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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  May 6, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT

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hi, everybody. i'm beth trautman. we have the videos you have been looking for, "right this minute." cea can got him confronted by a cop. now the dude taken down in a parking lot tells us the whole story. >> have you had any run-ins with this officer before? do you have a record? >> no. i served over five years in the military. a hunter with a close encounter with a bear who is very casually strolling over and doesn't stop. how the two decide to part as friends.
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>> keep the baby down. >> looks like a baby bird stuck up in that tree. but it's not. the ingenious operation to get the bundle back on the ground. and the magic stairwell blowing up the web. when one student tries to solve the mystery. >> and she is about as freaked out as you are right now. >> hey, hey, hey! >> guys may remember this video of chris beatty drinking an arizona iced tea in a parking lot of a liquor store. there waiting for friends to show up. he gets out of the car and an undercover police officer approaches him, doesn't immediately identify him and asked to see the can. >> okay. you see what i'm drinking. >> chris turns the can around, shows him it's an iced tea and this escalates. >> put your hands up against the car. >> no, i'm not. >> let's go. >> winding up with chris beatty getting arrested in the parking
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lot. the alcoholic beverage control folks say that mr. beatty was evasive. the officer had his suspicions about what beatty was drinking. >> this is an arizona iced tea. i want everybody to see this. >> he was charged with trespassing, resisting, and delaying, and obstructing a police officer and released on $2,000 bond. joining us via skype, is chris beatty. did you have alcohol in that container? >> no, i did not at all. on the second video, i offered to take a breathalyzer. >> you were charged with trespassing. where were you? >> i showed a video, and the video was over, and we were going to the abc store to buy some alcohol, have some good time, party afterward and that's when the fiasco happened afterward. >> he is lucky i let him see it. i didn't have to give it to him. >> is your mind blown that this
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happened? >> i did too much for my country to do this. i served five years in the military, went to afghanistan. time for somebody to stand up and do what's right for me. >> how does this affect your life? >> i have a new job recently and everything is on hold, due to this situation. >> have you had any run-ins in with this officer before? you have a record? >> no, i don't have a record. never had any run-in with there guy. never sue him before in my life. >> did they test what was in the can? >> never took the can. >> if you continue with legal action, what do you get in the end? >> hopefully this guy loses his job. he shouldn't be out enforcing the streets with this attitude. >> you think it was racially motivated? >> i don't know this man to know if it was racially charged. i'm not going to say that, but what i will say, i know he is wrong. >> a couple of guys are out hunting in alberta, canada. bear hunting in this part of
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alberta is legal. and he is actually sitting on a road looking out in the distance, because -- >> it looks to be an average to little black bear. >> you can see the black bear, a little tiny black speck in the video. >> need to get a closer look at him. >> one of the guys stands up and starts walking toward the black bear. >> that's brave. >> as the bear is approaching him, the guy decides to get on his belly, and he does have a rifle he's holding. >> i don't think the bear knows that the guy is there. >> he's in camo gear, very casually strolling over and doesn't stop. >> the hunter is more interested in getting a close encounter with the bear than taking him down. >> at one point, the bear actually notices the hunter and starts walking over to him. >> bears have a superkeen sense of smell, so if he doesn't see him, he can definitely smell him. >> why didn't the hunter shoot? >> they were loving that they were having such a close
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encounter with the bear. >> you don't always get to have a bear that walks right over to you, close enough to smell your sons, and the hunter does point his rifle, but he never pulls the trigger, and he decided to just let him go, and before we know it, the bear takes off. >> get a closer look at that bear, and not quite what i came here to look for. >> and sportsmanship scale this is about a big fat zero. this is a high school water polo finals in florida. st. thomas aquinas, they are celebrating their first ever state championship. what do you do when the game is over? you shake hands. somebody on the other team from miami bellan jess jesuit, not it. >> gave him the old forearm
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shiver. >> a little altercation. they are mixing it up. >> you know what? they won, another extra dip in the pool is not a big deal. >> this one is a win in my book. >> motorcycle jump rope. >> oh, boy. >> guy on a trial cycle. a lightweight bike that is able to jump up and over things. one guy with a rope tied to a tree, swinging it like a jump rope. the guy on the motorcycle, seriously jumping it. just like jump rope. cool, i think, you know, ripping your dirt bike on a dirt track probably cooler, but haven't seen this before. >> that is some balanced, controlled skill. >> yep. a tiny baby was saved in the kruger national park in south africa, but you will never guess what kind of baby it was. that is a squirrel.
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>> oh. >> no. >> you are thinking it's dead, hanging from a tree, but it's not. still alive. >> how did it get stuck? >> he is stuck on a thorn tree. it must have fallen from and landed on the thorn. they heard chirping and thought it was a bird, only to discover it was a squiel. they drive the car up, the car has a rack up on top to get the squirrel down. >> he is hanging by the skin on the back of its neck. probably not a bad thing, how the mom picks it up. may look really uncomfortable to us. but not so bad. >> this rescue executed by elise and antoine oliver. >> like a fish hook. >> able to get it down okay. they do actually take this thing in, see it curled up, waiting
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for its feeding. he is happy and being raised by his new human parents in lataba in south africa. experience speed flying from every angle. behind him, in front of him, down the mountain. >> how you can do a 360, "right this minute." and see why there is something about a truck for a bunch of big eaters. >> let's see what we've got in there. crazy!
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christianne, really big news, they have found magic on the campus of m.i.t. the guy on the white shirt, walks up the staircase, turns the corner and look what she finds at the top of the staircase. the guy in the white shirt.
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back where she started. runs down, comes down this way, and, yeah, she's about as freaked out as you are right now. >> yeah. >> a set of twins. >> no, no, no. other people doing it too. watch this video. these guys wanted to test out the magic of the staircase on their own. girl in the purple shirt, girl in the blue shirt, go up, turn the corner, and all of a sudden, coming up the other side. >> no! >> no! >> what is this? my mind hurts. >> watch this, watch this, watch this, watch this? >> how did that happen? >> i have no idea. you know who will have an idea? our buddy zach. let's bring him in. zach, is this some sort of harry potter magic trick or science? >> or just a cut in the video? >> i had go with christianchris this one. i had say this is fake. >> man! >> i really wanted it to be
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magic. >> it's really hard to tell. a couple of skips. did a great job of making this look really real. the thing that gave them away, they have a kick starter up, saying they are trying to make a myth. the stairwell project, building a modern myth. >> the budget on the kick starter, they list special effects as part of their budget. the simpler solution is the better one, special effects was the answer. >> this is what happens when you leave a box of fish in the truck. >> let's see what's in there. crazy! probably some bait or something. some kind of fish in there. >> look at that.
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oh, my gosh! >> i got a very unique speed flying video. one of the best speed flyers in the business, on his way to some of the career locations in norway with one of his buddies, and if you like the look of this, let me show you that you can take this video and look around. as yoki going down the mountain with his friend, you can click on the screen and get a 360-degree view, behind him, in front of him, down the mountain, the whole works. ♪ >> this video, put together by a company that produces some of lightest 360 degree cameras in the world. we are looking at things that
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yoki himself isn't even looking at. he can't look behind him, but we can. >> close to his friend, you can pan left, see his friend close to him. look around, see the mountains in the distance, the lake, even working the lines of the parachute. really quite impressive. >> videos that question real or fake. a cop falls head over heels. a granny goes up in flames and a strange hat trick. we reveal the truth. [ female announcer ] the one for all.
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mcdonald's dollar menu, home of the meaty, melty mcdouble you love... ♪ ...and other amazing tastes, for just a dollar each. ♪ like the bold hot n spicy mcchicken,
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and the new grilled onion cheddar burger topped with caramelized onions and melted white cheddar. everyday, as always, there's a lot to love for a little on mcdonald's dollar menu. are. we let you know about a bonus video on our website. what do you got? >> this is from buzz feed. pretty interesting. the amount of stuff our bodies make in a year. you make six inches of hair a year. >> yuck. >> go to the full list and go to "right this minute" and click on the best of rtm. >> we have the videos. >> hey-yo. >> thumbs up. let's go. >> video number one. looks like a blonde girl,
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sharply dressed. walks out of the store, a security guy follows her out. >> what? >> trying to get her number? >> or maybe an autograph. could she be a famous person. >> no. >> fake. >> i think this is fake. >> why would these people be recording a video outside a store in the first place? there is nothing going on. a cute girl coming out. >> unless she is a famous person and they were filming because they knew she was about to walk out of the store. >> a little inside information. this is a ukranian popstar. they are taping her because she is a celebrity and happened to catch this moment on camera. it's all still a little suspect in my mind. >> i'm going real. >> i agree. >> do we click real? >> should we vote? >> yeah, let's do it.
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real! >> oh. >> people do not agree. >> video number two. this is where we got a granny kitchen here. no, no. >> oh, no. >> that's fake. >> oh! >> boy. >> so we got the inside scoop on this video also. the grandson installed the camera for her safety, because there had been some burglaries in the area. >> are you making this stuff up? >> she is okay, i assume? >> it looks like she's done it a few times before. >> let's cast our vote anyway. we know it's real. what do people say? most people agree. >> video number three. >> that is creepy. >> probably broke his finger. >> he has a double jointed
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finger. >> oh! >> i got the same thing. >> because of that, i would say this is real. >> real. >> real. >> real. baby sloth has a snack. >> pretty full length. >> oh, man. the videos are going to prove that animals have emotions too. and in the first video, we wimp dog. ro rolands is in the backyard. the window is open, and he can tell his owners are inside. he is crying, please let me in.
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>> he got right in. >> a small dog. >> had his paws, crawling mself in >> roland, no! >> this next video is a little gosling that proves he is a little fellow. he is a young goose literally getting his head in the mouth of the dog. >> this dog could definitely eat this bird. not sure if the gosling is playing or just like, holy crap, those are huge teeth, get away from me. >> more like defending himself. >> she takes an abandoned teddy and gives him a makeover. >> she removes the eyes, nose, and mouth, to replace with a whole ne
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this is the classic case of you're doing it wrong! we got a train here at a crossing area. this is where the rails can shift, and so you have to make sure are you lined up properly. >> a couple of toots from the whistle, ready to shove off. >> like an old-timy train. >> oh, no. dude, are yyou are doing it wro! >> you can see where the mishap happens, two little rails here. >> looks like he he should be switched to the right.
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>> completely knocks him off the tracks. >> the conductor peaks his head out the window, oh, boy. that didn't go how i planned it. and this is like the old-school toy trains you just pick up. >> no, you can't do that. >> another video of the aftermath from the accident. yeah, that is what you call a derailment. >> good thing, nobody was hurt in this thing, and you can replace this kin d of stuff. these really cool teddy bears, part of an army that is trying to lessen abandonment. this person refurbishes teddy bears. >> this video shows dr. tara lodgden travels to thrift shops and picks up teddy bears that need some love, loads them into the bearbulance, goes to the surgery room, but not before giving them a shower. >> have to get them cleaned up.
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>> she takes them to the o.r., removes the eyes, nose, mouth, gives them a makeover, and then each teddy bear has a very different style of look. >> important she's wearing the surgical mask during these procedures. >> she then gives them to homes that i had take care of them. >> writing little prescriptions for each as well. >> before they go to a new hom , she writes a prescription on how to take care of teddy bears. we ho she hopes we create less waste, not just in teddy bears, but overall. >> nice cause. dog loves bath time. >> good girl.
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>> from an animal that is really quite special. humans, we've enlied the help of some extraordinary humans. >> they are doing this, and you can see them doing their amazing stunts and they slow the cameras down. what they can do with their bodies is pretty amazing. they show how the human body kind of works and how parts of our bodies are used to just propel us, like walking is more efficient than running around on four legs. >> this is really the pinnacle of human ability. we need to start with two legs. >> your body is like an elastic spring waiting to pounce. all of this energy, analyzing this with their cameras. that i.
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>> one of them interacting. >> and any normal human being could say they will do this. >> don't try this at home. >> oh. >> this guy, he is pole dancing, the whole family can watch. goes around more than one time. i love when they slow it down, that takes some skill, all because of their mastery of the human body. >> that's going to do it for us here at "rtm." thank you for joining us. we'll see you for the next edition of "right this mi?.=(=ph
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coming up on "dish nation." >> beyonce's back stage off the diva chart. >> a new kardashian foot treatment almost as weird as paying $3 for rob's socks. >> mike tyson broke up with his ex girlfriend because she cooked and ate his pigeon. and this week when you hear the word or any form of the word you know what to do. >> let's get this cinco demayo


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