get the fire
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under control, but -- >> at the end of the day, you're just glad nobody's injured. >> exit the building immediately. this will make you nervous. let's head on over to queensland, australia where this 29-year-old just launched to do some paragliding, and you see right there, ukko. wi uh-oh, will is going down fast. being filmed by his friend whoen had a goproep camera attached to him. you see will twisting, turning and headed straight for the forest. >> what happened? >> you see him there land in the trees. maybe he just lost control. we talked to brook, the guy who was filming this. he said, because will kept his chute above his head, it slowed him down and the free branches basically cushioned his fall. ten dudes in australia has footage of the rescue. will was stuck in a tree hanging there for 30 minutes. fire crewing eventually arrived.
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brook told us will plummeted somewhere between 160 and 320 feet. looks like a lot of times when these prayer gliders do acrobatics in the air, that's what we're seeing in this video, purposely flipping themselves around, but that was not the case with will. overall, pretty uninjured, just walked away with a few scratches. news caught up with will once he got on the ground. >> maintain your composure all the time in situations like that, but it's something that it comes with the territory. >> and brook told 10 news, look, it isn't going to stop us. we're going to fly again. >> just going to land and do the best you can. >> thinking about getting a beer. this is a car behind us. >> a blog posted on galaxy dreaming blog, the popular -- >> new zealened blog. the folks that put this blog together had just seen the movie l "the hobbit." >> pay close attention to the bumper of the car.
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this car is driving erratically. the bloggers believe that this person might have been intoxicated. >> my god. i think -- drugged out or something. i don't know. >> watch them cross the line, almost hitting cars. >> oh, wow. >> something's not right here for sure. calm 911 at this point. >> yeah. ring the cops. >> we're on the wellington motorway and have a car behind us that's been weaving and moving over lanes basically for about the last five minutes. >> they have emergency dispatchers on the line, you see lights show up behind the car. >> there's a cop behind them now. >> are they pulling them over? >> yes. he's trying to pull him over but he's not stopping. >> but the car takes a while to pull over. >> not pulling over. >> if you keep watching the video, you see this second cop car pull up beside the car and
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the people behind the camera say that the cops were talking into their speakers. >> pulling over now. >> and finally, we see the cops get this car to pull over. we don't know exactly what happened. once they finally got this guy pulled over. >> i'll tell what you did happen is, nobody got hurt. hopefully because these people called. >> what kind of people watch "the hobbit"? do-gooders. >> the cameras rolling when they started destroying these cameras. there were cameras attached outside of buildings that looked like apartment buildings, maybe some businesses, and also on the public train system. >> here her are outside of a building throwing rocks and some other stuff and using equipment, which you would normally think they would use climbing to tear dow these cram ras. >> using like grappling hooks, looks like. >> all doing this ahead of the police congress and challenged people before the congress on february 19th. we want you to record yourselves on video taking down these
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cameras that are surveilling people because they think this is a tool for police to invade your privacy and just top create a police state. they've challenged people to get their, quote/unquote, brigades together. the winner gets to walk in the first line of the demonstration against the police meetening and say, "you can crouch down and avoid getting hit by flying cans." >> i get the whole big brothers always watching you thing, but a lot of times these surveillance cameras lead to the arrests of bad guys. the arrests of suspects who attack some woman outside of a bar or rob a person on the sidewalk. a lot of times these cameras can lead to good. >> they're calling a protest. i think police may possibly call destruction of public or private property. turn your kids' drawing into a keepsake. >> these are actually three dimensional prints of your child's drawing. >> that's got to blow in. yeah. >> find out how you can get your hands on a cree oncreature.
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and a motorcycle driving down the street, but watch. >> oh! >> that's a child that just fell off the bike. >> see wh [old english accent] i doth declare that thou have brought overmany discounts to thine customers! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you.
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he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom. more discounts than we knoweth what to do with. now that's progressive.
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cold and snowy roads, probably a good idea to go slow, but this dude is full of bad ideas. watch this. busy highway. guy's got a dashcam. in quite a bit of a hurry, because he goes pass this guy on the right and then floors it, and, look. he's on snowy, icy roads. not the best idea. but then watch this intersection. truck making a left and -- double truck, too. >> yeah. if it was a single-load truck there, i think the guy would have made it. you see it definitely has two big trailers on the back. >> the truck, actually, this guy has two trailers, he might want to wait for a bigger clearing to make that left.
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>> you're going that fast into any intersection, something bad can happen. not much damage to the truck. from there to a parenting lesson. i don't have any kids. so i -- i'm no one to give parenting advice but i would say, don't do this. keep your eye on the motorcycle. not that one, but the next one that goes by. that's a child that just fell off the bike, and whoever is driving the bike keeps on going. the child starts running down the sidewalk. you see, the child does a back flip. fortunately looks like the kid has a helmet on. >> how long does it take the parent to notice, hey, wait a minute. my load is agents light little ? >> i don't know, because, look. the guy looks like, almost chases down the motorcyclist and the kid is limping on the sidewalk. this guy goes forward, if you look closely, eventually, there is a bike stopped here and realizes, i'm suddenly feeling a little lighter.
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if you're a parent and you have kids of drawing age, you have a lot of these hanging around. probably plachlterred all over your fridge, on your doors, all over. well, there's a company that will help you take them from just drawings on paper to actual figurines. >> oh-ooh. >> these are actually three dimensional prints of your child's drawing. there's a company call crayon creatures, which makes perfect sense, that will take your kids' drawing and a figurine out of it, and this is one of them. this is one of the creatures. >> that's going to blow your mind. >> they have all of those examples, a little girl in the house. a giraffe-looking thing. the sun. that's a hamster on a speedboat. >> of course. >> can you have a whole playset of your imagination.
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>> actually, they're not toys. so you can't play with them. these are more keepsakes for the adults. that get to keep these as memories. things that their kids created. >> you butter not show this to your kids, though, and then tell them they can't play with it. look what mommy and daddy got, but, no, you can't play with it and put it up on a shelf. >> i created it, it's from my mind, ma! >> what is it made out of? it looks like they're made out of sugar. >> the final product is sandstone that looks exactly like the painting, or the drawing. >> that's a great idea. >> for about $130, y can get these furines. i think it's worth every penny. my child's drawing. especially if it's one that i actually like. you're looking at a crew setting up a photo shoot in british columbia in canada. it's a photo shoot for samsung home appliances. doing a photo shoot with their ecobubble.
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a washing machine. >> yeah. interesting to see a machine out there like that in the snow. >> yeah. kind of a cool way to set up a photo shoot, but watch what happens. some "thing" interrupts their big photo shoot. >> it's a bear. it's a -- >> fine. it's fine. >> saying it's fine. >> let me walk over here. >> we're fine. you, too, sir. now, please. just going to move on. let the bear be. >> so they're getting out of the way -- >> keep watching. >> oh. >> oh, geez. >> oh! >> it looked suspicious from the beginning, i have to say. >> to see exactly what's going on in this video head over to our website and click on best of "rtm." it's something we've probably all noticed in a big blockbuster. >> so many continuity errors, it pulls me out every single time. >> what's continuity. >> these guys made a video to make fun of all the mistakes. >> they go places you can't imagine.
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>> see how far they go, next. and taking out a building from the top down. >> the building lit raye loo koi??çóñk?wç
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these sweet honey clustery things have fiber? fiber one. almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? uh, try the number one! i've never heard of that. [ wife ] it's great. it's a sweet honey cereal, you'll love it. yeah, this is pretty good.
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are you guys alright? yeah. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. not that anyone has to know. fiber beyond recognition. fiber one. i've shown you guys some of these before, this is spectacularly beautiful and incredibly well shot. this film's called "cascada"
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spanish for waterfall. a film about kayakers in search of the perfect waterfall. a director team that really brought out the drama and the excitement of what it's like to go over these incredible waterfalls. >> what's he doing there? >> falling over that thing? >> that guy went over the waterfall on a stand-up paddle board. i can't imagine what that felt like. >> he lost the paddle. he lost the board and he's just free falling down the waterfall. probably into a belly flop. >> not just the actors that put themselves in precarious positions to get incredible shots. look what they went through. this shot here they strung a line across the waterfall. sent a guy out in a harness with a camera wrapped up. >> wow. >> to get this shot. it's beautiful. this entire 7.5 minute short film was breathtaking so i wanted to talk to the director and photographer to find out what it took to put something
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like this together. joining us from salt lake city is the photographer and director. guys, this look s beautiful you but i got to believe it wasn't easy to get the shots? >> it was raining and a lot of bugs and definitely the jungle won a lot of the time. but it was a lot of fun. a lot of fun different from other folks. >> give us an idea of the danger. >> i come from a rock climbing background. dealing with rough work and rigging is something we do every day. there's were times when the kayakers almost hit us going off the waterfall. >> where exactly is this? do you think these people were nuts? thinking, how in the world are they going to do this? >> we're really fortunate to be able to work with some of the world's best outdoor action sport athletes. so we know what they're capable of. >> they're not crazy. >> most of these waterfalls for them are fun. they're not outrageous. >> did either of you two go down one of the waterfalls in a kayak?
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>> no. if you've been to the movies, you probably have seen a continuity error. this guy from hollywood cleave heir, he cliche, he's had it up to here. >> i'm so done with these movies, so many continuity errors it pups me out every single time. >> what's con newtie? >> you don't know what continuity is? make sure everything looks the saim from shot to shot so the audience isn't pulled ot that st kind of stf. >> you notice the first one? and the-of-his friend points it out and it gets increedingly funny. >> what about the fact that -- >> what do you mean? >> wearing a top hat. >> you never 2340e689ed this? >> you think, where can they go from here? oh. they go places you can't imagine. >> i don't even recognize you anymore. >> i have no idea how you got into that pose. i feel like i'm really --
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genuinely losing my mind. >> man, you're tripping. it's not -- >> okay. that's a continuity error you can't get around whn a white guy turns into a black guy. >> every once in a while, you find something really cool. >> in the course of a movie, you're doing 100 different shots of the same thing over and over again. you are trying to keep up with it all and eventually you got the best take of the actors, sometimes this is kind of the way it works. >> who is this guy? >> the worst one, "pretty woman," eating a pancake. that's the worst one. >> the most egregious hollywood errors, is on "pretty woman." cool cats show off their talent. >> those cats are not playing with a children's story. >> oh, yes, they are. see what other tricks they have up their sleeve, next.
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loom n loomenaries are beautiful. unless you're talking about this festival in spain. because then we're talking about this. >> oh, boy. yeah, that's just a fire. >> yeah. that is a huge fire in the middle of the street. it's in spain. part of a celebration of anthony, the patron saint of an
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ma'ams. >> that must be why people are riding on animals -- >> correct, a tradition happening over 500 year, and they believe if they ride their horses over these flame, the smoke will purify the animals and give them prosperity and protect them from epidemics and ill-health. >> does the horse get a choice? he's just getting ridden up through the fire. they must be terrified. >> maybe they talk to them before, it's going to be scary but you're going to be all right. the way to demolish a building is by implosion, but a new technique to demolish a building floor by floor. taking down a grand hotel. these jacks are basically holding the ceiling abandoned le abandoned-of-and the rest of the building as they take it down from the top down. powder doesn't fly out. it reduces noise. then a disassembly factory on
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the top of the building. it was 469 feet. it's now 100 feet shorter. >> not using explosions? cranking the floors down one after another? >> i found this, too. found an exterior view of what this looks like. you can't tell anything is actually going on. the building lit raye looks like it's eating stechl a ining itse see the building coming down slowly. taking the debris and putting it on elevators. the weight of the debris going down generates electricity to power the tools they're using, so this is a totally sustainable profit. >> weather doesn't stop them. they can do this 24/7 and it reduces the noise. they started last june and expect to be done in may? >> what? they're cranking down a building. >> japan has about 100 buildings like this they expect to be demolish eed over the next few years and they think this is the way they're going to do it. >> that is a brilliant idea.
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way to go japan! you guys told me the other day you wanted to see some cat tricks. so, ask, and you shall receive. >> thanks, beth. >> first cat trick posted on the youtube channel rio cat. this is romeo. romeo's learning how to skateboard. >> i spend a lot of time on rio cat. bulldogs can do it. why shouldn't cats? right? >> and they trained this cat kind of the way you train the bulldog. you'll haemp the little clicker in the backgrnd. clicker method. >> i n'know how thathow does a animal -- >> can you click or train anyone to do anything. they clicker trained me to be on this show. i'm ready to talk about a video. >> and cat trick videos, i don't just come at you with one. >> not another! >> two-for. >> our lucky day. >> almost a three-for, because of this next video, it's two cats doing a trick. >> what? >> those cats are not playing with a children's toy.
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>> they're doing a piano duet. >> you know what was funny, they look so much alike. kind of like how nick and i look today in our almost matching shirts. >> it's true. keep waging. >> can we? can we not stop watching, beth? ♪ >> since it's friday, thanks for showing this video. i'm going to watch it until monday. please, hit play. ♪ that's our show, folks. thanks for spending time with us. have an awesome weekend. we'll see you on monday. -- captions by vitac --
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