tv First Business KICU September 6, 2013 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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its a jobs friday.... will today's numbers seal the deal for fed tapering. in our cover story....from the stockroom to the boardroom. how workers are taking on walmart. and...why more grandparents are chipping in for college... plus... does pairing soup with coffee create the recipe for a hot stock? first business starts now! good morning! it's friday, september 6th. i'm angela miles. in today's first look: stocks show strength ahead of the jobs numbers for august. the stock market pushed higher for a 3rd session
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into the unempoyment data out this morning. gold dropped by $22 dollars.. while oil is back above $108 dollars per barrel. there's a wide range of expectations about the labor market.. the market expects any where from 177-thousand - to --210- thousand jobs were added to payrolls last month. it's anticipated the unemployment rate will remain unchanged at 7.4% also making headlines-- the 10 year treasury hit 3% in late trading yesterday on concerns the fed will soon end it's bond buying program. lincoln ellis strategic financial group joins us on this jobs friday. hello lincoln. > > good morning angie. will today's job numbers motivate the feds to taper sooner than later? > > absolutely going to be a motivator in the market's been anticipating it since the beginning of the summer really. two pieces of internal data to look at the jobs report this morning. the label force
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participation rate, how many people are looking for jobs and secondarily and perhaps more importantly; average hourly earnings. how much people make when they're working. lincoln, currency trading has been oh so hot, over five trillion dollars worth just in the month of april alone. that was per day would you see as some of the winners in currency? > > currency one of the most liquid next to the u.s. treasury market of all of the financial markets. they've been very active both anticipating the u.s. taper, the european rate decision, that we got yesterday and as well how the emerging economies are dealing with things. the south african rand has been interesting options, the rupee and which is at lowest levels against the dollar in many many decades, and the euro could be an interesting buy as we head through the german election. oil is trading above $108 per barrel. again what is it telling you? > > it's telling you two things, you have macro risk and you have macro economic numbers. and the risk tell you that
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something is about to happen in the middle east and are certain what the outcome could be and the macro numbers tell you that things are actually good they're not excellerating at 3.5 gdp number. things are getting better so demand for energy particularly in the merging of economy is pushing oil higher. lincoln thank you for your outlook today! > >you bet angie, take care. taper and tension. syria's civil conflict is creating tension at the g-20 summit. newspath- state dinner arrivals but the threat of the u.s. federal reserve eventually tapering its economic stimulus-- is also of great concern among world leaders. china's leaders are especially fearful of a spill over effect from the u.s. to other countries trying to recover from the recession-- if the fed ends its bond buying program. at the summt-- the world leaders reportedly have signed off on a jobs & growth plan, steps to combat international tax evasion and tighter finanical regulations. however, cameras were focused on
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the momentary meeting between president obama and russian president vladimir putin-- as the president attempts to build support from other world leaders for a strike on syria, and president putin resists.. back in the u.s. lawmakers are listening to comments from constituents on the syria standoff. u.s. officials believe the syrian government used chemical weapons to attack and kill more than 1,400 people in the counrty last month. on this jobs friday, career builder is revealing the best places to look for work. the job search company came up with a list of cities with the highest job growth per capita. topping the list: salt lake city, utah. grand rapids, michigan, the san jose- area in california, austin texas and houston, texas. most of the jobs in those areas pay more than $50-thousand per year. the same day payroll company a- d-p released figures showing
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employment rising slightly in august, walmart workers held protests in 15-cities against their employer. our cover explores both ends of our economic recovery. while payroll company adp reported the private sector added 176-thousand jobs in august, a slight increase over july, walmart employees questioned the quality of their jobs. walmart pays security guard $12 per hr sales associate $11 per hr a walmart security guard makes 12-dollars an hour. a sales associate $11-dollars. despite selling electronics full time for eight years at warlmart, charmaine givens- thomas' pay qualifies her for government assistance. walmart employees want 25- thousand a year and also reinstatement of fired workers such as tyrone robinson who participated in strikes including one at walmart's arkansas headquarters in june. fired for protesting?
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walmart denies wrongdoing with the following statement: "no associates were disciplined for participating in any specific protests." but walmart is now accused of violating federal labor law. it is not an easy time for hourly workers. there is increased competition from those who've slid down the income ladder. and for some, it still hasn't gotten better. three weeks ago walmart cut its profits forecast for this year. it follows last year's 4.6% drop in profits. nonetheless, the world's largest retailer still made 15.7 billion dollars in 20-12. august job gains 176,000 nationwide also from the labor front-- a
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the company says it will need the 600 pilots to fill future staffing needs. they will be back in the cockpit next month. all told-- the airline has more than 12-thousand pilots. health insurance will likely be less expensive than first thought-- because of the affordable care act according to the the kaiser foundation. as more states make information available about the online market places, kaiser was able to crunch the numbers. last week, a study by the rand corporation-- also pointed to a likely decline in cost for consumers, in large part due to federal subsidies to help people purchase health care coverage.
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the pay gap is growing between female and male doctors. doctors new research by the journal of the american medical association shows that.. male physicians now earn 25% more in annual pay compared what female physicians earn. it was closer in the late 19- 80's when the disparity was roughly 33-thousand dollars. by the late 2000s the difference was 56-thousand a year. dentists, physicians similar trends were found among physicians assistants and dentists. chobani is recalling some of its greek yogurt for a mold problem. chobani yogurt the ceo says it's a common diary mold problem affecting some of its yogurt coming from it's plant in idaho. containers coded 16-012 and expiration dates of september 11th and october 7th have been
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removed from store shelves. jc penney has reportedly given martha stewart the heave-ho mike ullman returned as penney's ceo in april and it was his decision to stop selling her products according to reuters. the offical reason given is that the domestic diva's products didn't sell as well as anticipated, but the move follows a three-year legal battle that was initiated by jc penney after stewart started selling her goods at rival retailer macy's. martha stewart omnimedia released a statement saying the company has "no intention of ending" its partnership with jc penney. boeing plans to triple the number of jets it builds for chinese airlines. boeing china 787 dreamliner airbus the aircraft company expects to receive 5,580 orders from china during the next decade.. with a value of $780 billion dollars. company officials at boeing believe air traffic should rise 7% per year in china on the heels of strong economic growth and improved access to air travel. boeing has struggled this year with issue surrounding it's 787 dreamliners. however, this latest prediction about china gives the jet maker a competitive boost against it's rival airbus. an exclusive report says next month will mark the end of student loans at jp morgan
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chase. jp morgan chase college students wells fargo and discover treasury according to reuters-- bank executives no longer view lending money for college as a significant growth market. jp morgan's exit leaves less competition for the remaining players such as wells fargo, discover financial services and the government. in peru -- children as young as 13 are helping the country become a top producer of counterfeit cash. just use first 15 seconds of that video -- no peru election stuff :) the south american country has overtaken colombia's title as a capital for counterfeit production. children reportedly work on the design of the fake bills by hand --adding small details to improve the credibility of the notes. 100 million dollars in fake cash tied to peru has been seized over the last decade. a modern family star is shining in hollywood. actress sofia vergara ranks number one on forbes list of the top earning ladies on tv . she brought in 30 million dollars this year, thanks to a variety of endorsement deals. big bang theory's kaley cuoco also capitalized on her fame with endorsements. she lands at number 2 with 11 million, tying with mariska harg-it-ay from law and order svu.. actress tina fey, reality star bethenny frankel and the infamous kardashian sisters also fell in the top five with earnings all topping 10 million.
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yahoo is out with a new logo this week. the company redesigned its iconic logo -- one of many changes its ceo marissa mayer has implemented since taking over in 20-12. it kept the purple design and exclamation point, but a marketing officer says the new look embraces the evolution of its products. the stock closed above 28 dollars thursday. a startup could do for books what netflix did for movies. oyster is evolving the digital library into a new phase: unlimited books for a subscription fee of $9.95. per month the company has launched an app for iphones, that offers 100- thousand books. its a model that has been working for netflix.. netflix shares flirted with the $300 threshold in trading yesterday-- closing near a two year high of 294 dollars. still to come why today's jobs data has one trader hitting the pause button... traders unplugged....the "i told you so" market moment of the week.... and next...bill moller steps in to find out why an older generation of americans are taking on college costs. stay with us.
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rising college tuition continues to far outstride the rate of inflation and with government funding dropping & household income still low, families are working harder & getting creative in paying for it. you know who's helping out more and more? grand parents. regina lewis is a financial contributor for usa today. so
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they're the ones with the deep pockets? for college savings in general, give me a couple of the basics. and the earlier you start saving, the less you need to save? rising college tuition, you know it continues far out stride the rate of inflation. and government funding dropping and household incomes still painfully low. families are working harder than ever and trying to get as creative as possible to pay for college. and you know who is helping out more and more? grandparents! regina lewis is a national contributor for usa today. so regina, they're the ones, grandma my grandpa with the deep pockets? > > i don't know they have deep pockets but there wise enough to realize, that it's a real burden for their families and that they're looking for constructive ways to help. there also wise enough to realize that there are smart ways to help in not so smart ways to help. so they're taking advantage of things like 529 plans and now they are now grandparents contributing about 10 percent of all the money in 529 plans. so a legitimate trend. yes, we have a 529 planned for our hopefully one day college bound student. we had grandparents that were interested in helping out but, we said no. that is interesting that this trend is developing
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and it is simply because of the economic times and the rising cost of inflation it's just harder for families to pay for college. > >sure, i mean when you look at prod the university on average at on average $39,000 even public colleges 18,000 we need a collective approach we've seen that and other categories multigenerational housing and multigenerationalresidents living under the same roof. families are pretty resourceful and they want college educations for their kids. so it's nice to see this trend that's why you see big players such as t i, aa craft, and arp teaming together to help socialize this concept. now you declined the help but one of the things you making help approachable by saying to grandparents; hey, we have the 529 plan you can contributes to as little as $25 that time may be on birthdays, holidays, and whenever they can do that way they feel like they invested interest in it they are being helpful without asking for 30 grand which most people don't have sitting round. the rule of thumb is to start as early as possible. the early stardom more you save in the last probably probable you need to save over long run. > > sure that's a value of compound in press. so if you put $100 in the 529 plan today you contribute $25 a month it's auto paid so you won't have to not even noticing that money is just let people do car payments and other things and they have
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on their auto enrolled in. well 15 late years later that's $7,000 that also tax-free which allowed them incentives with the 529 which is frankly that's my one concern is the earlier that started that people feel like they've missed the window but didn't do when they were younger toddlers. today is your best dayb regina list thanks so much. > > ok, thanks bill. coming up.... liquid profit....we're talking soup stocks in traders unplugged. plus we prove why its important to know one's alma mater.. and later in chart talk.....why one trader is waiting out the jobs number before going big on investing... we'll be right back. c01
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the time has come for tradres unplugged. joining us from the floor of cme group alan knuckman and james rameli 1) dollar holler - which dollar store stock is on sale now? 2) hot tech - sandisk and micron may benefit from factory fire which one? derdaily/2013/09/04/micron- surges-sandisk-rises-piper-sees- hynix-fire-benefitting-dram- pricing/ 3) k cup for your soul - how to play soup? derdaily/2013/09/04/micron- surges-sandisk-rises-piper-sees- hynix-fire-benefitting-dram- pricing/ msu fun facts which statements are true the school was founded in 1855 originally named agricultural
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the time has come for traders unplugged joining us now from the floor seaming group alan document and change dramatically. hey guys. topic number $1 holler. which dollar retailer is the best for your money? > > there are some people not you james, they say the dollar stores were over. wal-mart was a smash them out of business. dollar general set a new high so i don't like that stocks here at this levels. f-d-o moved from 20 to 70 in the last couple years. so, too little too rich for me the stock i like here is a dollar tree. dollar tree has always got supported 50 give some up to 54 we can see a quick move to a 58. that's the one i like out of the three > > > i actually like dollar general the best. allen makes a good point here. it has came up very far, very fast. i like to play into momentum like that. they just reported that quarterly earnings report the b.c. central the consensus estimate, stocks rallied higher it's been straight up for year. i have a target of $65 year in year expiration here. > > still sort of upside if you look at this segment target is not a dollar store but, i do like target from the fact that its 15% off its recent highs. topic number two, hot tact. a recent fire at a competitor could be a good thing for san disk and micron. what do you think about these text stocks? > > > right, i love micron we see bullish options and weekly activities in micron weekend and week out its love by hedge funds, led by institutions traders said. great looking chart, good momentum looking stock here really really bookish and that more options market. i want to stick with micron and look at it from a long position. > > it's gone from 5 to 15 though since october so again it's a straight up scholar you're not getting it at the bottom of that stock. look at sandisk has got a bettert chart here 54 based, 54 of 64 resistance so that puts it at a
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tim biggam of trade and blog joins us now. tim or you anticipating for the jobs number today? > > you know really almost a kind of non event. angela the last couple of numbers have been some that somewhat met with in yawn. i really don't think there be a lot of fireworks coming out of it so, there's always the revisions of the previous month they seem to be little more important than the actual numbers. the rate is probably gonna come right in line is my guess. it's kind of a ho-hum my anticipation on the job number. i'm hearing this is the time to start to look for pullbacks and put some money to work. what would you do? > > i then warned kind of a dead spot to put it in bluntly. the market here given the fact
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that we have the ten year let's not forget pushing up towards 3 percent obviously the concerns and syria, europe starting to a flare-up a little bit again here, and the evaluation given the fact that earnings are up about 3% and the market's up about to 12 to 15 are no longer cheap so, i'm really having some patients here. i will be a you willing buyer but looking for about a five to 7% pullback before i get interested in those stocks. what are some names on your laundry list like that have had in hand? > > i still like those mid tier names that provide some decent yield along with some decent growth three yen, utex, coca- cola, even exxon mobile as we've talked a couple shows go on providing about two and half 3% yield along with some decent growth avoiding goals hold by names the green mountains, the tassels, of the world those will be the ones that suffered the most here. tim thank you and have a great friday. > >you bet, thank you angie. that's it for this week.. comiing up next week: should u.s. trading exchanges step up efforts to block hack attacks. we hope you will join us.. for that critical conversation.. until then-- from all of us at first business.... enjoy your
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