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tv   First Business  KICU  December 30, 2013 4:00am-4:31am PST

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and so it begins. we launch into the final week of an epic year of trading. in today's cover story.... why two car companies are paying back millions of dollars to drivers. plus... baby boomers are breaking out of a routine and taking the tech world by surprise. and... the gadgets that could you help reach your new year's resolution. first business starts now! you're watching first business: financial news, analysis, and today's investment ideas. good morning on this monday december 30th.i'm bill moller in for angela today's first look: the dow opens the final 2 days of the year barely missing its 51st record close for 2013. the nasdaq and s&p were also slightly down friday though
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indexes were up for the week. commodities? gold close higher by 2 dollars and oil was up slightly. the fast- selling super- sexy all electric tesla might become a new division of general motors. sales of the chevy volt have paled compared to tesla and there is talk gm is eying the luxury electric car as an acquisition target. the kindle is on fire. on christmas day the number of people activating their new kindle was 24 times higher than on an average december day - way ahead of apple and samsung products. and 1 million 300- thousand americans are waking thius morning to a painful reality. no more extended jobless benefits from the governmnet. those benefits ended on saturday. house republicans removed the extension from the recent budget deal. let's take a look on the final couple of days of this year of trading. at the markets, todd horwitz is the guy with is anything gonna be moving these markets in the next 2 days? i would guess not. >>good morning bill. i don't
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think so. i think we're gonna continue the holiday trade. the way the holidays fell this year, it gave everybody a perfect opportunity to take a week off and as we saw at the end of last week we had volume that was about 25-30% of normal volume which has been slow to begin with. >>what's gonna be the next trigger point? jobs coming out from the bls? >>i think the next trigger point will be the jobs and what the fed is going to do with that information. everybody talks about how they tapered but they only cut of 10 billion. they're still infusing $75 billion a month into the market. so they're still equally participating and if they sniff any problem i think they can always reload the gun but i think the interesting thing to look at here is interest rates. the 10 year has been trying to flirt with over 3% and that could cause a little bit of heartburn for the market.
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it equals almost 294 thousand dollars for every household in america. so think about that, if we put that money to work rebuild america---the roads, bridges, and levees. >>i'll send my request in for a check for just half that amount i'd be happy with it. todd horwitz of, thanks so much. have a good day out there. >>thank you so much. kia and hyundai have resolved to make good on procedural errors that exaggerated fuel economy on several models. as our cover story explains, it's resulting in proposed payouts to consumers who bought kias and hyundais before november of 20-12. consumers may be entitled to hundreds of dollars to reimburse them for gasoline expenses. korean car makers hyundai and kia claimed several models got up to 40-miles per gallon. now, the environmental protection agency has found that the companies made what the agency calls 'a procedural error" that resulted in exaggerations. "the numbers were off 3-4 miles
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per gallon (is that significant? yes, in the case of the kia soul, it's 15% worse mileage." the gas money reimbursement settlement affects hyundai and kia automobiles made in 2011- through 20-13. about 300- thousand cars are affected. owners may go to the websites: and on the homepage, scroll down...and enter your vehicle identification number to see if you're entitled to a reimbursement. as part of the class-action lawsuit settlement, kia and hyundai owners may be able to receive a lump sum now or more money but parceled out over seven years, based on how many miles driven. that payout made with a debit card redeemable at a dealership.
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"for kia owners, it can be $600-700. for hyundai owners, closer to $300-400. we ran the numbers and we think we'd take the lump sum that gets you the money now." the class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of 53-kia and hyundai owners who found discrepencies in their mileage from what had been advertized. kia released a statement saying "the proposed settlement enhances our goal of making things right for our customers by providing new reimbursement options." a u-s district court in california is expected to review the proposed settlement in early 20-14.
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a huge car recall by general motors, but not for any cars on american roads. more than 1 and a half million buicks and chevys are being called in for repairs in china. ever heard of the buick excelle or the chevy sail? they're not sold in the us. there's apparently a problem with fuel pump brackets. last may there was another g-m recall in china for the cadillac s-r-x. the cars were all made by shanghai g-m an important contirubtor to the automaker's bottom line. last year general motors derived almost a 3rd of its global income from sales in china. back in the u.s... automakers are looking forward to a banner year. after a solid 20-13, car makers are expecting next year to be even stronger. continued economic recovery is helping help push up demand, as consumers replace the cars many limped along with through the recession. j-d power and associates expects auto sales to top 16 and a half million in
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2014, up from 15 and a half million this and truck sales for december will be released, friday. lenovo, a brand you're going to be hearing more from. the chinese company is the world's new number one pc maker and now aims to be a player in smart phones. it's already china's number 2 maker of smartphones. next year it is going to make a big push into the u.s. and european markets. ironically in 2008, just before the introduction of the iphone, lonovo sold its phone business. meantime, companies who give employees a smartphone are taking on greater risk. a study by the ponemon institute finds 75% of i-t professionals have smartphone security concerns, a jump from 9% in 20-10. due to the rise of employees using the devices for work, smartphones are considered the biggest threat to a companies' security in 2014. other big i-t threats at work include email scams and malware attacks. target now confirms encrypted pin data was stolen in that huge holiday hacking scheme. but in a statement the third largest retailer says, "we
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remain confident that pin numbers are safe and secure." still, several class action lawsuits have been filed on the possibility the crooks will find a way to use encryped pins.hackers stole data from as many as 40 million credit cards twitter shares tumbled after an analyst downgrade on friday. ben schachter a macquarie capital analyst, said twitter stock was going too, far, too fast, according to reports.he dropped his rating from neutral to underperform.other analysts have said twitter is overvalued when considering near-term expectations for the company.twitter has hit all- time highs within the last two weeks.shares fell 13% on friday. it's payback time. tomorrow -- nasdaq says it will send compensation to firms that lost money in the troubled facebook ipo. total.... those firms will collect 41 million dollars from nasdaq.. earlier this month, firms agreed not to sue the
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exchange in order to qualify for the one time payout. facebook went public back in may of 2012... in a less than ideal first day of trading. the stock was halted while a technical glitch caused an array of problems for investors trying to get in on day one. the stock has since rebounded and is currently trading near 56 dollars, near its all time high. the new hot place to stash cash? south reports the state's tax laws provide several loopholes for the world's billionaires. the wealthy are picking up rental properties in the state, which allow them to take advantage of the tax breaks. reports say the amount of money that's flooded to south dakota trust companies has tripled to 121 billion dollars in the last four years. before it could unload its cargo, china turned around a ship with thousands of tons of grain.the reason - it had traces of a strain of genetically modified corn. china has been getting tough with grain inspections of imports as it looks for any evidence of genetically altered ingredients.forecasters say this could reduce shipments of corn and its byproducts which in turn could take a bite out of international prices which have
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been falling steadily since mid summer. bank of america is racking up fines for its involvement in countrywide's mortgage program called by prosecutors, "the hustle" prosecutors want b-of-a to pay $864 million dollars in addition to the $50-billion it paid out to rectify countrywide's risky home loan program that contributed to the housing crash of october, a jury found b-of-a liable in the of america says it may appeal that verdict.analysts say the additional payments are "chump change" in the large scheme of things. if it sticks b-of-a would owe more than $23 billion for legal expenses and costs related to buying back or making good on faulty mortgages. watching us from a hotel room this morning. i don't want to worry you but did you know we're right in the middle of home burglary season? the fbi reports that the bad guys are particularly active during the summer months and december. makes sense - it's vacation time and many a home in america is left unattended.burglars
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look for things like snowy driveways with no tire treads. hollywood is losing some of its allure. the a-p reports filmmakers are getting ready for "action" in cities such as vancouver, london, and wellington, new zealand. governments in these locations are offering filmmakers deals they can't resist. it was an easy sell for big budget projects such as "avatar" film crews for the sequel are setting up shop in new zealand. by agreeing to spend 413 million dollars on the avatar sequels, director james cameron receives a 25% rebate on production costs. new yorkers are bracing for badq why this chart has caught the interest of one of our traders. that's later. plus... social media, it's not just for gen y anymore. we'll hear about why seniors are embracing new trends. and first, getting in shape, with video games? one of several new fitness gadgets we'll show you - after this in the know message.
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alright. so what's your new years resolution? lose weight and get in shape? not original - that's the number 1 resolution and that shows you how much americans want to live healthier, here are some new trends in fitness and health technology that, perhaps, can make it easier for you to reach your goal. danielle cassagnol is with the consumer electronics association. how big is the fitness technology sector? > >the fitness technology sector is growing by leaps and bounds. it'll grow 37 percent in 2014 and surpass the 1 billion mark in revenue. so it's getting on more consumers radar. we're getting more products on the market and it's really starting to become a household product and technology that everybody is using to get in shape and also stay in shape. >>those are really big numbers. tell me about some of those really cool things we were just
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talking about this in wellness technology. >>sure. getting in shape as we know isn't just about working out or eating right. that's certainly a large part of it, but also drinking more water and sleeping more. there are headphones now where it's headphones in a headband and it uses binaral beat technology to induce a deeper more restful sleep. but if you are using headphones to get out and run there are options that use bone conduction technology and it will sit right outside your ear and vibrates the sound against your skull so you're still able to hear your environment, a car beep---just different technology you can use to really get in shape. >>i want to try one of those. i've heard about them and they sound pretty exciting. tell me about thisthere are fitness apps in video games? >>sure. so fitness gaming---we saw two new consoles introduced this fall and so now it uses motion sensing technology and new games are out to get the
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whole family up playing games. it's a great way to get moving. then there are also apps. there is one from a fitness social network so you can talk to each other, encourage each other. there is something called the pep talk feature so you can send them little messages of encouragement, tell them to keep going or if they haven't been on a run in a while tell them to get up and get out there. >>tell me about this technology that's for babies and then different technology for seniors. >>so in terms of seniors, they might be ready for help with hearing---not quite a hearing aid but there's an option in personal acoustics that will increase the volume but also will improve the clarity and it's bluetooth so you can take your calls from your hearing device now also.with kids, sensor technology is improving all technology but also with babies there are now sensors in socks that you can get. it will read your babies levels and if anything is irregular you can get a notification right to your smartphone. >>an exciting world of technology all around us. danielle, thank you so much. >>thank you. coming up...
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one trader is seeing huge call buying in what he calls an "obscure" stock. his next step later on in chart talk. and next...the boomer renaissance is arriving. you'll see what i mean by that, after the break.
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we've spent time in the past week talking with analysts about trends for the new year. older americans - specifically boomers and seniors figure significantly into new & expanding roles. lets talk about that with gerald celente. he is publisher of the respected trends journal. first, boomers. the youth culture always seems dominant but, step back kids, there's a boomer renaissance arriving. >>yeah there is. the boomers are being forced into a new reality. they don't have the pensions and benefits their parents once had. so now they have to find jobs because they are losing their old ones. what do they do? i have a friend right over here---stanley blum. he's 94 years old. he began to paint and write at 80 years old. he said to me, "i used to be a
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shoe salesman. now i write books and i paint and i'm doing better than i ever did before. i've taken all that knowledge that i've learned over life and put it in a productive way." so there is a lot of opportunity once you free yourself from bounds you think you have that you may really not have. >>sounds liberating. let's talk about seniors now specifically. you just mentioned mr. blum but there is a surprising trend underway. the social media trend has not passed them by. >>that's right. look at aarp. that again is for another generation. now that boomers are coming up, you're gonna start seeing developments in social media that are far different than what we see now. they're going to become that boomer and senior forcea major force politically, economically, and socially as they take control of a new element of a facebook for seniors and a different look at it than we see
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right now. >>i think this is fascinating because so many people just think that the youth generation has, as it always seemed to, dominance. but you're saying that older americans, this boomer and senior crowd, really are going to be much bigger players. >>the whole teenage thing was only invented when the boomers came of age. before that people actually used to look up to elders. you're gonna start seeing that happen again. >>will this trend continue indefinitely? >>you have 76 million boomers so we have another 20-40 years of this. so yeah, you're gonna see it for the rest of our lives and beyond. >>gerald celente, publisher for trends journal. thank you so much. i feel invigorated! >>thank you. hedge funds are making a play on this stock...find out how one trader got ahead of the game. that's next in chart talk.
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i'm going to pass chemistry, and i'll take it from there. i'm going to do what makes me happy. i'm going to work hard. be independent. live large. make the most of every opportunity. i knew i wanted to go to college. but figuring out how to pay for it? i didn't have a clue. the u.s. department of education has over $100 billion. and that's a lot of money. to help students pay for college. and the free application? you mean the fafsa. i did it online. it was easy. i'm never giving up on my goals. i will make a difference. i'm going to find out how to pay for college. i'm going to
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hiben affleck, and many actors have played the part of u.s. servicemen in the movies, but for veterans like james crosby their service and their sacrifice are real. and too often when they come home, their struggle continues. for over sixty years, paralyzed veterans of america has been fighting to help our injured veterans get the benefits they need, and have earned. paralyzed veterans of america was there for me when i came home. join me in supporting our paralyzed veterans. visit p-v-a dot org. our trader today for chart talk
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is james ramelli from keene on the market dot com. james, we're not gonna talk about tech or some other high flying sector but chemicals. you're seeing some big gains to be made in one particular company. >>right---sial. sigma aldridge---they make chemicals and test kits for biopharmaceutical companies and a lot of other chemicals for life sciences. this stock has been performing very well this year. it's up over 28%. but what i want to talk about is some very interesting options activity we saw in friday's trading session. what we saw here was jan 90 calls being sold against open interest to open new positions further out
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of the money in january, february, and april. traders came and bought huge lots of january 95 strike calls, february 95 strike calls and april 100 strike calls. by the end of the day, over 15 thousand contracts traded across those three expirations and that is a 125 times the average daily option volume in this stock. the stock immediately responded, spiked higher, and i already have taken profits in this trade. and i think it's a great setup for me to stay long this one through next year. they're getting very bullish and when institutional money gets bullish, in a name like this, i like to follow that trade. >>right, cause they move a lot of money around. it's kind of an interesting contrast the doldrums that we're seeing between christmas and new year's. how might a retail investor take advantage of this? >>i went ahead and bought these calls. i think at these levels i would continue to buy any one of those strikes. january's are
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going to be the most risky of those because they have the shortest time to go until expiration. i think if i wanted to be heavy any one of those expirations, i would look at the april 100 strike calls or simply buying the stock outright. i think for me, either one of those is a good play. >>so you see strength in this company going forward it sounds like? >>absolutely. it's up 28% this year but keep in mind the market is up almost that much as it's really performing in line and i think it's one that could outperform through next year. when we see them coming in and buying calls, taking profits in the front month, and then rolling their positions out and up throughout the rest of next year, it tells me that there's some serious institutional money behind this one. >>so you made a move on this even before most of the market had noticed? >>absolutely. as soon as i saw these orders hit the tape, i was in this trade and i'm going to stay in it until expiration most likely. >>james ramelli, from, thanks so much. >>thank you. that's a wrap for us this monday.coming up tomorrow.... avoiding the holiday debt drag. how to whip your finances into shape as we ring in the new year. we'll see you back here for that. from all of us at first business, thank you for watching!
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