tv Right This Minute KICU March 5, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm PST
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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. let's watch great videos "right this minute." >> a scuba diver spots something near a rock. >> and then you realize, yeah, that's a shark. >> oh. and it has a hook in its mouth. >> a brave dude performs one delicate operation. they went in to rescue people, but that was before the ceiling collapsed. how firefighters got themselves out of a dicey situation. what would you do if you walked into a murder in progress? the story behind the shocking scenes and even more shocking response. >> oh, man, not another elevator
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murder. and find out what two pups scattered all over the house. >> they got the furniture, folks. >> the surveillance video that busted some very bad doggies. >> he's like, i'm sorry. i know it was wrong. >> hi. lets go under the sea for some beautiful footage of the coast in hawaii. we got ourselves a good samaritan diver because he's about to make a rescue. you can't quite see what he's about to rescue. divers getting closer to that rock and you see something moving back there and then you realize, yeah, that's a shock. >> and it has a hook in its mouth. >> so the hook is through his mouth and stuck on the rock? >> yeah. the it look like he's tangled somehow. we believe this is a white tip reef shark. you can see the thing. he's got a pair of snipes. he's trying to get close to
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snipe that line and let this thing free. >> and imagine being the person shooting this video. you don't know which way the shark is going to go. >> eventually the diver gets close enough that he's able to sneak his snips in as the shark is looking in the other direction. first attempt, not so successful. but there he goes just like that, cuts the line. the shark is eventually like, wait, i think i'm good, i think i'm relieved. able to swim off, but sadly, the hook still lodged in the shark's mouth. you have to give a hand to this diver for going down there at the bottom of the sea here to save this guy. >> getting your hand close to a shark's mouth. >> the shark is probably tired at this point. probably didn't want to have anything to do with this diver. >> probably happy to get out of there. >> yeah. ♪ >> we got this video from corey welch at sne fire news. >> east providence rhode island
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firefighters had quite a time putting out the blaze in this decade's old building. >> heavy fire on the first and second floor. first two companies went to the third floor. >> three firefighters went inside because there were three people believed to be in the house, but the firefighters had to escape through a window because there was a partial ceiling collapse. >> at one point, we had three firefighters who were trapped on the third floor and we were able to get them off by aerial device. >> you see them there. two occupantants of the home were able to get out okay. they were uninjured. but a third person, they believe that person got out okay, as well. >> we don't know where he is, but he's not in there. >> those flames are close to that ladder that those guys are climbing on. i imagine that makes the metal of that ladder hot, too. >> they said the fire went up to the fourth floor tower. now, this building looks like one of those beautiful old east coast buildings. it's about 60 years old. and it was a rooming house.
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but now it's not going to room anybody. that place is up in flames. >> it's a shame. but everybody survived. >> and none of the firefighters were hurt. >> we see people doing dumb things on this show all day long. this one nearly got somebody killed. watch. two guys on long boards being followed by a car with a camera. they're trying to get some pretty cool chase shots of these guys riding their skateboards. so the guy in the car with the camera goes into the opposite lane on a blind mountain corner. watch what comes around the corner next. oh! >> he missed him, though. >> just barely misses him. >> motorcyclists are out having a great day on this twisty mountain road, comes zipping around the blind corner and there's a truck in his path. thankfully, the guys didn't have to ride her and barely scoots around the truck. listen to what they say. >> no, he almost killed somebody
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by being in the opposite lane. >> and there was another car coming up the road here, too. >> put the brakes on. >> stay in your way. don't do this. >> it's cracked in a while. >> believe it or not, we have the opposite angle of this. we have the view from the motorcyclist. check this out. >> no! wow. quick second to react. >> seriously, this guy could have been a bug on the wind shield of that truck and got killed. >> watching it makes me feel like my life is flashing before my eyes. >> your heart is pounding. that whole the customer is always right thing does not apply to this guy. this this is in turkey and the customer is having a conversation with the business owner. there's an exchange of words. and then at some point, the guy sittingext to t says something to the customer that he doesn't like.
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>> yeah. >> the customer didn't like whatever the other guy said to him. he pulls out a pistol canceocks and misses him, shoots through the guy's hair, hits the what you will behind him and the guy survives. >> everybody else's reaction was pretty calm and collected. that guy barely gets up. he can barely be bothered to even respond. >> and the business owner, what is happening? did i move my hair? >> he didn't even get out of there. it took him a while to get to the back room. >> that's enough arguing. come on, you can leave now. >> you're getting out of hand, sir. >> enough with the handgun. please, put your comments and suggestions in the drop box and call call you later. >> another day in the office.
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>> it's a big night with more than a little spark. >> if you build something like this, you test it on yourself. >> yep. see the guy who made it test it, next. >> see that rabbit? she's taking some real serious medicine. >> she needs to intim. so they gave her some dydrotherapy. >> that's right. the rabbit is gett
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welcome back to the show, everybody. don't forget to check out rig see videos and morale day long. it's no lifesaver, but it's about as close as you might get at least today. >> this is my finish. >> check this inning out. it's a double bladed knife with a taser built into the hilt. and when he pushes the trigger, this thing packs quite a punch. now, the blaims blades run down this thing are parallel and they're separated by nylon
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bolts. >> so he wants this dab and zap someone at the same time? what are you going to activity on, a watermelon? >> if you build something like this, you test it on yourself. >> no! >> the builder is sitting there, was shirtless ready to take his own medicine. here it comes. >> oh. you're stabbing him with a knife now. >> ahh. >> is he surprised? >> people were asking about you had a sword fight if the sword hit the two blades, it would shock you. >> then we had a couple different ways of experimenting with the taser. >> if you do one blade, as you can see, it's not bad. now if you use two blades, and you hit him, it will send the current through your body. >> ten times worse if it had hit me in the stomach. >> what are you doing? >> you see if it works. >> you've got to test it out.
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that knife is gigantic. do you want to stab somebody with that knife, do they really need to be -- i think the knife alone will take care of it. >> molly is the devil dog. >> if you guys get degenerative osteoporosis or arthritis in your knees and hips, you'll want to do what this rabbit is doing. this is a giant continental. her name is heidi. >> well done, heidi. that is what we want. >> she's 4 years old and basically her specialized vet in
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hampshire, uk, said she needs to swim. so they gave her hide throw therapy. she gets to swim. >> something does not look right about that. what you're watching is the video of her third visit, her third session. and there, they're not very long. but aloveng about her seventh session, she's loving. >> how can you tell? >> i feel like 80s a slow torturing. she's liking it. she has her life jacket. >> swimmers ear for a rabbit with those kinds of ears? much different problem. >> and they say, you know, near the end of her therapy session, theyurn theydro on trgth and everything. i think it's really need that they're giving therapy to a rabbit. >> well done. >> and they say after they dry her off and she goes back to her
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warm garage. >> that is a big rabbit. >> it is a big rabbit. >> you're right, though, the bunny does seem to enjoy it. >> i told you. >> this is a video that was captured in thailand. these people are waiting for a delicious treat. but you're not going to imagine what this woman is creating on this. she put down a ba man na, she ma smashed it and koifrtd all with chocolate. then she starts maneuvering it, passing it around, breaking in the strawberries. >> it's beginning to so lil lid phi, it looks like. >> that's a cold, cold, freezing cold table. >> mixes and she works it altogether. she works it and is works it. then we see her start spreading this mixture on this table. it starts solidifying and
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freezing. eventually, the entire thing is frozen and look at what she does with it. she starts rolling it. getting these really cool frozen rolls of deliciousness. >> now they're like frozen ka knollies. >> basically. she puts them in a cup and hands them of to the guy that sounds like he's going to taste it. and it sounds like it's delicious. >> pretty good. >> chocolate, strawberries and bananas. you really can't go wrong. one question, what is it? how a camera in a strange place makes for a viral hit. and back by popular demand, separating the cookie and the cream. beth last week said she wished she could find something that would shoot the cream in her
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welcome back to show, everybody. check out for special videos all day long. look at this. asking the question, what would you do if you walked into a murder in wrog? one guy has a power cord around the ear guy and he's strangling him, looking like he's trying to kill him. these two girls, they take off. you see another guy in a business suit walk away. it's amazing the things people do. here is a delivery guy.
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he just leaves. watch these guys with the bikes. they go in and try to stop him. this older guy here with the gray hair, he tries to go in there and stop, too. this woman, beating him with flowers. another girl beating him with a bag. here is a guy that gets the fire stingisher out. this guy is dazed for a while and he's like, all right, i guess i have to stop in here. oh, man, not another elevator murder. one guy really, really surprised me. he gets out his phone and starts filming or taking a picture. i couldn't believe that he thought, that is what i should do. >> you have no time to think. you're there, you see this in action. what do you do, do you get involved putting your own life at risk or do you run away and get help? >> this is all part of a promotion for an upcoming movie coming up on friday "dead man down." collin ferrell will be playing a professional killer. there's the protection there. >> i saw you kill this man. >> i don't know what you do in that situation.
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i'm afraid to know what my reaction would be. i'm feeling i would step to the side and call 911 immediately. >> no. >> no. >> i have a feeling if i had something in my hands, i would get involved. >> i think i would go there. >> dog versus doggy door. for years, the a ivory of the oro have coexisted beautifully. but now, someones exist that rate the two. last week, we saw david neeble's creation. here is machine number two by barry kudrowitz and bill scene.
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but if you remember best last week -- >> i hope there's one that just slips the cream at my mouth. >> step three. >> how does the other guy get there? >> here comes the cream filling ejection. >> he's through here. >> do you think? >> most of it winds up all over his face, not in his mouth. >> it's the cookie. >> oro plans on releasing four
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different machines from four different investors. two more machines, coming up. >> it's time to play, what is it? >> yeah. i love this game. >> what is it? >> what is that? >> yeah. i was going to say, maybe a voice box? >> i hope not. >> oh, yeah, like a camera down the throat? >> yeah. >> keep guessing. >> is it human? >> definitely human. >> this is on the human body? >> this is on the human body somewhere. >> i don't like that one bit. >> is this like the cavity of a heart or like an artery? >> oh, a heart valve? >> that's a good guess. >> another angle. i like this angle way less. >> and you guys are a bunch of pervs, even though you didn't say it. >> it's still gross. >> to find out what it is, head on over to these twins decide to put on a shoe fashion show. and they are having a blast.
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webs pretty basic, and shows us how to weapon size them. then by modifying it in different ways, it's dark now. >> exactly. when he's got that all done, that's what it can do. >> so the way we short it is we hook it in. then i hold it between the thumb and index finger, put it back and show it. >> goes right through the box a and way off into the instance. distance. >> technology could fall into the wrong hands. >> this is what happens when you're apple and mango fruit salad go bad. >> you are looking at apple and mango. what is a boxer/lab mix, the other one is a boxer. but they are both in a bit of trouble. >> can you guys explain what all this is? >> this is them after they've
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been busted. apparently they got into a bag of ashes. >> wait, wait, like a bag of ashes from the fireplace, not, like, someone as ashes? >> no. it was from a fireplace. but they were in a bag. and this is one dog's reaction. >> he's like, i'm sorry. >> but it was so much fun. >> and they keep running through it. >> and it wasn't just on the floor. they got the furniture, folks. >> the sofa. what these dogs didn't know is that mommy and daddy had recently installed a sur t footage of the crime. this is the bag. there it is. there it goes. and then it's dragging its with its mouth. there you see on the couch. >> they were napping in the ashes when mommy, you could see her coming in the door. they're waiting for her, tails wagging like, look what we did. >> these dogs seem to be very playful and i bet these owners knew that. if they didn't have the
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foresight to take that bag outside, i'm putting it on the owner. >> and look how nice that room looks before this. >> can you guys explain what all this is? >> get a carrot toy, get a carrot treat. >> yeah! >> that's it. okay. you get a real carrot now. what a good girl. your favorite snack. >> shoes are a reason for joy for a lot of people, myself included, and these two 5-year-old twins who are having a blast. as you can see, they've picked out several pairs of shoes. they're now on the floor. >> the boy is having a bit of trouble getting these things on. >> but once he finally gets the mom, look, he takes off running.
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>> i love that they're getting so much joy out of this. >> this is what you do when you're a kid. you play with shoes. >> they're like big clown shoes. because your feet are so small, the shoes are so big. >> not only did they play, they danced on -- >> and he's got on five inch heels. >> that is our show, folks. we'll see you tomorrow. >> that is our show, folks. we'll see you tomorrow. have a great rest of your day. -- captions by vitac --
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