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tv   10 O Clock News  KICU  May 28, 2013 11:30pm-12:31am PDT

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postal inspectors say the man with the bulge just stole u.s. mail from an unmarked truck that was stopped at a red light. good evening i'm mark somerville. >> and i'm julie haener. a surveillance camera captures
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a man taking some mail and running away. >> reporter: investigators are looking into this brazen daylight robbery. they don't know for sure if this is an isolated crime opportunity or part of a trend. some mail from this postoffice freight truck carrying the mail was robbed during the mcarthur maze. watch this man. surveillance video shows him going to the back of the truck while the truck is at a red light. >> he breaks into the back of the truck. grabs pieces of mail and walks off. >> reporter: and he does it in front of people in the street. >> reporter: as the plan returns into view his jacket appears to be bulging presumably with items taken
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from the truck. >> i send a lot of things overseas for a variety of reasons. when i've done that they've always arrived. >> reporter: les mcb earthquake e uses the postal office frequently. we showed them the surveillance video. >> people expect their mail to be taken by the truck. >> the crime has been committed, we're asking for the public's help. >> if caught, the man faces time for the mail stolen and also a fine. there's a $10,000 reward for information leading to the man's arrest and conviction. live in oakland, ken wayne, ktvu channel 2 news. more details now the postal
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inspection service has a hot line for reporting information about mail theft. that number is 877-876-2455. the number is staffed from 8:00 in the morning to 5:30 in the evening. the u.s. postal service is losing $2,500 each day. it lost nearly $16 billion last year and almost 9 billion just between january and march of this year. officials say daily mail delivery could be threatened within the year. now to the u.s. economy and more indications that things are improving. new economic reports today show consumer confidence is up and housing prices are soaring. ktvu's heather holmes live where she discovers signs of the economy improvement.
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>> reporter: like this construction elevator at the site of new construction. daly city vice mayor expressing the same. this new dick's sporting goods store under construction is just one of the indicators pointing to the economy on an upward trend. >> this shopping center has seen an increase. property taxes we've seen an increase. >> reporter: also increasing business at burger-miester. >> our business is better. our sales are better. >> reporter: just in week he hired three new employees.
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>> all i know after four or five years of a down trend things are finally picking up. >> reporter: also boosting optimism that the recovery on track, a boost on home prices. they continue to increase posting their year after year gain since 2006. with values in san francisco shooting up by 10%. >> i definitely think it's getting better. but i personally, we're still very cautious about how we spend our money. >> reporter: investors seem more willing to take more risks. the cofounder of the start up will be here on thursday looking to back bay area start ups. reporting here tonight, heather holmes. new details now the confidence report sent stocks higher and closed at another all time record high today. the nasdaq was up 29 points. a drop in temperatures and
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milder winds helped firefighters make major progress against the white fire. the fire in the los padres national forest has burned 2,000 acres since it started yesterday afternoon. today the fire moved away from homes. it is now 68% contained with full containment expected by next monday. police swarmed disneyland in the toon town area. a plastic bottle with dry ice inside caused the blast. toon town was evacuated as a precaution but there were no injuries. a freight train that was hauling chemicals derailed near baltimore and people say the explosion that followed could be felt for miles. the train collided with a bar badge truck and some of the
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cars caught on fire. nobody was injured. witnesses caught the fire then the huge fire ball on their cell phones. a second video is shot from the inside of a vehicle as it is driving toward the fire and after the last you can hear one man yelling back up,. ktvu has been told the new span of the bay bridge can be open as scheduled. their only consideration is whether the new span is safe. >> the only issue we've had to deal with is the broken bolts. >> three major issues have arisen just this year. first those 32 seismic bolts found to be defective a month ago after being tightened.
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shortly after that inspectors found hairline fractures. and. >> a new report from san francisco munni shows the transit agency continues to find problems on the on time goal. >> reporter: muni maintenance workers were busy inspects the bio diesel buses the first step in a series of changes muni hopes will improve service. in the next five years, they hope to replace the entire fleet of aging vehicles. many have run up to half a million miles and suffer from years of deferred may defer -- deferred maintenance. >> number one, reduce the
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vehicle break downs. that represents some 70% of delays throughout the day. >> reporter: the report shows munni is on time 67% of the time. >> we have not invested in the system in the last generation. >> reporter: supervisor scott weaner says he hopes the city will address the need. >> there's something something else that the money is getting spent only. munni money is always getting diverted. >> reporter: other changes include replacing major rail line, improving worker attendance and they hired mechanics. they will be equipped with security cameras and they have larger windows. there will also be 16 new electric trolleys. the city of san jose says
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it's made its final officer to police officers in a salary dispute. no raises. if the two sides can't agree and arbitration will decide the the model. the city now says it's final position has to be no raise. officers want arbitrators to restore the pay cut they took back in 2010. city officials are hoping police will accept a smaller raise outside of arbitration. the 12-year-old boy from martinez injured in last month's boston marathon bombings received a special honor tonight at the oakland coliseum. >> and aaron hern tossing to moss. >> reporter: he said he was a little nervous but also excited. >> i'm really thankful i'll be able to do this and i mean, i'm just happy to be here and to do
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it. this is really fun. >> and at we posted our unedited interview with aaron. just look for the hot topic section right on the main page. the threat of wet weather isn't gone yet. your chances for light rain during the morning commute and the warm up you can expect if your neighborhood. >> these flames didn't just take a strip mall. they took part of a family's dream. >> it's just, unreal. >> their plan to try to recover hey, look! a shooting star!
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make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership. [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
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-- the city of vallejo is taking their city to another level. amber lee has the story. >> reporter: the city council has just voted on changes in order to improve the quality of life. vallejo is a city in transition. it emerged from bankruptcy a year ago. a ninemonth long project where citizens came up with projects they want the city to fund. >> people are really wanting to
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have a voice on where to spend the money in this town and that's the way to do it. >> reporter: residents voted, vetted and widdled the list. top on the list, repairing crumbling roads. citizens say it's a way to solve old problems. >> the city is still spending the money exactly the way it did before they went into bankruptcy. unless that changes it's never going to get better. >> opponents question the integrity of the process. one man tells us he plans to ask for an injunction in court. >> everyone else had to go through. by doing that that's not representative government. >> now despite that objection there appears to be a lot of support for this new process.
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even from people who's prompts did not make the final cut. in vallejo, amber lee, ktvu channel 2 news. campbell police want help identifying a bank robber. this man here walked into the patelco credit union on tuesday afternoon. he gave a teller a note demanding money but did not display a weapon. police in san jose say a man shot and killed by an officer back in march is the prime suspect in a killing one week earlier. an officer shot and killed elias mejia on march 19th. an officer opened fire after the mejia tried to gun down an officer while driving a stolen car. canales was found on mersa drive.
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police call the killing gang related. police announced the arrest of faustina lopez in connection with the same homicide. she is facing murder charges. a fire destroyed several businesses. the flames were first spotted at around 8:30 this morning and they spread quickly. >> reporter: huge flames and thick plumes of black smoke filled the sky in antioch for hours today. >> i came in and the whole place was on fire. the whole entire roof was on fire. as you can see the whole mall is gone. >> i worry about the -- >> i know, i know. >> reporter: five family businesses including al's giant burgers. buchanan nail salon, antioch jewelers and your personal barber shop were destroyed by the fires investigators think started in their common at tick. for marvin german part of his dream. what he wanted to pass on to future generations is just a
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pile of ash and rubble. >> we're going to have to. you know my grand kids. i have grand kids. i have to make a living, so. the community got to be served. >> reporter: you can see in this news chopper 2 shot from above there's little to salvage. that also makes it hard for investigators to pin point a cause. >> it's going to be difficult to find where the fire started particularly because the roof collapsed. >> many of the clients are offered continued support. >> we're all family. the phone has been ringing off the hook. we're going to be all right. >> reporter: the building owner is responsible for getting this area cleaned up and secure. we're told the building will be demolished on friday. lorraine blanco. the boy who drowned in a
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canal has been identified. a woman who's son was there said jemiah's shoe fell into the water and he fell in while trying to retrieve it. the current can be strong. fire crews found his body downstream act two hours later. we have an update on a horse that had to be rescued. buddy the horse was standing up although his legs were covered with bandages. yesterday buddy fell into a well. a crane was brought in to hoist him to safety. new at 10:00, strangers are stepping up to the plate tonight on the peninsula after thieves threw a real curve ball to some richmond little leaguers. a fund raising dinner is under way to raise money for the
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richmond a's little league. last month thieves took off with equipment. the theft led to tonight's fundraiser. >> giving our kids the opportunity to come out to reach out and see the other side of the bay. they don't get that opportunity much. >> some of the money from this evening's event will go to pay for the registration fees that not all the players can afford. so far it has raised $20,000. things are going to warm up tomorrow but not before we see showers. take a look at portland. for us we have a few light showers in the area. i haven't had reports of any of this hitting the ground yet. but you can see the atmosphere moistening up as we head into tomorrow morning. then in the afternoon, by 10:00, 11:00 it starts to clear
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up. and your daytime highs will be in the mid-70s and even upper 70s with low 80s. south ward morgan hill. a warmer day tomorrow but we start with perhaps a little wet weather on that morning commute. it's not a big deal but it could graze the roadways. we'll get specifically into your forecast and we'll look at the bay area weekend as well. activists are lobbying to pass a bill asking hunters to capture rather than kill stray animals. that i said kept led to a policy change that -- that incident led to a policy change. the bill would write the policy into law. it changes an uphill battle since it takes 4/5 of the vote.
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and the local children what makes the sleep number store different? you walk into a conventional mattress store, it's really not about you.
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they say, "well, if you wanted a firm bed you can lie on one of those." we provide the exact individualization that your body needs. oh, yeah! wow. once you experience it, there's no going back. at our memorial day sale, save on the closeout of our classic special edition bed set. now just $1299 a savings of $600. final days! ends sunday. only at the sleep number store. sleep number. comfort individualized. [ inhales, exhales ] [ announcer ] cigarettes are not just dangerous when they're smoked. [ rat squeaking ] they're dangerous long after. cigarette butts are toxic. they release chemicals that poison our water... and harm wildlife. and millions... are polluting our environment. [ sniffing ] [ seagulls squawking ]
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the latest san francisco art heist didn't happen at a museum or gallery. someone made off police say with a valuable painting from inside an office building. ktvu's david stevenson tells us why it looks like the thief knew exactly what they were looking for. >> reporter: he's now dealing with the theft of an art work from his san francisco office. >> i left for korea on may 13. and came back was back for a couple of days then suddenly realized it was missing. it is this painting by san francisco born painter hanson
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depicting his boat at the coast. it's worth $50,000. >> he's probably one of the top five california artists. >> reporter: scott smith says he left the painting in his unlocked office next to this unavailable print. he says he doesn't think it was a random theft. >> the concern i have is this theft o occurred by someone who knows california art very well. it makes me think it was a very sophisticated person. >> reporter: hanson's paintings are often appraised from $50,000 to $70,000 a piece. >> there's only a few places where they'll be able to go sell this print. >> it's hard to fence something like this. it's unique. >> reporter: police investigators are searching for the building's owner.
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no questions asked for the return of the painting. in san francisco, david stevenson, ktvu channel 2 news. a guilty plea from wal-mart in a hazardous waste case. wal-mart admitted to improper handling. wal-mart agreed to pay a fine. that fine also covers a similar case in missouri. wal-mart says the incidents all happened several years ago due to a lack of employee training and that new workplace regulations are already now in place. two 13-year-old girls are representing the bay area this week in the script's national spelling bee. that event starts tomorrow in maryland. audrey is a tenth grader in san ramon. she would like to be a writer.
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niha kulakala speaks taligu and tamel. she also takes karate and would like to be a doctor. and we called miha she recalled the word that sent her to the nationals. >> i thought, i've heard this word. i know i'm going to win. a-c-o-t-y-l-o-d-e-n. i feel really fortunate to have made it this far. >> of course she knew the world. slam dunk. neha says she has been studying two to three hours after school and all day on the weekends. >> that's an incredible dedication. good for both of them. how this 8-foot tall device will help solve one of the biggest little problems in one bay area city. and, u.s. military secrets in the hands of the chinese. why officials are trying to
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down play the report. and you can get ktvu
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bar full of shark fans tonight. as the evening went on they seemed to know what was coming. this crowd at englander's sports bar watched the san jose sharks lose game seven of the nhl western conference finals. now the reigning stanley cup champs the los angeles kings will be moving on. we'll have a live report from fred inglis. a blistering sand storm in los angeles county forced the closure of a freeway late this afternoon and it's being blamed for several accidents.
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take a look at this. this is the storm as it passed through lancaster during the evening hour. the highway patrol was forced to close a portion of the i14 in antelope valley for 3-1/2 hours. the visibility on that freeway was just a free inches. passengers on board that cruise ship that caught fire yesterday has now returned home. the cruise ship had departed for a seven day cruise but that was cut short when a fire broke out. 2,000 people saw their vacation end as that fire started. >> everybody was keeping calm. everybody was being told what to do. i can't give enough props to that crew. >> royal caribbean is offering full refunds and future
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vouchers for all passengers. president obama is making a tour of the jersey shore. he says although there's a lot of work to do, they're open for business. they -- president obama and chris christie took a tour of the of the jersey shore. they tried out a carnival game. steps have been taken to shore up security and monitor
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for threats. reports of australia say hackers in china also stole the blueprints for australia's top demonstration. the prime minister's office, her cabinet and other departments were hacked. however the australian prime minister says the report is inaccurate. a hospital in the north bay says an employee accidentally published private medical information on their website. more than 1,300 patients were affected. information like names, and medical data. the information was not discovered until mid-april. the hospital says it has taken measures to make sure that mistake is not repeated. the city of san rafael is
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trying something new to do away with cigarette butts on the street. >> reporter: this box right here contains about 10,000 cigarette butt, this is about how many the city estimates are tossed into the city of san rafael every three to four days. >> it really does offend me. >> cigarette butts tossed on the ground. >> in the last few days, two fires have been started because of littered cigarette butts. >> cigarette butts litter our beaches. >> reporter: that's what prompted many to work with the city, county and businesses to start this, a cigarette meter. >> they can deposit, each is a penny donation to the st. paul society. when we get to 100,000 butts,
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1,000-dollar donation is made. colors illustrate how cigarette butts go from storm drains to the beaches. >> it poisons our fish and wildlife and even children will sometimes pick up a butt and play with it or the dogs will eat them. so that's toxic to them. >> reporter: the discarded cigarettes will be weighed and the meter manually adjusted then a recycling company will turn them into industrial pal pallets. the meeter will be unveiled on thursday night. cara liu. the u.s. supreme court has denied an appeal by the state of indiana to cut off taxpayer money to planned parenthood. federal and state laws blocked the use of federal fund. the indiana law denied medicate fund for planned parenthood which offers a variety of
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services. the targets of planned parenthood went too far. that decision now stands. legislation approved by the state assembly today would give women across california additional access to abortion. the bill would make it possible for medical practitioners other than doctors to perform certain abortions during the first trimester. that would include nurse practitioners, certified nurse mid-wives and physician assistants. tony adkins authored the bill she says it will expand access to counties that currently have no services. another bill aims to protect the public from having their privacy invaded by unmanned drones. the legislation was approved by the state senate and now moves on to the assembly. the bill would amend state laws to make it clear that recording people without their knowledge cannot be done using an unmanned aerial device. law enforcement agencies would
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also have to get a search warrant in nonemergency situations. the bill also prohibits mounting weapons on drones. we have a number on the arrests made in the no refusal weekend. 162 drivers were arrested from friday evening through monday night. the chp made 184 of those arrests here in the bay area. last year there were 1,305 arrests around the state during the memorial day weekend. they very well may be the future of fuel and why drives may pay -- and why drivers may pay more to fill up way before these fancy meters will arrive. >> and the chance we will see for wet weather tomorr
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you kids should count yourselves lucky. we didn't have u-verse back in my day. you couldn't just... guys... there you are. you know you couldn't just pause a show in one room, then... where was i... you couldn't pause a show in one room then start playing it in another. and...i'm talking to myself... [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse tv for just $19 a month
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for 2 years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today.
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san francisco police are looking for a robber who threatened a store clerk with a needle and dangerous disease. a man stole a can of soda on sunday. but when the 72-year-old clerk tried to stop him he pulled out a needle and said he had hiv. neighbors near the store on the corner of polk say this type of threat isn't all that unusual. >> i called the cops on a lady that was stabbing people with a syringe like 10 days ago. >> the man police are looking for is described as middle eastern, 45 to 50 years old. 5'tall about 190-pound with dark hair. he could be charged with robbery with a deadly weapon.
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a man police say robbed several banks in sonoma county is behind bars. sebastian miranda was arrested this morning. authorities say he is a norteno gang member. police say miranda robbed this u.s. bank. mirandawas charged with the theft and possession of meth. today chief ronald davis announced the arrest of ten norteno gang members. 17 other people were previously arrested during the crime crack down. so far this year there have been five homicides and 50 armed assaults in east palo alto by declaring the crime emergency room.
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the chief was able to -- tv reports say the two men got into an argument with other patrons. the u.s. embassy would only say their injuries are not life threatening. a rocket blasted off carrying three new crew members to the international space station. american astronaut karen niberg is joined by a russian cosmenaut. this past sunday tens of thousands of people rallied against the new gay marriage law. france is the 14th country to legalize same-sex marriage. nike says it is cutting ties with live strong. that's the cancer charity started by lance armstrong.
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nike has raised millions for that charity over the years but it says after this holiday season it will no longer make live strong apparel. nike has been distancing themselves from lance armstrong after he made the admission that he used steroids during competition. a controversial
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tonight's special report looks to the future in how we fuel our cars and trucks. the federal government has placed a premium on advanced bio fuels but bio fuels are still not available in large
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quantities. as ken pritchett learned that may cost oil refiners and ultimately consumers. >> reporter: swirling around in this vat may just be the future. of how you fuel your car. >> these advance bio fuels are very real and are in contention. >> reporter: simmons is vice president in emeryville that researches bio fuels. what are they? you've heard of ethenol or e85 it's a bio fuel that's made for years it is made of corn colonels. bio fuels are made of things we don't eat. think of corn husks or ag waste. here they use tobacco and a host of other plans to make what promises to be a green alternative to oil. congress back in 2007 thought advanced bio fuels the next big thing and mandated their use. the problem. >> every year has been next
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year until now. >> reporter: greco says oil companies are being fined for unfair mandates. congress ordered refiners buy 100 million-gallons of celulostic bio fuels in 2010. that number increased yearly to a million gallons this year. how much has been commercially produced just 20,000-gallons all of that in 2012. >> when we have fuels that don't exist we're required to pay penalties because these fuels do not exist. >> these guys are not being allowed to purchase bills. >> it's true that in part because of recession advanced buy you fuel large scale production has not yet taken off. as a result, he says courts has refined fines. >> today they've waived 97% of
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those gallons. >> reporter: by forcing the oil industry to support that market. >> so you do end up with a curious situation where there's mandates for fuels that are not made yet. >> reporter: the goal set by congress were politically derived also considered unachievable. now the fight is over that renewable fueled standard. oil companies want the law thrown out. >> it's like putting the cart before the horse then killing the horse and complaining that the cart is not going any where. >> reporter: simmons say it is company needs a boost. if true it could change our world. >> in emeryville, ken pritchett, ktvu news. and if you have an idea for a ktv ktvu special report we would like to hear from you. send us your tip.
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officials in plumas county estimates that the earthquake last year caused more than $1.5 million. broken and toppled chimneys were the most common problem. there were also broken decks and windows. one house was actually lifted off of its foundation. tracking moisture into the bay area right now. may see wet weather for the early morning hours. pointing out showers moving in. mostly to the north bay. look at this stuff in portland that's really coming up. radar is picking up a little something here. i have had reports of showers out toward the cardenas stray. i think we have a shot of light
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scattered sprinkles. tomorrow morning a little bit of wet weather. not a big deal but enough to may be slow you down especially on the golden gate bridge and areas north up by san rafael. here's the system i'm tracking it's weak but changes things around. as we get to 10:00, these temperatures just start to rise. here's your computer model as we head into tomorrow morning. here we are 5:00 a.m., you can almost see the tail end of the front and you see the moisture here. 5:00a.m., 4:00 a.m. that's your best chance for a few sprinkles. sal and mark will get here at around 4:00 in the morning. 8:00a.m. you see a little something out here a little something there but that's it. watch what happens it's all gone. as we get into the afternoon hours, mostly sunny.
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a little bit of patchy fog right along the the coast which i definitely would expect this time of year. forecast highs tomorrow. yellows are going to be 70s. oranges are 80s. not bad right. as we get into thursday these oranges start coming this way. we get into friday, more oranges coming this way and temperatures warm up. so the warming trend starts tomorrow. forecast high 76 in napa, 69 in rich monday. 79 in brentwood. we didn't do fire stories or haved had any fire issues because memorial day was cool and moist. so often this time of years we're talking fires. as we get into the bay area weekend we'll be talking fires because the temperature is going to heat up. >> wow it's going to heat up. but at least we got moisture here and there.
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joe is in for mark tonight and it was a heartbreaker. >> when it was all said and done the series held true to form for seven games. the home team won every game and the team that scored first also won. it's a big deal when tom cruise shows up. after the scoreless first period, the sharks take demand. the sharks came out firing in the third and made it close. dan boyle from long distance. and the sharks had their moments. jonathan quick made 25 saves. none more impressive than this effort. sprawled on the ice to deny john pavelsky. with their season ticking away, quick withstands the collage. the lock out is over for the sharks who again see the hopes
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of winning the stanley cup die after this win by the defending champs. fred inglis joins us from los angeles, a story we've talked about many times before. winning the finals came within a goal. >> reporter: you could tell they really enjoyed playing together but it was also their lack of home ice advantage that did them in. oh yeah, maybe that goalie named quick. jonathan quick for the kings as well. sharks scored just 10 goals and seven games they scored just four goals in seven games. tonight they had several good looks, several great chances they just came up short. they needed a break. a lucky break and they didn't get it. >> never felt overwhelmed against this team. we felt we knew we could beat them right away. and it's just disappointing.
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>> whenever it's over it sucks. no matter if you make it to round two and losing game seven, you know i can say it was better than last year but it's still not acceptable to us. >> so close. both teams have played good hockey. every game is so tight. after scoring our chances i think that's what it comes down to. we could have had three saves. we didn't score that's the difference. i asked mark edward last after the game, how long this loss was going to take to get over. he asked me when does the next season start. very frustrating end, joe. >> fred iglis live in los angeles. coming up, chapter
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the oakland coliseum portion of this year's bay bridge series is over and it
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was solidly dominated by the a's. things going all right for kikum until he gave up this run to norris in the second. he left the second inning trailing 2-1. he didn't survive the first after kikum took in the run. kikum lasted just 2-1/3 innings the a's win 6--1. >> those who saw the eastern finals series would be easy take a look again. the heat needs a stop but boy hilbert rebounds plus the foul. when hibert made the free throw he had -- that ties the sere
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series at two games each. >> that's a bummer. thank you for trusting ktvu channel 2 news. >> and we thank you for joining us. we are also here for you on and mobile ktvu. good nig look at them kids. [ sigh ] they have no idea what it was like before u-verse high speed internet. yeah, you couldn't just stream movies to a device like that. one time, i had to wait half a day to watch a movie.
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you watched movies?! i was lucky if i could watch a show. show?! man, i was happy to see a sneezing panda clip! trevor, have you eaten today? you sound a little grumpy. [ laughter ] [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. make a wish! i wish we could lie here forever. i wish this test drive was over, so we could head back to the dealership.
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[ male announcer ] it's practically yours. test drive! but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a jetta. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. on any new volkswagen. can i h%lp yom?@ a beer, please. you can't go home again. you know that's true when you retuán someplae you havenwt sen in 20 years. or when you lose youá bus pass. two decades ago, my job took me to alaska. i haven't been to chers snce@the sixies. really? see those stairs? they went down the other sde o& ,hatwall.@ when i was here, this floor was ugly green tile.


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