tv Right This Minute KICU September 11, 2013 11:00am-11:31am PDT
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[heart beat] . hello, everybody, i'm beth troutman. if you want great video, we got 'em, "right this minute." >> a good time goes mega viral, but this is not just another rambunctious college party. >> students getting smack get smacked down by riot police. >> a guy under surveillance deserves a -- >> goofball of the week award. >> what has homeowner steamed. >> hairier ride than expected. >> see the unwanted surprise at
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130 miles an hour. and it's a video with drinking, camping and fireworks so -- >> you pretty much know it's going to be a good one. >> too bad these guys didn't know what was coming. >> usa! usa! [ bleep ] delaware! >> it was supposed to be just another rambunctious college party. but because of the noise and how rambunctious this party was, police were called. when police arrived they thought there could be more than a thousand people. that's a lot of people. and also there was a group who describes themselves as a crew that films college parties. that's when things got out of
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control. check out this other video from a car that was just driving down the street and ended up encountering the mob coming from the party. the person's car is being smacked around, jumping on it. >> they're dancing on top of that mustang! that would make me so mad if they dented my car or scratched it and that i wasn't at the party they're coming from. >> and then the street that was very calm suddenly is overtaken by this mob. >> they should have seen that one coming. >> they did end up arresting the cameraman because they saw that person sort of inciting the crowd to go crazy and so he was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. the two people that hosted the
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party at that house, the rugby house, were also arrested. this case is still under investigation. police are still determining what other charges they can tack on. >> jay walking. >> that's a good one. >> holy moley! >> that's right. that's a big time explosion of a mazda cx-9 in russia. this was the second of two explosions. the second explosion caused everybody to get their cameras out. that's why we're seeing a bunch of different angles. what was inside that thing? good question. apparently the driver was carrying two propane tanks. here it is up close. we did translate a bunch of articles from russia and some are believing that there may
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have been a small leak in the propane tank and one outlet is reporting the guy may have been smoking a cigarette. >> do we know if the driver is okay? >> the driver did suffer some burns and was taken to the hospital. he's going to be okay. fortunately this wasn't a crowded place. watch how good of timing we had. >> he got those people out of the area and seconds later that explosion went off. >> you're looking at a police chase in georgia. police are chasing this dodge truck. as you can see, it's got a lot of stuff in the back. i'm saying this stuff weighs several hundred pounds because you're talking about copper and metal items weighing this truck down because the chase only
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reached speeds of 60 miles per hour. it was on city streets and even got on to a dirt road. finally the police show stop sticks in the road. >> how did he not see that coming? >> the car didn't get very far. it goes back on to another dirt road but officials say the sticks took out three tires. but once they were pulled over to the side, it was an uneventful arrest. what started this whole thing was a traffic stop. officers tried to stop man driven by his man and his girl friend. the man was wanted on a probation violation and had a suspended license. >> what made them think they could outrun police with all the junk in their trunk. >> just to see how fear affects your thought process. maybe he was thinking all of that junk would fall out of his truck. maybe they thought the giant
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metal poles would jump out of their car. >> if anything he's a really good packer. >> that's a good point. however, police are asking local farmers if they're missing anything. they could face additional charges if that heavy metal load is discovered to be stolen. >> this guy gets our doof ball, weirdo of the week awards. >> we haven't had one in a while. >> that's him, aice close-up shot. that's brian mark baines, a 48-year-old who paddled a small boat over this camera, got excited, posed to the camera, tried to break into the cabin but was unsuccessful. if can't break into a cabin, you strip down buck neighborhood and get in the hot tub for a while.
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he didn't just -- he relaxed and spent time time in this hot top, all while the -- >> was he mugging for the camera purposely or did that just happen to be the way the pictures came out? >> sheriff county deputies believe he did realize the cameras were there and that he was posing on purpose. they do believe he may have been intoxicated. but get this, they haven't found this guy yet. they know who he is and they have the photos but they're still looking at him. this event happened in june but the homeowners said it took a while to calculate the damage done. it was less than $1,000. once they find this guy, he'll only face misdemeanor charges. they're concerned about this guy
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because he wasn't successful this time around but it doesn't mean he's not going to attempt breaking into other houses. >> a dog trapped by a raging river gets help from some nice man. >> the poor little dog looks terrified. >> and watch these guys -- >> their swift move to save the pop. >> and a solution to your embarrassing pooh-pooh problems. >> before you go. >> how the spray takes the
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belaire with a steering we'heel. oh, no. >> he reaches with his left hand to try and grab the steering shaft and steer like that. >> would that work? >> no! not going to work at all. he manages to put the steering wheel on the shaft. >> steering wheels are designed to come off so they can quickly work on the car. but there's a retaining pin tease supposed to put it in place. somehow that wasn't in place, giving jeff a much hairier ride. >> it's amazing that didn't head into the wall. >> what happened? >> i got well on through there, i go to steer it, the wheel comes off. i grab it look that is correct i'm trying to steve it off the wall. >> with the shaft?
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>> yeah. >> oh, my god. >> never a dull moment, right? >> no [ bleep ]. >> there are some good kind souls in this world like these guys in russia. if you look really closely, you'll notice a bridge over a raging river and this man down on this very tiny little bank has a dog in his arms. you can see the poor little dog. he looks terrified. and watch these guys. >> aw. >> want help? >> help my dog. take him out. >> he hands the dug up and he hands it to another guy on the side of this bridge. the dog is safe, the guy behind the camera is thrilled. >> wow! you see the people? i was trying to protect other people. >> it wasn't an easy rescue
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either. you can see the white shirt here like balancing on -- it's not like they just went down and grabbed the thing. >> it wasn't a tiny puppy. this was like maybe a black lab. it was like a handed off assembly line. >> what aboutthe other guys in the that, little g? >> they're probably relieved he was saved. >> wow, wow! >> i think i found the secret to a long-lasting marriage or at least relationship. it called the pooh-potpouri.
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>> it used to trap those embarrassing orders before you go. >> but go. >> you spray the toilet water before you go and it creates a shield that when you do go, when you, you know, relieve yourself, will trap the smells under the water. >> there's still a bit of travel that needs to happen before it hits the water. >> but it's so quick that it doesn't give it a chance to penetrate the air around you. a very polite idea. it's a very kind, thoughtful idea. you're caring about the other people in the public toilet and about the other person's bathroom, if you're visiting someone's home and you can't hold it. >> lemon grass, grapefruit, several other scents.
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>> it's not cheap. >> you can get a couple bottles for $28 bucks. this isn't a new product that's been around for a while, but this ad is going viral. it's their latest ad. >> i wonder if i spray my underwear with this still it will happen. >> mopey is one of the west's most adorable dogs. >> her little legs are straight out at 90 degrees. >> and still to come, good times at a parade. there are no other ways to the beach in the struck, hey and escape. >> and are you ready to see the latest trend in fashion for the fall? >> the style that proves that
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there's a festival going on here. >> who doesn't love a parade. >> parades are awesome, unless you accidentally get stuck in one. >> me and lisa just left the house and are on our way to the beach and just got stuck in a parade. >> luke and his sister lisa were having a little brother and sister time.
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as they were turning on the route to go to the beach, they got in the parade. >> we are in the middle of it. there are more people behind us, too. >> usually there are road closures so you can't get into the parade accidentally. when he turned on the route, someone in the parade stopped to let him in. then he realized, wait a minute, i'm behind the marching band. but what do you if you're stuck in a parade and you're behind the marching band? >> we'll see. we have some nice people. here we go, some nice people. hi! >> did they knew what it was for? >> i don't think they knew what it was at the time. this was the 56th beaverton celebration day. >> we got stuck in the parade. can we go out this way? thank you. >> okay, we're getting out of this fun stuff. thank you. all right! whoo! >> i think it's safe to say when
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a video starts with -- >> i said three times this was a bad idea. it's an awful idea. >> you pretty much know it's going to be a goodone. we ground scene, looks like a bunch of dudes. their buddy, as you noticed, is passed out under these two tables here. will this fierk wake -- fireworks wake up a friend? the fiction goes off the dude didn't bunch, sleeping under the table like a baby. now they're going to move the fireworks to on top of the table. let's see if this wakes up our friend. the firework goes up. big branches raining down on the table. he doesn't even move. is able alive?
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>> i can't imagine -- oh! >> do it again. do it again! >> let's try again. >> motionless. and then they say, okay, well, that's obviously not going to wake them up. let's get two of these fireworks and group them together and now watch. >> oh! >> she didn't stir but the dude who had his back to the whole thing got hit with some fireworks shrapnel. when you're the first one to pass out around all your buddies, you know something's coming your way. it's just the nature of being dudes. >> he's about o to pull off a weird stunt. it's going to get gross
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if you were out watching a race and you got to watch really close because they go by so fast. >> oh geez. >> i can feel them coming and going by. >> the moto gp is a hugely popular and wildly fast motorcycle event. i imagine that just the sensation of being that close to these boxx flying by is the reason that these people go because there's no way you can
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figure out who's leading, who's in second and who's in third and how far apart they are. >> these guys reportedly going about 200 miles an hour. look at some of the safety measures. just some little padding about some of the things guys can run into. there what are they are going to do if one of these bikes goes off the road? if you blink, you miss these guys going by. >> these videos have thousands of views because you have man who is eating his own face. >> oh, god, he's gotten weird. >> he's not looking so good. i think he's eating too much weird stuff. >> wait a minute. he's got something on his face, right? >> that's awesome looking. >> it was pretty clear he has something on his face. then he starts imitating
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hannibal elector from "silence of the lamb." then he starts peeling the skin off his face. >> oh, that's awesome. >> this is disgusting. >> he's known to eat things, right? it's going to get grosser than him peeling off his skin. >> what's he going to do? is he going to eat it? >> a word from our sponsor. >> it is elmer glue. he not only eats the glue stuck to his face but squeezing it to his mouth. >> i'm wildly entertained by this guy. i know i shouldn't have. ready to see the latest trend in fashion for the
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fall? you boys will be especially interested in partaking. >> this is a dress and it's color blocking, very trendy these days. these men are actually wearing their gym shorts and, as you can see, you put your entire body through one of the legs of the shorts and then you drag the other leg over your shoulder and suddenly you have this. >> oh, my god. >> wow. >> the weird thing is it looks like actual outfits girls wear. >> someone posted a video and the guys started posting their own picture on line. >> look at the guy all tatted up and standing there with his birdies. >> this one's got a booty. they were showing rambo at the o tu boob.
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>> that's a nip slipped. that's like a really good replica of pictures that the girl has sean chris man. car at the door when you wear your shorts like a dress. >> maybe nick should be getting his man card check wouked out at the wall. >> no! >> that's a nerd-irkle look. it's not a dress either. >> that's going to do it for us at "right this
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>> marijuana your brother choice? how old were you when you started using? >> we can bake is when you first open your eyes, rollout of bed, light a cigarette, grab the pipe, roll a joint, smoke away. >> in the first week in treatment you used alcohol, to see, methamphetamines, and you were discharged from the hospital for an opiate to talks.
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