tv Right This Minute KICU April 18, 2013 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT
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hello, everybody, i am beth troutman. it is time for great videos and the stories behind them "right this minute." northbound on wall flower. >> police corner a suspect who turned his truck into a battering ram. >> watch this. >> how going after a cop is one dead end road. >> shots fired. shots fired. >> a repair man gets busy on a heater. >> and you might hear why he is there. how a pair of kittens wormed their way inside a wall. >> hey. >> top interior decorators create a show palace, but -- >> no one is going to live in it.
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>> unless they are very tiny. >> see why they did it, and the world belongs to ryan lochte. >> this guy lives all out all the time. >> why viral video stars are teaming up for the lochteness monster. >> i had no idea. >> the officer is going northbound. >> report of a stolen truck in anchorage, alaska. traveling along here with anchorage police officer riberg. >> almost hit another officer. two counts. >> things are about to get serious. they get up to sort of a dead end and that's the truck. >> slip and slide and bang them up. >> he is trying to hit the officers. behind the wheel a man running from police and struck three cruisers with his vehicle and almost hits another officer on foot. >> shots fired. shots fired. >> wow. >> oh! >> that's when you see officer
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ri berg and officer billet start shooting at this guy. they're afraid for their own life and the safety of those in the area. >> shots fired. shots fired! driver hit. >> there was also a female passenger in this truck. officers approach. they did try to revive karl buoy iii on the scene but he died in the truck. the female passenger was okay. there was a big press conference about this back in february. both officers, billet and ri berg have been cleared of any wrongdoing after firing a total of seven shots. >> medics responding. >> affirmed. >> at that point he was using it as a weapon against the officers. >> police talked to female passengers and she said that she was with buoy because she was going through heroin withdrawals and buoy told her earlier in the day he just got a new car and it was a stolen truck and he was going to take her to get the truck. >> shots fired. shots fired. driver hit. this robbery that we're about to see was ended suddenly
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and you will never guess how. >> this is in brazil at a gas station. we see three robbers walk up to the attendants at the gas station. they're asking for money. >> that's 25-year-old louis antonio wearing the blue sweater. he is about to take that attendant hostage and suddenly watch this. >> why? >> did he faint? >> he had a heart attack, and he dropped dead. >> his accomplices tried to drag him away. >> look at this. the attendants come to help. >> trying to revief louis. when they can't, they help, carrying him to their car. >> they helped the guy just trying to rob them. >> correct. the robbers ended up getting away, and according to reports, when they realized that luis was in fact dead, they dumped him on the street and they took off. they were later found and they are expected to be charged with
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robbery and conspiracy. they ended up getting away with about $25 u.s. according to some reports his mom did say he had heart problems since he was a kid and at the time of this robbery he wanot under treatment. es sld always be on your best behavior because you never know what moment is going to be your last. this guy's last moment was trying to rob someone. when you're driving alongside a train, don't turn in front of it. >> this is video from houston where they have a metro train and notice this. >> oh, man. >> what? >> right in front of it. >> that's an suv and right before the train goes to pass it, it makes a left turn right in front of the train. >> if you look at the light, the light turned green. >> even though the light is green, the person makes a left turn in an area where you are not supposed to be making one. that wasn't the only view of this accident. here you can see it from the left side of the train what
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happened. >> oh! >> from this angle you can clearly see the no left turn side. >> here is one more view. this is a view from inside the metro train. >> fortunately it didn't look like people on the train were jostled around all that much. >> you know what? i thought the same thing when i watched this video until i found out 11 people were transported to the hospital and 13 were treated on the scene for injuries. >> wow. >> this train stopped incredibly quickly given how many cars there are behind it. >> you know what else is really crazy? not only was this guy not supposed to make a left hand turn, but he went really quickly when that light turned green and was probably a driver that was being a little arrogant. >> it is incredible that many people got hurt when a metro hit the suv, unknown if the driver was hurt at all. the driver was cited for making an illegal left-hand turn. i bet this would be an odd call if you are a heating repair man. this guy is called into a house
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to remove a heating unit from the wall of this bedroom, and if you listen really closely, you might hear why he is there. >> oh, that a meow? >> that was a meow. in fact, a couple of meows. there are two kittens trapped behind this heating unit in the wall of this home. you can see him pulling this unit off the wall. it is very dramatic. >> oh! >> i am glad he didn't have to crawl up in there to get them. >> get the kittens out. they're so cute. you can see the cute faces. not really making a peep. >> oh, my gosh, so cute. >> good thinking that they called this guy and he was able to rescue the kittens. we have the tips you need to hack, the quick and simple
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hey, everybody, we can winner from all across america to win an ipad mini. >> download the app for the iphone, the ipad or the android device. >> rock the app, click on win ipad and fill out the entry form and you have to be 18 or older to enter. >> get the rtm app, watch great videos anywhere and you could win an ipad mini. >> enter every day until april 25th. good luck, everybody. >> you would never think this. these two interior designers are very excited about a house they did and no one is going to live in it because it is an its i bits i doll house. >> i don't think barbie could fit in there. >> this video was created and
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posted on the youtube channel of curtain network. these two designers were basically told to create a home without limitations except in miniature. >> you can't really put that there because we should have a stair rail. people will fall off. there is no people. so they're not going to fall off and it is okay because you don't want to block things, to leave things more open. >> they have decorations, chairs, furniture. >> moving the furniture around in this place a lot easier than getting it in and out of a real house. >> the power of the internet is what saved us. we researched small furnishing and there was a plethora of solutions online. >> my head will explode. i love anything that's miniature and this is the whole world of it. >> it is cool. as the lone dude on this panel i would have to say i would like a guy to like put like a trampoline room or like a bowling alley or a movie
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theater, a man bowling alley wo awesome. >> with you on that. >> would it be weird if i hired the people to come and decorate the room in a real house? >> only in your world. >> very weird. >> you guys ready for your life to be hacked? ready for the eighth time. our friends from household hacker are back and these are pretty darn good i have to say. not that they're not always great. >> want your ice cream to last longer without getting ruined? wrap the box in tin foil and it will keep out the frost to preserve your delicious treat. >> keeps the fuzzy ace gunk from forming. >> you should never keep ice cream in the freezer long enough to do this. >> uh-huh. >> accidently close a tab in fire fox or chrome, hit control shift t and it will do that. >> i did not know that and i do that all the time. i will use this one.
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>> control shift p. done. >> i need that one. >> stay cool. grab an empty egg carton and fill it up. >> it is cardboard. isn't it going to absorb the water? >> kind of a dirty ice. if you want to make gross ice, use that. >> want to quickly get rid of the cooking odor like fish, green or burned oil? boil a pot of water and sprinkle cinnamon from the spice rack. >> i like that. it will be like thanksgiving any day of the year. >> and finally, want to light a candle but the lighter won't reach? grab a dry stick of spaghetti light it instead. nice and slow to get to the hard to reach places. >> and you have to have like food in the house. >> food? >> not a lot. >> we need to hack that. ryan lochte is about to be all over your tv screen because his new reality show, what would ryan lochte do premieres sunday,
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april 2 1st on e. he is notable for his success in the olympics. >> i honestly have no idea. >> and people think it is funny but there are a lot of people online who are doing some promotions for mr. lochte including some of our friends like andrew hale. >> remember ryan lochte, the olympic swimmer? this guy lives all out all the time and now he has a reality show on e called what would ryan lochte do. >> it is not just our buddy andrew hey. here is louie. >> do you remember that superstar olympic swim inner with his own platinum grill? >> we also have video game enthusiasts. this guy has a gamer channel? do you remember ryan lochte, the superstar olympic swim we are his own platinum grill? >> this is a girl that does makeup tutorials. >> do you remember ryan lochte, the super style olympic swim we are his own platinum grill? >> they're reading the same
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statement. >> remember ryan lochte. >> the superstar olympic swimmer with his own platinum grill. >> he lives all out all the time. >> now has his own reality tv show. >> on e. tv. >> called what would ryan lochte do. >> maybe a smart marketing campaign. >> rattling across the country with no destination because -- >> they let other people decide where they are going to go. >> hear from the couple as they tell us what is next and how you can help map out their route. he is the brave dude who will eat practically anything. this time -- >> it didn't end too well for me. >> what finally but louie over the edge. >> can you or can't you die from eating something like that
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[ female announcer ] swapportunity. the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a delicious 90 calorie yoplait light. ♪ sorry... about your date, the details of your date. [ female announcer ] just one swap a day helps keep the calories away. yoplait. it is so good. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast. [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you can't get more italian. it's on. let's roll. [ humming ] [ babbling ] the cheerios bandit got you again?
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[ both laugh ] ♪ the one and only, cheerios ♪ the one and only, cheerios the two lovely folks you guys are looking at on your screen are john ellis and laura preston. they decided it was about time in their lives they needed to get out and travel. they call themselves the democratic travelers. they set up a little website, the democratic, and they let other ople decide where they're going to go. >> y gon their webit h up, and can pinpoint a location and then tell them why you think they should visit that area. other people on the site can weigh in and say yay or nay and
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the place that gets the most votes, closest to where they are now, it is the next place they go. >> brilliant idea. >> people don't just recommend cities. they recommend locations, restaurants? did they win the lottery? >> they say is does get quite pricey. they travel as cheapry as possible, traveling in a ford s-3 pickup. >> and a trailer on the back and they have been to all kinds of places. you can see it on their blog. new orleans, tennessee. >> "right this minute" via skype we have john and laura. welcome to the show. >> hi. >> hi. >> you're in martha, texas? >> that's right. >> i get that you are the democratic travelers. have you ever used veto power and not gone to a certain place? >> we haven't not gone to a certain place. there is a couple places we went that weren't on the map. savannah, georgia, probably the biggest one. >> it is beautiful. >> you say you're from brooklyn,
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new york. had you been outside of new york? >> i am from texas originally. >> florida. >> i have always wanted to do a cross country road trip. might as well. >> did you save a bunch of cash to finance it or just kind of picking up random jobs on the road? >> i do freelance web and that's how i use the money now and working like everybody else and doing it from the road. >> what are people recommending after texas. >> headed up to new mexico and then to colorado and winding our way towards the west coast. we have only had friends and family really give us suggestions because this is really the first time strangers have started to give us suggestions. >> how long will you keep it up. >> it is very open ended. hedge hog in a hat.
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♪ we featured these videos on this show before and this time i don't know who will gag more? >> didn't end too well for me. it is actually the first time i have volume itted from it. >> what did he consume? >> cow biel. >> what? >> i will not going to vomit. >> he takes the shot. >> oh, gosh. >> sorry about that. >> that can't be good for your body. that has to be terrible for you. >> can you or can't you die from eating something like that, i would imagine, right? >> i had it sitting in the car for two days unrefridge ated. >> goodness what kind of state it was in.
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>> it contains bacteria that could -- >> i would imagine his body is about to reject this. >> i think i put harmful bacteria inside me and i feel really rough. >> apparently he couldn't keep it down. >> guys, sadly, i just threw up everywhere. how violent was that? >> you were just talking and you were like, yeah, you know and then you like pulled the trash can in your face and you dropped the laptop and your head was in the trash can. >> i am happy he saved us from the visual of watching him. caught on camera, something large, something swimming. >> it is nesse.
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hitching a ride and then there is hitching a ride. >> [ bleep ]. >> as you can see, there is a very young man riding on the back of this big rig truck. his feet a jung and he is holding on for dear life. sort of. to get somewhere without paying that, i guess. >> i guess it is faster than walking. >> the people in the car that are videotaping this, highly amused by this activity. quite a distance in this truck and watch. he jumps off.
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i love how he smiles and waves. >> looks like a kid in a school uniform, like a tie and a jacket on. >> maybe i missed the bus. this is the quickest way to school. >> fun way to get to school but incredibly dangerous. >> you might need a new pair of shoes at the end of the day. hey, i made it on time first class. >> get ready to have your mind blown, guys. this is an all new internet craze. >> they're back from the internet television youtube channel. this time they're getting involved in a very popular internet meme, dogs in panty hose. >> i don't even know what it is called dogs panty hosing or something. you dress your dog up like a person. >> two dogs, marley and zoe and they want to get your dogs in on this internet trend. they even go as far as to get wig ands the dog properly took the wig and kicked it off its head.
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>> no. >> the first victim is zoe. >> ready, zoe? >> you can so he they have blue panty hose they're putting on and the poor dog is lying there. >> like this is the least of what you have done to me. >> and put on heels, a nice scarf and then add a giant curley wig. >> no. >> how do they get the dog to sit there? >> i don't think they can walk once they get the panty hose on. >> kind of stuck. >> zoe siis a good little girl. >> lays there, keeps the wig on, poses for the camera. >> she really does not even care. >> marley also has to get in on this. marley is getting jealous. >> oh, get marley. look at marley. my turn. >> marley, they have a big blue feathery boa, nice rhinestone heels and a long wig. look how cute she is.
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look at the face. >> i feel like your alter ego is like share. >> dogs panty hosing. big foot believers are going to love this one. it is not a hairy monster but it is a beast below the surface. this is in ireland. this is where the river boyle meets the atlantic. caught on camera, something large, something swimming. no idea what it is. it comes up. it goes down. >> these guys are out there making a short film which is why the one guy is dressed in a suit, not in your standard fish ago tire. >> it is ness ze maybe they have their own loch ness monster in ireland. we don't get a good look and don't see much other than in the very beginning poking out of the water. i like to believe in these but this could be a really big piece of wood or something that is just floating down the water, right? i don't see anything like swimming. >> a piece of wood wouldn't move
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that fast, especially since the water seems to be kind of still. >> the very beginning we get the best look at it and i pause right there. >> it looks like a giant duck billed platie pus. >> i think it is fake. >> i think if were seeing this and on the water, i think you would be freaking out. >> that will do it for us here at "right this minute." we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ &
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