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tv   First Business  KICU  September 26, 2013 4:00am-4:31am PDT

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it's for the guys who couldn't come back, you owe it to them to live well. because they're not here with their families. october 17th... it's the day the country will run out of money to pay it's bills if washington doesn't act... the latest on the bitter battle. in today's cover story ...with less than a week before new health insurance exchanges open. for business what you need to know. and jobs on the chopping block in hollywood. plus the easier, faster and better way to get what you want from corporate america. first business starts now. you're watching first business: financial news, analysis, and today's investment ideas good morning! it's thursday, september 26th. i'm angela miles. in today's first look: dc drama is causing angst on wall street.. the s&p 500 is on the longest losing streak of the
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year... it's also below 1,700. the dow and nasdaq also lost ground gold gained $18 dollars. oil under $103 dollars per barrel. a report says jp morgan may wind up paying the government $11 billion dollars in fines as punishment for allegedly breaking banking rules. check it- out! the jewel-osco grocery chain is tossing out self-checkout lanes in some stores in an effort to re- connect with customers. stores are in iowa, illinois and indiana. the tesla 's' model goes rental. the electric cars are being added to hertz lots in san fran and l.a. and usa ! in a stunning comeback team oracle wins the 34th american's cup in san francisco. way to sail... congratulations... daniel stecich of tjm institional services joins us now for a look at the market. good morning to you. are we in any kind of technical trouble
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here? > >absolutely not. the market has been taking a little bit of a breather right now. we've had a scare here and there. you have washington fighting right now. i think that's the biggest aspect of this market right now. so, technically i don't see anything happening and i don't see any panicking in the streets. you may see the market come off a little bit, but look where we've been. we were at 1730 last week. this isn't really a big deal. > >there was some measured buying in gold. that's not implying anything here? > >the gold buying is a function of two things. always a fear index and also what triggered it this time was the lack of tapering by the fed. the market had a big jump in gold, and that hasn't gone away. and most recently because washington's acting like children and not getting together and doing the serious work they need to do. you're seeing that fear premium being built into gold. i don't think that lasts either. > >what's your trader's take on the walmart situation? there were reports yesterday that surfaced that walmart was cutting orders on inventories. caused a big mess in the market for a moment. > >it did. you saw the market
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drop---initially it was like 50 points lower, then 80 points lower---i think maybe a little lower than that when i was watching it. but later in the day walmart backed off on it. the market took it real negatively and walmart came out and said this isn't the be-all and end-all of all inventory. we're gonna pick and choose the areas we think might not be stronger than others. i don't think it's that big a deal right now. walmart seems not to think it. but the market has a way of overreacting on any bit of bad news in here right now and especially given the environment we're in right now. > >daniel, thanks for coming on our show. > >happy to be here. next tuesday, millions of americans who do not have health insurance can sign up for coverage through a nationwide system of health exchanges. our cover story provides this look at what to expect and how to find it if you don't know where to begin. for the more than 45-million americans without employer- provided health insurance or have been denied coverage due to a pre-exisiting condition, such as diabetes.
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this website may be the best place to start: healthcare-- dot-gov. it can lead to coverage plans that'll be offered in your state. and if you've got questions, here's another website to jot down: localhelp-dot-healthcare- dot-gov. that'll direct you to places in your community where you may talk with a counselor who can guide you through the process. "an army of assistors and navigators are being trained and anyone with an aca question will be able to tap those resource " each state will list health plans available to residents. state websites usually begin with the words "get covered" as in get-covered-idaho-dot-com. enrollment begins october 1st and runs through the end of march. if you sign up early, your coverage can begin january first of 20-14. there's no penalty for waiting until the end of march to enroll. but there are plenty of websites such as enroll america backed by a list of health care organizations encouraging you to sign up, now. "the important this about these
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plans is that they'll cover er visits, prescriptions, all the different parts of health care, and there will be financial help available." "it's not going to go off without a hitch." and as the enrollment period approaches, obamacare's faults are becoming highlighted. for one, premiums vary from state to state and your income. "this is a major undertaking and it's likely these are transitional issues. the big question however remains, 'who's going to show up?' that's the big one." what isn't known is how many healthy people in their 20s will sign up to offset other demographics more likely to cost the system. that unknown is partly why some insurers are not participating in some states. president obama is expected to soon meet with congressional leaders in a last ditch effort to keep the government from shutting down. wednesday, the senate took the first of several procedural vote on a budget that would keep the government operating until november 15th.-
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all 100 senators voted to end debate on the motion and proceed to the bill passed in the house. that bill includes stopping funding for health care reform. however, senate majority leaders harry reid intends to remove that section of the measure. in an interesting attempt to stop obamacare-- senator ted cruz of texas held the senate floor for 21 hours in marathon talking protest. treasury secretary jack lew also weighed in on the debt celing debate yesterday, telling congress that the country will cease being able to pay its bills on october 17th previously, lew had been vague about a specific date. house republicans are attempting to tie several party agenda items to the debt-celing vote including implementation of the keystone x-l pipeline and the roll back of many federal regulations.
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the price of a stamp is poised to go up 3 cents in january. in a controversial move-- the cash strapped postal service-- plans to hike the price to 49 cents to raise $2 billion dollars. the proposal needs the approval of postal regulators. usps lost $16 billion dollars last year and predicts a $6 billion dollar loss this year as it funds future health care benefits for retirees. postal officials have been calling on congress to change the pre- funding rule. several analysts are calling for a j-c penney death watch. the troubled retailer saw a dramatic drop in the value of its stock yesterday-- at one point hitting a 13-year low, dipping below 10- dollars a share. after a less than successful back to school season and continued plummeting sales the company is burning through cash. bloomberg news reported last week.the ceo is working with goldman sachs to figure out the best way to keep the company funded while its in a turnaround phase. wednesday, jcp released plans to hire 35-thousand seasonal
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workers for the holidays this year. --that compares with temp hiring levels in 2011. jc penney stock finished the day yesterday down nearly 15%. gas prices are taking a cue from the calendar, and falling. the national average for a gallon of unleaded is 3 dollars and 46 cents a gallon -- down 35 cents a gallon from last year. the slide is expected to continue, due to a drop in demand and a rise in production. jeff lenard of the national association of conveinence stores says it's improving the mood of consumers-- which could give a lift to the economy. "it can add up in a hurry. and lower gas prices mean alot of good things to the economy. people don't like buying gas. it's not a discretionary item so it doesn't really benefit the economy as a whole. so if you can take that money out and put it towards other things, alot of good things happen with the economy and that's what we're hoping for right now. " lenard adds that less uncertainty over the situation in syria is also contributing to lower oil and gas prices. auto sales are expected to
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slump in september. true car predicts sales will show a september drop of 4.4% year- over-year. analysts say uncertainty in the economy is causing some consumers to pullback on big ticket purchases. however, for some drivers, now could be the time to buy. "the best time to get a car is usually towards the end of the year, like right about now. fall. the new cars are coming...the older ones are still around. for 2014s you've seen them on tv probably some people may have even purchased 2014s that means you can get a better deal on the 2013 model." that was brian moody of auto trader dot com. who says buyers have a better chance of negotiating now, with dealerships looking to make room for newer models. the rising stock market and the bump up in home prices continues to improve the picture of wealth for some americans. the federal reserve reports household net worth jumped to $1.3 trillion dollars in the spring. up 1.8% from the first quarter. the gains were significant for people in the top 10% who own
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80% of stocks. homeownership steadily declines for lower- income americans. meanwhile-- reports.the number of people living pay check to pay check has fallen from 40% to 36% this year. despite higher mortgage rates, americans bought new homes in august at a brisk pace. government numbers released yesterday showed an 8% rise compared to july -- and up almost 13% when compared to a year ago. borrowing rates have been rising since may but rising rates can spur buyers to get into the marketplace before rates go any higher. victims left homeless by superstorm sandy now face an even more helpless situation. new yorkers still waiting on repairs to their homes, now face eviction from the hotels they've been staying in since the storm. lawyers want to move 350 new yorkers from hotels into homeless shelters. they argue
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the emergency program is running out of money. so far it has cost the government 73 million dollars. critics say its evidence federal and local officials need a more cost conscious alternative for disaster aid. an initial estimate of flood damage in colorado puts the price tag at more than two- billion dollars. that number comes from catastrophe risk consultants eqecat. the company cited 15-hundred homes destoyed and thousands more damaged across 17-counties. compounding matters---a report from usa today that says most colorado residents do not have flood insurance. chinese internet company alibaba is reportedly moving forward with plans for an i-p-o in the u.s.a. according the new york times the e-commerce company has ended talks with the hong kong exhcange and hired an american law firm to work on a stock offering. the listing may be worth up to $15 billion dollars. amazon is upping the anti with its new lineup of tablets. the updated devices inlcude its new kindle fire hd-x, which
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comes in two larger also has an updated version of its smaller kindle fire h-d. a notable new feature...the addition of "mayday" which connects users with an amazon representative via live video chat to answer questions. samsung is the latest tech giant to "go for the gold" pictures of a new gold galaxy s- 4 have appeared on the company's united arab emirate facebook and twitter pages. apple sold more than 9-million iphone 5-s and 5-c phones since the new models went on sale last friday -- gold has been the runaway favorite of the new color options and is backordered until october. despite pullbacks in consumer confidence, americans are feeling comfortable spending their lunch money. a study finds americans go out to eat for lunch about twice a week. spending about 10 dollars per meal or a total of 936 bucks a year. still to come: what is behind the state of the stock market. is a breakup is happening at disney.we go behind the scenes.
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and ,bill moller steps in with an effective new way to air your corporate complaints. we'll be right back. i'm going to pass chemistry, and i'll take it from there. i'm going to do what makes me happy. i'm going to work hard. be independent. live large. make the most of every opportunity. i knew i wanted to go to college. but figuring out how to pay for it? i didn't have a clue. the u.s. department of education has over $100 billion. and that's a lot of money. to help students pay for college. and the free application? you mean the fafsa. i did it online. it was easy. i'm never giving up on my goals.
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i will make a difference. i'm going to find out how to pay for college. i'm going to
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what do you do when the phone is on the fritz, the cable goes dark or that blue paisley blouse arrives in the mail and it's really polka dot? you write a letter or you call that 800 number right? well you just might get a better and faster
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response if you complain through social media. kim beasley is a social media speaker, coach and consultant. give me an example of how you used social media to right a wrong. > >i had an issue with my computer. i contacted the creator of the computer issue and they actually responded to me on social media when i contacted them on google plus. > >and did you make a big complaint? > >well, not a big complaint. i just stated the facts and stayed positive and they told me how to fix the problem and it was fixed. > >so it took you about 30 minutes. i read some of the columns you've written. that's kind of a long time in the social media unviverse. > >yes. most companies who are watching their social media have more of a microwave communication where they're instantaneously communicating. > >now they realize that's how to stay engaged with their customers or clients. they actually have large staff that are devoted to nothing else than monitoring the internet for any mention of the company.
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> >yes, they have what are called listeners. listeners actually listen to social media to see what people are saying about the company on social media whether it's the company name or the company industry. > >now, is social media an option in every instance? in some instances, when a company is not minding its social media, you would have to take it to the phone or email. > >how can you tell? you maybe test the waters first and if you don't see somthing in a few minutes you go back to the old conventional way of doing things. > >yeah, unfortunately. some companies just have a twitter logo or facebook logo on their website. you go to it and they haven't touched it in months. that's a clear sign that they're not minding their social media. > >you said earlier about your protocol is to be polite and also to document your issue. > >yes. documentation is one of the best ways to make sure you have a smooth transition when it comes to getting customer service. > >kim beasley at kim beasley consulting dot com---you're out of kansas city. thank you so much. > >thanks for having me. coming up...a look at hollywood ending for top industry executives. and later in chart talk...what
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billionaires say is feeding the stock market momentum. stay with us.
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heads are rolling in hollywood. our movie guy is here to tell us about a true to life horror that's happening. starting with disney-- saying goodbye to jerry bruckheimer. > >they're gonna part in 2014. it was kind of a shock to me when i first heard.this is a relationship that goes back to 1995. we're talking 20 years now. obviously the lone ranger weighed on their heads. > >he says it was not the lone ranger. > >yea, right. the lone ranger was basically the straw that broke the camel's back. when i think of jerry bruckheimer and disney, i think of the pirates of the caribbean movies and how much they've done. we're talking about a $4 billion franchise. > >he says he made about $10 billion overall for disney. > >he made a lot. 1600 million
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dollar grosses just in the u.s. alone. but you look since 2009 at his track record---g force, prince of persia, sorcerer's apprentice---these are all failed movies not just because of how big their budgets were, but they're also failed opportunities for franchises for disney. which is what they look for, and now they didn't get one with lone ranger, they didn't get one with john carter last year so it's not a good time. it's time for them to part. > >it's dog eat dog in hollywood. > >it absolutely is. > >and at sony---trouble there as well. > >we been chronicling this all summer. we've seen how they've had a really bad summer compared to all the other major studios out there they're probably posting the most losses if you sort of do the math that way. but they had four really major---after earth, whitehouse down, the mortal instruments, city of bones. elysium---not as big of a bomb as everyone is saying it is. it lost money nevertheless. someone has to go. > >here's what happened at the box office last, coming up this weekend, a lot of comedies... > >cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 is actually very good news for sony. it should
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take number one this weekend very easily. it's the sequel to the very successful family film from a few years ago. ron howard's rush is going to be interesting because racing films have not really done well in hollywood. not counting the fast and the furious series, not counting the pixar movie. days of thunder is pretty much the mpst successful racing movie and that's sort of a pariah in hollywood. so, we'll see how that one does. don jon--- success from sundance this year. joseph gordon-levitt's directorial debut. we'll see if that can branch out. and baggage claim i wouldn't be surprised gets as high as 2nd this week-- catering to the african- american audience, it's a light romantic comedy. you could see it do maybe mid teens or higher this weekend. > >thank you for coming in. > >thank you.
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who has the better gauge on the stock market? the analysts or billionaires? chart talk is next.
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ehicle. when i came here, i... i couldn't move. [male announce david was broadsided on the highway. they weren't very hopeful at the time that he would survive at all.. [male announce an ied wounded mike in afghanistan. i don't remember all of the blast... was over 500 pounds of explosives. [male announce their physical injuries have healed. the traumatic brain injuries - tbis - haven't. the way i describe it is you're just afraid. am i going to start forgetting things? [male announce tbi is as serious as any battlefield injury. you're just not the guy you used to be. [male announce thankfully va has made important advancements in tbi seeing it, treating it, understanding it. and they're here to help veterans affected by it. i can see that what we're doing here at the polytrauma unit
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is to move from survivability to thrive-ability. [male announce if you think you or a veteran you know has sustained a brain injury, get screened. matt cavanaugh of cmz trading
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joins us now for a closer look at the stock charts and the economy for us this morning. good morning! > >good morning. > >so are you fed up yet? > >it's definitely all about the fed. they're really the big player here and i think it's interesting a week out, everybody's first gut reaction was----the fed us not tapering, let's buy everything in sight. the analysts are saying the s &p's going higher. everyone is racing to get their forecasts as high as they can 1800, 1850, 1900. then you have some investing legends: buffett, icahn, and druckenmiller saying hey wait a second. so a real tug of war here. really interesting to watch and it should be interesting to see who's right. > >the billionaires all say the market is priced just right at this particular time and might not go any higher any time soon. > >absolutely and they see some distortions there. buffett is having trouble finding things that he thinks are undervalued. the other guys think that these companies are really taking advantage of low interest rates. so it's interesting to watch. the idea of the bernanke put is definitely still there but not making this market rally
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in the short term. > >we have gdp coming out. what do you forecast for that and what will be the market reaction? > >that's really interesting to watch because as we've seen the fed even has cut their gdp forecast three separate times. walmart's cut their forecasts, a bunch of companies have cut their cut forecasts. so ithink expectations aren't too high. anything above it and this market will rally. and below it with the low expectations, watch out. > >thank you for your thoughts. > >thank you. coming up tomorrow it's traders our pro traders talk about the deep divide in dc and what they think it really means for the market. from all of us at first business. thank you for watching!
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>> now, a paid presentation for the amazing new sheer cover studio mineral makeup, giving you radiant, flawless-looking skin in seconds. hosted by brooke burke-charvet, with special appearances by stars of "csi: miami," "scrubs" and "hall pass," "the young and the restless," and "the bachelorette." brought to you by guthy renker. imagine if you could make any flaw on your skin instantly disappear. what if you could have that beautiful, air-brushed glow that the celebrities have? and what if you could do it all in seconds, with just the touch of a brush? sound like magic?


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