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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  January 22, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm PST

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chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. hello, everybody. i'm beth troutman. this is the show that brings the day's best videos all to one place. that's right here, "right this minute." armed robbers terrorize a store full of people, but one customer fights back. >> did you see that? >> find out what the clerk threw that put an end to that robbery real quick.
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>> oh, that's gotta hurt! a woman escapes the clutches of an ex-con and runs to a nearby house for help. >> screaming, let me in, let me in, please, let me in! >> i was definitely scared opening up the door. >> how the teenager and his sister kept calm while a robber plotted to kill them all. killed by a guy on a motorcycle. >> does he kick her? >> this accident went from bad to way worse. and it's one dog versus -- >> thousands of geese. >> the story of scooter and the goose tornado. a couple of would-be robbers in the netherlands get themselves burned, literally pup see these two guys burst into a snack shop. they've got plastic bags on their heads for disguises and are both holding knives. they're demanding money from this customer in the store and also from a person behind the counter. burt they fight back.
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the customer grab as chair, smacks one guy over the back with a chair. did you see that? that wasn't water. that was a pot of hot oil that the clerk threw at this robber. she's not done. she throws another pot -- >> oh! they're just slipping and sliding. >> it turns into, like, a "three stooges" scene. >> like his pants fell off! he has to pull his pants up, because a guy pulls them down. watch. there they go! [ laughter ] >> that's even better than i thought! this house was at center of a terrifying ordeal in shepherd, michigan last week. we got this story from weyi. >> inside this home was 14-year-old james person, and his 11-year-old sister and 2-year-old brother. dad had to step out for a few minutes. he heard a woman banging on his
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door, and this woman came in bruised, beaten. according to police, a senior at central university and held up at gunpoint by 30-year-old eric ramsey. ramsey forced her into her car, raped her, told her he was going to kill her. she took matters into her own hands and jumped from the moving vehicle. saw the lights of this home and ran to the front door. >> but it doesn't stop there. >> james leads his family to this bathroom. grab as small hunting nifr. the man, eric ramsey is at the front door screaming, let me in or i will kill you. >> to a 14-year-old. >> eric ramsey is unable to gelt in the front door. grabs gasoline and spreads them at the base of the home, lights a match, throws it and takes off. the father who receives james' frantic phone call, puts the fire out with an extinguisher.
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>> please tell me they caught the guy. >> they learned eric ramsey is an ex-con. he led police on a chase and minutes before police get to him, he puts this post o on his facebook page. it says, well, folks, i'm about to get sht. ace. >> oh, later, he was shot and killed by police. >> i can't imagine how the father must feel. >> i'm very, very proud of my children. very, very. >> thanks goodness this young boy was brave enough to let her in. fire and rescue, on the scene of a house fire. it was started by a teenage boy. he was frying chicken and fries. the grease caught fire and the house went up in flames so he ran next door to call authorities. this is where fire officials got involved. somebody's got a gopro camera on to show the action of trying to put this house fire out. nobody was injured. none of the family member, no firefighters, but one firefighters got sniffles.
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>> sniffles? >> tell you about that in a second. fire fighters with a fire hose. we're seeing how they're getting into the house to put it out. >> that was cool to see him using the hose up close like that. >> you can see the firefighters making their way up to the roof with the chainsaw, start cutting a hole to vent what's going on in the kitchen. now, i said, all of the family members, okay. nobody hurt. no firefighters were hurt, but i did say one got sniffled. sniffles is the family gerbil. >> oh! >> rescued from the fire. >> okay? love it. they even rescue a gerbil. >> yes. that gerbil was probably on his wheel, how do i get outta here? >> you usual he hear about the dog or cat. this time, the gerbil. they left nothing behind.
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i have two jaw-dropping videos. the first one is from taiwan. according to some of the information on the video, that is a young woman. >> oh, boy. what the heck? >> are we sure she didn't run out in front of this thing on purpose? >> what happens? a lighter car. ip think that car was stopping to let her go. >> okay. i'll just run. >> once she's on the ground, pay attention to the motorcycle rider. does he kick her? >> ah! >> looks like he does. >> eventually seeing a lot of other motorcycle icists come to her. no information what happened afterwards, though. it does seem they're able to carry letter to get medical help. >> that sky doesn't come back. just gets his bike. >> oh, that's awful. >> this next one from madrid, spain, at a metro station in the city. that's at 52-year-old woman and as she's waiting there, she faints and falls on the tracks of the train. fortunately, someone jumps on the tracks and starts returning
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towards her, but right behind that person, is the train. you see the people waving to the train that does manage to stop, but that person is actually an off-duty national police officer that saw this coming. drags her across to the other side, and puts her on the platform where something other people help bring her up and him as well. >> that was smart to take the woman on the other side of the tracks where if the train did keep coming at least she was out of the way of the train. >> she was given medical attention at the scene and sounds like he might be getting a promotion. >> he deserves it. none of these other people, the other people, willing to help him help to ho temperature spring into action. a beer, a bottle, a pump. do they equal a dangerous high? >> does this really work? is he really, really doing this? >> this guy says it does. see for yourself, next. these two guys cannot agree on what to do with all those
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bags. >> this is, like, very chewildi. >> see th ñnñmññoñmñw?çç
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okay, okay. before we go any further beth has something to say. >> i do, steven. we're giving away ipad minis. starts next week. >> the new ipad mini giveaway. you've got to stay tuned for details. maybe a word of warning for parents out there, because there seems to be a new way of getting drunk. the la beast demonstrates one way. he called it smoking alcohol. basically what he does is puts alcohol on this plastic bottle. forces pressure into it. that causes the alcohol to be absorbed into the air, and then when he releases the pressure, it turns into a vapor, which he then inhales.
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that supposedly sends the alcohol straight into his blood stream and you feel the effects of the alcohol most immediately. ere's he does it with a bott ofbudweiser. a box of wine, some champaign. >> and towards the end, he claims and appears to be pretty darn drunk. >> who smokes bucks -- who smokes boxed wine? me. >> does this really work? is he really, really doing this? does that -- or -- it just seems crazy. >> the idea of vaporizing alcohol really isn't anything new. it's been around for a while pap device online called the vapor -- a little cocktail glass that warms up over a candle, and that, also, in a similar way, vaporizes the alcohol out of the beverage that it's in. >> the whole point of this is just to get drunk.
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people who enjoy alcohol for the taste, for the flavor, this is all about the high and that is terrifying. >> if want to get drunk without the calories -- then i suggest you start smoking some alcohol. >> i've got a couple of videos for you of older gentlemen doing whatever the heck they want. >> these fella, neighbors, and it's rubbage day in the uk and they can't decide which side of the street the trash should really go on. >> arguing over what rubbage should be on what side of the road. should it be outside his house or outside my house. >> they're walking back and forth carrying the other garbage to the other side. >> this is rubbage! ridiculous! >> there is laughter. up see the guys looking at the camera. i think in know it's sully. >> i don't think they think it's funny at all. they're being laughed at.
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a passive/aggressive move, the trash should be on your side, bro. very childish. >> whoever gets their garbage picked up first? >> where do the get the purple garbage bags? >> they're nice. >> they are. off the highway bag. >> very fashionable. >> goes on and on and basically keep walking the garbage back and forth. no winner declared. in this next video from china, i think this guy is definitely the winner of his own race. he loves to exercise in china and oddly minus 22 degrees fahrenheit outside. going for a job. instead 6 just jogging he sits down, taking off all his clothes and has on nothing but slippers and his jockey shorts. >> what is that supposed to accomplish, exactly? >> this is his way of fortifying his body. probably to create stamina and virility to fight off any kind of sickness. >> you might be on to something, because he does take this a step
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further. >> he then finds himself a snowy field. lays down in it and everyone buries him in the snow. he's laughing and talking to the camera. we've loosely translated it. i feel great in snow. a little cold but i can certainly bear it after 20 years worth of exercise. here at the denver international airport, skeeter versus what looks to be thousands of geese. goes on and on from right to left, just tons of geese. but skeeter is not here to just view these geese. >> look at him! >> no! >> you hear skeeter getting egged on by his owner and then he takes off for the geese and they all at once fly up in the air terrified guy skeeter. >> and i hope they aren't flying in the direction of any planes that are taking off or landing. >> somebody was worried about the exact same thing, but the
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guy that owns this, says he's miles away. crazy. they start to fly in a formation the guy 30e69ed this called it a goose tornado. they sort of flock together here, start spinning around. look. kind of like going in a circle now. like sort of some weird formation, but all because skeeter just ran right at them. therapy ready and so is the crowd. >> they tailgate the camel fight? >> see what happens when camels fight, next. and it's just your ordinary russian neighborhood street. >> there's somebody across the street. do they do something? [ female announcer ] this is a special message from at&t. [ male announcer ] it's no secret that the price of things just keeps going up.
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[ female announcer ] but we have some good news. it's our bundle price promise. [ male announcer ] a price you can definitely count on, for two whole years. from at&t. [ female announcer ] a great price for a great triple-play bundle. [ male announcer ] call now. bundles with u-verse tv, internet and home phone start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] switch today and get a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] you get reliable, high speed internet on our advanced digital network. choose from speeds up to 24 megs. [ female announcer ] and with u-verse tv you can record four shows at once on your total home dvr and play them back in any room. [ male announcer ] so call now. u-verse triple-play bundles start at $89 a month. now get the same great price for two years. [ female announcer ] with a total home dvr included, free for life. [ male announcer ] it's a triple-play bundle that's hard to beat. same great price. two whole years. price promise. [ female announcer ] that has a nice ring to it. [ male announcer ] only from at&t. ♪
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up next, the best of "rtm." what do you got, ben? >> an awesome video, shorts, another kid snippets where the adults act out what the kids say. >> oh. can i marry you? >> this time we're talking about a proposal. >> check out this video. you could spend an entire day watching clips from bored shorts tv. head to our website and click on -- >> best of "rtm." this video is of a traditional event that happens in turkey and it's been around for a very long time, and it involves camels fighting each other. >> no. >> i didn't know camels were aggressive towards each other. >> neither did i. apparently for a very long time, people in turkey have celebrated this ritual where camels fight each other for the love of the female camel. >> it's not a savage competition, necessarily,
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because the fight basically ends when either one of them faums fr runs away. >> surely a natural thing camels must do when in the wild, fight for a female's attention, but forced to here. >> families set up barbecues on the outside hills to watch this. they say family, all i see are men, actually. >> tailgate? they tailgate the camel fight? >> it's sad. >> yeah. >> it's sad. >> apparently they don't -- they don't feed them. to get them to. >> that's worse. >> a lot of peta folks compare it to cock fights and apparently others get involved before the an ma'ams get hurt. a dashcam video from russia.
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what do you think's going to happen? >> well a multitude of things. there could be a crash, a fight, there could be weapons involved. >> there could be nudie. >> peaceful day on a russian street. this video looks like it's coming from a parked car. got a car coming right past this dashcam. think something's going to happen? >> i hope something happens at this point, because this is a story of a bummer. nothing going on. like reading "the old man in the sea." >> somebody april cross the street. do they throw something, say something, do they get naked? >> whoa! what happened? >> it doesn't look like anyone is driving this car. it looks like the car is empty. >> according to the poster of the video, it was someone who forgot to just apply the parking brake. >> why is there a dashcam running on a parked car? >> maybe people leave their dashcams running in case someone breaks into the car. they caught the scene of a broken set of brakes. >> you better "brake yourself" before you break yourself.
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how about a little kick time where we're talie i telling you >> the most repellant surface to date.
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it's not considered tart of a silent portion of the competition, but some may call this a talent anyway. this is a miss snow universe. this is in russia, and these gals are out there scantily clad
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in negative 5.8 degrees fahrenheit n. bikinis. >> one girl said her teeth were chattering during this. i'm sure you can imagine that. >> why would they make them do this? why? why? why would you have to do this? if you're going to have them pose in bikinis, take them inside a warm room and build some snow and ice. >> well, if you want to be miss snow universe, you've got to be in touch with the snow in your universe. >> then wear a winter coat. have them pair a wintwear a win out in the freezing cold. >> the moment they slip on the fur coat hat to be a great moment. hey, nobody forced them to do miss snow universe. >> right nep could have opted out, beth. it's one thing to make this your entire life. this is a teaser for project 365. basically, andy lewis and scott rogers are attempting to do something extreme every day of
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the year for 2013. that's basically averaging a base jump, a slack line a sky dive, every day for the entire year. >> every day? you'd need like at least a week to recover from a sky dive. >> i don't think you recover as much as you come accustomed to it. the cool thing about it, it's extreme photography, too. at the first clip they show you a drone they're using to get the insane shot. adds more to the video. >> how are they able to do this? do extreme sports in the morning, an kaccountant by nigh? what on a day they're feeling tired? just eat hot chicken wings? >> extreme. >> seems they really want to go for the gold and make every day something extreme. >> i can't wait to see what they come up with at the end of the year.
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well, looking up some peanut butter. ♪ ♪ >> steven? >> yes? >> what's your favorite time? >> tech time, tech time, temperaturtech, tech, tech time. >> that's absolutely right. we got some high-tech stuff to show folks. first out of university of michigan. check this out. >> is that water? >> that's water bouncing off of a super repellent surface. >> we believe we can now repel liquid that's ever been tested. >> the most repellent surface to date. >> nothing sticks on this. everything rolls or slides right off. >> to find out exactly how it repels, our repellant surface
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expert, but he's not repellant. zach. hey, zach. >> hello. >> this is a pretty cool little invention here. what exactly are we looking at? >> this is a super omni phobic surface? >> omni phobic? >> surfaces you heard can repel water, but this repels oil, even alcohol and some harmful chemicals. >> on the market for a surface that would repel non-plutonium fluid. >> what can they use this for? >> a lot of applications. talking about using ing it in s materials. in warfare, protect the troops. >> every day i drink out of this water bottle and spill on myself daily. if i had this in my shirt it would just drip down and be gone? >> yes. >> and something else for us. what the heck is this? >> this is csto-1, the world's
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thinnest watch. .8 millimeters thick. as thin as a credit card. >> a kick starter project. wanted $200,000. already have close to $150,000 nrchlts one week. >> one of the greatest selling points its battery. it lasts an entire month and only takes 10 minutes to charge. >> is that what that stand is, the charger? >> exactly. the stand is also how you set the time. there's no buttons on this watch. >> tick. tick, tick, tick time. that's our show. we'll see you tomorrow. -- captions by vitac --
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