tv SJSU Update News KICU May 12, 2013 1:30am-2:01am PDT
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hello and welcome to update news. i'm sean wince. ...and i'm elizabeth olveda, thanks for joining us. stress keeps growing on campus as thousands of san jose state students prepare for finals. update news reporter elliot alagueuzian shows us how factors other than studying come into play for graduating seniors. " counselor wiggsy sivertsen believes that stress tends to increase for graduating seniors especially before and during finals. "so you have essentially spent 17 years of your maybe 25 year old life 23 year old life in school. and now all of a sudden we're saying 'by you're done.'" sivertsen says that factors outside of school can affect how graduating students cope with finals. "what is it like to leave your friends? you guys get to this place and you're all spread out all over the country and sometimes the world." according to sivertsen some students have gone as far as intentionally failing classes just to stay in school longer and avoid graduation. "i've had students in this office who have been 4.0 students all through college and they come in and they're flunking two classes."b but for all san jose state
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students sivertsen says the studying techniques need to change in order to stay focused on what's important. "get away, go to the library, go someplace quiet, find the back of a classroom where there is no class going on. get away from your usual sort of haunts." junior laura maybury says that her studying methods help aleviate some of the stress by not leaving everything to last minute. "each day before the final i'll just study like an hour or two i don't really cram. so it's all just periodically i'll study open the book that sort of thing." "i think i take good notes like throughout the whole year so i don't really cram. i just open up all the notes i've taken and read them regularly throughout the day for maybe a week before finals." finals will start on wednesday giving most san jose state students several days to prepare. on campus elliot alagueuzian update news...."
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a tragic incident took place on fourth and san fernando street as a man fell to his death from above the flames parking garage. police officers say they received a call at about one-twenty p-m this past monday from university police that an unknown male had been injured after falling from the parking garage. s-j-s-u students were shocked as they watched from behind yellow caution tape, witnessing san jose police officers investigating the scene. the man passed away from his injuries and police eventually ruled the death a suicide. unicas, an empowerment group for women of color, held its monthly workshop this tuesday. unicas stands for united, nurturing, and intellectual community for academic sisterhood. several young latina women attended the workshop which focused on cultural and family expectations compared with academic and career expectations in the professional world. " just a really loving and non-judgmental community to come together and talk about difficult things so that we can shre our ideas and work through it together."
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the workshop aimed to spread support and teach important skills for women of color to have in order to be successful in their careers. this is the first semester that unicas has held these monthly workshops. the group plans to have more students attend next semester. the l-g-b-t community of san jose state recently put on a show to express its point of view. update news reporter lisa dutrieuille says it's a matter of expressing their identity. " sot- chris rodriguez/ graduate student of sociology and survivor of domestic abuse- "i'am "butch" and my ex is "fem," who would believe that a "butch" person was getting assaulted, berated and physically abuse by someone who is "fem." this students presentation was one of many at project qx in morris dailey auditorium. there was film,dance, contortion, poetry and song.the project qx director says the purpose was to come up with three queer intersecting identities. each piece was an entirely original work by the person who performed it.. sot
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sot- zaine ahmed/ freshman journalism major- " i realized i was gay when i was seventeen. i was surrounded by an oppressive islamic culture with no way out. that's where i found the lgbt center at school. all the people see me, they gave me validation, acceptance." others talked about violence in queer pe0ple's lives, race and gender expression. sot- lindsey young/sociology senior- "the hope is that everyone's stories are told and personal experiences are shared so the diversity of the lgbt com community can be discussed and awareness can occur. this was the first project qx and its uncertain whether there will be other shows on campus lisa dutrieuille update news."
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san jose state music majors attend the listening hour concert series every tuesday and thursday. listening houcrty five minutes . music students attend any twelve of these concerts for some classes. some of the musicians on-stage are current s-j-s-u students, while others are graduates. " jared kauk/ freshmen viola performance major- "today in the listening hour i'am playing as part of the piano quintet, a string quintet plus piano. and we're playing schumann's piano quintet in e flat major, the last movement."" listening series coordinator joan stubbe says the concerts have grown from a small in-house recital-hour, to a beacon of music and dance. san jose state held its fourth annual five-k run this past weekend. runners started near tower hall and looped twice around the san jose state university campus. water stations were available along the route and at the finish line a crowd of supporters congratulated all of the runners. the first two hundred participants that signed up for the run received a spartan five-k shirt to wear after they completed the five-k. " "it's a great time for
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people to come out.. run, stay fit, get healthy... and promote that. an that's what athlete trainers are all about staying fit and staying healthy"" this year's run will profit the san jose state university athletic-training-students, so that they may participate in this years athletic training conference. the funds will also benefit the second harvest food bank of santa clara and san mateo counties. students from san jose state's animation and illustration department have a new take on a worldwide phenomenon... all for a good cause. " [nat sound pokemon has been around since the nineties and it's still going strong. "i guarantee people will continue loving pokemon." as tribute to that love, peter le and amy kim created
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rare candy.. a pokemon gallery for charity. the original one hundred fifty one pokemon, interpreted by one hundred fifty one different artists recruited from the san jose state community. "eventually we started, you know, spreading out more to the alum, and also, even people like outside of our program, and so that helped a lot." every piece is up for auction.. and proceeds will go towards service dogs for disabled children. "finding out we currently have sixteen-hundred raised is just amazing in a matter of two days." [nat sound the super soul bros played video game inspired music while guests got an up close look at the art. peter le considered the opening reception a resounding success. "i am right now completely floored. just amazed on everything. the whole entire month that we've been working on it, putting it all together. again, i'm just speechless on just the turnout tonight." the gallery will remain open at umpqua bank on santa clara street until may seventeenth.. and anyone interested in bidding on the art can go to doodle bender dot co t auction wthe pokemon gs
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currently raised over seven thousand dollars for charity.. and that number is still rising. coming up, we take a look back at a storied sixty years of broadcast at san jose state. but first, we asked students on campus how their semester is going. " "it's going good i finished my senior project about a month ago and so just kind of been hanging out getting ready for finals and trying to figure out what i'm gonna do when i finish school." "it's been pretty good, it's been rough...nursing is kind of tough but it's doable." "it's been different, i haven't gone to a lot of classes...i've been taking quite a few furlough days but i'm doing decent. great semester though...had a lot of fun." "actually it's going pretty difficult right now...i'm
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struggling with one class called biology 66 physiology and that is actually tough on me right now." "yeah it started out real nice. it's kind of back heavy though so it's gotten a little tough." "i'm going to be a super senior so not graduating...but it's been a very eventful semester...a lot of homework....a lot of papers...a lot of very busy."" this will be the final episode of update news in its current format. update news reporters kate loewen and ingrid almaraz give us a look back at the history of broadcast news here at s-j-s-u in this special report. " ingrid: the new show you are currently watching has a history going back six decades here at san jose state.
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the journalism departments student produced news show evolved from sjs reports, a radio show, to sjs update, to the current update news. kate: after more than half a century of news reporting, the journalism department has produced several famous alumni who are current and previous professional newscasters. w we celebrate these individuals who in turn reflect on the legacy that is san jose state student television news.
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ingrid: to help us reflect on this decade is former ktvu and sjs reporter as well as current update news professor lloyd lacuesta. lloyd lacuesta, sjs reports, ktvu channel 2i i want to continue on with what started way back when. i was here in the sixties, which was sort of the beginnings of this broadcast program now we are going to a direction of what we call convergence news but we are still going to have the same television newscast if possible. kids learning how to put stories together, i did it with film people now do it with digital but it's still the same process about getting the story right making sure you're truthful and getting it on their as fast as possible. kate:>> vo: it wasn't always
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smooth sailing for lacuesta, things got out of control and sometimes dangerous.i i was beaten up on this campus. i was shooting a student disturbance and essentially i was attacked by the students who were causing the disturbance. my camera was raised over as i laid on the ground i thought they were going to smash it over my head. they tried to i dodged the side and it hit the ground. that was a lowlight because i was sort of very cocky over what i was doing. kate: one of the biggest celebrity scandals of the 70's was covered by update news. lets take a look. ---patty hearst pkg---
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ingrid: the eighties brought one of the biggest visual innovations for update news, we went from black and white tv to color tv. here is a colorful look at what this looked like. ---earthquake pkg--- kate: the 1990's can perhaps be seen as the most nationally recognized decade for update news. t three update news alumnis were awarded with the presitgious first-place rank
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of the william randolph hearst award, not to mention the title of "best newscast overall." washington dc cnn news correspondant will thomas won first place in the national competition for the william randolph heart journalism award. -- take will story-- kate: nbc bay area news anchor and update news alumni janelle wang reflects on what she gained during her stay at sjsu. ---sot janelle wang---
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ingrid: in the 2000's update news followed the campus furloughs and budget cuts that brought backlash to a failing system. ---budget cuts, pentagon shooting--- ingrid vo: san jose was put under the spot light when an sjsu student was charged for the crimes of the pentagon shooting in 2010. ingrid: journalism and mass communication department head bob rucker tells us where the future of update
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news is going.b bob rucker, director of journalism and mass communicationsi i can tell you for sure update news has not been cancelled. has not been eliminated it is not going anywhere. san jose state will continue to have its commitment to update news but we are going to evolve and start using the new technologies, we are going to put update news on a variety of platforms. so you will see it again on television but you'll also see it online. you'll also see it on blogs and you'll see it in a variety of places long, medium and short form. kate: and ingrid, i'm graduating this semester, and you have just one more semester until we can both call ourselves update news alumni. i'm grateful for the pressure and intensity that our professor put on us to meet our deadlines; i feel that even though it's been a long time since our equipment has been updated, we were still given true-to-industry situations that have prepared us for
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journalism after sjsu. ingrid-yes, i was surprised that i was able to learn so much in these three months and i have the update program to thank for that. kate-coming up next, update news reporter christian ceaser gives us an overview of this past semester. but first we have a break to hear what seniors from update have say."
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" sean wince, update news reporter anchoring the newscast, reading the prompter, delivering the news to the viewer, and looking sexy while doing it. megan rodriguez, update news reporteru update was really my first time anchoring, so i remember being really excited, really nervous, having butterflies. christian ceasar, update news reporteri it has to be our professor lloyd lacuesta. he has really touched me in a lot of ways to be ready to go out in the journalism field. monique coble, update news reportert the people that i met, because i didn't really have any friends in this department 'cuz i play basketball so i was never
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here. so i feel like...a lot of us are family now. jonathan lester, update news reporterw wasting my life away in this classroom every thursday from like 9 o'clock in the morning until whenever o'clock in the morning. chris chandler, update news reporteri i got dragged to ucsc to watch a bunch of hippies smoke pot in the name of some sort of holiday that they call 4-20. okay? now i am a god-fearing christian, and i find it appalling. elizabeth olveda, update news reporterw when me and jonathan went to the homeless encampment and the homeless man that i interviewed, after we were done with the interview, him and his wife actually offered us dinner and it was just so sweet of them and it was just so nice and, i don't know kate loewen, update news reporterw when i first did the live shot and manny the groundskeeper walked up to me when the video camera was on and i had to shush him on camera and then swat him." cirque du soleil plans to return to the bay area. update news reporter megan rodriguez says one s-j-s-u student is inspired by the performance. " fans of cirque du soleil say it's more than just's an art form.... for one aspiring san jose state's also a dream job.
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"when i was five i saw these people on these ropes and i thought what they were doing was like the most amazing and beautiful thing ever so i was like i have to do that. and then i was 13 i went and saw teats zoi in san francisco and i like remmebered all that and i was like oh my gosh now i have to do it!" s-j-s-u student ashley hinson defines herself as an aerial dancer. she says she has a rigorous daily routine starting at six every morning so she can actively pursue her dream to perform in cirque du soleil. "in the mornings i'll wake up and i'll do my aerial dance before going to school so that way i get like awake before i actually go to school. and then after school i'll practice again, do running and things to keep myself physically fit for the dance as well as aerial dance and then on the weekend i have my" in her backyard she has her ribbons and a hoop set up so she can practice her craft at home.
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training for cirque du soleil, i want to do cirque du soleil and trazel around the world for a little while and then after that i want to open my own circus studio cause it's really neat artistic like avenue that people don't really get to see anymore." after nearly five years of practicing this craft, ashely hinson has high hopes of being in cirque du san jose, i'm megan rodriguez...update news." it's may, and that means the summer-movie-season is upon us. update news reporter chris chandler went out to give us a review of one of this year's most anticipated movies. " "hi and hello, i'm chris chandler. this week, i went out to theaters to see one of this summer's most highly anticipated action movies, iron man 3." "now do remember before you even think about going out to see this that this is iron man three, which means there's several movies you need to see first if you want to maximize the experience." those include 2008's iron man, 2010's iron man 2, and 2012's the avengers.
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as usual, the iron man plotline revolves around the world of genious entrepreneur tony stark. "i'm tony stark. i build neat stuff. i have a great girl. and occasionally...i save the world." the story picks up for iron man three with a domestic terrorist organization running amock, led by its mysterious leader "the mandarin". when one of his friends is hurt in the chaos, protagonist tony stark vows to stop them, only his enemies aren't all they appear to be. the biggest treat of the movie is sir ben kingsley's performance, as he delivers a positively unsettling portrayal of the terrorist leader. "thomas here is an accountant for the roxon oil corporation. and i'm sure he's a really good guy...and i'm going to shoot him in the head." "all in all, while iron man 3 might not be the next dark knight, it's still better than your average superhero movie." as for a rating, rotten
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tomatoes says this is right on the certified fresh threshold, and i can't really disagree. to me, this is ttbook case of four out of five stars. "well, that about does it for this segment. until next time, i'm chris chandler."" as you may know, this is not only the last update news broadcast of the semester, but the last show as we know it. many changes are coming next season, one of which is a brand new studio. but right now, let's take a look back at our greatest moments from this season... and also some of our wackiest. " im bobby dupree, im ryan silapan, im megan rodriguez, im sean wince, tiffoni tofoni, im kate loewen and im victor guzman, im saushe young, elizabeth olveda, elliot alagueuzian, this is jessica melcher, i'm monique coble, im christian ceaser, ashley cunha, monday reynolds, im ingrid almarez, im melody gonzales, im chris chandler, update news.
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black history month is over and it ended with a bit of controversy on campus an opinion peace in the spartan daily questioned if the annuel event is redundant. san jose state mens basketball season ended the year not only on a 14 game loosing streak but with their head coach being fired. san jose state has a new associated students president. congratulations on becoming the new as president and thank you for joining us. a fifty five year source for sjsu students is coming to an end for educational needs. and with us live on set is president qaymini, thanks for joining us, my pleasure. your watching update news....
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im carla jimenez, a sjsu professor has made a documentary that concentrates on...coming up soon. blooper reel blooper reel. if you get in my way. that all i have for sports you guys but what are you ladies doing this weekend. i will be working but i also will be catching up on my tv shows. i personally have to start catching up with my homework actually kind of. oh my god i had it. many part doesn't matter we are not using this take. woops i forgot what i was saying. on campus im monquie coble san jose state. there is still some concern after the armed robby that accured last sunday. chris chandler get out of my shout. get out of my shot. get out of our shot. thank you for the memories"
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>> i'm alyssa milano and i'm gonna let you in on a little secret. i don't use shampoo anymore. that's right. i don't use it at all. so why does my hair look this healthy and shiny? because now i use wen. i mean, look at this hair. my hair is softer, shinier, and the volume, who doesn't want more volume? ordinary shampoo? you don't need that anymore. all you need is wen. >> what does it take to get your hair
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