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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  March 19, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth troutman. time for the best videos the web has to offer right this minute. a guy does a flying leap over two officers. >> but then the police notice the camera. >> why the prankster is not laughing about what happened next. >> a mother pleads for help for her baby with a serious condition. >> he is collecting fluid in his brain. >> how she's hoping the internet can help save his life. >> it was the cattle call heard around the pasture. >> have a problem? >> she's like, okay, bro, it's on. >> see the case of mad cow with no cure in sight.
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>> oh [ bleep ]. >> and meet the guy with the nail, a forehead and a plan. >> no way. >> don't try this at home. two police officers sitting on a picnic table. what happens next? yeah. that is 18-year-old charles ross. the prankster behind ross creations. these two officers not so happy about what just happened. here's the conversation. >> [ inaudible ]. [ inaudible ]. >> but then the police notice the camera. >> you just filmed that? [ inaudible ]. >> oh. >> whoa. >> put your hand behind your back. >> this was back on november 10th of 2012.
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in his youtube description he says finally got the footage back. it appears they didn't erase the video and he got his camera back and he was able to upload this to youtube. does look like he was arrested. we believe he was charged against crimes against a person because he could have injured one of these officers and resisting arrest. he was jumping in a park and he was recording in a public place. >> i can see why he got in trouble. his intention was sort of to ridicule the cops. this wasn't the only brush with the law that charles ross has had recently. in january, you may remember, he was arrested for a wedgy prank. his other video includes kissing strangers, getting in cars with strangers and remember the truck ball video. ross creations has more than 7,000 subscribers and his videos have tallied up more than 7.8 million views on youtube. so wildly popular his pranks. this one got him in some hot
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water. a chicago metro train was delayed for about 15 minutes last week which isn't out of the ordinary but the reason why it was delayed is. tsa viper agents were on board. reports say they were looking for some sort of nuclear device. dave from tbs 2, an investigative reporter checked into this video captured by one of cbs 2's photo journalist on a cell phone. she happened to be on the train. each one were carrying a handheld nuclear detection device. you see these guys going through the train looking at bags and questioning riders. it wasn't something they wanted to find, it was someone. >> had no idea that i was the center of the activity. >> jerry jones, a passenger on the train and a local attorney, heard them asking other passengers, reading high levels of isotopes on you, do you know why? that's when jerry jones raised
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his hand and said -- >> i have a nuclear stress test. >> had gone in for a nuclear stress it test that day for a small amount of radioactive material is injected into the system to run tests on the body. that's what the tsa was picking up on. >> they went in looking for somebody who possibly had a dirty bomb and found somebody who had a medical past. >> exactly. kind of impressive they were able to narrow it down to just within a few people. >> that should make you feel safe if you're riding a metro line in chicago. >> that's what jerry jones said. >> one of great security knowing there are people on the lookout for this type of thing. [ inaudible ]. >> this is a video that's being passed around on the internet, the social media. it's coming out of the ukraine and you're looking at little dima. he was born in august of 2012. and dima was diagnosed with something called hydropcephalus
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which means that he is collecting fluid in his brain. now if this goes untreated it poses a risk to both cognitive and physical development in the child and if left untreated it may be fatal. [ inaudible ]. >> the reason this video is being around is the mother is pleading for help. doctors in the ukraine aren't familiar enough with the surgery that could help dima so a doctor in israel has actually offered to perform the surgery that dima needs. one of the way this is treated you can put a shunt in the body and it drains some of the fluid from the brain to another part of your body for it to be absorbed. dima has to have this surgery performed before he turns 1 year old. there are only about five months left to raise the money to have this surgery performed in israel. here is the fund-raiser page to donate to the cause.
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you can see more than $21,000 have already been donated. children who are treated for hydropcephalus can go on to live veryormal lives. >> you that asis is going they'll reach their financial goal. >> [ inaudible ]. somebody was out shooting some test footage and a case of mad cow happened, but it wasn't the disease. look at the black cow in the back. >> what's up bro? >> now, of course, you don't know if it's mad or not. he's challenging this cow going rah. get to scooting. got a problem? >> come at me. >> come at me, is that what that guy said to the cow. >> he said come at me and she's like okay, bro, it's on.
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>> all right. okay. all right. >> oh, my goodness. >> whoa. >> charging at him. >> she's charging at him and she doesn't give up even though he thinks he has protection of the tree. >> oh [ bleep ]. ♪ >> the cow has some moves. >> she's like, i don't care where you run i'm going to keep running and chasing you. >> lasts for over a minute. >> oh. >> all right. >> so they jump a fence and the cow is still following them. ♪ >> not every day you have to run full speed away from a cow. ♪ >> a look into the world of parcour training. >> they do incredible stunts of strength and dexterity. >> it's funny because it looks like a bunch of guys that don't
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know how to use the equipment. >> the unique way the parkour pros pump iron. >> and baby molly has a potty problem. >> no poopies in the tub.
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ever wonder how free runners and parkour guys stay in shape? >> geez. >> they lift weights. better believe it. it's mostly body weight. handstand on the bar, doing a handstand on this bar being liftsed by damon walters. this is damon walters and tim sheets. they do some incredible stunts of strength and dexterity, with a weight bar in their hands. using all the weight equipment kind of in unique ways specific to parkours. it looks like a bunch of guys who don't know how to use the equipment. like who let these guys into the gym. using everything wrong.
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this is how they do it. >> they, of course, are goofing around with this stuff but what they're doing is incredibly impressive. throwing a huge medicine ball back and forth, doing backflips in the middle of it. doing a plank position while another guy does a hand stand and rolling the ball back and forth. it's intense. this is a backflip burppy tim calls it. they take their training outside of the weight room. >> that makes sense to me, jumping over the cushy blocks and on to mats for training that makes sense for parkour. >> when we see these guys jumping and flipping through the urban setting you wonder, do they get this strong just by doing these moves all the time? now we know. this is how -- this is part of the training. >> shelly mcdonald got 25,000 followers on his youtube channel and he did 25 users submitted challenges and finally on the last one. what is it? you won't believe it.
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>> get covered in honey and feathers. >> getting covered in honey and feathers and he did it for a good cause. he did it for red nose day in the uk every two years celebrities and people are encouraged to wear red noses and do something for charity and comic relief. they don't just pour it on him. they smear it. >> smart move with the shower cap too. you don't want to get honey in your hair. that's just -- you have to shave your head. >> that man that walked in that's tim my favorite musical comedian. he told me he couldn't come. the liar. >> oh. >> oh. >> so -- >> oh, dear. >> good to see you. >> no inch will be spared on this body. >> waste of honey. >> i'm not grossed out yet. it's honey. until the feathers come. >> oh, wow. >> as you can see, he put on the red nose. all for a good cause. >> good colors. >> how do you get this off? to see how they got the feathers off charlie and find us more go
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to and click on best of rt k go. -- kitty part goat. auto march has been the month of many things but it's the month of people coming up with inventions to separate oreos. >> i really feel that we're helping people. >> separate. >> we've seen four. one was like a ferris wheel, one was like a robot. >> the ax method. >> our buddy yorg from the sling shot channel decided to have his hand at this oreo separating game. >> and, of course, we'll do it slingshot channel style. >> he created a pump action oreo shooter. >> let me show you its features. >> you can load 14 oreos into
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this thing. also like to point out how yorg says oreos. >> oreos. >> oreos. >> and now we're going it try to shoot them back into the box with amazon use to deliver them to me. >> he had to order them. oreos from amazon. >> wherever he is they don't have oreos. >> wow. >> oh, wow. ♪ >> those yoreos are coming out with force. >> i split it somehow just not in the middle. >> he loads a few cookies up and shoots against the wall. as you can imagine that basically smashes the cookie to smithereens. >> so much force behind this. i was thinking when i saw this, how fun, shoot oreos into your friend's mouth. you would knock out somebody's teeth. >> this is a manly way to separate an oreo.
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some boys break it down on the dance floor. >> these boys are the best of the best. >> the moves that will turn heads. and the stinky got to this dog. >> kind of the same face that humans make when you smell. >> what had h
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in this edition of gayle's animal roundup further proof that cats are per nick kitty and dogs like humans. let's start with the cat.
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this cat doesn't drink its water out of the bowl. watch how this cat gets its water. >> what? >> it's dainty. >> it is very ladylike. >> yeah. i think this cat once belonged to the queen of england. >> it's less efficient. how much water are you getting with your cat paw, reach in and drink out of the cup like a cat. >> it is fun to watch. >> can i have some water? can i have some water? >> like i said, dogs are like humans. that's why they're man's best friend. this is something you do to your friend when you say, smell this. >> oh, my god. oh, my god. >> oh. >> i love the look on his face like -- >> he hates it. what is he smelling? >> a pill bottle and i think there's still medication or something in there and the dog is like -- >> kind of the same face humans make. >> oh, my god.
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>> you guys probably remember the snow plow driver named dog. >> who caught some heat because of a individual he put on youtube driving the plow and burying people's cars and having a good time doing it. >> i'm sorry. was a guy down there? >> a guy lost his job but he has other talents. this video he unloaded. >> a message to the rest of the world. >> he shows us what he has. >> this is a french nail. and this is my lovely assistant miss blackheart. >> who has a hammer stuck in her shirt. >> don't try this at home. i'm a trained idiot. >> what is a trained idiot? >> and then watch what does he. >> ready? >> no way. are you kidding me? he starts h nail into his head, holding the note card. instead of doing a one -- he's
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doing the ding ding. until the nail is holding the note card. give her a spin. >> oh, my goodness. >> don't try this at home. this is a [ bleep ] nail in your head. >> something tells me he might want to try to get his snowplow gig back. >> i'm a trained idiot. let's get urban really quick for this awesome video with some really cool boy moves. this is in germany at a dance competition called battle cry. it took place last year, but the video was just now posted to the web and you can see why these boys are the best of the best. some of the stuff that these guys are doing on the dance floor is amazing. ♪ >> these guys are constantly trying to outdo one another.
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they're constantly trying to think of the next cool move to do. that's why this is so awesome. you see the other dancers sort of around and they're blown away too. >> this is a competition and they are vying not only for the title of best beat boy, but they go home with a nice chunk of change. on occasion you see two beat boys fighting each other with their dance moves and it's cool the way they choreographed it. >> the fact it's a duel, a dance duel, i think it's pretty interesting. ♪ >> this guy's out celebrating had his birthday with a special shot. >> the bartender wanted to give him something that he wouldn't forget. >> mission accomplished. what happened that has birthday boy blowing out more than
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one of the cool talents we've seen on the show before is beat boxing. >> yeah. >> i found us a tutorial to help us learn. >> hi. i'm maya. >> that's little maya. she as you can see is a full-time kid. she has a way to teach us beat boxing. >> you have a beat box use the phrase boots and cat. all you have to do is emphasize the letters like this. then repeat. ♪ >> see that. and she makes it sound like a
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pro. >> twinkle twinkle little star how i wonder what you are. >> that sounds awful. >> i think i want to have her do the beat. ♪ >> terrible too. >> let's just let maya do it. >> let's let maya do it. ♪ up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky ♪ >> bath time is a fun time when you have little ones in your home. this is baby molly. you can see her playing with the water coming out of the faucet. according to dad, molly has been having a problem pooping in the bathtub when time for her bath. >> that's a bath time no no. >> listen to dad, he's reminding molly of this important lesson. >> molly, what did i tell you about pooping in the tub. no in the tub, right? >> is she against this? >> no, she's not against it. what we know is that molly's
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sister is named claire. >> no poopies in the tub, right? >> claire. >> claire poopies in the it tub. >> she's blaming the sister is really hers. >> she's young to be ratting out had her sister already. >> i think you know how to do that at birth. >> it wasn't you? >> yep. these sisters are going to have a future blaming things on each other. >> when 30 they'll have that fight in starbucks, you used to blame me for pooping in the tub. >> she's going to say, i was 1. >> no more pooping in the tub. claire. >> claire pooped in the tub. okay. >> baby elephant needs a nap. ♪ >> when your friends take you out for your birthday sometimes
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when you wake up the next morning you're happy you're unscathed, unscarred and i'm sure tim is thinking the same thing. tim's co-worker took him out for his birthday but he said the bartender wanted to give him something he wouldn't forget. tim got a shot by his friend and the bartender gets involved. >> oh! >> that's not supposed to happen. >> no. that's what that guy said. >> the whole table is on fire. >> see them try to blow the table out. >> what's interesting is you don't see what was done to make those flames soar off into the air. >> alcohol. probably weren't thinking about these guys had probably been there celebrating a long time and they had spilled all over the bar top and, therefore, you have a nameable liquid everywhere and took off from there. >> poor tim. he okay. >> as that one person said --
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>> nobody was hurt. >> happy birthday, sort of. >> that's it for us at "right this minute." thanks for joining us. we'll see you tomorrow. [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits.
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delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. with totino's pizza rolls. and now when you buy one 40-count bag, instantly get a free bottle of sun drop or sunkist soda. it's on. let's roll.


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