tv Right This Minute KICU February 8, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm PST
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hi. i'm beth troutman. get ready for some great videos "right this minute." an off-road racer suddenly goes end over end. flipped. the hood is hanging up in the air. >> but the crazy part? the driver keeps going. the amazing footage fromns grou veils in protest. >> watch what happens. >> oh, she caught fire. >> the disturbing video and even more disturbing reaction by the crowd. football stars team up to help kids in a new documentary. >> i lived in a homeless shelter, me and my family. >> same thing with me, too. >> now ravens super bowl champ
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jamil mcclane reveals more of his painful pass. >> tell us some of the struggles you had growing up. >> times where i didn't know what having my own bed looked like. >> also the friday buzzword for a chance at a free ipad mini. plus, a dramatic escape from a killer wave and a brush with -- >> a great white! remember that old slogan, take a licking and keep on ticking? this time let's apply it to the rally fighter race car. you see it at the parker 425 off-road race in arizona. watch what happened. wh whoa! >> oh. >> it kept going. >> it kept going. end over end. the hood is hanging up in the air. you see the driver jam on the brakes. try it again. eventually he gets the hood to crack off. he drives right over it and flies off into the desert like nothing ever happened. a rally fighter is a
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crowd-sourced vehicle. you go online, submit their ideas as to what this car should be. here it's being tested on the track. you are seeing it's kind of like a frankencar? >> yeah, pretty much. >> a good day at the track. your car does a flip and you keep on driving. >> nose first, bing, boom. didn't even lose any speed. just kept going. >> landed on its booty and it didn't dent anything. >> cool video but for the truly wild ride you have to go in the car. we got that footage from the local people as well. they sent us three different angles. you check it out. it's coming up. there's the jump. and then the 360. there goes the hood. there goes the flip and there goes the -- keeps going.
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>> take a look from the back view. nice. goes up and around and the dirt lands on the hood. despite the flip and the minor slowdown and the damage to the hood, they finished fourth in their class. this is just a little teaser of this video. if you want to see all of the in-car camera footage from this race go to before i show you this next video, i want to warn you this is incredibly graphic and it's very, very difficult to watch. we believe that this is at a demonstration in india where women are campaigning against the head veil or the headscarf. and if you notice, the woman on the far left is helping the woman in blue light a scarf. she his doused that scarf with some kind of accelerant. and watch what happens. she caught fire. >> oh, my gosh! >> oh, my gosh, she caught fire.
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>> and there's nowhere for her to go because she's on this tower. >> you see her running down the stairs and the flames have completely engulfed her entire body. we don't know exactly when this incident happened but the video was just posted at the beginning of this month. one of the things that is upsetting to a lot of people who see this video, you'll notice that there's a man walking up the stairs to help. but watch how slowly he comes to her aid. they finally extinguish the flames. it gets even more upsetting to many viewers. the camera turns around and you see people in the crowd. and it looks as though some of the men in the crowd are smiling. because some of reports, we do now believe that this woman died from her injuries shortly after this incident. >> it's hard to watch. you can only hope that this kind of tragedy will somehow bring more attention to the issue and
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it doesn't have to then get to something like this. i think we have a new definition of what we can call monster waves. check out this video from off the coast of portugal. video of these surfers is part of a film that's coming out by band original. a bunch of surfers towed in on gigantic waves. they look like little ants on these waves because they are so big. of course, when you are riding waves this large, you are going to wipe out. watch this guy here. >> it's going to hurt. >> oh, boy. >> he knows what he's doing. kind of dives in head first. see the board is still on the wave. looks like he's up here a little higher than the board. oh, then you see his head poke out here at the very top. he's like climbing over the top of that wave, swimming through it. >> that is surreal. >> to be on a wave that big and
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your brain registers how you are able to get out of there, i mean, that's incredible. >> one guy who definitely knows how it feels, garrett mcnamara. you might remember his name because he broke a record back in 2011 for riding a 90-foot wave. garrett was out there on january 29th, too, with all these surfers. and it is believed that garrett broke his own record by riding a wave thought to be 100 feet. >> wow! >> that's a ten-story building. >> and you know you're awesome when you have a world record and then you break your own world record and by a lot. >> by ten full feet. hey, everybody. it's almost time for us to give away another ipad mini. >> remember, you need friday's buzz word and you have to be 18 or older to enter. >> friday's buzz word coming up in just a little bit. >> good luck, everybody.
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the first pigeon is in danger and somebody is coming to the rescue. >> you can see they've got this really long stick but you're thinking, where's the pigeon? as the camera pans up, you see there is a pigeon stuck in this tree. either a wing or the tail or something is caught by a string. so this guy fandangles some really long stick and two guys handling it trying to get the pigeon out. >> do they get the biji ipigeon? >> yes. but it takes them awhile. ty are yanginon the this thing . they are just going to shake this bird loose. >> i'm impressed by their commitment to saving this pigeon. >> because it is a pigeon. >> now i'm pretty sure this pigeon lives in vegas because it's got a story to tell as to why it's not flying. it's hitching a ride on the hood of somebody's car. watch. >> what are you doing, dude? >> he even uses the windshield wipers to try to move the pigeon
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along. >> he's like, dude, i'm tired. i've been flying all day. >> it's cute to see a pigeon do this. he's having trouble keeping his balance. then he seems to enjoy it, like a dog would. >> look at this. man. eventually gets on the freeway. then watch what happens. whoa. this pigeon kind of bends down like, okay. the wind is a long stronger. i've got to bear down. >> what could it be holding on to with his little bird legs. >> not much. watch, watch. >> oh! he flew away. it's a hang gliding video with a higher purpose. >> there's a story behind this video. >> see why this one was posted, next. and it's time for this little guy to take his medicine. >> he's not liking it. >> a couple of dang cute
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almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate.
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to do something for 1,492 days in a row is quite an accomplishment. especially if it's writing a brand new original song. our friend jonathan mann is back. we've had him on the show before. the last time we heard from jonathan was song 1,435 where he was breaking up with his girlfriend. but now he's back and song 1,492, he needs a roommate. >> his girlfriend probably moved out. he needs somebody to share the rent. ♪ here is my street bodega right here. bar right here ♪ >> bodega nearby surrounded by all sorts of subway stations. ♪ come live with me i need a roommate ♪ ♪ come live with me this place is awesome ♪ ♪ come live with me let's see if we get along ♪ ♪ come live with me >> you like his dance moves. >> i do.
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i like him. he's becoming like his own genre. i feel like he's creating his own style, genre. ♪ here is the room it's 11 by 9 it's got this closet it's bigger than mine ♪ >> he also has a craigslist ad up for this listing. the one-bedroom in this apartment listed for $1400 in a nice neighborhood. looks like it's still available. >> i hope the person who gets it responds with a music video and a song. >> it could be a girl musician that responds with a music video and a song and then he falls in love. >> and they get married. >> and they have children which is what broke up his last relationship. i have two really cute animal videos. this is bobo the korgie and his owners are trying to give him some medicine. he's not liking it. as soon as he sees the syringe
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with the medicine in it he just buries his face in the couch and does not move. >> if i can't see them, maybe they can't see me and i'll wonder where i went. >> so adorable. >> you have to mix it in with his food or something. >> that's the trick. >> but it's a liquid. if it tastes bad, even in the food, they'll turn their nose. this other video features a cat named cocoa. you know it's going to be a cool cat. >> cocoa the losing cat. >> whoa! >> it's a canadian sledding cat. >> yes. it sleds. i think it's sledding maybe not by choice. >> actually, no, because once the cat makes it to the bottom and the sled stops, he stays in the sled. it would be able to jump out. it's not going that incredibly fast. >> i think it's safe to say cocoa loves sledding. this is a guy who you can
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tell loves what he does. hang gliding. ♪ ♪ a whole new world >> i was wondering why it was called a whole new world. ♪ i'll take them anywhere there's time to spare ♪ ♪ let me share this whole new rld with you♪ hkepeabo bryson and regina bell who sang "a whole new world" in aladdin. this is jack marzik. this video was posted by one of his friends. zach died last saturday doing what he loves. he died while hang gliding. >> oh, my goodness. >> well, there goes the smile i just had on my face. >> his friends posted it to put smiles on their faces. they said zach was the kind of guy whenever he came into the room, he made the situation better. and he would have gotten a kick
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out of this. >> he looks so at ease up there. just totally in control. >> yeah, he was an instructor. they said a few years ago he started hang gliding and they said just the hang gliding bit him and he was just a big advocate for it. he worked at a hang gliding school but unfortunately he perished doing what he loved. >> he looks so incredibly happy in this video. i understand why his friends would have wanted to post it to say look at what he was. look what he loved doing. and even though tended up being the thing that killed him, we should all be so lucky to die doing what we love. we've got the newest addition to the internet twerking craze. >> it's just funny to me that someone thinks to film this and put it on the internet. and friday's buzz word for your chance to win an ipad mini.
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[ female announcer ] call now to get u-verse tv starting as low as $19 a month for one year, when you bundle tv and internet with speeds up to 24 megs. plus get a total home dvr included for life. [ male announcer ] and now, exclusively from at&t, our wireless receiver lets you move your tv where you want around the house, even outside. so you're no longer tied to the tv outlet. [ female announcer ] at&t u-verse. tv like you've never seen before. ♪ it's not a candy bar. 130 calories 7 grams of protein the new fiber one caramel nut protein bar. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin.
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welcome back to the show, everybody. check out you can see today's videos and more all day long. fresh off of super bowl xlvii, the nfl has teamed up with the usa network to present a one-hour anti-bullying documentary that will premiere today, friday, february 8th, as part of a month-long campaign to raise awareness for intolerance and discrimination.
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and in this little preview video we're seeing here, we're hearing the stories of four very popular nfl players. larry fitzgerald from the arizona cardinals, troy polamalu from the pittsburgh steelers. justin tuck from the new york giants and linebacker jamil mcclane from the super bowl champion baltimore ravens. >> i was picked on daily. i got off the bus and walked for a nice bit to make sure no one seen me go in the salvation army. >> he found a big parallel with his story and the story of one of the characters featured in this documentary named jesse. and we have jamil mcclane joining us right this minute. i should say super bowl champion jamil mcclane. congratulations on the win. >> how your all doing? >> why did you want to be involved in this project? >> there was a point in my life where i didn't know what having my own bed looked like.
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and not having any clothing was an issue for me as a matter of people picking on me or a confidence thing. what jesse is going through now is the clothing. obviously, when you move so much, you can't bring all of your items with you. to just be able to bond with jesse and see what he's been through and to know he's not the only one that went through it and see how my journey is still progressing. it was something we definitely connected with. >> for you, when did it get sghrt was it when you grew up and people were more afraid? >> just being confident with who i was and what i wanted to do is what helped me stay away from the criticism. >> what do you say to people who are bullying other people? >> it's not cool. you know, these people that bully, they also look up to larry fitzgerald, the troy polamalu. so if they think that what we're doing is cool, we say that this is not good.
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how can they ignore that. it's not what our society needs. it's something we're all becoming more aware of. you're going to stand on anything why not stand on investing in the future. guys, don't be afraid when i show you this video but i'm about to show y the great white. twerk. that is what this video is called. the greatest white twerk and, yes, it is a white woman twerking. >> she's got the moves, but she doesn't have the -- >> she does have the booty. >> she has a booty. >> no, not like the booty. >> it's just funny to me that someone thinks to film this and put it on the internet. a lot of people love it. there's a lot of these kind of videos out there. it's funny when you are like, i'm going to twerk today and film it and put it on the web. >> if you want to see the entire great white twerk, head over to
1:22 pm and click on the best of rtm. all right. it's ipad mini giveaway time. >> you'll need friday's buzz word. you have to be 18 or older to enter. >> when we give you friday's buzz word head to our facebook page. if you are using a tablet or mobile device go to the first post and tap on the mobile link. >> let's view this thing. the friday buzz word is -- cinnamon. now get on over to and click on the win an ipad mini button. then enter friday's buzz word, cinnamon for your chance to win an ipad mini. good luck, everybody. it was a foot-long frenzy when some subs measured a bit short. >> they came in about 11 inches. >> now some dudes a
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these are believed to be syrian soldiers. they are all kind of squatting down and bobbing back and forth, right? >> it's like they are dancing. >> these syrian soldiers are actually glocking out to usher's "yeah." ♪ and according to some reports it does appear that these are authentic uniforms, consistent with those worn by syrian soldiers. >> that's crazy. and it sound like it's playing from someone's phone or mobile device. >> that's probably exactly what's happening. goes to prove music is
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universal. eventually they don't just sit there and bob back and forth. they get up and have a bit of a choreographed dance. >> at this point you hope all the safeties are on. >> at one point they got into a congo line and started dancing. >> to prove a point. >> that pretty much shows -- >> you have to make your fun somehow. this is how you deal with a revolutionary war? >> puppy breaks out. ♪ so this foot long is 11 inches. >> it was recently revealed in a lawsuit that subway's foot longs weren't exactly a foot long. they came in about 11 inches.
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well, dennis rody decided to pull a prank. >> says by the foot. >> wait a minute. >> okay. see if we can make like a one-inch on italian? >> a one-inch on italian. >> okay. hold on. >> she gives him another foot long and only charges him $5. >> so now he got 22 inches? >> yes. >> i love her perplexed look. you know she wanted to just take that sandwich and smash it in his face. >> this is my favorite worker ever. her reaction is priceless. >> you don't want to sell me a foot long when it's 11 inches, do you? i guess not. >> that was the biggest screw you look. >> so if you measure the bottom, you get 11, okay? >> yes, sir. >> but the top --
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>> it's a foot long. >> wow. >> so how does it happen? >> he's like my life is a lie. >> his lie was officially blown. >> subway did make a statement and they said, we regret any instance where we didot t our customers. we freshly bake our bread throughout the day in our more than 38,000 restaurants in 100 countries worldwide and we've redoubled our efforts to ensure consistency and correct length in every sandwich we serve. >> i'm going to measure mine next time. >> so sad they had to release that statement. that's going to do it for us
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