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tv   Right This Minute  KICU  May 15, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm PDT

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hi, everybody, i am beth troutman. we have all the great videos you have been looking for "right this minute." kick my door down. >> get on the ground. >> you kicked my door down. >> cops bust into a california home. >> they come in with a taser drawn. >> see what brought them there and how things took a turn for the disturbing. >> you are assaulting her. >> a dash cam captures a father telling his daughter -- >> what to do in an accident. >> the advice that came not a moment too soon. video from a high brow affair catches some ladiesnlyli
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things. >> what happened when a gentleman showed up as their escort. plus, why you haven't lived until you have tried chocotopus and the story of couples expecting a baby who were not expecting this at the sonogram. >> wow. >> the baby is like, oh, i wave back. >> no. we're going to come inside to let you know that. >> you are going to come inside without a warrant? you're going to come inside without a warrant? >> you're looking at video of police in california answering a domestic violence call. the people behind the camera are filming from inside the home that the domestic violence call came in about. >> there is no domestic violence. >> there is no domestic violence. >> there is one child in the house and one playing outside. >> why are you not coming out? >> because we don't live in a policstsir.
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>> the officers seem concerned. a neighbor called said there was a domestic violence disturbance in the home. the people inside are saying i don't have to let you in. >> for all the officers there could be somebody holding them hostage telling them to say this thing and they have to be extra careful when a call come in like this. >>llground. put your hands behind your back. we're going to kick the door. >> sounds like they want to make sure are you safe in there. keep watching the video. i have to warn you this next part may be disturbing for some people. >> you're going to kick my door down? you kicked my door down. you kicked my door down. >> get on the ground. >> you kicked my door down. >> they come in with a taser drawn. they're asking the man to get down on the ground. he is appalled his door has been kicked? >> you have no right to be in here. do not touch her. you are assaulting her. >> you can hear they did takes the man who held the camera. >> wh
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why they wouldn't just show the officers that everything is fine in this home and maybe there is something going on somewhere else. >> this is causing a great deal of discussion online. so many people are saying this was at this domestic violence call, they were answering it and other people are saying they have a constitutional right to not let the officers in their home. >> i agree if they were to say everything is fine, yes, we will come outside, this would never happen. >> i totally agree with that. cops would be kicking in doors all over the place on the suspicion that something could possibly maybe be going wrong and maybe there is not. >> you can see why this video has gone viral and why so many people are discussing it. apparently this father driving this car is telling his daughter what to do in an accident. >> don't tell me he is not going to give her real life experience. >> they themselves don't get into an accident but they do get to witness one.
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>> oh, boy. >> you can see the motorcycle is now just bits and pieces spread on the road. you can see the guy is really in pain. >> that's not a good scene when the helmet comes off. they pull occuup and there is j him sitting there. there is bits of motorcycle and the helmet and just the guy. >> his body looks like it was thrown 20 yards from the impact. >> it seems like the rider was wearing a helmet. you can spot it off to the right there and someone walks over to grab it and you can see the guy is in pain. here is another accident. this is someone that helps people park on the street. >> whoa. >> that wasn't even reverse. that was right in front of the windshield. >> what? >> his pedal must have gotten stuck. >> no, the pedal did not get
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stuck. the guy driving or girl driving pressed the gas instead of the brake. >> the male driver pulls back and you see him get back up and he is limping. obviously the impact is serious even though he is going to be okay he did suffer some bruising and injuries to his leg. ladies, i got a video of some other ladies doing some very unladylike things, unladylike behavior you could say from the steeple chase, a horse race in nashville, tennessee, people dressed up in the derby gear and sundresses and looking cute. >> a high class event and supposed to be derby like etiquette. >> this is far from it. we see a fight involving a girl in pink and girl in white and girl in black dress. you see guys trying to break things up. the guys filming this are loving it. >> the girl in the pink here is
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one named kristin miles. you see things break up here. kristin says -- >> touch me again. >> touch me again as if she is daring and then she touches somebody else again. she smack that is girl, slaps that girl, looks like things are starting to break up here. however, according to a police report they ask kristin miles in the pink dress to leave. she did not leave and began arguing with the officers. at that point they told her don't go back towards the altercation. she went back towards the altercation and got arrested and was charged with public intoxication. >> she was drinking? >> yes, gayle, she was consuming alcoholic beverages. >> i am shocked and appalled. >> and she also gave the camera an unintentional full moon. boop. right there. >> what were they fighting over, a man or a horse? >> maybe a man and a horse. >> a man on a horse?
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these two ladies say tsk, tsk, ladies. if you're a freestyle bmxor, everything looks like an obstacle or something you can jump n amsterdam daniel is preparing to jump one of the famous canals. there he goes. big push and pump. back flips. >> oh, boy. >> lands it down on the other side. >> yikes. >> just perfectly. if you notice the red bull logo on one of those ramps and it wouldn't be a true red bull video without a jillion different angles >> there is no room for error. if he comes up short he can fall into the water or hit his head on a brick wall. >> he launch it is and slams it very smoothly. this is all in preparation of the world bmx freestyle in amsterdam on june 8th. >> he is definitely going to do.
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he is nice freestyler. >> he is from amsterdam. i think he will rep the country just right. this guy wants to see what's going on in this box. >> he decided i am going to put this thing i jerry rigged into the box. >> see what happens when he sneaks a peek. >> like, whoa, what is this thing. >> and regarding a jam session goes wrong when the ipad gets taken out. >> oh, no. >> oh, god. >> oh, no. >> you think he just broke his toe. >> how a falling ipad leads to one funny moment of panic. ?.=(=pcpcpcpcpcpcpcpcpc2h
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it is time for the best of rtm that means a bonus video on our website. beth, what do you got? >> you know the words people just don't like to hear? >> yeah, yes. >> they have put together a list
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of 25 words that people really hate. >> is moist one of them? >> moist? >> moist is on there. along with gorge, moldy, succulent. >> i have to disagree with succulent. >> see if you hate the words. check out the entire video on our website or click on best of rtm. >> or check it out on the mobile app. somebody has nestling owls for his house for a few years and decided i want to peek inside. adam did just that. he has the go pro camera, tape, and a copper pipe he had in the garage and he thought i will put this thing i jerry-rigged into the place the nesting owls are in. >> there is an owl in that box. >> this is a screech owl. look what she has with her. >> babies. >> two owlets and as you can see she was surprised. >> like what is this thin jerry
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the footage he said i felt a little guilty because it scared the mom a little bit. >> they always look like a motorized stuffed animal. >> but they are so majestic and do look wise. >> that is amazing footage. >> and cool he figured out a way to rig that up. >> otherwise he he would have got real weird footage of bark. one of the coolest features on an ipad is the camera. you can record all kinds of cool moments in it. that's what these guys are doing. he this wanted to record their jam session. they placed the ipad perfectly so it would record their moment except the best part of this video isn't what they intended the ipad to capture, it is this. a big gust of wind ends up coming in and knocks the moment
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the owner rushes over to, oh, my god, is the ipad broken? >> oh, no. >> oh, god. >> oh, please. >> the recording got it. it is good. it is good. >> are you kidding me? >> it is okay. >> it is going to be okay. >> oh, no. >> i can't. >> i like this worry. they're freaking out. >> please. please. >> you got one crack. >> oh. no. dang. >> how bad it is? >> i was stupid to do that, dude. that was stupid, stupid, dang it. >> it could be worse. there is only one crack in the screen. >> i hate it. >> you think he just broke his toe. >> they should be like excited. it could be a lot worse. he could have accidently installed the spiderweb app, an app you don't want.
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>> oh, no. i would say this is a pretty darn fun way to start your day at school. a little ping-pong paddle dance. this is in a primary school in china, and these kids look like they're loving it. this is like ping-pong paddle practice dance style. >> this is cool. i wish i went to an elementary school like this. >> we have to get a couple of these kids on our team here. we have a big rtm ping-pong tournament and we could use a few and the kid in front there i can guarantee is better than me. >> they would win. they would beat everybody here. there would be no competition. >> i would imagine this is paying off pretty big. they could end up playing ping-pong in the olympics. they will have the moves to beat the people they're playing and beat them while they're dancing, too. >> oh, yeah. >> a slam has to make a stop because. >> it is so low, they can't even
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get over a tiny little speed bump. >> doesn't look cool. >> see the long process to get over a little bump. and suck it in because we're taking a tour of the skinny house. >> you have two stories and a garage all in the tiny little space. >> it is really great. >> how one man is goodnight.
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thanks, olivia. thank you. so you can make a payment from your cell lmosanyone's phone or email. (speaking french) so you can express your gratitude... in the moment. chase quickpay. so you can. this guy modified and
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customized his car to the point of being completely useless. see the guys get out of this slammed sedan, slammed meaning the suspension is taken out really low to the ground. it is so low they can't even get over a tiny little speed bump. >> it is not like they packed it down with bowling balls. this is on purpose. low utha tiny ramps. they have to lay the ramps down underneath the car. >> just to get over the speed bump. >> it is the stupidist thing. >> to each their own. doesn't look cool. >> it looks like there is something wrong with the car. >> like you have dead bodies. >> yeah. >> this is a speed bump, what happens if you go through a dip, do you teeter to thor hanging there. >> you have to be careful where you take the car. revolutionary break through
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in medicine, guys. can't believe you haven't heard about this yet. sonograms will never not same. we have couples going to get their exam. that works pretty much like the standard sonogram. the doctor here is like -- >> i want to show you the new technology, the 3d pictures out for a while and this is a whole new tier of sonograms. she turns on the tv. look at the images the mothers and fathers are able to see. >> this isn't real. this is a prank. >> they are freaking out. >> the baby is like, oh, i wave back. >> no. that ain't real. >> no. >> this guy is like my son is giving me a thumb's up. >> he is cool. he knows how to be cool before he is even born. the phone rings and watch what this baby does. >> the telephone. >> starts clapping because the phone rang. >> how are these people falling for this? >> i feel badly for them. they're so excited. they think the baby is a genius.
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>> one of the dads says i want to see his -- >> and the doctor is like you already saw it just a few minutes ago. >> did you see that? >> flipped the dad off. >> the camera crew busts through into the exam room of course and this is all a set up. in the beginning we can see how they hook things up and they have a control room set up for the guys and it is a promo/prank for lg posted on the lg israel youtube channel. >> i like that the company has a sense of humor. it is common knowledge real estate in los angeles pretty darn expensive. what if you could maximize a really small space? >> i just bought it and moved in. of course being an architect, you know, the first day of living here i am thinking of all the possibilities. >> the architect are you seeing
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is simon story. >> and right in front of you that's his house. >> that's like five feet wide. >> it is actually 15 feet wide. the whole property is 780 square feet. in this home you have two stories and a garage for a car l tiny little space which costs about a third of the cost of most homes in los angeles. >> always an exciting place to be just because it is such an anomaly. the views down the street, i have never seen a view like that. >> it is really pretty. >> nice view. >> right. >> a lot of natural light. >> it is completely open plan, so light coming in from all directions which helps it feel like a slightly bigger space, i think. >> one of the most impressive parts that adds space and light is a floating staircase. >> keeping it open like this gives you the sense that the room extends beyond the space, like the room goes right to the very edge. >> once you go up the staircase, have you a bedroom and a
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bathroom that has a full working shower. now that he is living in the space, he created a prototype. >> this is six townhouses which are actually using this house as a prototype. one thing that i really wanted to achieve was to make it feel like it wasn't tiny. >> stunning time lapsed video captures a dream land. >> all put together to make you feel good. >> the colors are vivid and the scenery is so peaceful. >> find out where it is and why it is clo
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elephants can be very dangerous and very aggressive. you think charging one would be a wise idea? krueger national park, reports say the man you are about to see had been drinking. >> run at it. >> he listens. >> what an idiot. >> you can see the elephant taking an aggressive stance with its head down and ears forward. [ laughter ] >> the he will fa nelephant run. he got super lucky. >> he sure did. >> the man in the video is brian thomas masters, he is a safari guide and come forward and apologized for his actions saying this cost him his reputation and job and undone all the work he has done in elephant research over the last
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13 years and the lodge is investigating other that is may have been involved in this incident. >> don't ever drink and go on safari. i don't think beth is going to need the gag bag this time. i think it will be me. >> chocolate octopus. >> i give you the choco shoo hc >> the alcoholic -- he is coating it chocolate and a stick in it and he will eat it. >> he doesn't look like he knows what he is doing. it is like flopping that and egg in there and mixes it up. there will be people that argue that chocolate makes everything better. you put chocolate on really anything and it will take like a chocolate covered whatever. >> it would be chewy chocolate, like chocolate covered chew heness. >> seafood does not go have
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chocolate. >> or ants or grasshoppers. >> yeah. >> or the first time they put it on popcorn, like chocolate doesn't go with popcorn, and, boom, it is delicious. >> he will show us with the expressions on his face. >> the grossest part about the video is him chewing and showing us how he was chewing. that's disgusting. >> at one point a lady friend comes into the video and offers her some. >> no, thank you. >> he says it tastes good. i have a feeling he is not telling the truth. this video is called north country dream land, and it was shot in northern michigan by photographer shawn malone. it is a time lapse video as you can plainly see by these gorgeous skies and the meteors and planes and things flying through it.
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the entire video was 10,000 photo framed shot in time lapse all put together to just make you feel good. you just want to sit back and relax and just soak it all in. shawn says he is thrilled with what surrounds him, what's just outside his back door. he wanted the rest of the world to see how beautiful northern michigan can really be. it took him more than a year to put this entire thing together. he says more than a year of cold nights and lots of cups of coffee. >> that's it for "right this minute." we'll see you next time.
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coming up on "dish nation" -- beyonce pregnant again? seven clues say she is. kim kardashian endorses sketchers shoes and turns out they don't make you lose weight. we're shocked. did someone really accuse michael jackson just to increase their property value? last night on "the voice," things got so heated usher had to take his shirt off. >> thanks for saving our marriage entertainment news show. the ricky smiley show, kidd kraddick broadcasting from the heart of texas, and special guest djs brooke a


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