tv 10 O Clock News KICU March 10, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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a new effort to curb drunk driving under way tonight. why police are getting a head start a full week ahead of st. patricks day. i am ken wayne. >> i am gasia mikaelian. frank and julie are off tonight. $1.4 million the estimated cost when a drunk driver kills someone. the startling number shared by police as they try to get a jump on st. patricks day celebrations. debra is live in burlingame with tonight's report and reaction from one victim's family. >> reporter: san mateo county
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saw 12 dui deaths last year, on local streets not including the freeway and the year before just one. so enforcement takes on new urgency. >> you can lift the leg of your choice, right or left. >> reporter: st. patricks day is a week off but by saturating the streets tonight officers want to plant the idea next monday have a plan. >> people need to be aware. drinking kills people. if you are not sure call some body. take a cab. >> life is what you make of it katie you have everything you need to make it a great one. >> reporter: behind dui stats, broken families. >> i am always here for you katie. >> reporter: those words from a mom to then teenaged daughter. 63-year-old norma was hit head on, by a drunk driver going the wrong way. >> she has missed weddings, big moves, career changes all those things your mom is the first
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phone call. >> reporter: she joined madd and was stunned to meet so many like her and see the crashes keep coming. the video is from saturday night. a drunk driver kills his cousin, his passenger. >> there is a disconnect between thousands and thousands of dollars that you know, it will cost you and time in prison and all of this yet people still do it. >> reporter: economic impact of dui, a crash with no one hurt $9,000 with an injury $70,000 a death, $1.4 million impact. >> if that person was a spouse, head of a household all the wages that person would have urned throughout their life or their family you are on the hook for it. >> reporter: lost productivity and immeasurable pain. this crash split a mustang in half the young driver imprisoned his three passengers dead. >> people i feel like will
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still take the risk they don't understand it will happen to them. >> reporter: the drier who killed mona sherman -- driver who killed mona sherman got 5 years in prison. his family is suffering too. that car struck a 5-year- old boy and his babysitter this evening while they were walking in a san francisco cross walk. it happened 5:15 p.m. intersection of 37th and fulton street in outer richmond district. both victims were taken to san francisco general. the 5-year-old had suffered a contusion to his head the babysit aeroleg injury. the driver remained at the scene and was cited for failure to yield to pedestrians. the victim was driving a minivan that flipped after collide being a sedan near
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oakland coliseum. tonight the alameda county coroner identified the victim as 32-year-old paul could. highway patrol said they saw the driver of the sedan ran from the scene. the car was stolen. investigators are asking anyone who saw the accident or suspect to contact them. two high school students in san francisco may now be expelled after apparently taking a self-ie at school posing with a gun. a story you will see only on 2. >> reporter: a gun brought to balboa high school was kept a secret until a photo popped up online. two 16-year-old students posed with the loaded gun a bathroom and posted it on facebook. >> why would you put something like that on facebook period? that's stupid. >> reporter: justin is a senior who said he was in the bathroom when the group of boys were taking the picture last week. >> they said this thing is loaded. i heard the gun click like that i was like oh, yeah, they
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definitely got a gun. >> reporter: a student saw the facebook photo and notified administrators the next day. >> we actually have no evidence they intended to do anything with the gun other than to pose for a photo with it. >> reporter: the balboa high school principal sent home this letter friday telling parents about the extremely serious incident telling them the school is committed to making sure it doesn't happen again. >> i feel very concerned you know a lot of things are going on with the shootings all over america and kids are very influenced by what they see. >> reporter: students who know the boys say they didn't expect them to make this kind of mistake. >> i knew one of them he was a good kid i just can't believe that he did something like that. >> reporter: police say they cited the two teens for bringing a loaded gun to campus and the school district says they will likely be expelled and a hard lesson learned through one facebook post.
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now to the weekend shooting of a san francisco police officer and questions about who fired the bullet. officer adam shaw is currently recuperating and said to be in good spirits. he was shot in the arm saturday during a confrontation involving a driver stopped for malicious mischef. he is expected to make a complete recovery. it is not clear if he was shot by the suspect or his partner. shaw's partner opened fire when the suspect, 50-year-old man backed his car toward the officers. he was arrested early sunday at a san jose gas station. police say he had a .38 caliber bullet but no gun. >> doesn't mean that it is impossible there was another gun there. right now we have no evidence of that. >> witness told police she thought she heard shots coming from the suspects car.
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the missing bullet is important because san francisco police use .40 caliber bullets. he is being held on assault with a deadly weapon. oakland's animal services director on administrative leave tonight the police department overseas animal services. he has only been on the job two months. ktvu spoke to him by phone he said he wasn't told why police placed him on leave just told they are investigating a complaint. he told ktvu quote i am baffled trying to figure out what it could be i am looking forward to when they call me up and ask me to tell me about it. continuing coverage of the malaysian airlines passenger jet that mysteriously vanished. so far all clues including an oil slick and debris have
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proven unrelated. within the last hour the airline announced they are focusing on the west coast of malaysia. they are looking at a mid-air mechanical function, terrorist bomb or other exnotion, pilot error or suicide, hijacking. concerns about stolen passports first surfaced. millions of passports have been reported missing around the world. authorities are closely looking into two stolen passports used to board that flight. >> reporter: it seems improbable a wide bodied jet liner could disappear into thin air. tonight there isn't even evidence it crashed. >> in 30 years of my experience we have never had a time when the aircraft suddenly disappeared, and we can't find it. that is very unusual. >> all indications are it was something catastrophic. >> reporter: the search in the
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south china sea is expanding but right now it is a so called ghost flight. >> right now our hearts are all hanging in the air. >> reporter: earlier reports of a door and life raft floating in the south china sea have been debunked even an oil slick turned out not to be from a plane but a ship. >> so far we have not received any confirmation or verification of the the debris. >> reporter: malaysian aviation officials insist security protocols were followed still two one way tickets were purchased in thailand by an interimmediate area, using stolen european passports. there is a data base of more than 40 million travel documents reported stolen but the u.s. is one of only few countries that references. last year passengers boarded planes more than a billion times without passport cross checks.
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>> as of now there are no terrorist indicators. one of those would be chatter. which would indicate an attack was planned. >> reporter: now those stolen passports are raising some questions, just how easy is it to doctor documents. we did a quick internet search and found this site which offers a variety of fake documents including copies of real passports those can have your picture included. >> i know you spoke with security experts about interpolls lost and stolen data base. >> yes, there is one flight security expert i talked to i asked were you surprised before this malaysian airline incident people were not checking this data base. he said yes, he was. he assumed prior to this people were checking. even more surprising interpoll says it only takes 2/10ths of a second to check each pass
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eninjuries passport. >> thank you. two workers splashed by sulphuric acid today. the refinery is located near the junction of highway 4 and interstate 680. it was reported 10:50 a.m. this morning. workers were doing maintenance when the acid splashed on to their necks. the unit where today's incident happened was shut down in february after two other workers were injured. the unit reopened just last week. phillips 66 agreed to pay almost $231,000 to settle air quality violations. the bay area air quality management district says it covers 19 notices of violation issued between 2008 and 2009 including noncompliant
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a new beef to boost up security the call comes after two investigations exposed lapses in security of the state's power grid. a list of things state utilities would be mandated to do if new legislation is approved. it is voluntary for utilities to protect physical size but after an armed attack, a lawmaker says thes time to make those rules mandatory. >> reporter: take a look at surveillance video of sniper sabotage at a pg&e substation near san jose last april. a shooter or shooters fired 150 rounds knocking out 17 transformers, causing $15 million damage. >> it should be a wake up call. >> reporter: a call to close
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serious and potential dangerous holes. >> we cannot sit back and trust our utilities or regulators will work proactively. >> reporter: gerry hill is proposing legislation to require utilities to prevent attacks like the one on the south bay substation. >> we drove up and found an open gate. >> reporter: last month two investigates, exposed lack of physical security. >> we are out here, in and around this facility before a single employee asked us what we were doing. >> reporter: with claudine wong showing vulnerabilities. >> it is within our power to improve robustness and resilient of our grid so it is no longer an attractive target. >> reporter: even now they have made no progress finding the south bay sniper. they are making progress on a plan to prevent future attacks. >> we are not waiting for
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legislation to get settled, but we are acting aggressively to improve substation security. >> reporter: that pg&e spokesman said after the attack the utility put additional safeguards in place telling us they are installing more security cameras and lights at facilities, building additional fencing and hiring more guards. bay area jury convicted a man involved in a 2010 shoot out with chp officers in oakland. he faces life in prison. prosecutors say he had an arsenal of weapons in his truck when he was pulled over on interstate 580. he told investigators he was on his way to san francisco where he planned to attack several liberal organizations as part of what he called a right wing revolution. now to south bay and a cold case arrest a man accused of plotting the death of his wife in san jose 25 years ago made his first court appearance today. he was arraigned for the 1989
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killing of his wife kathy, found dead in her car. they attacked allegations that he killed his wife for financial reasons. >> certainly people are not oh, gee he sold a house a couple months later and got insurance funds that means he had a motive to kill his wife. >> the grand jury recently looked at an inditement against his client. his brother robert has been arrested and charged with the killing both return to court next month. now to california drought. hopes for more rain are starting to fade. ken live in san francisco, tells us consumers are doing
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their part but may have to do more. >> reporter: well, as you can see the fountain here, is dry and perhaps that is fitting. water users in san francisco are conserving. that is important. >> since the last snow survey in the last days of february, we have had rain, snow and storms to start off march. >> i don't want more rain i think we are good where we are at. >> reporter: numbers on the snow pack tell a different story. statewide snow pack is 30% of normal down 1% from the start of the month. >> we have gained. >> reporter: according to the long range map from noa that blob of orange shows we will be drier than normal for the next two weeks all but dashing hopes of a wet march. >> praying for it. yes. >> reporter: san francisco, city general manager says with the reservoir at 51%, more snows are needed but the upside
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is that conservation pleas have been answered. >> we asked people to voluntarily cut back 10% we are seeing 18%. >> reporter: some of that is due to recent rain. people are using less water but also due to people taking on the challenge to conserve. >> common sense stuff you know turning off the tap while you are brushing your teeth > i am conserving. i know they don't serve water unless asked for it. >> reporter: conservation helps but may not if we do not get enough rain between now and
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april. in april, that is when they will look at their supplies and determine then, if additional conservation is needed, whether voluntary or required. in san francisco, ken pritchard. we are well below totals. >> it is not good you know that. in santa rosa, 54% of average for this time of year. almost no way we can catch up this time of year it is hard to make up ground. san francisco 45%, oakland airport 37% san jose just 39% of average. the forecast tomorrow includes a jet stream that drives everything to the north, we are expecting in the next week or two to be drier. and it will warm up as well. check out forecast highs tomorrow, 70. so all around the bay, plenty of mid-and low 70s, with upper 60s. so no rain in the 5 day
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forecast but there is a big warm up. i will show you which days could make it to 80 degrees as we go into the 5 day. see you back here. bart running ahead of schedule. dry weather helps keep digging and excavation projects on schedule. they hope to open in late 2017 a full year ahead of projection. opening day expected to start out around 23,000 keep growing. a major update for your iphone. >> this is not your ordinary skate board. leaner but not
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game since 2007. only took a short while to lend his expertise. >> just a weeks stay but the million dollar smile definitely for that week. in full force this morning for the first time in some seven years. barry bonds uniform out on a baseball field as opposed to suit and tie. he was in scots dale this morning as barry reports for duty. >> reporter: today was the first time in 7 years barry bonds made his way from the club house at scottsdale stadium. both the giants and bonds felt the timing is right for baseball's all time home run leader to officially return in this case as a spring training hitting instructor. >> it feels good to participate in this, feels good to give
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back to the game that i love. i will have a lot of fun doing this. >> reporter: the faces can change quickly in baseball. the giant club house is full of players who never knew their teammate. he is eager to develop a relationship with them. >> i am more nervous at this than i was playing. because it was only my mind and me trying to put that into other players i don't know, more nervous this side than on my side. >> he sounded today like he wished his career could been different. >> we all have a better relationship. this guy over here that is crazy and this guy that is not. i am more in the middle. >> there is nothing how they are regarded for the hall of
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fame. in two years of eligibility bonds has come nowhere near to the reduction. >> without a doubt. >> scottsdale, ktvu channel 2 news. well, calculation you better believe this is [ audio difficulty ] >> getting him to the ultimate goal for him, 34 years covering baseball, most difficult guy i have ever dealt with. he said his biggest regret was his relationship with the media. hopefully that will improve. he has some improving to do. we will see. a lot of people have been noticing he looks significantly slimmer today. in fact younger. look and see for yourself on the left is an image of bonds from the year he retired. on the right that is bonds
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today. apple released its first update to its latest mobile operating system including a feature called car pooling it puts iphone content in your in car display. first car play enabled vehicles expected to be vailable later this year. it promises to be more crash resistant, and touch id that is accurate. on wall street stocks dipped slightly due in part to dispointing export numbers from china. dow lost 34 points nasdaq off 1. tree falls on the freeway killing a driver. at 10:45 p.m., family members tell us what they saw moments. first a teacher accused of molest egg ♪
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2 investigates a richmond teacher charged with sexual abuse of children and his use of a camp. >> >> he tried to recruit her son. >> reporter: she says she went through a range of emotions when she learned the charges of sexual abuse against the teacher. >> denial. grief. i feel so bad for him like why? why? then like no, how could you? how could you? >> reporter: she described him as someone who lit up the room when she first met him in 2010 at a youth workshop. last week when she heard he was accused of molest egg 6 boys
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she said her -- molesting 6 boys she said her past experience with him. >> to me he told me he was a 19- year-old kid. >> reporter: she said he was pushing his newly created youth camp called camp epic that included trips to yosemite. >> he was all over me as soon as he saw i had a boy. he gave me his card. >> reporter: 2 investigates he was a student teacher while working on his masters in education at toro university. when we called camp epic ... >> in person. >> reporter: we were referred to the camp's website now down for maintenance. torres she is speaking up to encourage other potential
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victims. >> i want them all [ audio difficulty ] >> reporter: he pleaded not guilty to 27 counts related to sexual abuse even kidnapping, involving kids from a charter school in richmond. ktvu channel 2 news. petaluma police say a man pulled up to a mcdonald's drive window early this morning and demanded cash. this is a surveillance photo the man reached through and opened the cash register on lakeville street grabbing about $200. if you recognize this man police want you to give them a call. new information on a triple shooting in richmond that left one man dead and two others wounded the dead man was 23- year-old nelson earl hamilton the third. he and the other shooting victims were standing in front of a home on 1st street, saturday evening when someone opened fire. he is the third broth inner his family to be shot and killed in
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the last three years. more after shocks expected after that magnitude 6 .8 earthquake off the northern california coast. the epicenterrer was in the pacific, seismologists say this is an active seismic region with a history of mega quakes and tsunamis. three tectonic plates collide. >> if you count big earthquakes only it is the most active place in california. they have a big earthquake every 5 years. four years ago an earthquake struck doing significant damage. no damage was reported from last night's quake. we have an extensive earthquake section with information on fault lines and how to prepare your family. look for the news menu and click earthquakes. a new push in sacramento. ktvu learned a bill will be announced that will allow
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certain skate boards on california roads where they are currently banned. a look at what this change might mean for anyone trying to get around. >> reporter: well, right now, skate boards are allowed on some paths but electric skate boards are banned but this bill would change that. it is still a novelty. electric skate boards, gaining some traction. he says they have shipped them to 45 countries. >> especially this version we have a large -- >> reporter: these are about helping commuters it can go up to 18 miles an hour forward and 4 miles an hour reverse. >> not about tricks or slides or grinds, it is really about
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replacing so instead of being in a car, you are on a skate board. >> if i could cut my commute and enjoy some fresh air why not. >> reporter: but there is a big barrier. california vehicle code 21068 bans them from sidewalks. >> we think they should be able to ride a bike. >> reporter: now a bill is being introduced to change the law. you would be able to ride them where bicycles are allowed. some long time skate boarders says the an interesting idea but electric skate boards are different from traditional boards. >> they need to be regulated and controlled they can go pretty fast and be pretty dangerous i think. >> assembly woman olsen plans to introduce the bill tomorrow in sacramento and then it will likely go before a transportation committee in the
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coming weeks. the question of whether nevada same-sex marriage ban is now set to go before the non- circuit court of appeals next month. the 9th circuit is the same throughout. in that case the judge ruled the ban [ audio difficulty ] they have refused to defend the marriage ban. conservative group, coalition for protection of marriage is the defendant in this case. a woman killed in a freak accident on the freeway. >> i am thinking about how did she feel? what was going through her mind. the ominous sight her great grandmother noticed seconds before it happened. next, this bus stop was noto
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>> an update on a troubled bus stop in east oakland that has been a magnate for robberies, drugs and other activity. neighbors who have long been calling for the bus shelter to be removed finally got their wish. international and 85th right in front of a boys and girls club. last may we first told you about a woman who was mugged coming from church. >> the activities that people were going to do, here, they will have to find some place else to do and it is going to make it safer for people coming to our church, for worship service. >> reporter: the city and clear channel outdoors are responsible for maintaining the bus shelter.
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they cleaned up the shelter but problems persisted leading up to today's removal. southern california lawmaker pushing for tougher regulations for massage businesses. there has been a dramatic increase in number of massage parlours in los angeles and leading to more investigations of prostitution and sex trafficking. workers will beworkers being certified, is a way to deal with that. he knew his son was troubled but he never thought he was capable of such violence. violence he called evil. he said his ex-wife expressed no fear about adam, sleeping with her door unlocked and with guns and ammunition in the house. the 20-year-old killed his mother and then went to the connecticut school and killed 20 young children and 6 educators before turning the
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gun on himself. the writer who interviewed the father explains why he broke his silence. >> he thought perhaps telling it would be helpful to those who lost children in sandy hook. >> he said how much do i beat up on myself for the fact that he is my son? a lot. boston police will tightensecurity for this year's marathon after last year's double bombing. they will double number of patrol officers to 3500 along the race route. they will request spectators carry belongings in clear plastic bags. despite increased security, organizers are trying to retain a festive atmosphere. the race is set for patriots day, april 21st. a star studded evening tonight to raise money for a new hospital to care for sick children across california. celebrities were among the headliners for an event called
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starry evening of music, comedy and surprises. some of the children themselves also performed. organizers expect to raise $1 million some will go to a year round camp for children with chronic and life threatening illnesses cofounded by the late paul newman. >> i wanted to support the work he started, blossoming of all these projects. funds will be used to pay for a new ucsf children's hospital in mission bay. they have pledged $100 million to that effort. legalizing marijuana. a first hit to the legalized impact of pot in colorado. in 5 minutes, bill martin's complete forecast. the trend he is tracking. >> any time a family member
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she was doing something many of us do every single day but it cost her her life. now the family of this oakland woman is trying to make sense of an almost inconceivable tragedy. she was driving home on interstate 80 when a tree fell on her car. >> rob ross talked to the family and tells us a relative was driving in another car and saw the same tree moments before impact. >> reporter: a family shattered a mother left to make sense of something she says makes no sense. >> right now i am just numb. >> reporter: 22-year-old kanesha just visited her husband in solano state prison in vacaville and was headed
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toward her oakland home. she was westbound near the cherry glen road exit just after 1:30 p.m. yesterday afternoon when a eucalyptus tree fell on top of her toyota. crushing her to death. she just bought the car a week ago. her great grandmother was driving ahead of her >> it was leaning over like this. towards the freeway like this and just nothing on it. and it was old like it was rotting. >> reporter: a few minutes later she looked in the rear- view mirror and didn't see her great granddaughters car. >> we turned around. >> reporter: her family says it is hard to believe something so freakish, a tree happening to fall on a freeway at that precise moment could actually happen. >> i am thinking how did she feel? what was going through her mind? did she suffer any time a family member needed her, to help out, give a helping hand she was there. >> reporter: relatives say she
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loved children and hoped to work in a day care center, funeral arrangements are still being made in oakland, rob ross, ktvu channel 2 news. we called chp this afternoon we were told it is still under investigation and that includes who owns the toppled tree and whether the property belongs to cal trans or one of two possible land owners. an up beat report on the state of california's finances our state ended up with nearly $1 billion more than expected thanks to strong retail sales and personal income tax withholdings. controller says economic health varied with the tech boom contrasting sharply with water starved communities. colorado reported first month of recreational marijuana sales generated $2 million in sales tax.
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they took in 3-point a million dollars. sales in january surpassed $14 million. yesterday in sacramento, democratic california lawmakers voted to add full legalization of marijuana to the party platform. on the verge of resurrecting the 4th of july fireworks show. it has been on hiatus for 5 years due to economic down turn. the rotary club hopes to bring it back this year. they expect to share the $200,000 price tag with city of san jose and santa clara county. no plans to include the music and art festival people may remember from years past. close to 4,700,000 tonnes of grapes were crushed last year up 7% from the previous year. red wine varieties made up the largest share. overall prices for grapes were down 3% compared to 2012.
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pretty warm day a few sprinkles last night didn't amount to much. take a look at the highs these are numbers from today, 69 in santa rosa, 70 san raphael, 70 morgan hill. 69 antioch. warmer tomorrow especially ashed the edges of the bay -- around the edges of the bay. you can see with the jet stream it is way out here. that will stay north. a big ridge of high pressure will keep everything in our area dry and above average temperatures. as we go into the next week even 2 weeks numbers will be up there. 56 liver more, and antioch we could see patches of valley fog not a big deal. overnight lows, 40s. 46 concord, 47 antioch just kind of cool morning when you get going tomorrow. currently 56 degrees san francisco, san jose, 58
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degrees. start off upper 40s, lunchtime mid-60s. san francisco downtown end of the day 76 degrees. start off cool san jose mid- 40s. end up 72 degrees. nice warm day both big cities will be nice. pattern continues right through this week and into next week. as you look in close high pressure will dominate tomorrow, not just tomorrow but into the weekend. as this high pressure sets up you see the line. temperature, time, days you see as we head toward the weekend we are getting close to upper 70s, low 80-degree readings. above average temperatures. 73 fairfield, tomorrow warmer than today and gradual stair stepping of warmth it will warm up each day. as we go toward the bay area weekend. and there is no rain in the next 5 day forecast which is sort of the problem. that is one of the things we are not happy about.
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this could change but right now looks like this ridge will be dominant. here is lots of sun, lots of warmth, ramping up as we head toward the weekend saturday and sunday we could see upper 70s and low 80s. boy it has been with the winter that wasn't because here we are just days from spring, in a weather pattern, a 2 week forecast looks dry and warm. temperatures when they get to 80s this weekend you will notice it. that is warm. >> feels like summer. >> yeah. >> thank you bill. the next america's cup race could set a course for hawaii. reports oracle ceo, wants to hold the next cup challenge in honolulu in 2017. oracle team usa is still in talks with san francisco and other venues. the cup generated a half billion dollars for san francisco last year although that is less than the city forecast. ellison owns 80% of the island
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of lanai. earlier in this newscast we showed you the physical transformation barry bonds has under gone but seems there is a change in demeanour. >> he is on his best behaviour. i think that pretty much is as you figured it would be. he has to be. pleasant spin on everything he felt like talking about. completely avoiding anything that was not a softball question. still plenty of giant fans happy and amoussed, just back at the -- amused just back at the ball mark. mixing it up with old and new acquaintances. when asked whether or not he thought baseball owners colluded against him when the giants let him go 5 years ago barry took the high road >> i don't know. i don't know what black ball really means. that is okay. i am doing pretty good. i am fine. >> bonds was also asked since retiring how much baseball he still watches and who in particular he enjoys seeing
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>> i love to watch miguel obviously great hitter. i have always watched albert pujols. i watched buster posey. barry didn't have an immediate impact on giants hitting. but that wasn't the story. pinching and matt cain in particular. 5 innings of perfection against the cubs no hits, walks and as a matter of fact he struck out 7. giants got off to an early lead against the cubs. pablo sanibel, 2 run single in the 4th. giants get the early lead, chicago winds up scoring 3 against the bullpen. >> still fun and games in the cactus league. dodgers though, tee off on parker of the as. first inning, andre, 3-1 shot,
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juan also homered. josh donaldson crushing it to dead center. 8-8 the score after 9 innings. meanwhile, basketball bed hum about to break [phones rings] it's amanda. hey sweetie. what? okay, i'll send it. one hundred seventy-two dollars for a chemistry book, what is it, made of gold? just use citi popmoney. boom. ah, she's feeling lucky. hey sweetie...cancun, yeah no, you'll be spending spring break with your new chemistry book. with citi popmoney it's easy to send money to just about anyone, anytime. visit your local branch or to learn more.
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st. patties day next up on the calendar. it has to feel like groundhog day. you can zig but can't zag. they just can't hang with these guys. gary bell junior out there. david stockton, spin movie at 18 and his dad the great one in the stands, hall of famer loving it. zags easily on the wcc title game. don't know who will be the other finalist. sfs and byu. 320 left in regulation. on to overtime they go. kyle collinsworth for byu with the% back underneath. right now usf is down 1 with 8
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12:00 am
[captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distribution] >> today on tmz, we got video of justin bieber in his deposition. he is awful in this. >> i don't have to listen to anything you have to say. >> dripping with contempt and arrogance and this entitlement. >> and then he objects. he goes, i object. and the lawyer goes, you can't object. he has seen too many movies. >> channing tatum and jenna dewan out in hollywood. >> what body would you transplant your head on to? >> bad question for channing tatum. >> he needs a new head. >> i would want a black guy. >> i would go stephen hawking for the part. [laughter] >> there exists a johnny carson
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