tv First Business KICU October 17, 2013 4:00am-4:31am PDT
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back in business. washington reboots as lawmakers agree to disagree. in today's cover small businesses are learning to cater to customers.. plus.... crisis averted... but not for long. why wall street already has its eyes on the next fiscal showdown... and.... forget the fluff. how hollywood is raising the bar for movies this october. first business starts now! you're watching first business: financial news, analysis, and today's investment ideas. good morning! it's thursday, october 17th. i'm angela miles. in today's first look: oh, what a relief it is... stocks turned on a dime yesterday as the debt default
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looked less likely...the dow shot up 206, the nasdaq 45, s&p raced up 24 and is back above 1,700. gold and oil fell slightly. also helping to prop up the market the fed sees modest to moderate economic growth. in earnings after hours-- ibm earnings beat wall street's view but revenue came up short. ebay dissappointed the market. earnings were up but the outlook as down. microsoft releases its windows 8.1 upgrade as a free downgrade starting today. the software is attempting to bridge the gap between tablets and pcs. gm is offering motorists a gas choice-- the new impala can run on regular gasoline or compressed natural gas. it's a first in the auto industry and goes on sale next summer. in trader talk this morning, our favorite gloomy gus---todd horwitz of average joe options. good morning. are you feeling gloomy? we dodged a bullet here. > >good morning angie. and the
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oscar goes to washington d.c. for the best acting ever. telling us they weren't gonna solve it and of course they solved the problem and they solved it with a nice big rally yesterday. > >i'm watching gold. and gold to me held the key. we never a big breakout in gold. a lot of money rushing for a safe haven. was that a key to you as well? > >absolutely. in fact i think on the rumors last friday, when they talked about the u.s. possibly selling their gold reserve we might have made a capitulation bottom and i look for gold to probably work it's way higher at least to 1350 in the near term. > >as you know, the market loves to obsess. so how soon before the market starts to price in the next crisis out of washington? > >i think probably starting tomorrow or today we will start seeing the next crisis price in but we had a very nice rally and it looks like we're on the verge of testing the new high. and then i think we have probably maybe one of the greatest selling opportunities of all time. > >have you been impressed at all with any earnings coming in? > >no i have not. i think that
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the earnings are less than expected earnings already and i think we're having trouble again with the growth line. and without growth i don't see how much farther we can go. > >tood, thanks for being on our show today. > >thank you. today marks the first trading day in weeks without the threat of debt default. last night-- the senate voted 81 to 18 in a measure that will raise $16.7 trillion debt limit through mid-feb 2014, keep the government funded through mid- jan, and sequester spending cuts will continue. the house approved the senate's legistlation. president obama signed the bill immediately. i want to thank, the leadership for coming together in getting this done. hopefully, next time it won't be an 11th hour. wall street reacted earlier in the day thursday with a more than 200 point rally in the dow. but not everyone's mood was lifted. the politics of washington at the end of the day doesn't matter. what the focus should be is on making washington, d.c. listen to the american people and respond to the very real harms that obamacare is causing the millions ofpeople," obamacare was not touched in the legislation-- senator cruz was among the 18 republicans who voted no. now, reports say: the legislation that was approved includes a pay freeze for
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congress until next year. congressional members earn $174,000 a year. the government re-opens today. my colleague chuck coppola the story on what that means for furloughed workers. government workers are getting ready to go back to work. they've been told to monitor their department's website for which day to return. but outside chicago's social security building, there were many skeptics about the short- term agreement to fund the government until the middle of january. "first of all, it's only for three months. i'll be on the picket line again." "january 17th, er 15th is still a problem. and february 7th is going to be another problem." federal workers who've been on the the job but working without pay are being told that a
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special payroll run may be made next week. as congress spent days arguing about paying the nation's bills. the "threat" alone of a debt default cost the country. the price of one year debt insurance rose to the highest level in more than 2 years. u.s. treasury notes-- viewed as the ultimate safe place to invest money-went from one tenth of a percent, october 1st-- to four tenths of a percent, at one point this week meaning--the treasury has to spend more in the pay out to investors. s&p estimates the government shutdown took $24 billion dollars out of the economy. the showdown in congress rattled home builders this month. a confidence index among home builders dropped to a four month low in october. analysts say the shock from the shutdown, along with the recent rise in mortgage rates -- put a damper on builders. however, the damage is expected to be a short term blip....versus a long term impact on the housing recovery. in alaska --fisherman were left on docks during the prime crab season because of the
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government shutdown. fishermen need federal workers for inspections well before the shell fish gets to market. and because federal workers could not do their jobs. fisherman are missing out on paychecks. at a seafood shop in anchorage-- the shelves contain crab from norway and russia as american fishers are left on land. we will go through, many, many thousands, 50 to 80,000 pounds of crab in the season before that and without that's much more than a million dollars that we will lose. november 12th is the last chance for fishermen to get their catches to processors in order to get the crab to stores for the holidays. missing the deadline would be a $100 million dollar hit to the industry. boeing can now add a panel problem to its list of dreamliner concerns. the company said this week a body panel fell off of an air india 787 dreamliner flight last weekend. boeing says the missing panel was not a safety risk. the times of india newspaper reports pilots didn't know the piece was missing until the jet landed. airline officials are still
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investigating the details. gm is accused of playing game with sticker prices on new trucks. usa today reports. gm is increasing the price of its 2014 full size pickups by $15- hundred dollars. while offering a $15-hundred dollars rebate on most models. kelley bluebook calls it the oldest game in the book. a gm spokesman contends the rebate lowers the cost of the trucks making it easier for consumers to get a loan. apple reportedly has low expectations for new lower cost model. according to reports, the company is already cutting orders on its 5-c model due to weak demand. the company released two new iphones last month. its new 5s model, which includes a fingerprint scanner, has been a hit with consumers, so far. 'not guilty"-- that's the verdict in the insider-trading case against billionaire mark cuban. the sec accused cuban of having inside information prior to selling 600,000 shares of internet search company the stock was worth $7.9 million and cuban avoided
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losing $750,000 in the timing of the sale. a texas jury deliberated for 4 hours before acquitting cuban. jpmorgan is admitting its mistakes in the london whale debacle. the bank says its traders acted "recklessly" in a tangled web of derivatives trades that ultimately led the bank to 6 billion dollars in losses. it will pay another 100 million dollar fine to the cf- tc. the bank's legal tab is ballooning. last month it paid 920 million dollars to the s-e- c and other regulators. in its latest earnings report -- the bank suffered its first loss with jaime dimon at the helm -- of 400 million dollars. bank of america leads the way in today's earnings roundup. b of a --- reported earnings that were 2 cents above estimates on a profit of $2.5 billion. the bank earned money on investments and interest charges on loans. pepsico reported profits that were better than expected at $1.9 billion. soda sales however slipped 4% in the u.s. mattel is far from playing around. the toy company's sales
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were strong-- up 6% at $2.2 billion dollars. monster, barbie and american girl dolls are all sellng well here and overseas. social media is fast-becoming one of the keys to climbing the ladder of success for businesses. our cover story shows you the advantages for your business in being connected. irfan moten found his frozen yogurt shop's business got a boost when he interracted with his customers on social media. "we're on twitter, instagram and facebook." now, businesses are taking the information consumers volunteer on facebook and elsewhere to another level. they are paying big money to study your online purchases, number of followers, and websites you visit. "if i follow porsche, i'm into lux cars " ed messman's social data company called spotright advertises that it's compiled millions of social profiles and
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billions of connected relationships. hard to imagine, but as its logo implies, there's a lot of overlap. "part of the data comes up." he isn't kidding about speed. within minutes of our visit to moten's yogurt shop, he'd put us on instagram and facebook. "it's great it promotes their biz and leads me to purchasing." but measuring just how much business online activity attracts has been, for the most part, anecdotal. but few deny that it can't hurt. "as a small business grows, they need to get in front of large numbers of people they need to attract." so as twitter prepares for it's i-p-o roadshow beginning october 28th and for trading on the new york stock exchange to begin november 15th, a big question remains--how much of it's "access to eyeballs" will translate directly into sales for advertisers. twitter's user growth has slowed and is coming mostly from countries overseas not considered big markets for advertisers.
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but the lure of having access to twitter's 232-million users is a powerful magnet. it may help potential investors to overlook twitter's third quarter loss of 65-million dollars-- three times what it lost a year ago. it also added 300-employees during that time but the losses are draining twitter's bank account. it hopes to raise a billion dollars by going public. the ipo market is showing no signs of slowing down. yesterday veeva systems opened at the new york stock exchange. the company is in the life sciences industry. shares gained 85% in trading. to close at $37.16 the stock trades under the ticker "veev". also yesterday-- an etf that tracks ipos-- debuted with a nearly 2% rally to $41.95. the first trust us ipo index fund ticker is "fpx. " coca cola is under pressure over diet drinks. in a conference call this week, a coke exec disclosed diet coke sales are falling due to consumer safety concerns.
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that's even though. the fda contends aspertame-- the sweetener used in diet drinks - is safe. beverage digest reports diet coke and pepsi sales dropped in 20-12. both are said to be working on an all natural sweetener. still to come: checking the charts on google. is the tech titan ready to make a run to $1,000? plus, a legendary horror film gets a second run at the box office. can it "creep" into the number one spot? and as one congressional fight wraps up...bill moller takes us inside a " new" battle on capitol hill. first business continues, right
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today was deadline day - the day the united states, because of political intransigence, almost fell into default. that isn't going tohappen today. americans had been bracing for big plunges in their 401-ks and other retirement and investment funds. let's talk with paul stevens. he is president and ceo of
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investment company institute - the national association of mutual funds & other investment companies. millions of people have trillions of dollars in their retirement funds. they're very shaky even with the fact that at least we've passed this bullet for now. what can you say to comfort them? > >well, first they're not uniquely at risk. this is such a big deal that anyone who saves---anyone who invests--- anyone who borrows---anyone who has a stake in the economy would have been impacted. secondly, i would say don't do anything rash. this is not a happy prospect but it's not one that's likely to be long-lived and shouldn't interrupt a well established investment approach. > >let me ask you about something that you and the ici is fighting against right now and that are the attempts in congress by some to remove some of the tax advantages on retirement savings. tell us about the scope there. why that's dangerous and why it should not happen. > >there are a variety of reasons. one---they tell us in washington everything is on the
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table in tax reform. and i guess that's fair but the treatment of retirement savings is not a tax deduction or an exclusion like other features of the code---it's a deferral though. you get taxed on it when you withdraw your money so that's number one. it's not a permanent loss to the federal governmnet. number two---a good tax system is going to encourage saving and investment isn't it? we now estimate that there are about 21 trillion dollars that have been amassed in retirement savings in the united states and as we survey the american people they tell us that those tax incentives are an important reason that they are able to save and provide for their retirement. > >very briefly, when do you expect a vote on this if it makes it to the floor? > >it would be part of a major tax reform package which is being discussed but is not by any means in view. and as we enter into another election year next year, i think it's
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prospects fade. but bad ideas in washington have a habit of sticking around. so that's why we gotta bat them back even at an early date. > >paul stevens from the ici, thanks so much. > >thank you. coming up...the remake of classic horror flick our critic says could take over the box office this weekend. and later long before google crosses $1,000. stay with us.
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a public service from the obesity action coalition. hollywood is living up to its october standard by bringing thrills and chills to the box office. joining us now is erik childress, our movie guy. good to have you on the show. > >thank you. > >i went to see gravity. > >what did you think? > >it was awesome. it's extremely intense. so much so i
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thought i might have to leave the theater. and then i realized the only other movie i could go to was captain phillips. i just stayed--- intense vs. intense. > >enough said was playing at your theater, you could have gone to see that. > >i watched it in 3d. a first for me. i'd never seen a movie in 3d. > > alot of movies that come out in 3d are just done for the extra couple of bucks surcharge they can get off it. > >it was worth it. > >this one is absolutely worth it. > >i live large. so does it win again this weekend? > >i think it very well could. there have been 11 films including gravity that have opened to 50 million dollars opening weekend and this is one that had the smallest drop. the previous one was monsters university at like 44.7%. this dropped 22.6%, almost half of that. so that means people are talking about it. people are saying go see this movie and i think it wins again this weekend. > >last weekend at the box office gravity brought in $43 million, captain philips--- 25.7, cloudy with a chance of meatballs, and then machete
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kills---what happened there? > >no one cared. > >moving on to this weekend--- carrie the remake coming out, escape plan, the fifth estate, and 12 years a slave. let's start with carrie. > >carrie's the one---depending on how gravity does---may be the one to challenge it for the number one spot. i think it's gonna do at least 25 million. we haven't really had horror since insidious part 2. so i think this one is going to satisfy the halloween marketplace so to speak. escape plan-- schwarzenegger and stallone have both had their solo movies this year. 4.2 million, 6.5 million. i wouldn't be surprised if this one opens under 10 million as well. fifth estate, the julian assange movie is a gigantic bore. i don't think you're gonna see big numbers on that at all. 12 years a slave on the other hand---it's only opening in 18 theaters across the country but i think this one has a chance to maybe even break into the bottom of the top ten even on that small range. > >brad pitt is really talking this up. he says it's the reason why he got into acting. > >there you go. he shows up late in the movie and i think his appearance in the movie is
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actually one of the problems with the film even though he produced the film. when brad pitt shows up in a slavery movie two thirds of the way through and goes maybe i'm gonna solve this problem it's a bit of a distraction. it's a decent movie but i think it's being a little bit overhyped. > >and i can't get over the carrie remake. it was so classic the first time. > >1976, brian depalma. and they had a remake some years ago on television with angela bettis. so now you have another one. i don't know why they needed to remake it but it's gonna do very well. > >my advice is go see gravity. captain phillips is next on my list. thank you eric. > >you're welcome. still ahead- get ready for google. with the stock trading just under $900 dollars -- what's next for the high flier? chart talk is next.
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in chart talk this morning we're talking about google. joining us now is matt cavanaugh of cmz trading. good morning. what do you expect from earnings. what's key? > >well, i think the key to watch for google is gonna be their ad revenue per click. it's been a big issue for them in the past. it's gonna be a big issue going forward and i think that it's one if it comes in weak, you could see the stock really sell off on that news. > >when does google get to 1,000? > >i think they eventually do and that was kind of what i was thinking. if there's any sort of weakness in google people overreact on this ad revenue or their maybe lofty earnings then
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you buy it because this company really has good things going on. they're poised to really grow from mobile, growth all around the world. their long term track record is absoluetly phenomenal. so i think the moral of the story is watch and see what they say on earnings and if you get a chance to buy it, do. > >matt, what would be your entry point on the stock? > >i see short term support for the stock around870, maybe 860 but i personally think it could go lower so if i get a chance to buy it around the 850 level i'm gonna do it. > >good to have you on the show. thank you matt cavanaugh. that's it for now--coming up on the friday show -- it's traders unplugged--- and with some retailers opening earlier than ever "on" thanksgiving day. the traders dish about retail stocks to buy. until then, from all of us at first business, have a great thursday!
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